The Markets Don't Reflect Reality

Originally published at:

Chris and Paul discuss the implications of the recent Trump assassination attempt and the resulting political fractures on market psychology, highlighting challenges of economic deception and strategies for navigating uncertain times.

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Just think you should be aware that Greg Nicol shot himself in the leg last Dec 15 inside the Monaca PA police Dept in an accidental discharge incident. How is this guy still in any SWAT detail, let alone covering POTUS 45? ADs are just not tolerated in the LE/operator community. Why is he still a badge? I assume Google will force this info down. Also, the Butler DA is under investigation for tax evasion and posh Vegas trips on office credit card (and not being in the office much). Look at, the local paper, for these stories. Great videos.


Bongino makes two great points today about the Butler shooting. First he points out that Rowe gave conflicting statements to the Senate about whether the SS and local police did, or did not have communiction. Rowe claimed the SS comand post and local police lacked communication, while at the same time claiming the SS command post knew there was a situation at 3 o clock (that would be at the AGR building). Second, if so, if the SS command post knew there was a situation developing at 3 o clock, all SS post stander and sniper eyes should have been at 3 o clock. If so, how could they miss Crooks visibly running across the roof, and visibly taking position behind the roof ridge, as seen on Copenhaver’s recently pubished cellphone video? The only reasonable explanation for SS post standers and snipers not seeing Crooks running across the AGR building’s roof is that the SS command never told SS post standers and snipers to look out for a threat at 3 o clock. Bongino, who rarely jumps to conclusions without receipts, says this obvious stand down by the SS command post suggests involvement on the part of the SS in the plot to kill Trump. In summary, the SS command post stood down the local police snipers, informed Crooks the local police had abandoned their post, and didn’t alert SS post standers and snipers when Croooks climbed onto and ran into firing position at the AGR building 6.


We do “egg glassing” (a very old technique). This gives us cooking eggs in the winter without the energy cost. A good thing to try, in addition to freeze drying… Which WE need to get setup. We’re trying to reduce our dependance on freezers (and the energy they require). Good talk today, and best to you both!

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@ejh237 when i collect 12 dz eggs i have been freeze drying them every 2 weeks or so then end up with 12 mylar bags a dz each
Reduces fox risk and waiting 8 months for eggs again

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All the classes i take start out with safety discussion
Which leads to NO AD because we do not place a finger on triggers unless u mean to shoot.

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“It wasn’t staged, people died” cos they’ve never killed anyone for power?
“Trump would never had allowed that shot to be fired” cos using an actual bullet was the only way of staging it.

Using these lines, which don’t stand up to logic, over & over again, looks like propaganda to me. Repeat the lie, get it to stick.

Your coverage recently has been fucking useless for anyone other than reatded Republicans. So much has been ignored recently, due to this massive distraction parade.

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Given the fact that there still is supposedly a non-recessionary, functioning economy all over the West at this point, tells you that basically the whole thing is being stage managed at all levels - central banks, regulators, politicians, media.

It’s toast - ‘they’ know it and are making the last spins of the plates. Some sort of massive event is imminent, likely triggered by them, which they believe is going to render the economic conditions ‘unimportant’. Not good.


Unfortunately, that which the markets do reflect is all too real.


Chris and paul do not peer into their cloudy crystal balls to guess at when economic SHTF. I have been wrong for so long i hate it when i keep saying “this” is just not sustainable. Wonder if i get it right before i die?
So how long can this fake economic system continue what is the pin? Or do we just keep inflating up as the positive spin narrative is sufficiently acceptable to the masses? The depth and breath of the lies is so massive and greed so pervasive w/in the ruling class hard for me not to bet on less than a year.

Do you like your freeze dryer? Is there one you recommend? I’d like toi purchase one, but not sure what kind to get. Thanks for any recommendaitons!

@jenz I have the large HR unit.
It failed after a few months and HR paid to send it back and decided to then send me a new one which continues to function fine…plus the new large had 6 vs 5 trays
My take is the HR manufacturing Quality has improved and customer service has improved.

This would obviously be a strange coincidence were this to have been the issue in his case. Would be interesting to know if the conclusion of the investigation into his account was an “accidental discharge” or a “negligent discharge”, they carry entirely different weighting.

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America’s beef cattle herds have fallen to their lowest levels in more than 70 years.

And if that is not bad enough, production costs have skyrocketed so that ranchers are not able to turn a profit on a per head basis.

In the next one to five years, something is going to break. War and Famine are next up on the globalist playbook.


In the Cheers episode titled “The Beer Is Always Greener,” Woody Boyd and Kelly Gaines argue over their denominational differences. Woody is from the Lutheran Church of Missouri Synod, while Kelly belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. This disagreement becomes a significant issue during their honeymoon, leading to a crisis in their relationship. The couple seeks advice from Frasier and Lilith, who suggest group counseling to address their differences, ultimately leading Woody to consider converting to Kelly’s denomination to resolve their conflict.


I’m on record as saying (1) we’re in a recession (and haven’t admitted it to ourselves officially yet because, reasons) and (2) markets are not reflecting that reality or any reality.

Maybe reality has finally arrived?


Great info. Thanks!


Thank you! I’ll check it out!

Here’s the joke I couldn’t quite remember:

Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, “Don’t do it!” He said, “Nobody loves me.”

I said, “God loves you. Do you believe in God?”

He said, “Yes.” I said, “Are you a Christian or a Jew?” He said, “A Christian.” I said, “Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?” He said, “Protestant.” I said, “Me, too! What franchise?” He said, “Baptist.”

I said, “Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?” He said, “Northern Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?”

He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region.” I said, “Me, too!”

Northern Conservative†Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?"

He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912.” I said, “Die, heretic!” And I pushed him over.

-Emo Philips


problem was fixed years ago with a recall. If this one wasn’t repaired…