The Great Taking With David Rogers Webb - Part 2

I was thinking the same. Anyone have a lead on how to submit it to him?

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The End Game?

Maybe I missed something here, but I’m still a bit confused on how this is expected to play out as presented.
In a very real way, TPTB already own everything in terms of controlling aspect of things like companies (as evidenced by crazy things like pressure on corporations to do DEI that hurt their brands). And IMO, they likely are aware that if they they take this to far to fast they are more likely they are to throw things over into populist revolt that works against themselves instead of revolts by factions to point diversions away from themselves. So I don’t see this as an overnight crash where you wake up everyone suddenly is declared to own nothing.
If TPTB truly were to steal all assets they must do it in a way that has at least some appearance or story of legitimacy (e.g. done a small fraction at a time like inflation so people don’t notice, or done in "the benefit of the public’ like vaccines, or …). The solution needs to be implemented by the demand of people (problem, need, solution) and where the true beneficiaries remain at least somewhat hidden or obscured. So the thought that all ownership gets stolen in a single bad day where the market collapses, and the judges read contracts and agree a single private entity owns everything and the debt belongs to everyone else and nobody notices this doesn’t fit. This would be a stupid play IMO, and doesn’t match the careful planning they have done over the past century to get to their goal. The TPTB would not be able to hide from the pitchforks of the masses. It would just be too obvious.
Plus, IMO TPTB don’t need/want your 401k or your house per say. Honestly, what would they do with it? They don’t need or want more “money” in the sense of fiat “dollars” in a transaction ledger. They have plenty of that already. I think they want to ‘spend’ it on something else. My guess is they want is fine grain control your of behavior.
It seems to me that a more likely scenario is that they explicitly WILL NOT try to simply grab everything all at once. IMO they may be using this only to construct a scenario that uses an event to create demand for their next step. For example, some event like a cyber attack on banks/financial collapse; then a populist demand for a financial restoration; then the gov’t bill to restore all rightful “ownership” as it was where and where no parties appear to loose anything - except that to do this all transactions will be managed in a central database with security controls so that the next time the crisis can be averted. The new system will allow ‘terrorists’ to be traced and their money turned off. They won’t call it a “CBDC” - it will just be one.
In that plan for the CBDC and behavior control, it doesn’t seem to depend on any existing ‘technical final ownership’ of assets like homes or retirement accounts except to the extent that people can easily see that the current definitions are wrong, and thus ready and willing to change to something else that is more subtle. Look for an offer of something ‘better’ where you regain ‘technical ownership’ but with the caveat that only ‘criminals’ will loose ownership. You will completely own things - that is until you have been convicted of the next thought crime.
In some ways this could be the corollary of “you’ll own nothing - and be happy” - its “if/when you ‘own’ things, it will be at your own peril of loosing them randomly and arbitrarily to TPTB, thus you will be unhappy”
But, I’m curious how others see this playing out.


Layers Of Reality

Chris, thank you.
David Rodgers Webb, thank you.
Another layer of reality revealed.
I don’t know how many more layers of revealed reality I can handle. These revelations are increasing in depth and seem to be coming faster and faster.
I want to help expose this. But when I think about to whom, I freeze. I do not know anyone who will take my word for it that they need to read this book. I can’t get the people that I love to learn about the role of proper nutrition in their health. How will I convince them that this is even more important?
I’m not worried about protecting myself financially. I know I won’t be able to. It’s like death. No point in fearing the inevitable.
I will talk about it to anyone who gives me even the slightest opening. I think I may have to accept for now that that is the best I can do.
As always, Tribe, I appreciate your existence so much! Love you all!
Xoxo ?


A couple of ways this could play out to “transfer all the worlds assets into the hands of a few” and you finish up renting it back…could be as follows:

  1. Millions of people can't pay their mortgage and their houses gets repossessed, then "rented back to them" ... net result: you go from owning to renting...
  2. Millions of people who own their home with no mortgage get slapped with unaffordable property taxes... to pay the taxes and stay in their home, ownership is transferred "into the hands of the few" and then "rented back to them" ... net result: you go from owning to renting...
  3. Millions of people can't pay their loans and debts... to avoid nasty repercussions whatever assets they have are transferred "into the hands of the few" and then "rented back to them" ... net result: you go from owning to renting...
  4. Apply this concept to everyone and everything... to stay alive, pay for food, receive UBI, get your kids schooled, to get medical care, whatever...the deal and ultimatum that you are given is this: "everything you own will be transferred into the hands of the few and then rented back to you" ... net result: you go from owning to renting...
  5. If you disagree with any of the above, then the hands of the few can simply write laws, rules, taxes or that one way or another - the story finishes up with you owning nothing and renting it back from the hands of the few to carry on using it (whatever it is... car...laptop...refridgerator...etc).
I can imagine this being the way this plays out 1 day after the whole world goes bust... Sounds far fetched I know, and a recipe for war ... where billions could starve or kill each other ... but isn't population reduction part of the end game? As long as the many are blaming each other, then the hands of the few continue to rule and come out on top. Absent anyone going nuclear.
So the thought that all ownership gets stolen in a single bad day where the market collapses, and the judges read contracts and agree a single private entity owns everything and the debt belongs to everyone else and nobody notices this doesn’t fit. This would be a stupid play IMO, and doesn’t match the careful planning they have done over the past century to get to their goal.
This is a classic case of slowly and then all at one. They've been working on this for centuries, as you noted, stealing form the populace, restricting what they can do and take away their rights. A little bit at the time staying under the radar of the people. When the latter realizes what has happened, it'll seem as if everything happened in a single bad day. Only in hindsight will some more folks come to realize the taking has been a long process. Others will be too busy trying to survive.

Love the memes. Keep them coming ??

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Question - Real Estate, Vehicles - Other Paid Off Assets

From the videos, I understand that bank deposits and any financial instrument whatsoever can be confiscated without payment.
Does this “mechanism” apply to paid off homes, land, vehicles, and other hard assets? Or, do TPTB simply raise the cost of ownership to an untenable level (by taxes or other means) and then confiscate the asset?


David Webb Interviews Are Really Interesting - But I Don’t Think They Change The Big Picture At All

I have been a student of Chris since he posted his first Crash Course videos. He has taught us about primary, secondary and tertiary forms of wealth.
We already knew this:
Anything we “own” that we know the value of because we have a username and password to a website that tells us the value - is going away.
It is ALL a game of gobbledygook.
These are the corporations that have a valuation of more than 1 trillion dollars
Apple (APPL) 2.7
Microsoft (MSFT) 2.3
Alphabet (GOOG) 1.7
Amazon (AMZN) 1.3
Nvidia (NVDA) 1.1
Total 9.1 trillion - Are they really worth this much? Of course not.
We all look at our 401K balances and think we have that much money. But it is only worth that if someone else is willing to buy it for that or more in the future which is not going to happen.
I am 51 years old. I wish I could retire like my parents, but will not be able to. Retirement is a side effect of the age of fossil fuels. It will have a duration of about 100 years.
Even if we spread the word about the Great Taking and by some miracle all the laws get changed to regulations that are fair - one way or another - the money still goes away.

Or, do TPTB simply raise the cost of ownership to an untenable level (by taxes or other means) and then confiscate the asset?
I suspect this may happen but not at first. My strategy is to avoid anything that's the low-hanging fruit for the Beast. We've all been shepherded into financial assets. So that's what's the first target.
This is a classic case of slowly and then all at one. 
Expand this to slowly and then all at once for whom? If you were a blue collar worker in a factory town with a job that paid you enough for a middle class life, your "all at once" already happened. This is just TPTB coming for another layer of humanity. Those clinging to a middle or upper-middle class are getting to be a smaller and smaller segment of our population. This takes out them by making their pensions (for those lucky few who have them) or their 401Ks go bye-bye. And as David pointed out, the rich are special - they've been saved for dessert.


You were right to work on this, it had to be very complex and time consuming for both of you to get through. I’ve been in Finance since the 80s and had hints of this back then. Sensed the large corporation were overstepping and pushing the regulations to favor them. But, in my wildest dreams I would have not suspected it to go this far. This is outright stealing and confiscation of property with no justification other than “we can.” Truly a very dark time for mankind.


The Great Reset strategy has been to move rural populations into cities to better control them. Even before this latest “Great Taking” epiphany, I expected governments to raise taxes on rural populations, so they could only afford to live in cities. So, yes I think your concern about taxation as a way to finish off those who survive the first wave of The Great Taking is a legitimate concern to have.


Just send them the link to the book if you don’t have the words. You don’t need to sell anyone. The book does a fine job of lighting the fuse. I have been surprised by some of the people who are interested, and I’ve been unsurprised as well, but more people know about the book this week than last week, just because I sent the link, and said, “take a look at this, and let me know your thoughts”.


And Carlson.


Is Your Home Protected If You’ve Paid It Off?

Is your home protected if you’ve paid it off?

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“And one last thought, you should make Part 2 open to the Public. EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THIS.”
Yep, yep. The man who wrote this book is giving it away for free…this interview should be made public in return.

All That Glitters,

,is not gold. We must make it a point, in the “event”, to carry with us to the other side (as Chris mentioned) our integrity. It will be most useful in rebuilding what comes after. Meanwhile, continue to make every effort in spreading the “enlightenment!”
Truth is power.


Awesome! I was hoping the audios would help us spread the word ?

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The slowly and then all at once was meant on the large scale for mankind. TPTB didn’t come after everyone all at once. They’re using a tier system basically, chipping off at the bottom and going up slowly. So yes, for some the all at once already happened and for some it’s happening now and yet for others it’ll be a bit further down the road.
A little illustration. When the lower class started struggling with groceries and other payments when prices started to go up and thee government stepped in, I was warning people to pay attention and start preparing. They were being dismissive about that. It was a lower class poor people problem. That is, until it actually started to hit them as well. When suddenly (for them) everything all at once got pricier from the luxuries of going out to dinner down to their own groceries etc. They were shocked even more so when they were faced with the quota for their utility contracts for example. Or at the end of last year when the balances were checked and it turned out that they needed to pay an ‘unexpected’ chunk of money. To them it was of thing of when did this happen. They had turned the blind eye towards the developments and did not see things coming. It was for them an all at once moment that everything ‘suddenly’ was more expensive.
Another example is the IRS lowering the threshold for what is being considered wealthy. Or lowering the amount of cash that may be transferred without sending out red flag. People blindly support policies, without fully realizing what it entails. When it hits them, it’ll be too late for them to act and will it seem as an all at once moment. The policies aren’t new. It just took some time to trickle down/ up to them.

