The Mystery Of The Blood In The Bathroom

It my be that those doors in the hallway lead to room with windows facing South - pretty private for a sniper’s nest, to await, just lock the door.

but people come out of that building and so far no one has reported about hearing anything coming from inside the building. there was no reports of smoke or anything. so this supposed 2nd shooter was somehow never seen in or out of the building, never heard, and even perfectly accounted for police bodycams, spectators with smartphones, etc. or maybe it’s like that movie Inside Man, he dug a hole in the wall and he walked out of the building a few days later lol

The building and all rooms were sure to be checked at some point by officers. So I do not think the 2nd shooter would rely on a locked door to keep his setup a secret. Thus the above ceiling option.


Yeah, but you can hide things so easily. Magicians do it all the time.

Break it down and throw a tarp over it, slide it under a shelf, put it inside a cupboard, etc…

There are lots of ways to conceal a weapon quickly.

their shots made no noise on any camera or microphone?

We don’t have a great inventory of who was in the AGR 6 building during the shooting, but from memory here’s what I can piece together.

  • Videos from the crowd on the west fairly conclusively show nobody entering/exiting the west door.
  • Videos from the car dash cam on the east, show only Greg Nicols coming out 2 minutes after the shooting. It’s an odd location for him to be, and an odd time for him to exit that location. He could have been standing guard.

Let’s not forget the huge gap of unaccounted for time (something like 6 minutes from 6:06 to 6:12, where one or both left their post and we are relying on their statements.

I could theorize and speculate that GN and his partner established a secretive spot and snipers nest above the drop ceiling on AGR6 facing South, looking thru a wall vent. GN would stand guard, and it would take perhaps a minute or so for his team-mate to get down from the shooting position after 1-3 shots.

Evidence to support this:

  • Absurd cover stories for both of them.
  • No videos so far of GN searching outside for Crooks as claimed.
  • Blood in bathroom has yet to be convincingly explained, could have been GN’s partner getting injured getting down from false ceiling hiding spot.
  • We have radio witness report of someone seen in a window. While vague it would likely have been a south facing AGR#6 window, and could have been GN or his partner looking out from an interior room to check the status.
  • Some audio analysis and calculations support this location due to sound and calculated distances.
  • We have yet to know GN’s partners name, who was bleeding in the bathroom, any good interior walkthru or pictures of the building, or many other crucial facts.

Extra credit prediction:

I predict AGR6 mysteriously burns down and some of the members of these security teams mysteriously die off in the near future.


Bingo. Extra credit ++

It may have been a location above a window, but the possibility of officers checking one of those rooms does not disqualify them as good options for a second shooter, if it’s one of the BC ESUs, as hypothesized by some.

It’s a reasonable assumption that the two BC ESUs were the only people in AGR 6. Having set up, the ESU can shoot 1-3 and leave the room with the rifle (assuming a 5.56 round like Crooks’) and put it back in the the 2nd floor over-watch window - there is no physical hiding needed, if the ESU uses the same rifle for over-watch as for shooting at Trump. The “second-shooter rifle” would be hidden in its identity as a legitimate ESU/SWAT rifle at the over-watch window.

This trip up to 2nd floor to put back the rifle would take 20 seconds.

We saw the LEOs entering AGR6 only 6:15:28, about four minutes after the shots.

20 seconds versus 240 seconds - now this is in hindsight, but an ESU as a second shooter in one of those rooms should be pretty confident that it would take much more than 20 seconds for LEOs to notice the shooting, recognize origin, run over, and enter AGR 6. Very low risk. He’d just need a bag or something over his rifle to capture most of the powder smoke and smell in that room.


The 3rd shot was fired at 18:11:33. Greg Nicol exited AGR 6 at 18:13:24. So far he is the only one to be confirmed inside the building when shots were fired. The door gets opened back up at 18:15:23. Therefore, if a second shooter fired shots 1-3 from AGR 6, he would have had about 4 minutes to exit his nest.


but on the car dash cam we can hear all 8 shots, they’re all the same, just the last 5 are much faster. if someone was inside then we would hear a major difference.

I was not addressing acoustic analysis of inside vs outside shots, just providing a time window of who was inside the building when shots were fired that could have logically heard shots fired from inside.

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I was not addressing acoustic analysis of inside vs outside shots,

You said someone shot inside the building. We hear all shots come from outside loud and clear.

just providing a time window of who was inside the building when shots were fired that could have logically heard shots fired from inside.

Okay but we hear all 8 shots on multiple sources around the building. And suppressed weapons don’t leave zero trace behind, so if someone was shooting from the inside, they had to have gone above and beyond on their gear and set up inside of wherever they were hiding for there to be no trace of them visually or audibly. if they were near a vent or a window, someone surely would’ve been able to see smoke? cops clearing rooms would’ve reported smell of gun powder left behind.

While I agree that the 8 shots sound the same from the car dashcam, the explanation is plainly obvious. Cars are insulated for sound, muffling the outside world to a large degree (engine noise, sirens, road noise, gun shots, etc.). This is the only video to my knowledge that the 8 shots sound similar.

As a structural builder mentioned on this forum recently the building probably has large steel trusses in the 5 or so feet above the drop ceiling which would theoretically create a cavity. If so, a clever person or team could lay planks across those trusses in which to lay prone and take shots from a concealed wall vent or other surreptitious design. It’s not far fetched, in fact it’s a reasonable scenario. In the real world, the Malvo assassin laid prone in the trunk of a sedan and fired out thru a hole above the trunk license plate.


I have argued that it would be possible for someone outside to see a flash of light but there would be ways to mitigate that, especially if one sits a good distance back from the opening. As far as “smelling or seeing smoke,” we’re talking 3 shots from under the roof where 5 shots were taken. Any unlikely observed or smelled gunpowder residue would be masked by the shots fired just above the location. I don’t think anyone would think twice searching inside, if they smelled gunfire.

See smoke? Lol. Have you ever fired a AR15? Three shots isn’t producing much “smoke.” It’s not like a raging camp fire.

If concealed well enough and a poor search conducted (steered away by the powers that be who orchestrated it) then the snipers nest could be disassembled in the following hours or days without notice especially as they controlled the entire crime scene…


Yes, people come out, but much after the shooting. And I believe those people entered after the shooting as well.

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Please note the word “if” used in my post.

Gunshots from a rifle coming from inside of a building and outside of a building would be vastly different.

Also if this 2nd shooter now shot from the inside of the building, wouldn’t someone have reported that, or noticed the un-suppressed weapon? Wouldn’t all those cops have been more cautious around the windows instead of just running by without a care in the world?

I get you want to shit on me and prove me wrong every time you comment, but you effectively made your own point make no sense at all.

The recordings outside the police I think have shots 1-3 all sound differently than shots 4-8. They are different in the pace, in the echo, in the spectrogram (= qualitatively to our ears), and even in the snick-boom delay.


Then why did no one report or notice a rifle shooting from inside of a building? Everyone was focused on the rooftop

I am working through an accounting of who all went in and came out. So far I count 21 entering within 7 minutes after the shots were fired. I’m still working through the video, so there might be more.


I’m gonna make a bold prediction: The so far unknown BC ESU/SWAT sniper will be reported as having committed suicide or had an intoxicated accident.

If this comes to pass, we can surmise he was the second shooter who knew too much and had to be suicided or accidented by TPTB.

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