The Media is Imploding!

I’m not sure ground news is really a content curator, but rather an aggregator that then tells you what biases you are being subjected to.

At least that’s what it was why I first looked into it a while ago.


i had that understanding as well but I’d like to know if anyone in this community has experience with it and did you find it useful? Did it open you to blind spots or expose you to alternative points of view or new media outlets?

I certainly cannot afford another $5+ monthly subscription at this time, I’m very limited in my ability now. PP is by far my most expensive subscription and I believe I get lots of high quality content and I’m glad to be part of this community.


Eh, following decent writers on substack who source their references well will point you to good content. I mean yes the bias feature of ground news is nice, but once you are trained with the “peak prosperity skeptical eye” you can identify the bias on your own already.

I didn’t keep it beyond the trial period, fwiw.


Ms. Taylor Lorenze was educated to know and believe that “good” journalism is activism. Why train journalists to question authority? Ask the hard questions? Investigate the subject matter?

She’s still young, I didn’t open my eyes until the year I turned 48.

Thought I would share this perspective on why the US does not have any mega-container-ships coming to our shores. Dummy me didn’t even know we have no mega container ships in our ports. Looks like our port and bridge infrastructure is way past the expiration date. The country has not caught up to the scale of the newer, bigger, improved mega container ships. We shoulda/coulda invested in massive ports up and down the east and west coasts of the Americas!

Another missed opportunity by Team America.


I am so reminded of the prescient words of Edward R. Murrow repeated so well by David Strathairn in Good Night & Good Luck. I don’t have much respect left for George Clooney since the initiation of the Covid Project but, to me anyway, Good Night & Good Luck and Syriana are two movies to watch periodically through the years.

How many Americans now have been vindicated in their prescience since the end of WW2? President Eisenhower, Admiral Rickover, so many others.


Pretty much since the end of the Civil War nearly all the money & resources have been siphoned off to the 1%. A rational, truly sane Republic would have created a Sovereign Wealth Fund soon after oil was discovered in 1859 Pennsylvania. Our house has not been maintained for many decades now, to the point of falling down around our ears - imagine owning a huge ranch rich in a diversity of resources and yet, through mismanagement, you’re bankrupt! just another thought that has me spitting nails

There are many really good journalists out there, all pretty much independent now on Substack or wherever however, I can’t afford the time or money but for a couple. Taibbi has been writing about the erosion in journalism for a long time now as have others


Start at the 32 min mark. He talks about how big pharma is controlling the news. The more we walk away from MSM the less control they have.


Unfortunately, only available in digital version…

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Brings to mind the “Brought to you by Pfizer” compilation


Chris Martenson masquerading as Taylor Lorenz! Hahaha!


This is not Capitalism. This is Power/Corruption pure and simple.

Setting aside the derogatory nature of the world Capitalism in lieu of using “Free Markets” (Marxism I believe called it Capitalism because they worship capital/money above all else). Whereas Free Markets are markets that allow people to innovate and easily enter/exit.

Unfortunately, the Free Market systems in America were so successful that great wealth was amassed. And very wealthy (corrupted) people used dirty tricks to control more and more power. And basically paid off our politicians to look the other way. (Rockefeller, Melon, all of them).

When you read how Westinghouse was forced to sell to GE in the story about Tesla. Then how many banks that refused to sell out, were bankrupted by publishing fake stories of bank runs, which created real bank runs. It was insane.

Unfortunately, instead of punishing these people/companies, and creating laws that blocked this stuff. The money got deeper into the system… By the time we had a Federal Reserve (1919 ish), we had already sealed our fates.

In a truly Free Market system. The government would exist OUTSIDE of that system as a referee, and not as a willing participant. (Notice that Nancy Pelosi made like 62% on her investments last year. That’s Phenomenal. In fact, people who COPIED her trades were threatened with INSIDER TRADING, from what I read).

Rockefeller gathered the top people, and purchased CONTROL of our major publishing/news systems. And made sure they never informed people what was going on. Only controlled/manipulated them, so they would vote for the very poison he was selling.

It’s simple, IMNSHO… the punishment for unwanted behavior MUST BE so severe that witnessing the punishment would make people queasy, and outright pass on the crime for fear of the punishment. (Example. UBS Gets caught laundering $5 Billion. Currently they are fined $20 Million. Well folks, that’s the cost of doing business. Make that fine 5x what they laundered… At $25 Billion. You would crush them so hard, no other bank would tow that line).

But fines/punishments like that are reserved for Jan 6th Protestors. A guy who destroys a Satanic Display, and a veteran who protects a subway car of people. NEVER the people who burn, loot, or violently beat up a cop in NY…

Sorry if I ranted… We are not in a Capitalist system. And we have not been a Free Market since the Federal Reserve was created.


As someone in the cheap seats at the conference, my impression is that it us going very well. I might start a thread with my notes.

I was hoping to see more of the tribe here though. Campfire Dave and I had a nice chat at lunch. It sounds like he has done a good job at family preps and making community connections.


I can’t wait for the legacy media woman to become transparant and open about how she got “the news”. Fully transparant please with names and positions please. That would be great.


People no longer trust the media to report the news. They’ve walked away from it. This is pure capitalism. MSM made their to choice to spread the narrative, and consumers said nope, we’re not going to pay attention to you anymore.


Not just MSM.
This is an excerpt from “verywell Health” website article, “Sinus Infection vs. COVID-19” :

…“COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, a type of coronavirus. The virus spreads from person to person and can cause mild to severe illness. The best way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to get vaccinated and practice protective measures like wearing a face mask, social distancing, and washing your hands.”…

The propaganda litter is everywhere injected into the belief system. Where in relation to the Integral websites concept of Deep vs Surface structure is as complex as the “wonderful!” analysis Chris did with the “cluster, cluster, BOOB!” anaylsis/warning, oh so long ago (NOT). We’ve all been Cleavaged.
We must control our stress induced cortisol levels, sleep well, and meditate on our reality. Despite the fact that Mars is transiting Capricorn; “Capricorn is the exaltation sign of Mars, so it will be very powerful during that time. Mars is the planet of energy, desire, assertiveness, pitta (fire), courage, anger, violence, athletic ability, stamina, prowess, virility, enemies, warfare, disagreements, weapons, mechanical things, technical ability, and military actions. During this period, some or all of these things, for better or worse, will receive a surge of energy…”


Incentive vs disincentive.
Micheal Saylor’s idea about preventing DDOS attacks might be adapted for journalism. If your a journalist you pay to publish. This would manage the volume of BS (possibly) Bitcoin Bull Michael Saylor Says Bitcoin Could Fight Cyberattacks Against Ukraine
BTW, if I recall, Mr Saylor isn’t advocating for Ukraine, that’s the Fool(dot com) hook.
Time for journalist kooperatives?


Ah, this is “Enlightenment”. People see the light.
I will argue this is STILL NOT Capitalism!

Why? Because TPTB control access still.
Google still blocks results.
Fact Checkers are financially supported by one side.
The government pays the “Controllable” companies $$$ to get the influence they need.

Companies are working with Government (and the Deep State), to control things.

We are seeing the system break. But when we FINALLY See Capitalism…
The Depth and Breadth of changes will be inspiring.

People like Dr. Mercola will be given power, as will the FLCCC founders.
Sweeping Legal Changes will be made. That restrict Government power, reduce banker power, and actually free the individuals to serve their own needs. Heck, we might even see a “Fair Tax” that replaces the Income Tax.

I think we are on the precipice of great change. (May you live in interesting times is usually a curse!)


I just watched that episode on Netflix. Chris saying the same thing was hilarious.


Please verify the videos from the Texas truckers convoy from the week of 1/29/24.

edited to delete

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