The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

I wondered that myself and just watched the NY Post YT video of that BBC interview again. It may not have been the full version because Smith did not mention seeing the sniper in that version of the interview. I seem to be having a hard time finding the BBC original release of that interview.

I’m not sure about things being said, but his behavior still bothers me. Most people seem to have an issue with whether or not that guy got on his mic and called for help, or sent out warnings, but my issue lies with his actions. I’ve already written multiple paragraphs on it in the last day, but to sum it up, so far I agree with you that something is off about that guy. The way he used strategy and tactics just doesn’t add up to me, he made a lot of good decisions and a lot of bad decisions, it’s just that the timing of both types of decisions aligned perfectly to give Crooks time to get to work.


thanks again for clarifying that

the bag part got me thinking something else.

in the TMZ video

U cannot see any bag. may be it was out of frame or too low.

but here u can see the bag have a bit of height definition.

But whats even more funny is the cop who took a peek around that area. if that bag was there, it would hv obstructed his view.
unless its this yellow circled one is a bag

later when he climbs up

the bag is not that close to edge.

this got me a bit confused. which of the bag belonged to crooks and which one is medics.

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I have read the article where he was quoted. With the exception of one sentence in there, it read word for what I remember seeing in his interview. I’m now wondering whether someone basically told him “you better say you saw that guy in the window with the tattoo or else.”

Zoom in. These are my screen shots. I noticed an anomaly because I was looking for openings in the vents because they line up with the shot. You can see the vents in one and not the other. Same officer, same camera. The obviously photoshopped pic is at the time Trump was shot 18:11:32. The other pic as in all the other videos shows the vents. Why is is only obscured/disappeared at the exact moment gunfire erupts?

I posted the only post-rally video interview with him that I could find. From it you’ll get the sense that no one could tell him what to say. He was insitent that the BBC allow him to say what he wanted to say, and not edit it to fit their narrative.

I think what you’re seeing is just a reflection on the windows

I didn’t photoshop anything here, just took screenshots as the cop walked past the building

Video source:

If you believe them, the documents released show he was only on shift until 4pm and he left around 4:30 if I recall correctly. Told his partners that he saw that suspicious guy (Crooks) on the picnic table which was probably the one located behind to the N/NW of the 2 other counter snipers in the 2nd floor. This is all highly suspect of course. Why would a shift “end” at the start of the rally, not later when Trump is done? You are correct in wondering where he “really” went. Very very suspect situation.

Everything about seeing Crooks is also highly suspect (did he want to be seen to be caught, was he supposed to be seen by his handlers for plausible deniability and documenting it, etc.?).

All very suspect! Agreed.

Agreed 100%, there was a pro that took shots 1-3, Crooks was the disposable distraction patsy intended to die and he took inaccurate shots 4-8.

The roof location next to Crooks would not have been a good location because it’s too open, too many eyeballs on it, no escape ability, etc. We have pretty good video from several angles and no other person seems to be near Crooks on that roof and I think we’d see that person. It only makes sense if the pro is well hidden and not observed but similar trajectory as Crooks. Three possible locations; a false ceiling in AGR #6 below Crooks, rooftop of the 2 story south building 300 feet behind Crooks, or in a tree.

Check out the video from the stands showing Crooks on AGR #6. I think I see a head poke out from the 2 story roof behind him, between the air vents. I don’t think the sound calculations match, maybe the vertical trajectory does not match, I’m not sure. But that’s a ideal location if wearing a white Tyvex suit to hide, monitor Crooks, law enforcement, and the rally and Trump… There’s paraphets on 2 sides of the roof to hide, and the rearward escape is perfect while all attention is on Crooks…

The problem with the ceiling or the tree tops is difficulty escaping, being very cornered and hard to explain why you’re in a tree or a false ceiling with a rifle. That rear 2 story roof provides excellent hiding, observation, and escape avenues.

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Dude idk why you keep referring back to your potato-quality video. Everything is still there that you circled, nothing has changed on that wall from 6:09 - 6:11 PM.

I circled the vents that appeared in one shot yet the camera suddenly degrades and the vents disappear at the critical moment, yet this exact same view before and after is clear and shows the vents.? The vents are a suspected shooting point. You have to zoom n in to get the full effect to see it clearly.

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Yes, that’s where I got my last video. I saved it as well. It will get deleted.

I’m starting to see who’s in on it, and who’s not.

It is police body cam footage not my “potato quality image” and it is also missing at 18:11:22

Here are the vents at 18:11:30 ) per Dave’s clock) in Dave Stewart’s video, between those times, vents don’t appear and disappear photoshopped

how is it not bad video quality? I’m watching this video the vents are there THE ENTIRE TIME. if you’re going to be this hung up on your photoshopped vents then have fun, cool conspiracy theory I guess.


The vents are NOT there at 18:11:32, double check. I spent a lot of time scrubbing, taking screen shots and enlarging them.

This video jumps from 18:11:00 to 1812:37. Clearly not inclusive of the footage I got my screen shots from. Coincidence?

So many things to relook at!

What are you talking about?

Idk what coincidence you’re talking about. The video I’m looking at has the entire time, nothing missing, nothing skipped out from one minute to the next. if you refuse to watch the Police Activity video that’s fine, but you have not proven your “disappearing vents” theory at all.