The Stewart Film Blows The Official Narrative Out Of The Water

Chris, that is so incredibly rare, I wouldn’t give much time on it. I competitively shoot both pistol and carbine. While my experience is limited, I think I’ve seen ONE rifle that had sights on a 45 degree angle, and this was on a LEO high level competitive shooters rifle. I most certainly wouldn’t do that on a low to medium quality rifle.


It also could be quite consistent with a single shooter hypothesis if crooks stood up after the first three shots. Crooks having stood up would also explain why his body is located down the roof from his original position as seen in the video and also explain why his rifle is so far away from his body. Additionally, the body cam footage on top of the roof shows the officers finding a group of five casings on the body side of the roof and later on finding three casings in another location (other side of the roof?) which again makes sense if he stood up and moved a little after firing the first three shots. Maybe there is some way to test if an AR platform 223 would make changes in sound signature although it seems logistically difficult.


Hey Chris, love the effort you’ve put into this. One thing I haven’t heard you or anyone else talk about is where did Crooks pick up the weapon? Obviously he wasn’t walking around the fairgrounds with an AR-15. So how did he mysteriously get one before he climbed the roof?


Hi Chris, Great work. Thank you.

I have had this location in mind from day one as one of the most likely 2nd shooter locations. (you may recall I also wrongly suggested the old barn)
I am now even more convinced that this location, (see map) is the most likely location to take the first three shots if indeed Crooks did not fire all eight. Only shoots from directly over Crooks head would have the most possibility of matching the trajectories. Furthermore this location seem to fit the Stewert audio, in that the first 3 shots have a possible echo from the 2nd story east facing wall.The audio from the two western videos does not, and the sound is suppressed by that same two story building.

I understand that for this to be true we must first need to confirm the exact distance of all eight shots. And I ask, is it possible for a configuration of gun, barrel length, and ammunition to disguise the distance of the shots to match Crooks location?


This man saw a 3rd sniper team see 2:45 mark


^ This is the most reasonable suggestion. I came here because I was asking the same on the YT video but I knew I needed to come here to get some real interaction!


I have 2 ARs with side mounted iron sights. Both are used as ‘back-up’ sights in case the top mounted sights (scope/red dot) stop functioning. The majority of the gasses are coming out the barrel end. Don’t think tilting the rifle would make a difference in the sound signature.

I also thought of the possibility of 2 different ammo types. But that would be… unusual. Possible, but not probable.

Edit: Just spelling/grammar


If Crooks stood up, we could see it in the latest Stewart video.


From video view of shooter based on YT compressed 720p File. The original could be be better.


Two cops going to the shooter, then boosted to the roof and fall?

One returns and is talking into his shoulder mike to report man with gun on roof?


What if shot #9 with the double spike was this CS team and the ESU CS both firing at the same time? Not planed just happenstance.


Mr grumpy over at the tube thinks that there could potentially be 20 rounds, half of them undetectable with audio when fired. @cmartenson have you considered this possibility. How do we explain the flashes from the windows that are clearly visible. I felt chilled to the bone when I saw Dayve’s video, because to me there are 2 snipers each of them positioned in the AGR building coordinating shots.


I believe the orange ladder seen in helicopter view is taken from the factory for the LEOs to use. Note the language about “next corridor” is used when the helmet guy stops at the office to talk. At the same time LEOs are all over the loading dock trying anything to climb, including using a pallet on top of the storage cabinet. Proves to be too short. Then a tactical ladder is set up and the helmet cam guy climbs up at ~6:30.

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Chris, thanks for all the work you are doing on this. In comparing the audio signatures of shots 1-3 vs. shots 4-8 you noted some high vs. low frequency differences. Here is a consideration that may support your analysis: wave diffraction. A wave emerging through an aperture (or encountering an obstacle) bends and spreads out, but low frequencies bend more than high frequencies, i.e., for high frequencies the obstacle casts more of a shadow. So for an indoor shooter firing through a window, a listener downrange will hear more of the high-frequency content whereas a listener off to the side will hear more of the low-frequency content.


I know that we have to prove everything with data. The 9th shot really and truly sounds like when Crooks was killed (shot in head). The shot almost “splats”.


I like it. It would be just the sort of crime scene anomaly that happens from time to time to drive the investigators crazy.


Just to be sure we’ve captured the territory, it is a green fact that Crooks had the rifle in his arms as he lay on his side and that it was moved by one of the first four officers on the scene.


I think Crooks was the only shooter. The first 3 shots he was lying down, perhaps resting the rifle on the crest of the metal roof for support. The following 5 shots, he may have retreated back a few yards and stood up or or in a kneeling position fired 5 rapid shots without any particular aim.

The roof may act as some sort of amplifier or resonator for the low frequency sounds that are captured in many videos. While for the 5 later shots, he was kneeling and further back which may have the effect of muffling certain sound frequencies. I wonder if there are any marked on the metal roof crest from the gun?

From all reports, there were 4 counter sniper teams on site. The ones on the barn roof didn’t take any shots. I believe Dan Bongino and Benny Johnson’s account that is was a sniper team on the far side of the rally that finally killed Crooks and the ESU sniper team all left their post precisely before the start of the shooting.

I believe this was all planned and coordinated by the Government and they are trying to memory hole this whole event along with Big Tech. Have you seen the Google or the AI search results for Donald Trump or the “Was Donald Trump in an assassination attempt” for exmaple? They completely hide this event. It’s chilling what the Government will do and what they will do to cover it up. For example this post from Elon Musk

or this video from TheSaltyCracker:

These independent investigations are important to preserve even the limited data we have and can obtain. I have zero confidence in the FBI and SS to complete an fair investigation and report of this incident.


Hey Everyone,
I’m not sure if this question has been asked in the other forums or not…

For Crooks’ head - Was the shot a through-and-through?

The reason I ask: Chris has put a lot of evidence against the WinMag bullet from the sniper teams (1/2) - that would have turned Crooks’ head into a pink mist.
Which leaves either being hit with a lower calibre, OR…
If it was from behind (one of the other buildings/windows that pretty much all have a higher vantage point WRT Crooks), and if it was a through-and-through, I’d be thinking that the trajectory would have left an indent or hole in the roof where Crooks was.

The FBI has hosed down the area, but not sure if a patch up of dents/holes was done (if any exist).
A sneaky drone flyer could potentially confirm/deny this. Either hole/dent or patch job.


I hadn’t seen that, thanks for the clarification, Chris!