The FBI and Regime Media Work Together To Bury The Investigation

definitely is a separate interview where he says the guy had a tattoo and he was in the building “while the shooting was going on”. I’ve seen it. I did not save it. It was separate from the BBC interview that you saw


Exactly, he does say he saw sniper(s) in the windows while shots were being fired and later he says it was a guy with a tattoo

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Here is the quote from the guy from an interview I saw, and as reported by Gateway Pundit:

“I was looking all around to get law enforcement’s attention before the shots, and I could tell it was coming, because as I was standing there for several minutes I kept thinking ‘why is Trump still talking?’ You expect someone to be on the radio or whatever the protocol is, to get Trump off the stage. I knew this isn’t good. I expected the shots to start, and then they did. It was mass chaos. I was looking at the guys on the second story , my eyes were jumping three or four different places, I could see that they saw him and were looking at him and watching what he was doing, but they didn’t do anything.


18:15:31 on police body cam, one catches a glimpse of a dude in white shorts and longish hair walk non chantly from behind tall trees into car lot…

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Do you have a link? I have looked for one hour and not found it. TGP is like Candace, claims an exclusive interview but never gives evidence in the article about it that the interview took place at all.

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Just found this interview. Haven’t watched it yet.

Thanks, but here he says nothing of his experience during the Trump rally. There is nothing about any second floor or tattooed LEOs.


I don’t have a link but I saw the video

I will try to look tomorrow

I didn’t even know about the Candace Owens thing or the article itself until after I saw the video

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Great presentation. I like how you put everything together with sources and comments. This is what @aus-truth has been saying. The gun was in his arms and they have been censoring it out and only showing it 10ft away. Even in recent bodycam they never show them taking the gun from his arms. So, the other pic he shows is a longer barrel Crooks is holding than the one 10ft away. Could it be? So much for transparency.

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Also there’s been little come out from Major Media. Here are four headlines from the day after, all none saying “attemptud assasinati0n”. All leading the reader to think whaterver happened is not all that important.

I am a first time poster. Creation of a crooked common wisdom seem to me to be behind these peculiar hadlines. Not sure where to post it. So here goes.

CNN Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally
NBC Secret Service rushes Trump offstage after popping noises heard …
USA Today Trump removed from stage by Secret Service after loud noises …
WaPo Trump escorted away after loud noises at Pa. rally

Kudos to Washington Post for “escorted away”, a super creative way to diminish the imiportance of the story. CNN deserves a offsides for “he falls”. The game is to dilute the story without lying. “Falls” goes too far.

Related topic, diminished coverage of Trump shooting while lots of questions remain.

5 Likes (moment trump appears to be shot at rally) 1min30sec
I’ve been paying attention to this guy for a long time, who appears at many Trump Rallies behind him. His name is Vincent Fusca. I doubt that’s who he is, but anyway… He’s the dark hatted guy at the upper left. Stop the video at 3 sec in.
This “Vincent” turns to face another brown hatted man over two people, who turns to look at him. There’s also a woman in the same row clear over to the right, wearing big sunglasses and a red, white, and blue big hat too, that looks over also.
I noticed them first thing as i seen this. Looks to me like they are signaling each other, as they know something is about to happen. Fusca never reacts, flinches, nothing. Bet he’s wired too. I wonder about what his hands might be doing. The other hatted guy appears to me to lean in to observe what’s going on in the huddle. The woman squats down, and disappears. I wanted somebody, you, to see this, for whatever it may be worth. Lin in Iowa

Vincemt Fusca is well known from the 2016 election campaign. Many believed him to be JFK Jr. in disguise. I’ll leave it at that.

The lady with a black cap, big sunglasses and a white shoulder less top is one that stands out here. She is to the lower right of the FOX video you link too. About 30 sec before she has a big smile, then steadies herself and ducks down before the shooting starts. Once the shooting starts she is out with her phone camera and goes down to the first row to get some video of Trump.

I know. Mike Bara forensic’ed him years ago. BUT, identification is still not for sure, so i just look at his actions, and he sticks out like a sore thumb. Up to what? Not sure. What side of things? Not sure. Just wanted to make sure it got to attention because it wasn’t.

Fusca’s lack of response stood out to me from the first time I saw the video of the shooting. My thoughts were that it was in part just his nature, and also the fact that he’s been to so many rallies that sitting in the bleachers behind Trump is familiar territory to him. The question I have now is how does he get selected for bleacher seating at so many rallies and why? That alone rules out any potential nefarious reasons for his presence in my opinion.

Not sure where to post this but in the video you just did on peak prosperity YouTube of the police body cam It should be analyzed because when I looked at it closer I saw so odd things that lead me to believe it was tampered with the phone screen had been covered and the calendar/map has odd markings and a weird red square…I just lightened it in Photoshop to look it should be foia and analyzed fully imo …thanks


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here is the source of the video: Dropbox

can you point out what you’re seeing that’s so mysterious? I don’t get it. it’s a laptop, and they will block out/blur cell phone screens in bodycams because they don’t want personal info being released. sure you can make it a conspiracy and say they’re hiding communication, but please understand they would’ve done that regardless if it’s a conspiracy or not. that’s just how bodycams are released, it’s up to each department to show us what they want pretty much.


Nice to see you finally mention the hatch/vent. I’m not saying this is definitely it, but after almost a week of entertaining all this other (less probable) options, and not even mentioning one of the most reasonable explanations, I was starting to question your authenticity.
Agreeing with Don Kress - the first shooter as a machine being a viable option, makes it even easier to fit into (and operate from) a small opening.

One thing I find surprising, is the amount of confusion about where the bullets went. In this video alone, which was pasted in my first post (will repost it here), it’s very - green bucket clear where some of the shots landed.
Don’t you (mainly Peak Prosperity) look at this things?*

  • shot 1: Trump ear + railing
  • shot 2: Dutch (+ hidraulics - visible in another video)
  • Copenhaver clearly visible, and NOT hit during first three shots

Also, what’s up with the wild theories of 2nd shooter (for the first three shots) being on the far left/right side of AGR building?
Have you looked at the trajectories/direction? - it’s impossible to hit Trump’s ear + railing from those positions.

*actually, can a Peak Prosperity member confirms posts are read/evaluated, and (sensible/objective ones) actually get to Chris?
Because Chris just said he’s “almost 100% sure 3rd shot hit Copenhaver”, meaning he either didn’t see this video (and makes me wonder what else), or he’s not paying attention (which I doubt).
So, is our non-subscriber investment a waste of time? (primary purpose here being for objective truth to be spread as wide as possible via Chris/PP avenues, and not a forum discussion)

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Welcome to my mute bucket.


The light that everyone thought was a shooter