The Great Taking With David Rogers Webb - Part 2

Great question. Taxes are surely one way to transfer wealth from haves to have nots. I have also pondered how to get assets from this side to where ever we end up with least disruption. Guessing we all suffer a decrease in standards of living. I am trying to organize my life to delay the worst impacts while hoping there is sufficient repentance for God to intervien and put us on path to recovery along all Forms of Capital.

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Easy to implement various wealth taxes or movement fees that pay for votes.
Move blue to red state pay extra tax to sell ur house and not rebuild in state
Surcharges on Ira/401k balances above some amount $1M then 500k then 250k etc
Taxes on owned property
Would seem those without will see above as fair

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I am not Chris, but in the West, you never own your land or house. You have to pay yearly taxes on it or they take it right? Try and keep that in mind as we move forward.


Great points, and I really like your perspective at 51 as I am 28. I would like to challenge your thought of Webb changing the big picture. While I agree that, in the end, it is not going to change the end story, it might change two things. The middle, or the middle end, and the time line of how long it takes for us to get through the entirety of ]what is next.


Thank You

Have listened twice already. I best get busy spending what little retirement financial assets that are in system.
I guess we should not be surprised at this situation. Hopefully we have time to work around.
Seems more important than ever to convert financial $$, as best we can, to means of production to delay or prevent personal family disaster as Chris writes about in forms of capital.
Rual homestead, growing food, buying tools, solar, well, animals, protection, community, a strong spiritual base, alternative Healthcare- herbs oils Salves bandage and EMT type kits then classes on all the above, etc.
Invest time getting to know like minded people yes invest time
Spend $ with homestead consultants to accelerate getting established
The longer I work on above the more experts I find that want to help me or anyone who wants to be free.
For most of us it will mean giving up something ( vacations, expensive toys)
But the reward of more freedom is priceless.


I agree, I have been in the preparedness, outdoor, survival, primitive living, so on and so forth whatever you call it from the time I was 3, or so I was told by my mother as I cannot remember that far back. In the last decade, but specifically around 2018, I started a flow chart of what happens if X happens, then what? and so forth.
There is almost 0% chance this does not go apocalyptic in the next 20 years.

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Unless your 401(k) is a Roth 401(k), the government already “owns” a sizeable chunk of it depending on your marginal tax rate in the year funds are withdrawn and thus become subject to income tax. I had to keep reminding my clients of this back when I was a financial advisor.

Board Of Directors?

They seem to want to hide it based on internal documents from 2010.
They did leave a clue, based on the “laws of Tennessee”. Seems like they are incorporated there. FYI, Cheryl Lambert is board member of parent, DDTC.
“Cheryl T. Lambert, Managing Director, Risk Management, The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation”
Some historical SEC filings, very interesting:
The architect of the DDTC was Herman Bevis, the former CEO of PwC. He was raised in Memphis – so another TN connection.

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I think maybe the litmus test is to ask oneself, as suggested by David Webb, are you merely protecting yourself from, or are you squarely facing up to and opposing, the evils that are so obviously on the way?

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thc0655 is my go to Meme factory!
Thank you.

Legally Dismantle?

Huh? We have to legally dismantle this in a jurisdiction with a judge that is going to open up a can of wholesale whoopa$$ on the protected trillionaire class of jaw-dropping evil-doers that set this action up decades ago and have been slowly managing its outcome with patience, expertise and generally slimy, despicable greed and slave owner intent?
I think what Dr M said strikes closer to home, partially, the dark suit & sunglasses guys show up. I disagree that they are going to talk to that judge and prosecutor.
I don’t see this going down a “Legal, calm dismantling process.” You don’t upend and undo hundreds to thousands of trillions of exposed monies calmly and quietly when their design was to collapse the entire world economy for the benefit of several million people only. Things are going to fly, probably in the form of metal when and if full realization of the scheme gets out.
Looking ahead I see a lot from the Book of Revelation on the horizon. Inability to purchase without the mark, wars, etc. I think Dr M is right in that these people think they can control everything utopian style but like he says (and maybe that is also their intent) they will fudge it all up into utter collapse, mass starvation, war, revolution, etc. Back to the bible stuff, from this chaos the truly evil one rises to bring the “order” and will be a false savior to many.
Our communities that we are a part of are going to be critical (to me this means religious) for surviving this mess those clowns are bringing about. What skills and the forms of capital taught here are what’s invaluable.
Like the meme thc0655 repeatedly posts, “Harden the F@#* up.” Get back to God and start talking. Nobody’s perfect out there.
Dr M “What did you know and when? What did you do about it?”


I concur that fully dismantling/preventing will be a challenge, but I also strongly believe that making a stand against this tyranny can help to delay the speed of implementation … similar to standing against the holy shot helped to prevent 100% rollout and eventually drove a push back.
I believe there will be a procession of “thefts” to begin with rather than one single almighty theft… and when these multi-thefts start to become more visible in real life, then opposition will ramp up with varying levels of aggression/violence I think.


Webbs Book

where can i find the book: ? its not on amazon

@TheWhiteMule, Chris recently defended using “religious” motivations and insights while discussing the Three E’s and related subjects we discuss here. But he also wrote it would be helpful if those who do that would include the relevant passages because others may not be aware of what is being referenced. We have frequently discussed the tyrannical dangers of a CBDC for instance and some have connected that to the passage in Revelation re: “the mark of the beast” that everyone will be required to have to be able to buy and sell. So here’s the relevant passage:
Revelation 13:16-18
New International Version
16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[a] That number is 666.
Others have referenced various parts of what Jesus said about The End Times in Matthew 24. Below I have linked that passage in case anyone is interested in pursuing it and contemplating what it might mean for us considering the extraordinary events unfolding all around us.


The mark on your hand is the mark in your hand
Flip that iPhone on its back note the bite in the apple Eve desires to have knowledge & to own it. Flip the iPhone over you have number digits
3 lines of numbers 1+2+ 3 =6
4+5+6=15 1+5=6
7+8+9=24 2+4=6
Bingo 666. In ancient times talismans were constructed out of numbers with lines traced over relevant numbers to call up the demonic spirit , just think when you dial out on your iPhone you are calling on the devil himself.

It sure seems like it would be more protected if you don’t have a mortgage, so probably your home wouldn’t be first on the chopping block. I think as long as you can afford your rent to the government, i.e. property taxes, you’re definitely better off than those who are in debt. For how long, who knows? Like the old proverb says, “The borrower is slave to the lender,” so not owing a lender is one step closer to not being a slave!

I can see them getting away with taking ownership of houses encumbered by debt if that can’t be serviced in a financial collapse. There is a narrative there justifying it. But coming after people who “own” their houses outright? How many houses out there are debt free, maybe 25%? So they are going to increase property taxes, or slap on required “climate change” renovations to the extent that people who otherwise have no debt will default? I can’t see that happenieng, there is no external narrative to blame for that grab. They would basically be overtly telling people to pay huge sums of money or lose their house. That’s blatant, unlike a debt default scenario. There would be major social pushback to that (at least 25% of the population).While many people may be sympatheitic to climate causes, they will see right through mandates to spend $200k to renovate your house accordingly. That’s why I agree with trying to not be the low hanging fruit, if you can survive that then soon afterwards the rest of society will wake up. Just like with Covid, we held out and through time enough people got behind it to put an end to that nonsense, at least for the time being.

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I think Bitcoin has a place in this conversation. Would love to see you interview Lyn Alden on her opinion about this probability. George Gammon favorite trait about Bitcoin is being “out of the system”. He would have a great take on it too.
Also max kaiser is doing some interesting work down in El Salvador.

David makes reference that 12 year olds will get this. Yes, just don’t do derivatives. After that there was part 1 & part 2 with two hours of discussion. My friends, as Danina points out, are older than 12, will not read a book, and I cannot explain the Great Taking because there are entities that are new to me that have their hands in the pie and before long, I’m describing a Rube Goldberg creation or as David says–a construct. Everything is a construct i.e. safe and effective.
I, like Danina feel this is over my head to move this forward and stop it. It’s got to be simplified to 2-pages and at best 7 minutes or 2 minutes in the elevator.
A diagram with names of entities and names of people is needed. Not a flow chart, a big poster.
My purely reactionary fucking fed up: there is going to be a lot of “theys” shot, if they can be found.
Not advice, just a theme for the post rats in a cage novel.

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