The Media is Imploding!

The mainstream media has finally surprised me. Not with improved reporting and finally providing context or being truthful. But with its inability to self-correct even when its own jobs and survival are on the line.
I always thought self-preservation was the highest instinct, but apparently that’s not true for those in the media.

These past few weeks have seen waves of layoffs in the print and online news industries, indicating weak financial results.

It turns out, to almost nobody’s surprise, that people aren’t interested in paying for journalists to lie to, berate and gaslight them.

I’m thrilled, of course, not only because that opens up a lot more territory for myself as an information scout and truthteller, but also because this means the media won’t be self-correcting any time soon.

This is a sorry time to work for one of the Narrative Machines and a great time to be an independent investigator.

The incredible webinar series that Peak Prosperity is producing, which includes the incredible talents of Bret Weinstein, Peter St Onge, Edward Dowd and myself, comes in three parts.

Part I explored the “Why” of it all. Why are the elites doing what they do? What drives and motivates them? We ‘steelmanned’ their position taking their side and seeing things as they might.

Part II, recently released, explores the “How” the elites go about getting their way. Controlling the media and enforcing a very narrow “Overton Window” of allowable discussion is a vital arrow in the quiver of tricks.

Part II of today’s report is the webinar, free for all Key Supporter and Yearly Peak Insider subscribers. [Click here for tickets or click here to become a a yearly inside or Key Supporter and get access for free].

In there we cover the wide range of other tricks and gimmicks ‘they’ deploy which everyone needs to know about as a means of defanging them.

Knowing provides immunity.

In part III, we’ll be discussing steps we should take, now that we’ve established that ‘they’ are true believers and will do anything and everything they can to assure they win and we lose; everything.



“she doesn’t have to talk that way”

Someone has been watching their Loudermilk.


Fact checkers handle facts like they’re playing checkers, always plotting just one move ahead, seemingly caught by surprise when the game changes.


sheera frenkel is a zionist



Isn’t capitalism GREAT! Media showed their true colors, they are out to CREATE the narrative, instead of REPORTING the news.
Tom Gresham of GunTalk Media has talked of overhearing the dean at Chicago School of Journalism, make the statement that their job is to tell the readers/listeners etc, what they need to read, not report the news. This was from over a couple of decades ago.


I’m looking forward to the Farmers Rally in Canberra on Tuesday. This will be a big tell for all those people in regional Australia, if the media make a BS story up, they’ll show their hand. Those that have gone to Canberra or know someone who has, will spread that it was a lie through their community.


I’d like to suggest that you edit this to make it clear you’re quoting whoever that “journalist” was. I first read it and thought, “Chris is calling himself a millennial jouranlist who worked at the Washington Post and Atlantic?!?”


Looks like The Telegraph has been pushing this propaganda for a long time.
This headline is from 2009!



This video is pretty much spot on. The main stream media has at least for me near zero credibility. It is a rare day when I can read a store in the legacy newspapers or your big 3 TV networks that I can find informative and useful, especially regarding the big topics of the day, government and regulatory failures, lack of trust in all institutions, elections, health, wars, corruption, climate cultism, religion, social issues (BLM, Antifa…) etc.

I think some of the media may be useful for local issues and not much more. Perhaps tinder for fires or lining a bird cage.

Fact checks are simply awful and are sometimes comically awful. In most cases, if it has been fact checked and it is serious, then it is probably true.

I was surprised to see Dave Fairtex extolling The Epoch Times recently and the fact that they have become in a very short time (less than 10 years), the 4th largest newspaper in the USA. I’ll guess the New York Times would be number 1, The Wall Street Journal and Washington Compost would vie for 2nd and 3rd.

Great job to the Epoch Times. As the three above you shed ‘journalists’, you are certain to move up in the ‘rankings’. I think the Epoch Times deserves my subscription (it’s usually on promotion for about $12/year). I’ve really lked the stories that have been highlighted by Dave Fairtex and their YouTube Channel featuring Roman Balmakov? which sometimes appears for me is excellent too.

I see often advertisements for Ground News on many of my common YouTube creators. Does anyone here use Ground News and can your recommend it?


Hi Allan. I agree, the ET is a cut above all other MS media and worth the price of a subscription. They aren’t perfect (bias against CCP is obvious, and understandable, and they do use some feeds from AP or others) but in general they do a good job with politics, and even better on C19.

Today they are starting a new new show/series called ‘FALLOUT’ with Robert Malone and Jan Jekielek. The first episode starts at 9PM today, EST. Will be going there to watch it soon. Jan’s “American Thought Leaders” series was a constant source of great info during the scamdemic where he interviewed most all of the heroes well known to the the folks here at PP. That series alone was worth the price of subscribing.



It’s all been changed, David. The placeholder text has finally been updated with what I wrote on the plane ride out…I got caught up in the FLCCC duties today and forgot to send the write-up along on time.


I believe they suffer from a delusion.

2 Thessalonians 2

“They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”



Mike Adams also pointed out (Jan 30th Health Ranger Report) that human writers are being replaced by AI.


Good deal! I wondered for a moment if perhaps you were looking to apply for a position as president of Harvard or something. :wink: When I realized you were out in Mesa, AZ I was guessing it was something like this. I have to admit I’m bummed I’m not out there for the FLCCC conference since I am often there just 2 or 3 miles from where you are now. (Dating a woman out there, long distance relationship and all.) Alas, my systems here on my little homestead require me to be here through the winter to literally keep the home fires burning. I hope the FLCCC event is going great! Thanks for doing the extra work to keep posting material here while you are there!


Good. I sincerely hope all of their unemployed rabid dog reporters and staff turn on them like the rabid dogs they are.

I can imagine that will happen about a week or two after their unemployment checks stop coming.


Well, the self-preservation part was tied to the directives they received from whoever wrote their paychecks. Had the source of funding not dried up, they would still be on their way, trying to preserve themselves at the expense of their audience. It’s a common theme in places where regimes change, but the ‘journalists’ remain the same. The party line they parrot changes, but those birds of a feather flock together.


Discredited MSM and so called Fact Checkers will quickly diminish and be replaced by something more reprehensible… AI Bots programmed to “detect misinformation” in real time, label the author as a “misinformation publisher” and initiate the seizure of the authors financial assets. Truth won’t matter, only a vaguely defined Bot interpretation of the word misinformation. Meanwhile, the author goes directly to the poor house, financial assets stolen, CBDC closed. Automated and merciless punishment.

According to Whitney Webb in the interview with Chris earlier this week, this is already underway, the working group is fully active. This is what Whitney said (copied directly from the transcript):
“A good example of this would be, a public private partnership managed by the World Economic Forum called the Partnership Against Cybercrime, which involves, the FBI, the Secret Service and the Department of Justice are all members, and they’re essentially pursuing these same, related efforts to, clamp down on what they define as illicit financial activity under the guise of being it being cybercrime. But they also say, for example, in their documentation that people that publish misinformation online can be deemed cyber criminals, have their finances seized and things of this nature. And, obviously, that’s very concerning, going forward.”

And when this goes live I can easily imagine a few voices being made examples of , to quickly discourage the majority of people from questioning the narrative. Odds on it’ll happen.


With what shall tomorrow’s fish be wrapped? Newsprint will join incandescent bulbs and kitchen matches. Sigh…Aloha, Steve


Make that the title of your book.