The Mystery Of The Blood In The Bathroom

As a structural builder mentioned on this forum recently the building probably has large steel trusses in the 5 or so feet above the drop ceiling which would theoretically create a cavity. If so, a clever person or team could lay planks across those trusses in which to lay prone and take shots from a concealed wall vent or other surreptitious design. It’s not far fetched, in fact it’s a reasonable scenario. In the real world, the Malvo assassin laid prone in the trunk of a sedan and fired out thru a hole above the trunk license plate.

Did the shots come from inside the building or not? First you’re telling me shots are muffled, now this person could have been completely undetectable. Whatever. Either way, 8 shots were fired outside the building, that much is clear to me.

Any unlikely observed or smelled gunpowder residue would be masked by the shots fired just above the location.

How would smell of gunpowder on a rooftop mask the smell inside of the building?

I don’t think anyone would think twice searching inside, if they smelled gunfire.

What makes you say that? Why would officers clearing the building not think twice smelling fresh gunpowder inside of the building??

See smoke? Lol. Have you ever fired a AR15? Three shots isn’t producing much “smoke.” It’s not like a raging camp fire.

Yes I have. I’ve also seen different kinds of suppressors fired though that weapon system.

Some suppressors do get gassy, they expel smoke outwards. You guys are telling me there is a 2nd mystery pro assassin guy, but you can’t wrap your brain around the fact that if this person used a suppressor, we don’t know what kind, we have no idea if they were ballin’ on a budget and got something that would expel smoke, we just don’t know.

If concealed well enough and a poor search conducted (steered away by the powers that be who orchestrated it) then the snipers nest could be disassembled in the following hours or days without notice especially as they controlled the entire crime scene…

They wouldn’t have to go through those lengths if they could fire shots from inside the building and never leave a trace, like you keep implying.

I think you’re simply wrong. Cars muffle gunshots and other noises significantly.
To illustrate my point here’s a safe-for-viewing news broadcast. Cop and suspect get into a gunfight on the side of the freeway. Cop has a presumably 9mm handgun, suspect has a AR or AK longgun. These would normally sound radically different but from the dashcam recording they are indecipherable meaning I cannot audibly tell which is which.

Has zero to do with you. Don’t take it so personal. I have a level of knowledge in some areas and a background that aids in my analysis and just trying to keep this discussion reasonable and factual as best as possible. If and when I agree with you I’ll gladly say so. Thus far I largely have disagreed however.

Notice several different cops point their guns at windows, duck to go under windows, do not stand in front of the windows, etc. There were reports and uncertainty about a suspicious man in a window. See CMartensons video from today 8/13. I have also posted about it. It caused a large armed team at about 6:15 to storm and clear ARG #6.

It is speculatively but entirely reasonable for a 2-person team to build a snipers nest in the hollow cavity above a S. facing room, and within the 6+ minute period unaccounted for from 6:06pm to 6:13pm, infiltrate a man to the snipers nest whilst another stands guard at the door, aim, fire 3 shots, exfiltrate, hide suppressed weapon or return it to it’s duty position. IF there was nobody else in the building and all eyes outside were on Crooks then people would likely be drawn to and conclude Crooks was the shooter.

I will repeat from what I said above, that GN’s story is a farse and implausible, we still don’t know who his partner was, why they left thier post for 6+ minutes, definitively whose blood is in the bathroom, why GN and partner were not at their post to stop Crooks or there in the aftermath, who shot Crooks and with what weapon, the ballistics and shell case testing of all 8 shots to match with the barrel rifling and extractor and firing pin, etc.


Who was IN the building? Nobody as far as I can tell from many hours of watching many videos, except GN and an unknown person (presumably his partner). So who is going to report gunshots from inside? It appears nobody was in there but those two. I speculate they made sure of it. GN kept guard at the doors while his partner climbed into the nest.

GN comes out 2 minutes post-shooting, acting EXTREMELY relaxed and too casual, overacting as it appears to me.

But isn’t his post on the 2nd floor of building 2, facing south, that he abandoned 9 minutes earlier. WHY is he down on the 1st floor. What possible, plausible reason has he left his 2nd floor post that it must be noted is literally the best overwatch position of anyone in the area to see Crooks position to stop him, shoot him, and keep the crime scene secure. What possible reason is he down on the ground floor with 20 other cops?


That’s a good one. To better cover a shot from inside AGR, it would be helpful to have as few people as possible just in front of AGR 6. And indeed we saw two characters shooing people away from there:

  • before the shooting, the pepper-haired, grey shirt/jeans guy at the start of the D Stewart video: “Off! This is no trespassing! Off!”
  • after the shooting, the sergeant with Butler Township, something to the effect “If you’re not law enforcement, GO!”

And if anyone was left there, like D Stewart, it would be helpful to have them distracted just before:

  • such as a woman riding a horse with a massive Trump flag back and forth across the southern side of AGR 6

The multiple audio evidence does have 1-3 more muffled than 4-8 (consistent with 1-3 inside), and 1-3 with a shorter snick-boom delay than 4-8 (consistent with 1-3 ~14 ft closer to Trump than 4-8).

I don’t think we need to await someone to report a shot from inside AGR 6 to consider as a credible hypothesis that 1-3 came from inside AGR 6.


I like your photos better than mine.

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I think you’re simply wrong. Cars muffle gunshots and other noises significantly.
To illustrate my point here’s a safe-for-viewing news broadcast. Cop and suspect get into a gunfight on the side of the freeway. Cop has a presumably 9mm handgun, suspect has a AR or AK longgun. These would normally sound radically different but from the dashcam recording they are indecipherable meaning I cannot audibly tell which is which.

Can you tell they’re both coming from outside or not?

Has zero to do with you. Don’t take it so personal. I have a level of knowledge in some areas and a background that aids in my analysis and just trying to keep this discussion reasonable and factual as best as possible. If and when I agree with you I’ll gladly say so. Thus far I largely have disagreed however.

Why do you keep bringing up a 2nd shooter if you can’t factually account for one?

Notice several different cops point their guns at windows, duck to go under windows, do not stand in front of the windows, etc. There were reports and uncertainty about a suspicious man in a window. See CMartensons video from today 8/13. I have also posted about it. It caused a large armed team at about 6:15 to storm and clear ARG #6.

They went and cleared all AGR buildings regardless. Cop with the wolf tattoo on his left forearm grabbed the set of keys from wall climbing cop’s patrol car, then he went to a team waiting by another door, they were going to start clearing.

It is speculatively but entirely reasonable for a 2-person team to build a snipers nest in the hollow cavity above a S. facing room, and within the 6+ minute period unaccounted for from 6:06pm to 6:13pm, infiltrate a man to the snipers nest whilst another stands guard at the door, aim, fire 3 shots, exfiltrate, hide suppressed weapon or return it to it’s duty position. IF there was nobody else in the building and all eyes outside were on Crooks then people would likely be drawn to and conclude Crooks was the shooter.

Then why did none of those LEO’s that ran inside get suspicious at the smell of gunpowder inside of the building?

I will repeat from what I said above, that GN’s story is a farse and implausible, we still don’t know who his partner was, why they left thier post for 6+ minutes, definitively whose blood is in the bathroom, why GN and partner were not at their post to stop Crooks or there in the aftermath, who shot Crooks and with what weapon, the ballistics and shell case testing of all 8 shots to match with the barrel rifling and extractor and firing pin, etc.

He’s suspicious to me too, but I just can’t account for a shooter from inside the building to leave no trace behind, or for a guy on the sniper team to have such a perfect opportunity, and miss at ~150 yards…

most of the HD material can be found here

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Legit question, this has all been discussed repeatedly so at this point are you trolling us? Just throwing up nonsense now.

Nobody can figure it out, that’s what we are discussing through clues and process of elimination. This is a detective type decision tree.

Crooks acted alone, yes or no. If yes, then he got extremely lucky to exploit a obvious and fatal defect in an unsecured rooftop to kill and injure during the worst security deficiency in 62 years under totally implausible circumstances.

IF No, then to what extent did the deep state allow or aid it in happening and if so, it’s more likely than not they’d have installed a professional to ensure the job was done right.

If that’s the case, there are finite locations from which the pro could fire, to maintain similar trajectory as Crooks:

  • Building 7 rooftop, 5 meters taller, about 250 feet behind Crooks. I’ve gone into great detail here as has someone else.
  • A attic vent of AGR#6 above the drop ceiling.
  • A tree.

There are arguments for or against each theory. Discussed in hundreds of posts now.

Seriously? Extremely reasonable for room clearing pipe hitters to quickly look for suspects (e.g. man in a window), weapons, brass, etc. They aren’t doing sniff tests of rooms. They’re rushing thru with guns pointed ready for action. Easily distracted and summoned elsewhere by someone in authority after “all clear.” “Smelling” gunshots is the movies and what a detective would do, not combat laden door kickers rushing thru clearing rooms. News flash, they also aren’t doing DNA swaps or dusting for fingerprints or shoeprints either. They are there to clear rooms, eliminate threats or detain suspects. IF this theory holds correct, 3 shots taken above a false ceiling, mere feet below the roof where Crooks was believed to have fired 8 shots, would be indiscernible to a door kicker clearing rooms. Any incidental smell of gunpowder would be EASILY explained by their perception that 8 shots were just fired on the roof 10 feet above them.

I don’t know man, it’s a theory. “Gassy.” “Smokey.” It’s 3 shots. Almost no gas or smoke at all, and almost no smell. Shall we go over every suppressor on the market now? I’m pretty confident a professional sniper could select the best tool to suppress gasses and flash for this task if it played out that way. BTW, yesterday you baulked at the notion that a few thousand dollars would be expensive for Crooks yet a suppressor is “ballin” money for deep state assassin? Say wha??!!

Oi vey. Did I say they’d never leave a trace at any time? No. So now you’re fabricating or changing information. I said there are ways to muffle sound, flashes, and the gunshot noise and smells would be effectively confused and concealed by the gunpowder on the roof above. I did not ever say “never leave a trace.” What I did say is that they control the crime scene and could alter or dispose of evidence at a later time in this scenario.

I’ll be going non-responsive unless your dialogue starts to get less troll-y and more reasonable and fact based.


The traffic stop, both guns were outside the car, a pistol and longgun. They are muffled and sound the same despite being radically different sounding without car insulation to dampen the sounds. Easily able to decipher a pistol from an AR/AK in real life, not possible on car dash cam.

The Trump shooting? From the car audio, no. They are muffled and sound nearly the same but different cadence. From about 6 other sources, they are vastly different sounding to the naked ear, and when placed on technical audio analysis the audio and visual differences, and shot/boom/echo times inexplicably different making it impossible they are the same person/gun/location.

Why are you here if not wanting to participate/discuss this investigation. Get your orders from CNN and be done with it. I can factually account for 2 shooters. Different audible gunshots for starters. I have heard of no good theory to account for this fact. Then there’s all the millions of pieces of other evidence, real and circumstantial, and if you want a list read every topic here.

I’ve answered this probably 3 times and refuse to again.

Well, factually you’re again wrong. You’ve repeated this false trope a few times now I think and ignore my response. He didn’t miss. Shot #1 struck Trump in the ear, 1CM from a fatal headshot. It is common knowledge he lined up a right temple shot that’d have been immediately fatal but for a fateful divine intervention head turn and body shift and a gust of wind at the same millisecond the assassin pulled the trigger, turning a fatal head shot into a grazing head shot. Assassin then fired 2 follow ups, and packed up and left. This is literally DAY ONE stuff…


Legit question, this has all been discussed repeatedly so at this point are you trolling us? Just throwing up nonsense now.

What about my responses is trolling you? I don’t get it. You’re presenting me with wild theories, I’m trying to make sense of them in the realm of reality. I don’t understand how saying that 8 shots sound like they come from outside the building is trolling you when you keep posting about a 2nd shooter you cannot account for in the timeline of events.

Nobody can figure it out, that’s what we are discussing through clues and process of elimination. This is a detective type decision tree.

Plenty of people seem to agree that the shots come from outside the building.

There are arguments for or against each theory. Discussed in hundreds of posts now.

Yeah I know, every time I post you bring it up.

Seriously? Extremely reasonable for room clearing pipe hitters to quickly look for suspects (e.g. man in a window), weapons, brass, etc. They aren’t doing sniff tests of rooms. They’re rushing thru with guns pointed ready for action. Easily distracted and summoned elsewhere by someone in authority after “all clear.” “Smelling” gunshots is the movies and what a detective would do, not combat laden door kickers rushing thru clearing rooms. News flash, they also aren’t doing DNA swaps or dusting for fingerprints or shoeprints either. They are there to clear rooms, eliminate threats or detain suspects. IF this theory holds correct, 3 shots taken above a false ceiling, mere feet below the roof where Crooks was believed to have fired 8 shots, would be indiscernible to a door kicker clearing rooms. Any incidental smell of gunpowder would be EASILY explained by their perception that 8 shots were just fired on the roof 10 feet above them.

Fresh gunpowder is very noticeable, especially in a room. Never been in an in-door range by yourself before? It’s noticeable, idk how to explain it to you lol

And no, with wind outside they wouldn’t have noticed the smell of gunpowder on the rooftop above them. You’re now implying the smell of gunpowder is so strong it can penetrate a rooftop with wind blowing it away, but people clearing rooms wouldn’t stop and notice the smell of fresh gunpowder. But I’m the one trolling? Please, you keep running in circles trying to constantly prove me wrong with anything I say and you run yourself into a corner like this every time lol

I don’t know man, it’s a theory. “Gassy.” “Smokey.” It’s 3 shots. Almost no gas or smoke at all, and almost no smell. Shall we go over every suppressor on the market now?

No we don’t have to, but you can at least account for the fact that there might have been smoke. It would especially leave a strong smell of gunpowder behind.

I’m pretty confident a professional sniper could select the best tool to suppress gasses and flash for this task if it played out that way.

Yeah and a pro can apparently miss at ~150 yards.

BTW, yesterday you baulked at the notion that a few thousand dollars would be expensive for Crooks yet a suppressor is “ballin” money for deep state assassin? Say wha??!!

I’m just presenting a theory that we don’t know. Same way you keep pushing this 2nd shooter theory on me with zero evidence and all you’re doing is speculating. I’m speculating too, it’s not that deep.

I’ll be going non-responsive unless your dialogue starts to get less troll-y and more reasonable and fact based.

Do whatever you want man, but given how much of your dialogue I’ve ignored, the feeling is very much mutual here.

Your comment helped bring something into focus for me. What seems to have happened is that GN and his partner missed a kid assembling a gun and crawling around on the roof they had overlook of, OK. But then shots ring out, and the shooter is killed, but neither GN nor his partner happen to glance out the window of their building to see the shooter lying there dead. And then he comes downstairs with his gun drawn like 90s after the shooter has been killed, and then starts running around looking for him. This is what we are supposed to believe.


Says it is unavailable here. You have to watch it on YouTube, instead.

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The Trump shooting? From the car audio, no. They are muffled and sound nearly the same but different cadence. From about 6 other sources, they are vastly different sounding to the naked ear, and when placed on technical audio analysis the audio and visual differences, and shot/boom/echo times inexplicably different making it impossible they are the same person/gun/location.

Then idk what to tell you. They sound like they’re coming from outside of the building to me.

Why are you here if not wanting to participate/discuss this investigation. Get your orders from CNN and be done with it. I can factually account for 2 shooters. Different audible gunshots for starters. I have heard of no good theory to account for this fact. Then there’s all the millions of pieces of other evidence, real and circumstantial, and if you want a list read every topic here.


I’ve answered this probably 3 times and refuse to again.

Then ask someone if smell of gunpowder in a room would be noticeable or not.

Well, factually you’re again wrong. You’ve repeated this false trope a few times now I think and ignore my response.He didn’t miss. Shot #1 struck Trump in the ear, 1CM from a fatal headshot.

Relax guy. Fine he hit the ear. 1/8 shots. That’s bad accuracy and precision. But it makes sense when you consider his rifle, optic, and severe lack of experience and training.

Assassin then fired 2 follow ups, and packed up and left.

Are you talking about shots 9 and 10??

This is literally DAY ONE stuff…

Get some fresh air boss

I hear you and I see it, but my brain is saying AR15 based on the attached screen shot and suspicious behavior about the handoff. No way would the hand off be that shady if it was a simple entry tool. Take a close look still image - it really looks like an AR….

Then the officer hangs the rifle upside down and rotates it so the narrow side it facing the car cam making it very difficult to see what it it… the angle thing at the bottom is the front fore grip

Damn it. I see chris’ better still image and I think you guys are right - damn it. I really wanted it to be a rifle… so then why the shady business with the handoff?

I’ve only heard Chris and people here call it shady lol

Well I mean if you watch the video about 33:45, you officer friendly talking on the phone and leaning it against the rail (not suspicious), but then you bearded guy walk back over, look around and then grab it. I agree that it totally looks homeboy is trying to buy a bag of weed


And WHY is dude wearing sunglasses as he exits the building at 7pm at night ? Is it really that bright in there or is he trying to hide his identity?

So what is the theory here, they’re hiding a murder weapon? What is suspicious to you, I don’t get it.

Is it your position that this was the same as an indoor firing range?

Again, false. He didn’t miss, he hit. And he was dead on but for a last moment movement and gust of wind. Stop with the false and misleading information.

You mean, the same theory as the owner of this PP forum, Dr. Martenson? There’s not “zero” evidence. There’s a lot of real and circumstantial evidence. Again, you’re spreading false information here.

Feel free to ignore the rest of my dialogue and stop responding to me with inane questions asked and answered and falsehoods like the ones quoted. It’s tiresome.

To me the 2nd shooter is confirmed with the time signature of the crack boom being different in the series of 5 shots verse the first series of 3 shots. Additionally the sound of shots (as heard from the podium) is also different for the second set of 5 shots in contrast to the first 3 shots.

However, what we are missing here is the frikken location of shooter #2. Can someone confirm the time signature location for me. I mean I think we are all pretty clear on the ~ 140 yards for the first 3 shots, but the second set of 5 are further away right? What’s the distance of those 5?

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