The New Me (Round 2)

As mentioned a few weeks back, Chris and I are working on a new book focused on resilience. In it, we leverage our own version of the 8 Forms of Capital framework to emphasize the point that Financial capital is just one of a number of equally-important components of true prosperity.

One of those other components is Living capital, which can be loosely defined as the natural systems (plants, animals, soil, water, etc) we depend on. It also includes our own bodies -- our physical health and well-being.

For me, Living capital's importance to true wealth is well summed up by the quote "If you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything" (extra credit to those who can name the source for this quote). No matter how much of the other forms of wealth we amass (money, possessions, knowledge, etc), if we're too infirm (or dead) to enjoy them, what's the point?

Our longtime readers likely remember Chris' recount of his health transformation back in 2011, in which he trimmed off over 30 pounds through a process of prudent changes to his lifestyle. I should add that 4 years later, he's successfully maintained his healthier state and kept the weight off.

My Story

I've gone through a similar transformation as Chris and have been meaning to share that story for a while now. Mostly, because the results I've enjoyed are in many ways informed by, as well as validation of, the many health experts we've interviewed on this site over the past few years. And because I hope my example will show and inspire others that real, lasting positive health changes are possible -- regardless of age, fitness level, how 'busy' you are, etc.

The path of my transformation has occurred over a longer time than Chris' did, but the results are similarly large. But don't take my word for it: the "After" photos provided further down in this article will let you judge for yourself.

Mid-Life Morass

I spent most of my 20s and 30s working within the rat race of corporate America. In the morning I left early for work, fought traffic on my commute, arrived home late (too often, after my young children had gone to bed), snarfed down a late-night dinner, usually followed by logging back in to my work VPN to prepare for the next day.

This schedule left little time for investing in myself. I rationalized my situation by viewing it as a sacrifice that would yield returns in the future. But exactly when -- or even if -- those returns would materialize, I had no clue.

I was stressed-out, unhappy, and chronically over-programmed. So, like most desk jockeys, I added a little more padding around the middle each year. And with every birthday, I'd accumulate another new ache or infirmity that the Age Fairy gifted.

By this time, my eyesight was pretty shot from years of reading the footprint type of too many financial statements, and all-nighters with Excel and Powerpoint. I was one of those people who, if they took their glasses off and put them down somewhere, needed their glasses to find them.

And by my late 30s, I was beginning to have dental issues. While a pretty low-key guy during waking hours, the stress of life manifested subconsciously: I ground my teeth constantly while sleeping. By my late 30s, I had worn the enamel completely off the top of several molars.

Here's a picture of that happy guy, taken at some point in my 30s. Let's use this as the "Before" photo:

If my circumstances at this point feel familiar to you, if you perhaps see a little bit of yourself in the guy in this picture, read on to learn how it's possible to reverse many of these effects, and re-discover many of the health benefits you enjoyed as a teen. I'm not exaggerating. 

Reclaiming My Health (And Youth)

I'll provide a quick recap of the steps and resources that were most effective for me. If you're looking to make a similar transformation in your own health, I'm confident you'll see similar results if you follow these (or at least, those that are relevant to your personal condition).

Step One

But first, let me start with the single most important step: Making your health a priority. For many, many years, I simply didn't feel I could do that. I always subjugated it to the needs of my family, work, finances, and all the other demands life placed on me. I imagine most of you reading this can relate.

To break out of this trap, you have to realize that everything you hope to accomplish in life depends on you being present and capable of performing it. Your children, your work, your dreams: they need you alive and well-functioning, now and in the future. If you sacrifice your health in pursuit of them, you actually jeopardize the outcome you're hoping for.

You need to give yourself permission to invest in your health, and to protect that investment. In my case, I started by creating a monthly time and money budget. I set a goal of how many hours per week I'd devote to working on my health (exercise, educating myself, specialist sessions, setting goals, etc), and what I was willing to spend per month in pursuit of that goal. That's not a bad way to start, and you don't have to start big. In fact, I'd recommend starting small so that your goals are achievable and your progress sustainable.


An early step I took was to address my vision issues. I hated how limited I felt by my glasses. And given that I had recently watched The Crash Course for the first time, I saw my pronounced near-sightedness as a real vulnerability should the future ever contain periods for me where eye care may be hard to come by.

After consulting with a few eye doctors, I decided on laser surgery to correct my vision. This was hands-down one of the top best decisions I've ever made in my life.

I ended up having PRK surgery instead of LASIK due to my thin corneas, but the two procedures are more similar than different. It's the closest to magic I've ever experienced in my adult life. I quickly went from being fully dependent on my glasses to having 20/20 vision; 20/10 vision in my right eye. And nearly a decade later, my vision is still excellent.

The procedure isn't cheap -- on average laser eye surgery costs about $2k per eye these days -- but it is COMPLETELY worth it. What's the value of clear vision and independence from glasses and contacts? A lot higher than the cost of this procedure, in my book. And when amortized over the several decades of benefits you receive, it's a screaming deal.

Based in part on my positive experience, Chris underwent LASIK in 2013. He's similarly pleased. I'll stop raving here, but I welcome readers who have also had the surgery to share their experiences in the Comments section below.


Emboldened by the success with my eyes, I tackled my teeth next. Similar to vision, dental issues compound the older we get, and get more extensive and expensive to correct the longer they go unaddressed. Reading When There Is No Dentist really re-inforced to me the wisdom of fixing the structural issues in my mouth while the dental system is still working dependably.

While I never needed braces as a child and I had enough room to keep my wisdom teeth, the nightly grinding had created a misalignment with my bite over time. As a result, before they could repair the enamel damage, they needed to fix the alignment. So, at the age of 39, I got my first pair of braces.

Yes, it was a little socially awkward. But not nearly as much as I had feared. And the braces were off in less than two years, allowing for my dentist to repair the enamel damage to my molars with crowns, and provide a bite guard to protect my new perfect teeth from grinding in the future.

From the research I've done since, I figure I saved myself a boatload of future pain and money over the course of the rest of my life. As with eyes, what's the price of decades of trouble-free teeth? Many multiples more than the cost and short-term inconvenience this required. Plus, I also enjoy a relief from worry that has been and will remain with me for years to come.

For these reasons, if like I had, you have a dental condition that may lead to bigger problems down the road, I highly advise making the investment now to take care of it.


As you can see from the "Before" photo above, I wasn't morbidly obese or overly sedentary. I just was carrying about 20-25 pounds more than I needed to.

I was running 3 miles most mornings. In fact, I ran two marathons in my late 20s/early 30s, as well as completed a half-Ironman triathlon at 36. So I wasn't a total lump.

But still, each year another pound or two crept on. And increasingly I was plagued by persistent infirmities that started handicapping my ability to exercise. Joint pain (especially in the knees), plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, shin splints -- age seemed to be creeping up on me. For a long time, I just thought this was the tax we all pay for getting older.

But after learning about the benefits of high intensity, constantly varied training -- explained well here in our excellent podcast with Mark Sisson from 2013 -- I explored the many options in this growing movement and ultimately decided to try CrossFit.

I joined my local CrossFit "box" (that's how CrossFitters refer to their gym) in July last year. The first month absolutely crushed me. Each workout was an exercise in survival. During the second month, I realized that not only was I not going to die, but that my 40-something year-old body was capable of much more than I thought possible. By the third month, I was addicted.

Here's where we get to the "After" photo.

(This is awkward for me to share publicly, as I've always had a little bit of a body-image insecurity throughout my life. But if this helps lead somebody to decide to take control of their physical health, then the potential embarrassment is worth it).

We just took photos after completing a two-month challenge at my CrossFit box (men have to do these photos with shirt off). Here are mine:


So...not the Hulk. But not the Blob, either. And a BIG difference from where I was in my 30s.

Short story: In my 9 months of CrossFit, I've gotten -- by far -- into the best all-around shape of my life, and dropped from ~208 pounds to ~185. I haven't been that weight since college. And I'm able to do things with my body I couldn't come close to doing in high school, despite playing 4 varsity sports back then. Even better -- as the weight dropped, my supporting muscles strengthened, and my body responded to the conditioning -- all those supposedly age-induced joint pains and related aches disappeared.

I believe strongly that anyone can reap huge benefits from such a fitness regime, focused on constantly varied functional movement at relatively high intensity. Especially when coupled with a performance nutrition plan and a solid support community. Why do I believe this so strongly? Because I've seen it work. With myself, and with many people I've witnessed go through their own transformation while following this program. People of all levels of physical ability and all ages.

Good next steps for those interested in learning more about this type of fitness training are reading Mark Sisson's The Primal Blueprint, visiting your nearest CrossFit box, or searching for gyms in your area that offer 'Boot Camp' style classes.


Despite my raving above about the CrossFit program, the secret weapon to better health and fitness is nutrition -- hands down.

Whether you're looking to lose weight, feel better, or boost your performance, nutrition is going to be easily 80% (at least) of the solution.

So much of what we in the West have been conditioned to eat is terrible for us. And just as with other machines, bad fuel = bad performance. A bad diet not only makes us feel crappy, but it leads to inflammation which accelerates the aging process on our bodies, as well as makes us vulnerable to all sorts of disease.

The good news is, there has been a recent revolution in understanding what type of food is best for our bodies (hint: as close to nature as you can get) and how diet affects health and performance. Putting it into a nutshell, strive to eat whole foods: meats and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruits, little starch and no sugar.

The literature on nutrition these days is vast, and can be a little overwhelming for the uninitiated. Good starting resources are our diet-related podcasts with Robb Wolf, Mark Sisson and David Seaman. Nutritional programs worth investigating are the Paleo, Primal and Zone diets. It sure won't hurt to consult with a professional nutritionist to discuss your personal health situation and goals.


As discussed in Chris' recent interview with neuropsychology expert John Arden, sleep quality is one of the greatest -- as well as one of the most over-looked and under-appreciated -- factors for good health.

The benefits of sufficient sleep are many, and the cost of too little can range from chronic fatigue and lack of focus, to weight gain, to greater risk of diabetes and heart attack. Sadly, over 75% of Americans experience some form of chronic sleep disorder. Our frenetic pace of life often cuts into sleep quantity, and the impact of digital devices messes with its quality.

I was definitely one of those who was quick to sacrifice hours of sleep to accommodate other priorities. I figured I'd sleep enough when I'm dead. And I was frequently guilty of bringing my smartphone or laptop into bed to continue working, not appreciating how badly the bright glare was messing with my body's ability to recognize time of day and shut itself down properly for the night.

Over the past year, I've made a concerted effort to avoid entering sleep deficit. I've shifted my average bedtime a few hours earlier and enforced a hard "bed before midnight" limit on any nights that threaten to go late. I do my best to log off from phones/tablets/laptops/etc at least an hour before bedtime. And to help further, I've downloaded software (f.lux, for those curious) that removes the blue light from my digital screens after the sun goes down, so as to minimize my electronics' impact on my ability to sleep soundly.

As a result, despite all of the CrossFitting, I'm more rested these days than I've been in decades. Not only is my sleep quality greatly improved, but I've re-discovered my childhood identity as a "morning person". I awake easily with the sun and have found that my most productive time is in those first few hours when my internal batteries are full, I'm clear-minded, and the rest of the world hasn't begun its bustle yet.

This is an easy win for those looking to boost their health. Give yourself a sleep curfew. Ditch the devices an hour beforehand. You'll notice a big difference in just a few days.

Stress Management

Even without the science telling us the toll stress takes on our health, I think we all pretty much intuitively agree that chronic stress is not good for us. But how to reduce it?

I used to get really irritated by folks who would tell me I shouldn't stress so much. No Duh! I'd think. Thanks for the newsflash. Now...can you tell me exactly how it is I should do that? Because if you haven't already noticed, life is stressful!!

I'll admit to having not exactly mastered the ability to insulate myself from stress yet; but, I have made a ton of progress here that may be instructive for you.

By taking a hard look at what I wanted out of life, and where the gaps existed between my reality and my goals, I was able to make some big life decisions. I made a few really big changes, most notably, I made a big career transition -- deciding to leave the executive track at Yahoo! (where I was a Vice President) and partner up with Chris to found Peak Prosperity. This change, while stressful at times in itself, brought my daily work into much better alignment with my beliefs and values, which ultimately has given me a tremendous amount of inner peace.

Similarly, my wife and I looked at the frenetic, impersonal lifestyle that we and our friends were living in Silicon Valley and decided to leave for a location much better suited to our desired manner of living. So we moved to a much more rural, resilient and community-oriented town. Our only regret is not having made the move sooner.

The message here is to find those areas of greatest misalignment and tension in your life, and then identify the steps you need to take to bring them into harmony. These may be small steps, or ones as big as those I took. You'll need to figure out for yourself what's needed given your specific situation. For those looking for help in this process, the steps provided in Stage One of my book Finding Your Way To Your Authentic Career are focused on guiding you through this process.

Reclaiming Your Health

If you're one of those people who identify with the 'me' described in the "Before" stage of this article, know that I've written this for you.

Our behaviors are shaped by the beliefs we hold, by the stories we tell ourselves. If we tell ourselves we're too busy to act, we won't. If we think we're too old for exercise, we won't try to.

Chris and I place a lot of value on having teachable models of success to show people, because they're one of the most effective means for influencing beliefs. Hopefully both his transformation and mine can serve as compelling models for some of you, and spur you to ask yourselves: If these middle-aged guys can do this, why shouldn't I?

All the steps I've documented here are available and actionable by the vast majority of folks reading this. I promise that if you follow them, and pursue them with discipline and commitment, you will see good results. Great results, even.

You'll feel better. Look better. Be stronger. Faster. Less likely to get sick. Happier. More peaceful. You'll likely live longer, and with better quality of life.

So my question to you is: Regardless of your current state of physical health, what are you willing to commit to start doing, today, to improve it?

Let us know in the Comments section below. We're all here to support each other. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Congratulations on your success! I really enjoyed this article and hope that is further inspires me to make some of the changes I need to make.
I think it is especially valuable how you noted the "investments" in health - eye and dental work. We often talk here on PP about where to invest for the best return, and I think investing in one's health ultimately brings a return far greater than any financial instrument ever could. Like you I had some serious dental work done to avoid future problems. My teeth were so close together the pressure was starting to cause hairline cracks in them. There was also the grinding problem. At the age of 56 I am on the last six months I my four year orthodontic program, which has included braces for two years and jaw surgery (which included a bone graft from my hip). The cost over and above my benefit plan has been approx. $12,000. While it was a lot to commit to, doing nothing had the potential to morph into serious oral health issues as a senior. Fixing this health issue means far more to me than having that money parked somewhere in the markets, so no regrets here. The outcome has been worth it!

Thanks for sharing this positive article - always good to have this stuff to read in the midst of all the doom and gloom news.



As I drove my girls (3 & 5) to pre-K this morning they started giggling in the backseat as only little girls can do.  The sound was pure joy (as I was in a good mood) and for some odd reason I realized that their happiness depends largely on my continual presence in their lives - they love their Daddy and I love them.  This flash of the obvious led me to think of my lack of conditioning and fitness and the potential that has to rob them of something irreplaceable - Dad.  I'm 42 and have a long family history of fatal heart disease, cancer, and other maladies of the modern age.  Both grandfathers and my father had multiple bypass surgeries, and one ultimately died from a massive coronary.  All of us are type A and I am the most high strung of the group.  I realized that I needed to do something different - and fast.
Fast forward an hour and I sit down at my desk (my butt actually hurts from sitting so much at this damn computer) and hit Chrome to check the progress of the collapse.  After reading about Iran's naval activity off the coast of Yemen, I ended up on and your article hit me between the eyes.

I've made numerous half-hearted attempts to start exercising, but they always result in disorganized and low intensity fooling around.  I am disgusted by my own laziness, but exercising solo is just boring and it is too easy to escape accountability.  I have no legitimate excuse, so I'm going to join a local Crossfit box.  Truthfully I would rather be tied to a post and bullwhipped, but I need to get off the couch before it kills me.  Thank you for the motivation and I'll let you know how it goes.


Best movie ever :slight_smile:

[quote] Nutritional programs worth investigating are the Paleo, Primal and Zone diets [/quote]
Add Wheat Belly to that list. I've lost 70 pounds by following the precepts of Wheat Belly by William Davis.  It has taken over two years, with more to go, but for me, eliminating wheat was the turning point, the approach that finally worked after decades of weight issues.

In other areas, I've been blessed with good teeth and good vision, so I don't need to make big investments there … but I'm sure tempted by laser treatment for wrinkles. cheeky


Thanks Adam, both you and Chris have certainly given teachable models.
I need to reboot this transformation myself.  Was eating paleo a year ago with great results, then let a few things slip for convenience, then convenience took over and pounds followed.  Right back to the difficult part of step 1.  So on that note, I'll make a commitment to start and just go for a long walk everyday.  Maybe graduate to high intensity.

One suggestion I can give related to stress is meditation.  Any type should do.  I've been practicing TM so that's all I can speak to.  It's simple.  There are many benefits, but I don't want to appear as proselytizing.  If interested, I can share more or there's loads of information online.

If you are a bit older and just getting into crossfit, don't feel pressured to go "all out" the first while you are there.  Do what you can, and don't push yourself too hard until you build up some level of fitness/endurance.  Don't be concerned (and do not feel bad) if you need to stop for a minute to catch your breath.  Some of the instructors can get pretty intense, ignore them (silently) if needed.  It took me a while to recover from an injury sustained pretty much solely by pushing myself too hard too soon.

If you find yourself enjoying crossfit, I'd recommend you check out Krav Maga, or something similar.  The warmups are similar, and this will cure the "boring" part of your workouts.  When someone is trying to hit/kick/throw you it's no longer boring.

And to cut down on the weight, eliminate 20-25% of your calories, basically all of the "sugary" ones. 

The local city council is debating an ordinance that would limit crossfit gyms to certain locals within the city.  Seems some are finding the early morning group tire runs disconcerting enough to raise a stink .

Adam, Thank you for the kick in the pants.  I'm only 29, but I'm feeling the lbs start to pile on as a result of sitting at the desk most days and not eating as well as I know I should.  The physical activity I do get is mostly gardening which is better than nothing, but I wouldn't describe it as high intensity and it's not having the desired impact.  My wife asked me if I would go to yoga with her tonight and after reading this I told her yes.  I've been afraid of trying cross fit because of the risk of injury, but I've seen some pretty amazing transformations and the most fit people I know all do it so I will look into it this week. 
Now as to the left over pizza I was planning to eat for lunch…I hate to waste, so I'll start in on the nutrition part of this journey soon.  Small steps. :slight_smile:

I know that Chris did some climbing in his youth.  Get Chris to take you out climbing,  Adam.  Great fun.  Hiking into the crags helps fitness.  Build upper body strength to increase your metabolic rate.  Stress and other worries get forgotten about.  Amazing locations usually.  Adventure.  You can get started at your local climbing wall after work and the whole family can to do it with you.  Age and gender is not a constraint.  Kids as young as 7 to old folk of 70.  (I'm 53 and still going strong)
Great article.



Full points for sharing your body picture, Adam.  But I have to say, even the "before" picture looks good…top 10% of the "over 30" group for sure…I suspect the changes are far more dramatic internally.

I went through a similar path - a slug during my 20s, and then discovered the need for exercise as I got close to 30 and realized I had a very round face and was 25 pounds heavier and 4 inches fatter than when I entered college, and that entropy was unlikely to reverse all on its own.  (Super-burritos every Monday didn't help, either).  A familiar story in the tech world, as I'm sure you know.

I tried a bunch of things, diets and exercise, was able to control myself and got down to 155-160 and all was well, but it was always a constant struggle to maintain.  Then I discovered muay thai and things became a lot easier.  Instead of tedium and an act of will, exercise became fun because the focus was on learning and doing rather than on gutting out the 30-45 minutes on some machine.

These days I don't exercise as often as I used to - now muay thai is only 2-3 times per week and another 2-3 days with weights (still boring, alas) - but I can outperform most of the 20-somethings that come to my gym (minus actual fighters, of course) and nobody thinks I'm as old as I really am.  I had a guy who was in fact younger than me look at me and say, "when you get to my age, you'll understand."  I just nodded my head in response.  I already understood.  Its not easy.

Really, the key for me was finding what form of exercise that I actually enjoyed, but that is strenuous too.  I'm not sure I'll be able to do it 20 years from now, maybe I'll have to start doing Tai Chi in the park.  But until then…


Great article and the timing is perfect to inspire us to get into better shape this spring.  Congratulations on accomplishing a lifestyle tweet that will pay dividends for the rest of your life!
Now for the important question, is that you doing the one armed hand-stand or is that your next goal? Impressive picture never-the-less!

Am going to listen to the referenced podcasts again. Thanks for sharing your story!  Well done.

AK GrannyWGrit

Thank you, Adam for putting your self out there.  I have gotten hammered with health problems in the past couple of years and was also looking at cross fit prior to seeing your article.

John G.


Hey Dave, don't knock tai chi in the park–it's not for lightweights! OK I'm joking, but I recall looking down from a Shanghai skyscraper in the early morning hours watching the oldsters doing tai chi on the pedestrian overpass below.  Tai chi and other slow forms of wu-shu help maintain balance and can build muscle mass if each movement is made as if pushing against a force. Ditto yoga.
I'd also like to put in a good word for bicycling as a replacement for autos wherever possible. That way, you get fitness during the course of doing chores. This requires living in an urban or suburban zone of course, and having streets that aren't death traps. Bike-friendly cities/towns are worth a lot IMO.

One way to track your progress is the Army Physical Fitness Test which anyone can do on their own. Nothing fancy, but it tests core cardio and strength. Here is my experience doing the test at age 60 a few years ago:

Do not attempt the test if you haven't had a physical recently–and you need to be well along a fitness program that makes you comfortable with running 3 - 4 klicks (KM).

Thanks for this article.  It is a reminder that as we go through the long emergency, we may not have access to many of the long term health "opportunities" that are available now.  In a few of his writings Chris has suggested people get health issues taken care of now, while everything is working normally.  Who knows what health care will look like in some of the scenarios we all worry about.

Just a few thoughts…I'll be turning 40 in July, which I have heard is intellectually tough for many men. I think about getting older, but 90% of the time I think I'm blind to it.

Part of the reasons for this are some of the life style changes I have made after being awakened to the dangers of collapse/decline a few years ago.  I don't claim to be "in shape", but I'm doing pretty well.  6 foot 2, about 215 lbs…I could stand to trim a few pounds, but working the land we purchased has made me feel great these last few months.  Usually February and March are months that drive people inside…this year it was too freaking cold for most people to think about being physically active outside.  Well, I wanted to be doing physical work, and I wanted to be improving my land…so I have been pruning apple trees for about two months.  As the sap started running up here in Vermont, I've been lugging 5 gallon buckets back and forth from collection tanks, etc.  The work has been very uplifting and I can feel a difference in my arm strength.

One final point, and I can not stress this enough…sometimes just stretching can have very positive effects on health and attitude.  I need to do more of it.


Congratulations Adam.  
Ditto what Charles said about bikes.  Feet will get you short distances as well.  I'm thinking about weaning myself away from my car this year.  I'll never give one up completely, but I'm thinking about racking up days where I let it sit.

Jenny and I did a lot of hiking and biking in Arizona this winter.  We're on our way back to Wisconsin now.  We are hoping to keep it up at home.  

On a side note, we drove back through West Texas today, through Midland/Odessa, the heart if the Permian basin.  The extent of damage being done there by the fracking industry is simply depressing.  I took a few pictures, but there is no way to see the real extent of the damage without driving through the area.  The traffic is so heavy in West Texas that, at times, you have to queue up and stop on the shoulder of the highway to wait your turn at the exit ramp.  There are queues at gas pumps and restaurants, worse than you would expect in a dense metropolitan area.  This is West Texas.  There is supposed to be almost no one out here!

There are fewer drilling rigs in operation, but just as many temp workers and just as much maintenance traffic as we saw in January.




Hi Adam, thanks for this great and inspirational article about your personal journey. You and Chris are demonstrating for your readers a grounded, healthy physical response to what you've been writing about - and what we've been reading about - for a long time.

I'm sure many of us see ourselves in your post.  I have to work out more too.  Go for it, buddy!

You should be pleased/proud of your results.  Next time, SMILE for your "results" photos!  
And your quote:  "everything you hope to accomplish in life depends on you being present and capable of performing it," is priceless.  I'm giving a speech about just this subject tomorrow to a local Rotary club (from my Pilates POV), and am unashamedly going to use it (prefaced with "A wise man once said…").  <smile>




Just started Tai Chi last month.  It is an excellent way for a burly dude like me to come to understand softness and flow.  FWIW, I sweat plenty even if it seems like I'm not "working hard"…  
It's also a fine example of Do Things You're Bad At.  I am not a natural at Tai Chi, and consistently flailing at it is good medicine for my ego and soul.  I look forward to being Terrible at Tai Chi for some time.  

Then, I'll go find something else to suck at…

Viva – Sager

Yes, that change in thinking is critical – to view an investment in personal health as something more than vanity. I think those of us who are trying to get beyond the cultural obsession with youth and physical attractiveness have a hard time seeing fitness as a sustainability issue, but it obviously is just that. The ultimate sustainability issue.
I am 63 and recently also had that epiphany, losing 30 pounds, and devoting more attention to strength and endurance fitness. It became obvious that, being self-insured, and not wanting to live out my golden years medicated and in pain, it was time to act. Dogs help – they find such joy in a daily walk it makes it a lot easier.