The Stewart Film Blows The Official Narrative Out Of The Water

Originally published at:

A video shot by David J Stewart (@RealDJStew724 on Twitter) completely blows the official narrative out of the water. It is the Zapruder film of our time.

The official narrative is that:

  • Crooks was the only shooter and fired all 8 shots.
  • A municipal officer confronted Crooks but retreated when a rifle was pointed at them by Crooks. Seconds later shots rang out.
  • Crooks was killed by a lone sniper bullet shot by Secret Service immediately after the shooting started and Crooks was spotted.

This film and its audio, connected to an analysis of the angles involved, conclusively show that Crooks would have been exposed to Secret Service far long before the shots rang out (OR Crooks wouldn’t have had time to get in position and settle down to take the most accurate shot which was the first one) and reconfirms our earlier audio analysis.

The audio from the Stewart video is strikingly clear. Qualitatively shots 1 through 3 sound completely different from shots 4 through 8, and shot 9 remains entirely different from either of those two sets of shots.

Quantitatively, shots 1-3 are higher pitched and lacking in the pitched frequencies that are consistently found in shots 4-8. While not 100% conclusive, this now tilts the hypothesis set away from Crooks being the lone shooter and puts the onus on those who would seek to prove that. Instead, the weight now tiles to two shooters for 1-3 and 4-8.

This confirms exactly the findings we already presented from the sources (labeled 2 and 4 in our analysis) from the west side of AGR Building 6, which I again present from both a qualitative and quantitative source.

The Secret Service now has even more explaining to do, especially how and why Sniper Team #2 did not take a shot on Crooks before the shooting started. Even more damning are questions about how and why Trump’s closest protection left him on the stage exposed even as police were swarming around AGR Building 6 with guns drawn and ordinary citizens were alarmed, yelling about a guy having a gun on the roof, and taking cover. I’ll have more about all of that in the next episode.


You’re doing a great job Chris!


From all the video and audio analysis to date I believe a professional assassin / sniper took shot 1 at Donald Trump, and possibly shot 3 as well, and that shot 2 was taken by SS counter-sniper team #1 atop the near barn - directed away from Trump - and with an improperly high aim as the rifle barrel suddenly jerked upward. Also, due to audio similarities it makes sense that shots 1-3 were taken with 300 Win mag rifles.

It would appear that shots 4-8 were taken by Crooks using his AR-15, and that he was hit by counter-sniper return fire with shots 9&10. That’s how I’m connecting the dots so far.

The view of Crooks by counter-sniper team #1 was blocked by a tree, but the other two counter-sniper teams had clear lines of sight, so I agree they failed to take Crooks before he fired - which should have been their prime directive.


Any chance one of the air vents could have been where the first three shots came from?

(and I believe Crooks is right above the downspout in this frame)


The FBI video with all the goons on the roof show the body about 3 feet down from the top of roof…Shouldn’t it be where he shot Trump???unless the bullet pushed him back…???Also the body seems to have lost his camo pants while he kept his shoes and socks on…???
If the last sniper shot killed Kroooks 440yard away should his face be mangled up and unrecognizable??? So front shot for sure.
The suspect had no background…so if he never got arrested how do they have his DNA?.. ATF has an ILLEGAL ,unapproved by Congress gun registry ???//
What would be the purpose to blow a van 10 miles away and a transmitter would not have that kind of reach…???


Keep up the great work Chris!! Looking forward to your investigative videos always. So exciting to follow along. Like watching a murder mystery thriller live!

This is how us little folks pushback to the rotten deep state narrative.

And thank you to Stewart for his bravery for video recording the shooting event and possibly putting himself in danger while doing so. In addition to putting the video out in public.

On another note, just wondering if the PA state trooper and/or the FBI who seized and took Stewart’s phone for days, altered or corrupt any video data in it ?


Great work @cmartenson and Peak Team.


Thanks Chris….you have my undivided attention. Here is a question that may or may not have been asked.
What if shots 1,2,3 were fired by Crooks, and were well sighted in and calmly spaced apart like a professional shooter might do. Then he panicked ….changed position/ location and threw up a rapid burst 4,5,6,7,8. Could the change of position relative to the metal roof cause a different echo or sound? Did he raise his position because Trump was down?
I don’t really believe this based on other data unrelated to the audio forensics, but I’m trying to be objective.


New video on Kyle Becker’s X site;

Sorry… I thought this was new but it might be the same video that Chris already has…


Looks like Stewart deleted his Twitter account…


DJ not JD, you wrote it wrong.

(20) Dave (@realDJStew724) / X (


Oh wow, thank you. I just copy pasta from @cmartenson post above. Didn’t catch the typo.


At 6:10-6:15 into this video, you will see a rush of officers move to the backside of the trees that are east of the breezeway between the AGR office building and the warehouse. To me, this confirms that the fiberglass step ladder seen in the Sky News 4 helicopter video was there at the time of the shooting. Considering the ladder’s location (which was meant to conceal it), how can you not say it was pre-placed to facilitate the shooter’s access to the roof. Wake up people - this is the elephant in the room!


Typo corrected at 17:08 hrs. on July 29th.


Oh, for God’s sake, a 12 year secret service agent, Dan Bongino, on that green R platform who was assigned to presidential protection teams and is 1000% MAGA has trusted sources he knows on the inside who have said THESE are the three sources of gunfire. He broke this story LAST WEEK:

  1. Crooks
  2. USSS counter-sniper team, NOT the one in the videos but one MUCH further away with an amazing shot through the leaves of a tree. Result: got Crooks
  3. PD SWAT counter-sniper team. Result: missed Crooks or hit him again after he was already dead.

The local PD counter-sniper team was at first claimed to be on the second floor of Crooks’ building, but that building has no second floor. The building behind that building does and overlooks the roof Crooks was on. So HOW did they miss seeing him!? Part of the following account, a counter-sniper team member leaving his post in that building to look for Crooks, is CONFIRMED in the new, viral ABC interview with local PD. From a tweet by Benny Johnson:

This Information comes from a first-hand source of highest credentials.

The attached video is a view from the second story window of the AGR building in Butler, Pennsylvania. The rooftop it overlooks is where Crooks fired on Trump. This room was the overwatch view where a Butler County SWAT sniper team was stationed at the direction of the Secret Service for the Trump rally.

The snipers in this location should have easily been able to engage Crooks before he ever came close to scope site of Trump. Yet, Crooks was able to fire that day without anyone engaging from this position. Why?

There was a three man SWAT sniper team located in this position. One member of the team went home early — not sure how this was allowed but it happened. The remaining two snipers positioned in this room were notified that a suspicious individual [Crooks] was lurking outside the building. One team member left his position to investigate, leaving just one sniper with overwatch of the roof.

The investigating team member found nothing and in the process of returning to his position realized he had forgotten his access card into the building. The last remaining sniper with overwatch LEFT [!!!] the position to retrieve his team member locked outside.

Crooks crawled across the roof and fired on Trump while this fully-equipped sniper nest with a perfect view of Crooks assassin position was left completely UNMANNED.


I think you are right. The ladder was already behind the tree.
and this undercover ‘guy in shorts’ on the phone knows it is there before any of the uniforms catch on.


That’s how I interpreted it as well.

In other news, I just had a really excellent call with three super-sharp gentlemen from Raven Geostrategic and they raised a possibility I had not considered, which is that a gun aficionado they trust (aka a ‘gun nut’) thought it looked like Crooks’ weapon had side-mounted iron sights, which are used to help aim while keeping the magazine out of the way.

By tipping the gun over and still being able to aim, the side-mounted sights could have been deployed for the first 3 shots.

If true, then the flash/gas brake would have been ejecting the hot gasses at 45-degree angles instead of 90-degree angles, and they wondered if this could account for the registered sound differences. With the gasses ejecting in completely different directions, maybe this accounts for the diff?

That’s a really fair point, so now I’ll have to chase that down. However, while I can begin to fit that into the Stewart video audio, I have difficulties with the Source 2 video which is a lot farther away and which should have been more immune to any slight changes coming from muzzle orientation. Just a hunch, but it makes sense.

After I recorded this I began to really gel with the possibility that perhaps Crooks had stacked his magazine with different ammo. Maybe the top three were special, or hotter or something, but then the rest were ordinary cheap ammo? Or vice versa?

Further, I have 99.9% ruled out the lower windows because they all appear closed and intact before, during, and after the shooting.

Which means now I’m stumped because I haven’t got a location for a second shooter that lines up with the shots. This bothers me quite a bit, so until that’s resolved this all has to remain in the realm of the hypothetical.

All ideas are welcome!


Is it possible to look at the reports from each location and draw circles of possible distances (plus/minus error tolerances) then triangulate shot positions. It seems like this might be able to distinguish shots 1-3 from 4-8 at least if the distance estimates can be close enough. One scenario I also think should be ruled out is that 4-8 were from sniper team 1 trying failed shots through trees at crooks. I don’t know if that fits anything except the video where the gun goes up, but they were pointed in that direction, and it should be possible rule out that possibility by triangulation at least.


Bongino wasn’t even there.
1/2 the Secret Service doesn’t even know what happened.
Crooks may not even know what happened.
This is precisely why there are investigations.

This has nothing to do with (D)(R), and everything to do with DS.

Maybe Bongino should let the investigation unfold and pay attention to it, also.



not correct. You can hear supersonic crack up range too.