The Media is Imploding!

Dr. Martenson…Chris…I don’t know why, but I could throw my arms around you and KISS you for this. I cannot tell you how much of a difference it made to hear you say everything you said…about the crap the msn has been dishing for YEARS, the GASLIGHTING, the sins of OMISSION…everything. I want everyone in the damn country to watch this…it is SO IN YOUR FACE, and I hope they DIE QUICKLY!!
My heart lightened so much, I watched it AGAIN. Screaming yes yes yes to all of it.
I still am disappointed Trump spent money on his truth social…he should have BOUGHT CNN.
Stupid man.
Unless and until the MSM DISAPPEARS FOREVER, we have no fourth estate, we have the propganda arm of the globalists.
Along with the non profits and foundations and everyone in the Censorship network, we need to BAN STATE BY STATE any MSM, any non profits, any foundations, etc.
A girl (old lady) can dream, can’t she? You live right next to me in a blue forever state, and I don’t feel so alone anymore! You think the same as me, only better, …thank you for this video. I am posting it everwhere I can.


Chris Martenson, here is another Chris that says the same thing…How We Talk Now - by Chris Bray - Tell Me How This Ends


Canada has zero trustworthy corporate media left. To keep them alive, the federal government run by that destructive clown Trudeau pumps them full of government $$. That is borrowed money or money stolen from those of us who refuse to pay for lies.

Here’s a thoughtful analysis from Canadian constitutional lawyer Eva Chipiuk, posted on Twitter/X today on how the Canadian media ignores all stories that don’t fit the narrative or the government remit. It’s a great example of what’s going wrong in this country.

Eva Chipiuk, BSc, LLB, LLM @echipiuk

"Allow me to explain the bias of the media in Canada. I had the privilege of representing a former Premier, along with other Canadians, in a lawsuit challenging the government’s restrictions on mobility rights. This lawsuit had an impact on approximately 6 million people. The legacy media remained silent on the entire case and made no effort to reach out to me.

I had the opportunity to cross-examine the Prime Minister of Canada, representing protestors who were routinely disparaged and defamed by the media itself and even elected officials. Despite the significance of the event, the legacy media chose to spin the entire Public Order Emergency Commission to fit their own narrative and once again failed to reach out to me.

I filed a lawsuit on behalf of a severely vaccine-injured young lady in Alberta. The post on X about this case garnered over 1 million views. Again, the legacy media remained silent and failed to provide coverage.

It wasn’t until an American reporter approached me, expressing confusion about the lack of articles concerning my work against government actions in recent years, that the extent of bias and censorship within the media became apparent.

It is sad to witness the one-sided approach of the legacy media in Canada. This narrow perspective hinders the exchange of ideas and opinions, impeding our ability to grow and progress as a society. We are experiencing regression, and it is quite disheartening to see.

But amidst all the negativity, there is also room to acknowledge the positive aspects. It is important to highlight that the legacy media’s actions have not managed to suppress my voice. In fact, my voice has become stronger and more credible with each passing day. Instead they silenced the voices of 6 million Canadians and censored the pleas of a young mother searching for answers. These acts will not be forgotten and no amount of government funding will buy back their credibility.

It is therefore not surprising that their viewership is declining, as they no longer represent the true voice of the Canadian people. Instead, they have aligned themselves as a mouthpiece for the government. Fortunately, Canadians themselves have become the true voice of their nation, and for this we should be proud and excited for the future!"

Feb 5, 2024 10.3K Views


In the last 48 hours I’m increasingly of the opinion that Tucker Carlson will be priority 1 for labelling as a “misinformation publishing cyber criminal” and subsequently asset-seized. Wow, he’s being pummeled by MSM and TPTB today even more than usual.