The Power Of One

“Be the change you wish to see in the world”
Mahatma Gandhi

I suggest you watch some Andreas Antonopolous vids on YT. He addresses all those concerns . Of course you could just unplug from the digital world altogether and hang out with Dave waiting for the Asteroid to hit killing crypto but leaving everything else intact. lol

Bitcoin is overpriced. Bitcoin does not even have a mining algorithm that is designed to advance science. Never invest in a cryptocurrency with a mining algorithm that was never designed to advance science. That is incredibly wasteful.

No one here is asking or telling you to accept their views.
What I would suggest is you do some research. It seems you are very busy getting ready for “something”. There is a group of people who are also getting ready for “something”. The intersection of those two “somethings” might not be “something” you think it is going to be. In other words the idea that the WEF is looking out for your best interests is a fantasy.
The tip off that you think “they” will use nano tech to save the world is beyond fantastic into the realm of psychedelic delusion.
Nano tech presents real environmental danger. Please do some research.
Thanks for using paragraphs

This may be the case. We need cryptocurrencies with mining algorithms that are designed to advance science in order to discourage governments from restricting cryptocurrencies.

Come on Mohammed, relax, it’s only money. We’ll all make our own decisions regarding our investments. No need to be mean. Aloha, Steve

I am glad that I will not be around much longer for this Brave New World.
I will remain grateful for every precious year, month, day, and second God allows me to live on this amazing earth. Yes, life is pain. But I am and will always remain grateful for the opportunity. I love this world not because it is perfect, but because it is mine.

To all the commentators who are bickering about bitcoin and talking about vitamins and other non-related stuff, please take it to another thread!
I want and desperately need JUST ONE THREAD at PP where I can read to find some inspiration and positive stories to help me navigate what is shaping up to be the fight of our generation.

I think OOG was trying to make a positive difference in his own way. That’s why he was asking about the vitamin study.
If he could save lives by sending an email, that would definitely inspire me. Which is why I brought out the list of studies that validated the use of vitamin D.
Perhaps we all get inspired to make a positive difference in different ways?

Read somewhere recently that you can only get enough Vit. D from sunlight if your shadow is shorter than you are.

I was trying to illustrate the “power of one” by example. I really believe that if I tell one person each day about D3 and then that person understands the simplicity and safety of a vitamin, they will also tell someone and … it can possibly go exponential.
Jan …I got rebuffed by a CDC employee and I want to make my case.

re spreading the word re D3 and covid protocols is good! That is representative of an individual taking positive action and I welcome that. So agreeing with both you and Dave in that regard.
Why though, is Bitcoin, mining algorithms etc on this thread? Seriously, this is why people are starting to tune out (see # 30) It is pretty much impossible to have dedicated threads/discussions on this site anymore, which really impacts engagement… I am seeing fewer and fewer regulars names as time goes on. Maybe this is one reason why.

I have tried to approach this from the other side. There is a good side to it. How many consumer goods do you really own? Every item you bought over the last 15 years has planned obsolescence. The goods are DESIGNED to break after a predefined periode of time. You never owned it. You were allowed to have it in your posession for a predefined number of years.
Schiphol Airport Amsterdam made a deal with Philips. They did not buy or rent lamps. They rent LIGHT. Schiphol doesn’t care how energy efficient these lights are. They also don’t care if the lights last long or not. They want light for the best price.
Where it is currently in the best interest of Philips to produce as many lamps they can, it is in the new situation in Philips’ best interest to produce as little as they can to save money.
If that is what’s meant with “you will own nothing”, I am all in favor of it.

Mean? lol

No one knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is/was, or if it was even one person.
But the invention of Bitcoin is changing the world in ways most don’t understand, especially here.
Bitcoin isn’t about money, it isn’t about speculation , it isn’t about algorithms, it isn’t about science, it is about democracy, it is about liberty. It is about the power of ideas.

Good Job, Adam. You are right to draw people’s attention to overcoming powerlessness through believing in one’s significance. I have found that noticing one’s own significance helps shift outside of the dynamics of being pre-occupied with getting something right or perfect. Just noticing that what you do can make a difference, that your presence and attention matter, can go a long way to overcoming powerlessness, even in situations where you and others around you may not seem to know what to do.
I especially appreciate you drawing attention to a powerful ally to Jews. As I’ve said in previous posts, I am suspicious of the why the rhetoric about the “Great Reset” is circulating now and the way it could end badly for Jews, even if when we talk about it we aren’t thinking about it in those terms. It’s important to be cognizent of that dynamic, because that dynamic has been acting as a “safety valve” for the ruling class to use any time they want to misdirect attention away from what they are really doing. We all need to be paying attention to that so we won’t be derailed as we work towards building a world worth inheriting.

You’ll notice something about those who make a difference…they generally are engaged in DOING. Not talking.
We must differentiate between activities that are useful, and activities that waste time and emotional energy. Listening to mainstream media, even alternative media…isnt doing anything. Its just mostly a waste of time and emotional energy. Railing about the situation to people who already agree with you isnt doing anything. Even arguing with people who dont agree with you has limited value. If you want to do something USEFUL find people who are like-minded but havent prepared or taken any steps toward self reliance and help them out. Help a man plant a garden, in one hour you’ve literally done more than the hundreds of hours you’ve spent online.
I read here every couple of days because I feel that Chris and Adam are some of the few that at least TRY to offer actionable solutions. Its not just about whats happening and how we’re all doomed…and the solutions are broken down into individual sized, actionable responses. Not “what we need to do is change the structure of the system”…thats not something you and me can do.
We can plant gardens, we can store extra, we can cast a vote, we can make our lives more “resilient” and serve as examples for those around us.
I never say anything to anyone about the state of the world, but when people come to my place they see the large gardens, they see the wood shed full of heating fuel, they see the livestock, the hay put up and the rest of it…and when people see that they instantly get it.
Its worth a million words. The stark reality of self reliance is something most people today have never seen. Its a basic reality and from it, certain realizations follow. You dont have to hammer it home with words, just show them what resilience/self-reliance looks like and gently prod them in the right direction.
Thats my way of doing, and its how I might possibly make a difference. I am disengaging with the political theatre because I recognize the futility of it. Does that mean I’m “giving up”? I dont think so. If you are trying to take a hill and you keep going straight up and getting beat back down, taking heavy casualties…you find another way around.
Id also like to draw attention to the fact that we are feeding beast when we engage in the internet drama. This site has good content and they are less divisive than most. However, we all know that there are many political sites that make a living from inflaming their readers. Mainstream media is probably the worst example, but many alternative sites are just as bad. Its unhealthy, bad for your outlook, and bad for society. You feed that evil with your attention.

@jvanname Bitcoin is overpriced. Bitcoin does not even have a mining algorithm that is designed to advance science. Never invest in a cryptocurrency with a mining algorithm that was never designed to advance science. That is incredibly wasteful.
As I've explained before, the primary and pretty much only purpose of Bitcoin's mining algorithm is to advance science. Can you provide an example of a mining algorithm that "advances science" while still providing the same level of security features that render the trusted-third-party central-authority middlemen banksters technologically obsolete?
@Mohammed Mast The tip off that you think "they" will use nano tech to save the world is beyond fantastic into the realm of psychedelic delusion. Nano tech presents real environmental danger. Please do some research.
You bet, they're been running various types of chemtrail programs for decades (it's even admitted in official documents in a bunch of countries but MSM are silent so it remains a "conspiracy theory" to many), and AFAIK nobody has been able to explain the purpose of the metallic nanomaterials (aluminum, strontium, barium...) found that seem to be the cause of various symptomology (headaches, fatigue, short-term memory loss...) if not purely for poisoning (of humans and soils) reasons. We see mysterious fibers growing out of people, known as Morgellons Syndrome... ... some of which we see reacting to diverse stimuli such as heat and magnetic fields and even rain, which is all very hard to explain if it's not nanobots' inability to assimilate due to host rejection... Watch this fascinating documentary by Max Igan proposing this idea (and how it ties into the technocrat elitists' transhumanism plans) back in 2012: An EXTREMELY important area of research, regardless of how bizarre this idea may currently seem to you. You know what else they're up to and capable of doing (such as allowing the plandemic to go on), so previous assumptions should likely be dumped, agreed? What it's ultimately about is regaining control over the flows of information. Don't worry, the service-to-others forces of unconditional love are taking over, the service-to-self factions just have to fully expose themselves first. People have to be absolutely SHOCKED to their core in order to wake up to what has been going on right under their noses for so long.

Good Morning All
Yes Brushhog is indeed to correct to say that one’s own resilience as the action to be the model for change for others is indeed very powerful.
At the same time and importantly, it was and is one man’s talking (JFK’s speech on secret societies) which has indeed been something very important for many to hold on to as a sort of guideline to know things are not conspiracy theory only.
Here is a very short story ot the power of two talking.
One of my best friends in Panama in Alida. She is also 61, like me. Alida’s late brother was made a national hero for his bravery in fighting for the poor here. She worked with governments and single handedly fought two Presidents and three Ministers for six years to get single use plastic bags made illegal and she did -August 2019.
Early on in the pandemic, I told her about chloroquin. For months I sent articles on chloroquin to her - mostly info from this site (from people “talking”). Panama went NO HCQ for a while - oh yes they did - our Minister of Health resigned on corruption at that time. My HCQ I had ordered from India was trapped in customs not allowed to get through…We had already stocked enough for a year for ten people. Stores not longer would sell. Doctors were not giving prescriptions.
So Alida talked and talked and talked to everyone she knew in government. We both met gov reps and threatened to talk to the public big time and watch what happens…
Gov backs down. Next things we know Panama has done a study and HCQ has been deemed “useful and important”… My pills get released from customs, doctors start prescribing and hospitals start using.
Now to be honest Alida and I are not typical people, but real scrappers. We have learned the fine art of catching flies with honey and not vinegar.
Point is …talking is a big part of taking action.

Thank you so much for this well thought-out and well documented response. It was sent to me in a PM.
If you are comfortable, VTGothic, I would like to post your response here (through an edit to this post) to make it publicly available to PPers.
I am going to transfer some fund to my coinbase account on Monday and start stacking BTC and some Ethereum aiming for 2%-4% of savings in crypto.
My security concerns were largely put to rest.