The Stewart Film Blows The Official Narrative Out Of The Water

From my own experience, the audio of shot #9 from Source #4, sounds like the “click-boom” of an AR(.223/5.56), fired about 25 yards away from that source, passing the source, and traveling to Crooks. You can get a time between the two sounds and calculate the distance, like Mike Adams did originally from Trump’s mic.


Excellent job in finding the Stewart recording and presenting this analysis! Apart from the sound analysis, it is informative to see that the local law enforcement were scrambling around well ahead of the shots, while evidently the USSS was… somewhere else.

In one of the first PP videos on this incident, there was a lot of analysis of the time differences at Trump’s microphone between the sonic crack of the bullets and the muzzle blasts. This gave an approximate range that is consistent with the body’s location, though there was some question of a slight difference between the time differences in the first three shots and the next five.

If there is a clear recording from back of the crowd out in front of Trump, it would be possible to calculate a second set of ranges from those time differences, and then triangulate an locations for each of the sets of shots. If they all coincide with the body’s location, OK, then likely only one shooter. If they consistently indicate TWO locations however, then that gives us a second place in which start looking for photo evidence.

I think that the Stewart recording (loc. 6) and the two recordings at locations 3 & 4 are likely too close to get good time separations between the cracks and the booms. The recording from location 5 however might be far enough away from Trump’s mic to give a baseline from which to triangulate.


I see crooks having taken all 8 shots being given more credence. To that I would say, why the first 3 excellent shots, then 5 that are all sprayed everywhere. if it was one shooter. I see crooks hearing the initial shots, being scared and then relieved they weren’t aimed at him, then crooks letting loose and spraying bullets.

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The magpul annd xs offsets are very useful when your scope doesn’t allow a clear cowitness.


An AR can be broken down into two pieces of close to equal length in approximately 2 seconds. So, a 26-28 in rifle is no longer than 14 inches.


A friend was right below the building that Crooks was on was not taking video during the shooting. I quote him “as soon as I heard he is on the roof, shots fired and I ducked and when I stood up I saw him pop up then disappear below the roof line, then saw his hair fly when he was hit.


I don’t know, leave his post when people just below are yelling “there’s a guy on the roof, he’s got a gun”. I mean it sounds too perfect for him to leave his post at that very moment crooks is climbing roof.


Actually I think it went the other way… Steward probably reached out to Chris and I think Chris even mentions at the start of this video that he had a long telephone conversation with DJ Stewart.

I can imagine that Stewart had his phone confiscated by the SS on site who reviewed his material and released the phone to him. Then Stewart contacted Chris as well as others probably and released his video of the moment. There are likely many more “Stewarts” around, so I expect more similar videos and further analysis.

I could be wrong but that’s how I see it. Much more to come.

I’ve already got a music video in my head with the same cadence and spacing between the shots, 3 shots separated by a certain time, then a small pause then 5 shots in rapid succession, finally an end note… It’s a Rap music video.


It’s the Swiss Cheese effect. All the holes in the cheese had to line up perfectly. There were probably 100 slices of swiss cheese that had to line up for this to take place - and they all did! It is beyond any probability that everything that could go wrong, went wrong.

This was 100% planned and supported by the same people who will do this again and will make sure that the next election is stolen as well. There is no way they will allow Donald Trump to win. Please be sure to vote when you have the chance.


One of the County DAs said a ESU sniper was on administrative leave after shooting Crooks. Whether this is correct, I have no idea.


So was it the 9th or 10th shot that made his hair fly up. Can you ask.


I have seen reports of that too but in this world of everything being fake and/or twisted, the ESU sniper on administrative leave could have been any one of the 3 ESU snipers that were supposed to be in that room that day. Of which, 1 took a vacation day and wasn’t on site. The second went down to look for Crooks but forgot his access key to the building and could not return to his post. The third went down to retrieve the second ESU sniper.

Of course the ESU snipers were out of position at pricisely just before and at the time of the shooting. Maybe an ESU sniper took the 10th shot?

Tons of reasons to think that they are on administrative leave for other reasons other than attempting to shoot Crooks. This was a very convenient set of circumstances to happen at a particular time…


No. A 16" barreled upper is 23" or longer, depending on the muzzle device.


New Documents from Chuck Grassley. There’s a ton of info in here. This is a first official timeline, after action, pre plan, texts.


Upward or downward trajectory aside, I never liked the first floor as a possible location. Two cyclone fences to shoot through, possibly, and the random chance of a passerby blocking the shot. Now with the Stewart video showing windows closed and police all over, there’s no way. The second story always seemed the most logical vantage point. I can see the shooter getting building access easy enough, even days ahead if needed to stage equipment. Did ESU have access to all the rooms, or was one locked and off limits to them for some fabricated reason? What is the internal layout of that floor? The floor was vacated by the 3 ESU personnel assigned to it at the time of the shooting. Was that just a coincidence? It just seems so logical, if the trajectory fits.


The following from Gary Melton of Paramount Tactical looks at trajectories and incidental casualties. He dismissed a shooter from the open second story window as being inconsistent with the incidental casualties.

Does the other open window on the perpendicular wall of the two story building work out or does the angle of this wall not fit with a shot on Trump? This location for a second shooter should certainly account for the muffled first three shots in position 4 as opposed to the most recent recording - position 6. It would also allow for better co-location of a second shooter. There were also several other open windows.

Was there anywhere else that would allow for reasonable co-location?

Have investigators searched the grass with a metal detector for bullets or do they not want to know? Love to see footage of them digging something up.

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It was reported that he was placed on administrative leave per standard protocol when it was reported that he fired his weapon and missed.


I agree that we need to look at differences in time between shots as recorded at different locations. Here’s how we would do it:

First assume, there are only two shots from two locations, location 1 and location 2.

Second, assume the first shot is taken from location 1 and the second from location 2.

Now let’s only consider the muzzle report, not the bullet snap.

Now let’s draw a line that originates at location 1, passes through location 2 and continues onward beyond location 2. Let’s assume that no microphones are located along the portion of this line that is between location 1 and location 2. To the extent that a microphone is located along this line, the sound from location one will take longer to reach the microphone, so the time difference between the two reports as recorded by this mic will be less by the amount of the distance between location 1 and location 2 divided by the speed of sound. With the 2nd story window hypotheses, Chris’s recordings 1, 2, 3 and 6 are close to this line.

If we extend the line behind location 1 and there are microphones along this part of the line, the opposite will be true. But I don’t think there are any microphones along this part of the line.

Let’s draw a point that is on the line halfway between locations 1 and 2. Now we draw a line perpendicular to the L1-L2 line that goes through this halfway point. All points on this line will be equidistant from locations 1 and 2, so the time difference between the recorded gun reports will be exactly equal to the time difference between when the two shots were taken. Chris’s recordings 4 and 5 are close to this line.

So, differences in timing between shots in recordings 1, 2, 3 and/or 6 and in the timing in recordings 4 and 5 could help us pinpoint the shooting locations. If there are no differences, we would expect that a single shooter took all 8 shots.


I’m hearing and seeing a possible 11 shots fired when doing a 3D spectral analysis.

I uploaded it here 11 Shots Fired?


DR MARTENSON, please take a look at the Beaver County ESU rooftop footage ( aired on CBS EVENING NEWS WITH NORAH O’DONNELL, where CROOKS’ body is shown. The footage is at the 0:34 mark. I noticed two or three straight line marks (?) on the ridge of the roof that could originate from incoming or outgoing shots? Could this possibly cause the ricochet sounds that you point out in shot #8 or in any of the shots from #4-#8. Could it be in the haste of CROOKS firing as many shots that he hit the ride of the roof that goes from his left to right (East to West)? Thank you for your work. I will try and add the screen shot that I am referring to. Here is the link: BEAVER COUNTY ESU - ROOFTOP - BULLET MARKS - 07.13.2024.pdf - Google Drive

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