The Stewart Film Blows The Official Narrative Out Of The Water

When firing from inside of a room, would the echoes from the interior walls exit the room so closely to the intial sound that they don’t regester as seperate sound waves but as one elongated sound?

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i know many weekend rambos that have backup 45 degree sights in case of optic malfunction or damage. i own some myself

also, those backup sights are usually installed for possible conflict, not plinking or target, or even hunting, because optics

I think I see a photoshopped 3rd window! The phone was confiscated prior to being returned according the person so there was opportunity. When it looks like there is glass reflecting, you can see that the window frame is offset relative to the corrugated wall and there are no shadows being cast by the window frame. You can see in the top right that the window is inwards opening, so there is ample time to pull up the blind, open the window back and take shots, hence the cords seen.


Is there anything to be gleaned by taking the sound of one shot and subtracting it from the others?? Basically taking a diff.

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Kudos for having reached out to Stewart and analyzed his video frame by frame. The audio analysis is confirmatory, and adds new information about how (not whether) shots 1-3 differed from 4-8.

The images of Crooks so high before he shot are a bit damning of SS, though in the TMZ video we did see that as he shimmied, he’d stick his neck up for only an instant to get a view to remain undetected, so that frame may have been one of those instants. Given how thorough Crooks had been throughout the prior week in casing the area, and for hours that morning, and evading BC LEOs at AGR, and shimmying so low on the roof, etc … it’s a safe bet that he did not keep his head up but for an instant before he positioned to shoot. So I would not hold that against the SS snipers - though Timothy Burke did allow multiple risks for Trump that handicapped the snipers. Let’s keep in mind that SS sniper team 2 on barn 14 only turned toward AGR from its prior southward orientation at 6:10:00, just 93 seconds prior to shot #1. So up until 6:10:00 the sniper team 2 had been handicapped for not knowing what people to the west of AGR 6 knew for 3-4 minutes prior (per Greg Smith of BBC interview), that a rifled man was on that very roof. And of course SS sniper team 1 had been handicapped for the whole day placed with a tree blocking a large part of AGR roofs and in particular Crooks’ eventual positioning. And both SS sniper teams were handicapped when SS told BC SWAT not to be on the AGR roofs but inside windows.

It’d be a shame if Kimberly Cheatle’s embarrassing performance in Congress and her resignation were the sole hits to SS, enabling the real inside saboteur(s) to remain totally invisible and operating. As Chris points out, Timothy Burke and that day’s “command” in charge of relaying communications between local LEOs and SS must answer for all these handicaps of SS snipers. These multiple handicaps were at best allowed with criminal negligence, if not deliberately caused.

Beaver County SWAT team’s leader stated to ABC News that the whole team did not manage to communicate with SS the whole day until after the shooting! This is totally not an error, but sabotage by some SS insider or the rally’s “command.” Whatever SS snipers were learning about Crooks’ position may have come from sources (spectators?) other than Beaver County LEOs … at least, that’s SWAT leader Jason Woods’ line. While we can expect some blame shifting by Woods, his claim with his whole team on national TV is extreme, for it to be simply making his team look a little better. None of all these guys, the whole day, managed to talk with SS! But they had diligently sent out pics, warnings about Crooks’ suspicious movements to “command” per ABC interview, tried to chase down Crooks, etc. …

It seems that while many or most SS staff were doing their best with the info and capabilities they had (remember multiple ones assigned to Jill Biden for a speech she gave that day in Pittsburgh, coincidence!), someone either at SS or “command” for LEOs at the rally was handicapping the SS teams by (1) preventing them to attend the usual morning meeting with local LEO to review action plans for the day, (2) not allowing local SWAT to communicate with SS that day until shooting, (3) staying on a separate radio channel, (4) refusing an offer by local LEOs to SS to fly for SS a drone with kill capabilities during the Trump rally.


The two plainclothes walking along AGR 6 from west to east 6:58-7:10 are odd. As they have no uniform but guns, they would seem to be undercover police. Yet their behavior is odd:

  • They have handguns drawn, pointed to some but not all windows as they pass them, something no uniformed LEO ever does in the video, and there are tons of LEOs around
  • The second one at 6:59 on the one hand looks very concerned with his handgun out pointed at some (but not all) windows as he crosses them, but on the other hand is having a conversation over the cell phone - so the handgun waving looks performative
  • When they get to the eastern corner of AGR 6, they stop short of getting close to the concentration of LEOs (SWAT, local , PA State police, …) on the east side of the building. Afraid of something?
  • At 7:12 a green camo bald guy rushes away from the LEO concentration in the east of AGR 6 to meet these plainclothes at the corner. He himself is odd; on the one hand, he looks like LEO given his green camo and handgun, but on the other, his clothes have no official markings, and his shirt has a Nike swoosh. If he is not undercover, why not have an official marking on his clothes? And how did he know that the two plainclothes had arrived seconds earlier at the corner of the building? Maybe he just had been talking on the phone with the blue plainclothes who had his phone a few seconds earlier.
  • All the LEOs in the back have been and continue to be very tense and focused on the roof, with their rifles pointed there, climbing halfway to the roof but not actually reaching it, worried that Crooks may still be alive. Yet these plainclothes are totally relaxed, as if they know Crooks is dead. How? Suspicious! The bald one in green camo is having a convo, not even looking at the roof, though he is exposed to it in his position.
  • The only thing that I see that suggests these are government officials, rather than infiltrators pretending to be undercover plainclothes police, is that at 8:15 the tan bermuda-navy polo plainclothes seems to have placed his wallet in his back pocket soon after the arrival of a local LEO, who must have asked him for id or badge

Worth mentioning that in 8:41-51 the red haired suited man (FBI?SS?) crosses fence is the same seen later in Grassley video 1 about 50 minutes later on the roof. He then pivots back to fence to help further PA State police cross fence. He shows little urgency to get to crime scene on roof. But at 9:03-14 this suited red hair man urgently gets to DJStew ask for id - perhaps to have him stop recording, or perhaps to reach out to him later and seek the recorded evidence.

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I keep wondering if he turned and pointed his gun at the officers if he also fired at them (might make someone lose their grip!) or if the 5 shots were sent into the crowd next to the building (not in the direction of Trump). Your analysis, thus far, makes it hard for me to think he did because the sounds are so different, but that’s why it’s important to rule out the same gun sounding different by being moved. Could you get a gun like that and test it out? See if turning it changes the sound?

With regard to them letting your videos run, I have also been concerned for your safety. I remember Evie saying something a year or two ago that stuck with me, that as long as we are doing what we are here to do, that’s what matters, not how long we live (she said it much more eloquently than that, I am paraphrasing). And you, sir, are most certainly doing what you are here to do. I’d just like you to be here as long as possible. So keep being you and take good care. Maybe no plane trips for a while? Just sayin’… :wink:

Oh but my thought about why they are letting your videos run, they want people to be confused (part of demoralization, not knowing what to believe) which makes it easier for them to buy the contrived narrative, that Trump faked it. Raising questions about the “official narrative” can be all lumped in the “conspiracy camp” (not unlike JFK, calling it a conspiracy covered the fact there was one). Even though you are arguing it was an inside job, (opposite of faking it), they want the “conspiracy confusion” to distract from the reality that it was an inside job.

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Since you now have audio from boths sides of the building. You might be able to detect if the source of the shots are separated between Video 4 and Video 6. I would suggest using the time delta between shots 3 and 4. If the distance between Crooks and a window shooter is X, then on one side, it adds to the delta and on the other side, X subtracts from the delta (please see my crude sketch). An ESU sniper could be the hired assassin. He sends his partner downstairs, shoots at Trump, Crooks fires his shots, and then ESU shoots Crooks.


This testimony from PA State Police Colonel Christopher Paris to House Homeland Security Committee highlights that two Butler ESU officers were posted at a second story window in the AGR complex when they spotted Crooks. They then left that location to search for him after they identified him as being suspicious, which implies that their location was unattended and available for someone else to access and use to fire the “muffled” shots 1-3.


Wow, what a twist.

The third window from right [edited], next to the air vents, is the key one to rule out, since the line from Crooks’ position at death and the line from that window, both to Trump, nearly coincide. If Crooks were a cover for another shooter, it’s be from that window. Though that window shows glare and seems closed, all it takes a premeditated sniper is to have a tripod inside and a 1-inch hole cut out in the window for the bullet to go .

This key window still strikes me as odd in its changing colors, even from the same angle:

  • 4:16-17: Window is mostly covered by red curtain, but bottom 1/4 is lifted unevenly and bottom has black background and within there is a white slit. It’s consistent with a barrel lifting up the bottom of the curtain.
  • 4:47: The red curtain is uneven in a new way. There is black background, not at the bottom, but on the left side, and there seems to be a brown line near the lower left corner
  • 4:50 & 4:53-54: Now that window is all black, not mostly red, even though Stewart’s angle is still the same
  • 5:04: On that window appear a big white flash followed by a white dot … is this just the sun’s reflection on glass as Stewart moves? (My video player is basic.)

The second story of the AGR building behind 6 cannot be the source of shots 1-3, because of the angle. One of those shots hit Trump’s ear and ended up in the top corner of the far bleacher, defining a unique line between these two points. This line does not extend close to any of those 2nd floor windows .


The time delay in shots 1-3 from snick to sound boom is .22 seconds for the recording from Trump’s mic, per Chris here, which is consistent with 145 yards=435f ft, which is approximately the distance between Trump’s mic and Crooks’ position at death.

For a bullet exiting at 3000 ft/s, the duration of bullet’s travel (=time to crack) would be 3000s=435 or s=.145. The duration of sounds’ travel (=time to boom at mic) would be 1200s=435 or s=.3625. The delta implied is .3625-.145=.2175, which is close to the observed .22.

So shots 1-3 are consistent with Crooks’ position, as far as the delay between crack and boom.

Can anyone retrieve the delay between crack and boom for shots 4-8? If it’s quite different from .22, then it would indicate 4-8 as coming not from Crooks.

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True, but the path of bullets 1-2 does not come from those 2nd floor windows. One of those hit Trump’s ear and then the top corner of the far bleacher, the implied line does not go near those windows.

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My opinion, for what it’s worth, is that shots 1 & 8 were taken with the same calibre rifles, but 8 was probably suppressed. That, or 5-8 was taken from inside/further inside a building.

I’m not currently convinced that Crooks/Yeadon fired any shots at all. I’m not even convinced he had a real gun.

Remember how far back from the Ridgeline Crooks/Yeadon was when he was shot.

My interpretation of the sounds of shots 1-3 is that they were fired from the roof top/close to an open window, and that shots 4-8 were fired suppressed/further inside a building. Probably the two-story building behind the alleged shooter. If that’s the case, shots 1 & 8 were probably fired from different rooms.

But lets see where the evidence takes us.

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Latest explosive data released by Senator Chuck Grassley. Among them is a drawing of the defined cones of coverage by local beaver and Butler snipers:

It is criminally negligent, and excludes almost all of the roof of AGR 6, as well as all roofs behind it, which are also totally covered by trees from SS team 1 and we know SS team 2 was oriented south away from AGR. Planned negligence.

The pdf later shows the risible limited visibility of local snipers in the 2nd floor of AGR 7. They would sit so far back in the room behind the rifle whose barrel was about a foot inside the narrow window:

There is also a post-event report put together by local ESU and indicates, at different times, locations of local snipers and suspects. Interestingly, suspect (Crooks probably) was marked as seen at 18:05 at a picnic table between AGR 6 and trees covering him from SS team 1, but then on p. 12 another suspect is marked at another picnic table behind AGR 7 and seen moving north:

  • This would be highly confusing to LEO, two suspects at the same time at different picnic tables next to AGR 6 (one southeast, another northwest of it)
  • Commenter mckean here thinks some shots on Trump were taken from a farther AGR building, and this ESU document on page 12 is consistent, indicating that the 18:06 suspect had been seen moving to mckean’s suggested location, about 232 yards from Trump.

Look at my video - 11 Shots fired?. I believe there may have been two additional shots at longer range which are much harder to pickup with all the noise but the spectral graph shows them pretty clear.


When I saw the bald headed guy with gray shirt, camo pants & rifle, my thought- was he the one the red headed spectator saw bear climbing up the roof had he had a wig on (as others saw hair fly up when he was hit). When did the boy change his pants from white long pants as he was climbing up the grassy side of the bldg, shimmying all the way across the bldg to the other side where the tree was AFTER aiming his rifle at the cop who peeked over the roof? All this in about 2 minutes? Note: He had shorts on after the hit. Also about 10-20 minutes later as people were leaving the parking lot a reporter interviewing spectator live…we heard/she said ‘more gunfire’ about 5 shots. She had turned her body to the right towards the sound. This was live!


The dude wasn’t running around with the AR under his shirt. Either someone handed it to him or he stashed it somewhere that was overlooked by the SS. Either case, very suspicious.


Isn’t the most straightforward hypothesis that the rifle was broken down in his backpack?