The Power Of One

Ironically your reply actually provided proof of my “assertion”. You do not own BTC and you never will. Robert Breedlove is one of the brightest minds in the crypto space.
You have demonstrated a typical trait that dominates our culture. it is endemic. IE. we have to like the “style” of the messenger. Lots of people here don’t like my “style” thus ignore my points. You and others like VT’s “style” Clearly everyone here loves CM and Adam’s style. You did not like Robert’s “style” so you shut down.
This is an artifact of imprinting. It is the imprinting running our politics. Not to make this political but the “style” of Obomba obviously is vastly different from that of Trump. Both are carefully crafted to appeal to a certain segment of the population.
I remember talking to an artist friend about doing shows. He said “presentation is everything” . There was a Canon ad years ago with Andre Agassi in which he says “image is everything” Madison Ave, has done very well thanks to Edward Bernays using that knowledge. We thus have a society that is incapable of sensemaking. Daniel Schmachtenberger has a great series of videos on Sensemaking.
You cannot make sense of anything if you do not dive deep into it. You clearly have not taken that dive. I am not suggesting you have to take that dive. I am suggesting if you wish to post intelligently on crypto you should at least have a working understanding of what it is and what is happening in the space. You don’t because your imprinting is keeping you at a very superficial level. This is why I say your comment is irrelevant. It is also disingenuous to present questions and a persona of curiosity when at the same time you diss responses because they don’t fit your “style”.
As I have posted before and as VT has as well, every question and issue you and many others on this site have raised in regards to crypto has been answered in great detail, especially in the vids by Andreas Anatonopolous
Perhaps if CM and AT were to take a real interest in crypto and present it in a way that was palatable to the “tribe” the discourse would be more open and certainly more intelligent (Maybe not based on that interview AT did with Alex Saunders)
In any event if you are not in the crypto space fine, but why waste bandwidth by skimming the surface? BTW I just posted a Real Vision vid in the Forums with their new partners who are working with institutional investors. Currently that is the story which is completely ignored here. I wonder why?

Here we go again.
At one time you wished to “invest” in BTC but didn’t because you had to present ID. Well if you walk into any financial institution in the world you will have to present ID to total strangers. It took me 2 months and 6 trips to the police station in India to open a simple bank acct. That is a complete strawman which you have now mentioned multiple times.
Clearly at one time you thought BTC was a good idea. I would hope you had some logical reasons for thinking so. Perhaps you would share your reasons for wanting to get some.
I am glad you are investing in energy. Also glad to hear you are running a successful business. I am surprised someone as intelligent as you fails to see that being in the crypto space is not mutually exclusive from being in other spaces as well. Do You think I or VT or others here are just one dimensional automatons? Do we have other investments such as PM’s, real estate, guns and ammo, gardens, stocks, bonds etc.?
Again I could not care less whether you or anyone else gets involved in crypto, but it would be nice if somewhat intelligent people actually were able to speak with some understanding of it. It would make for a lot more interesting discussion rather than the tripe posted regularly here.
Enjoy the beach

Please go to bit chute as I cannot post here. Search in bitchute two VIP videos
1 They Hate Us 40 odd min
2 The Great Reset is not a conspiracy theory 50 odd min
these two videos sum things up extremely well
These are the two best videos on the Great Reset I have seen. She is a Canadian.
Extremely smart woman.

Don’t buy anything, Now. Not even ammo. Today gold is getting crushed by the strong rise in the dollar. Is it a buying opportunity? or will the powers raise the dollar and make gold bugs squirm for another ten years. Meanwhile back in the crypto jungle, institutional level FOMO is at play and clients will start calling their brokers and wealth managers to ask if their fiduciary responsibility includes a 1% position in BTC or other crypto. Expect law suites if Ray’s clients start to loose wealth because he has an attitude about reading wonky math papers. Dollar cost averaging must be the default strategy in gold and BTC and the other next great think. You can look a charts until the cows come home but you will not glean much. I know, my job used to be to make charts that the money managers wanted to see not what the data shows, for the clients to see and believe. Meditation mantra of the day: risk on, risk off, risk on, risk off, repeat

Mohammed, you accuse me of being "disingenuous".  I could turn around though and make the same accusation of you and present evidence of such.  You state:

"You cannot make sense of anything if you do not dive deep into it."

That simply isn't true.  I can look at a cesspool and not know its chemical composition, its ratio of solids to liquids, its specific gravity, etc. and therefore, not really understand it in depth but certainly understand it enough to know that I don't want to smell it, touch it, or dive into it.  Now if the waste were from cows, I might use it to fertilize my fields but otherwise, I'd pass on using it.  You may call this a strawman but I'd call it an analogy.

You say that Robert Breedlove is one of the brightest minds in the crypto space.  I don't think he's unintelligent but having to read verbatim from his notes on a subject he should be intimately familiar with doesn't suggest to me any extraordinary level of intelligence.

With regards to being influenced by "style", there's a certain truth to that but style also tells a lot about an individual, institution, system, etc.  The style of so many in the crypto universe reminds me of time share salesmen and used car dealers.  I'm sorry but that style signifies something and to ignore it is to be more foolish than to be influenced by it.  Everyone "sells" themself, whether they realize it or not.  How they do it says a lot about them, their character, their thoughts, their actions, their trustworthiness, their wisdom, etc.

I am curious about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies so please don't accuse me of being disingenuous.  However, I am wary.  Despite claims to the contrary, I find that Bitcoin lacks certain desirable characteristics of a currency.  

First of all, it's not private.  Digital forensic analysis tools and contractors used by government agencies have already proven that.  

Second, it's also not fungible.

Third, it's not durable.  The network may be decentralized but you still have to have the ability to access it.  Given the rapid evolution in digital media from magnetic tape to 5 1/4 inch floppies to 3 1/2 floppies to hard drives to memory sticks, etc., do you really think BTC will be easily transferable by the technologically unsophisticated to new, more advanced media as they develop?.  Furthermore, do you not think there will be any electronic decay occurring over a long period of storage time.  Access digital media that is lying around for just a couple of decades and you'll find corrupted code, sometimes to the point where it's impossible to access it.  Think of the multitude of ways that hard wallets, for example, can be corrupted, lost, destroyed, etc.  Can you bury it and have it exposed to temperature extremes and not have it possibly be corrupted.  Can you have it in your house and have the house burn down but still find it intact?  Can you have it in your home and experience a flood while you are gone and not have it damaged?  Can you ensure that it is free from any potential corruption from inadvertent or purposeful adverse magnetic or electromagnetic influences?    

Fourth, it's not necessarily scarce.  

In addition, liquidity can vary greatly depending upon the situation.  It is however, highly portable and highly divisible, the former probably being its greatest asset.    

Security is a potential minefield, especially for those without a high level of technological knowledge, proficiency, and experience.  Do you really expect someone like Sandpuppy, who is a physician and obviously highly intelligent but has to spend a great deal of his time practicing that profession, taking continuing education, etc. to have the time to develop the experience and expertise needed to not be snookered someplace along the line?  C'mon, let's be real.  You know a lot of these people who are being encouraged to jump on the BTC train will take serious hits.  To claim otherwise, THAT is being disingenuous.

Another issue where you were disingenuous was in regards to the environmental damage of gold mining which you've mentioned repeatedly in the past.  That fact is not in question. What is disingenuous is your failure to mention the tremendous environmental damage coming from BTC mining, especially government mining operations in places like China that generates electricity by burning dirty coal.  This environmental damage is growing as BTC mining steadily expands.  

Getting back to security, the potential problems with passwords, addresses, keys, wallets, transactions, storage, platforms, exchanges, etc. are enormous and there is no liability nor any other forms of legal or government protection.  Consider fiascos ranging from mild like Bitcoin Savings and Trust

to major like Mt. Gox.

as well as Sheep Marketplace and Silk Road and others.

This is to say nothing of the various countries that have made BTC illegal and the potential for others to do so at the drop of a hat.

While certain problems have been "fixed", the fact that those problems existed in the first place is a problem and there are sure to be others emerging as criminals become increasing sophisticated and find other points of weakness and vulnerability.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, "Whatever man can make, man can break.".

It is nevertheless a very interesting subject but the more I investigate it, the more I am made aware of the large number of potential problems.  BTC strikes me as being something that can benefit savvy speculative traders but not conservative investors with long term time horizons.  YMMV.  

And that, my friend, is the rest of the story.  Good day! 


P.S. I do wonder why you continue to promote BTC here when you are obviously so frustrated with our lack of experience, intelligence, knowledge, acceptance, etc. of the subject?


You should not invest in Bitcoin
Take that to the bank