The Psychology of Totalitarianism

“eternal Principles Of Life, Which Are Which Which Are Ethical Principles”

Nature’s holism
arrives at similar ideas, but via holism, on “complex dynamical system” and “eternal principles of life, which are which which are ethical principles”. Nature’s holism shows how these derive from nature.

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Could it be that most of the world leaders are vaccine brain damaged? (All vaccines over the years). The right hemisphere has been damaged or erased in the case of some of these psychopath leaders.

Upwards of 95% of the population may be dealing with pervasive subclinical encephalitis and post-encephalitic syndromes. So logic, reason, empathy, desire, connection, and all other human attributes are affected by the way that this interferes with brain and bodily functions.

Justin Trudeau strikes me as cognitively impaired.
But it just may be that his IQ is on the lower end of the bell curve.
Biden, on the other hand, has gone down fast after being vaccinated.
Again, it could just be age.
So, who knows?


Jacinda Arden spews about being the only truth….she says that listening to other points of view is just wrong……only listen to her…Is that sickness? Seems like a very deranged woman. But maybe that’s what communicates to those with Mass Psychosis.


we have thwarted their plans? when and how?

i would suggest that you are not a christian but a “paulist”. christianity today bears very little resemblance to what the christ taught. the christian church was created by paul who never met jesus. the gnostic gospels give a much better rending of what jesus was and what he came to do. a truly fascinaring read is the gospel of judas which gives a vastly different portrayal of judas and the events depicted in the new testament. and if jesus said to peter " you are the rock i will build my church on" where is that church? and in acts why are there 120 apostles? origen decided there should only be 4 gospels because there were 4 directions.
but this is all just a roadside attraction. spirituality has nothing to do with religion.

actually psychedelics became the opiate of the people. but that self worshipping worldview came out of the frankfurt school. it is part of the larger plan to destroy culture. that said i don’t think this is the place to debate religion. though i am more than ready willing and able to do so elsewhere.

Mattias Desmet - Thank You.

Mattias has added an essential part to understanding our current predicament. With all the knowledge building up to this interview, this should propel us forward with new vigor. Now I understand why anything that take our individual choices away from us, is doomed to fail eventually.
This may be the knowledge for the turning point to stop totalitarianism in its tracts. Deepak Chopra said we can’t get there from here, meaning the lower physical realm. We must seek our solution in our spiritual, awe of the universe. Then we can help others to see it too.

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Not too hasty. Think Stalin, think Nazi Germany, think Pol Pot, think North Korea. “Ultimate” doesn’t necessarily mean “in our lifetime”. Plus, “our lifetime” can be artificially shorted.
That said, knowing what we can expect, we can prepare and develop activities to minimize the craziness of the Mass.

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So, all my friends who don’t want to see me anymore are part of the script?

Interesting. I’ve been seeing this pop up all over the place. Catherine Austin Fitts was just on Greg Hunter talking about this exact thing. In @ 36:39
And she has a 3 part interview she did with Dr. Breggin to discuss the book, on Solari Report (her website). I have not listening to this yet, but plan to. I have followed CAF through the past 1.5 years and respect her take, see what they have to say.


exactly dd. that is a big problem. he makes an assertiopn w/o any data to back it up. merely stating "they " will fail is pure speculation on his part. you point out a fact he and many others miss entirely. this is not a one off, recent phenomenon. this is a plan that has been in the works for centuries. imho the are succeeding spectacularly. the proles are the proverbial rats in a cage.


I often get books to listen to, its convenient when you have a long commute, as I can have an hour uninterrupted. I’ll even listen when I’m out shopping or in the garden. Like you though I prefer to have the hard copy.

Mass Formation, Pro & Con Debate?

I haven’t read the book as yet, but I love everything that Drs. Desmond and Martenson have presented on the subject.
I was surprised to hear what I just heard today from Catherine Austin-Fitts in her latest interview with Greg Hunter on (07.30.2022)
Ms. Austin-Fitts expressed the view that both the book The Psychology of Totalitarianism and the theory of Mass Formation Psychosis constitute what PP readers would refer to as enemy action- in other words, malevolent propaganda designed to silence dissent.
It surprised me to hear this, because so much of what Chris and Catherine broadcast and publish align very closely.
I for one would love to see the three of them conference together in a joint video for their viewers to sort out any questions about this issue.
A meeting of the minds between Fitts and Martenson in either a public (or subscriber-only) video format is long overdue, and to have Dr. Desmet present would be only proper, since it is his work which is in question.
As Benjamin Franklin is reported to have said, “We had better hang together, or we will surely each hang separately.”


I ran across someone in comments who held this view recently and tried to counter them. I can’t figure out where it stems from … did this originate with Austin-Fitts? After listening to multiple interviews with Dr. Desmet I continue to find him sincere and humble. If he is malevolent then I freaking give up on trying to figure what is true and what is real… but then again, that’s the point when we see this kind of chumming of the conspiracy waters.


Possibility Of X-culture Practices To Reunify Totalising Machine With Musicality Of Life

Today is my last day at uluru in oz after spending time at edge of simpson desert with originals (formerly known as aboriginals).
I notice many cogsci megabrains seem to be cohering towards duality between musicality v machine. Mesmet view of vibrational life v totalising rationality seems to relate to other spectrums/dualities such as psychosis v autism spectrum of Andy Clarke predictive processing, imaginal-throughline-participatory knowledge v propositional knowledge aspirations of john vervaeke relevance realisation.
This cogsci convergence seems to mirror other spectrum/duality views: right brain v left brain, mythos-logos v praxis-episteme, noesis v neoma, samadhi oneness v vipassana present mindedness, aboriginal songline v in-country and other wholesomeness/holistic v particular perspectives. I am tempted to conclude that a still unification across these spectrums/dualities is a core function in conciousness in forming and placing thoughts within the spectrum or resolving dualistic modes. Aboriginal lore elders embody this mix of “imaginal everywherewhenness” + “focused present mindedness” more than most with their mythic songline knowledge systems as context for connecting spirituality to the here and now.
I spent fair effort mediating between rajas of indonesia and elder lore uncles & aunties. We have 150 of 278 regents in indonesia in one network and 25 of 200 nations of originals signed up in a tribal federation … 40% and 12% of region. Simpson desert elders insist I return to work with them but everywhere seems deenergised, traumatised, addicted and fragmented so it is tricky to know where to start.
I am exploring option of a pragmatic engagement with tribe on some social program while nurturing a humble unifying practice that could be applied across disciplines (A common conciousness exercise might span indonesian sufis/hindu/indigenous, aboriginal lore/mystics, buddhists, ascension/new age communities in northern rivers, regeneration folk, global liminal/megabrains).
Rather than culture specific knowledge framework and downstream knowledge dualities, is it not possible to focus instead on upstream exercises in tuning the common source conciousness? We might value the quality of conciousness and fittedness of thoughts to actuality rather than swinging between dualities or polarities of spectrums. Metaphorically we might refocus on the emitter of harmonics and projector of light onto the movie sound system and movie screen of our knowledge spectrums, emphasising sitting where the dance of light and sound is fuzzy, uncertain and unresolved before it hits the screen, rather than emphasising the comforting resolution of clear images and crisp soundtrack projected on the screen and speakers. This orientation is upstream in conciousness towards strengthening capability in pragmatic placement of participatory musicalities and propositional mechanics vertically within the spectrums, to better fit inner and outer world to reality and attune to a richer context of nature and life, as opposed to our constant western striving for horizontal logical coherence between thoughts in our tyranny of propositions and perceptions.

Surely that’s (unified heart conciousness of uluru) how the light gets in to the totalising darkness - as in leonard cohan anthem

i have lost interest in fitts. she sees spooks in everything. she has become quite paranoid.


interesting be effective at scale it would require more souls engaged ie. critical mass. we aint no where near that.

Yes, but Brett drops this discussion and the discussion moves in a total different direction. This occurs after he recognizes that they nearly say the same thin, but with different uses of the words rationality.

I myself take mattias points with a grain of salt
Yup, I take everyones points with a grain of salt, even my own.
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