The Power Of One

The biggest murderers in history were states, gouvernments, kings, George Bush and emperors with armies being able to kill millions. Not individuals. It were individuales who were able to save other individuals. It took armies to stop Hitler. It is not true that nobody did something about it.

Same as with the Great Reset. If you are able to help your neighbours from starvation. If you are able to help somebody who is injured but does not get the medical attention he/she needs. If you can give shelter to a person who would otherwize freeze to death.

In all those cases you are making a difference.  If we can grow food for ourselves, maintain our health and keep our houses free from frost, we can make a difference. I am sure, in the end, a human can not look away when he sees another human suffer right in front of him.

Sharing will make the difference. Don’t wait with sharing when SHTF. Share now.

@Nate: What I wrote, I do not address to you, but to people in general.

She worked in Africa on Ebola and Aids and now lives in Atlanta. Told her about D3 …She said that she knows Fauchi and Burks and we don’t need another false promise like HCQ. I didn’t argue…but can someone direct me to the D3 study that was posted recently. I want to write her a letter.

Here is one former member of parliament exercising his power of one! Anyone, from any country can sign the petition.

Dont waste your time. These people are educated differently and believe they know everything because they have been taught “fed” it.
This video shows the power of one - several times over.
First the power of Michael J -even when he passed - then the power of his choreographer who fulfilled MJ’s dream, and the power of Byron Garcia who changed this prison. And finally the power of each and every prisoner who decided to change. So many powers of one here together - yet with few resources -create this resilience.
For over ten years, on Cebu Island in the Philippines, prisoners in a maximum security facility dance, and rediscover self dignity, pride and fun.
To me this is both power and resilience.
Here is a video of the story of Byron Garcia’s influence at the prison. The fact that Mr. Garcia is from the Philippine’s elite only emphasizes his dedication.
Just say’n gold will reach $17,899.95 (when the cows come home)
It only takes one person

Its pretty well documented what happens in any hierarchical group when a falsehood takes hold. Those who can see it and stand up get run out of the group which leaves the rest realizing its safer to be wrong along with everyone else than to be right alone.
Then when the spell breaks and there is an admission of being wrong, everyone can say that people up the chain from them got it wrong too and in fact everyone did which means its no ones fault.
Taibbi covered this in his latest book when he looked back at the Weapons Of Mass Destruction fabrication used to justify the destruction of Iraq. A child could have seen through the initial reports that kicked that hysteria off. The few who stood up to it were sent packing and there were no apologies and offers of compensation when WMD became a punchline years later.
It will be the same with this. America’s Frontline Doctors and those like them are good people who may not understand the political reality. Those who do and stand up anyway are heros.

Chris Hedges is still ignored
Ralph Nader is still ignored
Assange is still persecuted
Men with guns are still admired

Wotthecurtains…Great analysis of group think and Top down social structures. Is that why Socialism sucks and always fails? I know the answer…just had to say it.

It was about 2 weeks ago when Chris Martenson released his post (2-part series?) about what we are now calling “The Great Reset.”

Thing is, he was straight with us and stated up front that he was speculating and probably wrong about some things. Normally, I don’t have much tolerance for speculating. However, Dr. Chris Martenson with his broad knowldege base and demonstrated objectivity…well, at least I’ll listen or read his speculations - but they are still speculations.

I know it is partially my own fault, but I haven’t had much patience for reading long comments on this site lately. Yes, I do suspect that some people have picked up on the speculations and run with them. Or, maybe not, since I haven’t had the patience to read comments longer than a screen of scrolling - and there have been quite few of them. Yeah, sure, there are a lot of smart and qualified people on this site, but a lot of you are less objective than Chris Martenson and your political biases and penchants for conspiracies can try my patience at times. Don’t get me wrong: politics is part of what is going on, but I don’t think many of you are able to get past your long-held biases. 

I’ve already stopped reading the long comments on this site and I will stop reading more and more shorter comments as long as I get the impression that people are relying too much on assumptions and biases, that commenters are too confident of what they are saying. I mean that, if you really know it all, then I don’t want to hear from you. 

Or maybe I just need a break from this site.

Thanks. Someone asked me for a protocol and I sent that one to them.

A high dose of Calcifediol significantly reduced the need for ICU treatment of patients requiring hospitalization due to proven COVID-19; 2% admit to ICU (treatment group), vs 50% admit to ICU (control group).
Bolus vitamin D3 supplementation during or just before COVID-19 was associated with better survival rate in frail elderly. (82% treatment, 44% control)
Population study from Israel; “We observe a highly significant correlation between prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and Covid-19 incidence.”

Thanks Dave.

I remember the story, but had forgotten Sir Winton’s name until you reminded me. What a wonderful example of a selfless act for those in need. He is certainly a role model for us during these turbulent times.

Adam, thank you for basically telling us the story before actually watching the clip showing those who wanted to meet the Man that saved their lives. I lost it pretty good when I watched the clip. I felt a connection immediately, very hard not to but, I am certain that if we were able to do the same thing we would try.
Choices are going to be made, and confusing for me right now is what the Great Reset will mean, how quickly it gets rolled out and how does the controlled media play their role. Out of hand I won’t predetermine all that will happen, it may actually hit on a lot of things in my bucket list.
Not fully knowing the plan, I will watch and try to see things from outside the box. I have decided that I will always defend what I have only taken a stake in all these years. I will not have any interest in killing the young people, our son’s or grandson’s in particular because the Great Reset is something they want. The world is theirs and the decision is theirs in my opinion.
I voted for Trump and are now seeing his character for real every day since the election concluded. This country is heavily divided and uncooperative. I fear what this Man is doing and what will spill over into the streets. These are horrifically dangerous times and I have to be attentive to everyone in near proximity. I pray for everyone today. It will be a touch and go situation until Jan. 21st.
I have not yet taken anything said here as my marching orders. I trust so many of you but, do not take any of you so seriously as to claim your idea’s or biases as my own. Nothing has been delivered to me that has my near term plans altered. I will simply work hard and watch what is going on.
So long as the Great Reset is inclusive of taking care of our planet, ecology and is helpful to those in need of help with the excesses we just throw away that could be better managed to save all the resources we will need before we can role out the science of nano tech to replace the copper and materials we will need that does not harm the planet and in fact begins to heal the earth. I like the idea of a plan much more than Mother Natures Plan for us. If she has to take actions to stop doing what we have been then she will not discriminate, she will just put things in place to fix things. Mother Earth doesn’t care if it’s humans who run the planet, she makes no choices but, on her terms she simple will correct what she can to make sure she gets healed. That will be a time no one will want to live through are my guess.
Be good Folks.
Thanks again Adam.

I fear the billionaires at Davos do not have the same sort of Reset in mind that you do. Their plan will look a whole lot like “mother nature”'s plan, except they will assure themselves a comfortable ride at our expense throughout the journey.
We will go down the rapids together, except we will be the raft, on which they will be riding high.
Why do I say this? COVID is the peek into the future - they tell us what help the Reset folk will give the great unwashed. What are the US treatment guidelines?
That would be: nothing.
Oh wait. I forgot. We got lockdowns too. They don’t prevent illness, but they do cause suicide, drug overdoses, divorces, and mental illness. And poverty too. Thanks, Great Reset.

The last couple of weeks action in BTC price was very impressive moving up hundreds of dollars on many days.
And VTGothic’s story of moving funds across national borders using BTC was powerful.
I can very much see the value of this kind of function.
My reluctance to put much savings into BTC comes from uncertainty about privacy from the public/private surveillance apparatus of the oligarchy (NSA and its private contractors) and the risks that are unknown (to me, at least) that transactions might be blocked and coins confiscated via backdoors. (This of course would be done in the name of national security and would target dissidents.)
Wish I had a solid understanding of this aspect of BTC risk.
Remember. You. Will. OWN. Nothing. That includes…everything, seems to me. Including yourself.

“As capabilities in this area improve, the temptation for law enforcement agencies and courts to use techniques to determine the likelihood of criminal activity, assess guilt or even possibly retrieve memories directly from people’s brains will increase,” he writes, suggesting Minority Report-style pre-crime programs.
“Today’s external devices—from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets—will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains,” he writes. “Active implantable microchips that break the skin barrier of our bodies” will “change how we interface with the world” and force us “to question what it means to be human,” according to Schwab.
We each will make a choice. Count me out on this ride.

In a few days, I will turn 70.
I am glad that I will not be around much longer for this Brave New World.

Jim Rogers has been stating emphatically on his interviews that the government will never allow Bitcoin to compete with government blockchain currency. I totally agree with this.
Laurie G