The Stewart Film Blows The Official Narrative Out Of The Water

Shots #1-3 and #4-8 clearly sound different. But is it possible that the differences come from overlapping sounds and artifacts of sound acquisition software and microphone hardware? As you point out, the software may alter the signal right after extremely loud sounds. I’m no expert on guns or electronics, and my concern can easily be debunked by a controlled experiment using the same model of gun and phone. Hope this might be helpful.

The first three shots have a chirping sound. This might be an echo from the sound of the shot in front of a corrugated metal wall, which comes back as a chirp rather than a shot due to the way sound waves interact (reflection from multiple surface points resulting in interference at distinct wavelengths (harmonics), therefore the chirp) with the corrugated metal surface of the building’s wall.
more details about the phenomenon can be found here:


I was in the middle of reading that when you deleted it.

Maybe the guy who took teh video could sharpen it up like he did with this one

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Let’s please avoid the use of the term “sharpen”. What would be good is to obtain video from the device that has never been compressed. Video compression typically reduces file size a lot at the expense of discarding information. We can only use YouTube to get the gist. If we want details we have to transfer the files some other way. Stewart has apparently been in direct contact with Chris and I hope they will arrange the details of transferring the original files.

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Aus, I agree

Just as Dave says “ make yourself small girl, I don’t know what’s going on” a drone flys across view (moving right to left) of water tower (see screenshot). Whose drone and footage from it?


The Beaver County ESU/SWAT post-event report solidifies Crooks’ roof access point and route for me.

Edit: Revised the graphic to reflect that Benny Johnson was the source of the access point information. I confused it with another video initially.

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Some people on Twitter are saying it is a bullet


With regards to the relatively small number of phone videos that have been disclosed, it wouldn’t surprise me if the federales had big tech purge videos from their cloud storage services (e.g. iCloud) that were shot in a geofence in and around the rally. All they would have had to do is query for the time and location data from the EXIF metadata that they scrape during ingest and bye bye evidence.

Also makes me wonder about whether or not the phone videos that have come out using big tech cloud-based storage and / or location disabled? It would be an interesting survey to give the people who’s videos were published to gauge the depth of this coverup.


I’d guess drone

windows open out. see Grassley oversight summary 1:03 sniper window photo. someone linked his report below

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Someone here posted that these guns break down essentially in half and can be put together in 2 seconds.

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My professional shooting buddy advises…

"The USSS sniper: what bullet was he using? If it was a fully jacketed bullet, it would punch a pencil hole on entry and exit. But, I ask, wouldn’t a counter sniper use a bullet that would NOT go any further than the target? A fragmenting bullet or DRT round would serve such a purpose.
What bullets do the USSS snipers use? Or any LE snipers?

Pause Stewart film when the top of the water tower is in view. You will see a figure with what looks like a rifle aiming somewhere towards Trump Or Crooks!

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Check out 3rd window from right on shooters building. Window between large upright ducts and window directly bow Crooks with drainpipe. Everyone’s attention is on the roof on Crooks but look at this window!! Red cloth hanging in window which originally caught my attention, then missing from window after shots fired, then possible muzzle flashes/strange flashes in window straight after shooting??? Even more questions!! How did the Police in front of windows not notice this!! Makes sense of why large angry guy in grey shirt and jeans moving people from the area in a hurry on fenceline, blocking view/path to Trump?? Love from Australia

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There also might be something pretty astounding going on here that i havent heard anybody mention yet.

Check out the video, around 8 seconds befkre the first shot. Find the easter egg?

Is it a bird, plane, bug, UFO?!

Did some time travelers try to take out trump, could this be the 2nd shooter?!

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[Edited to incorporate info about time delay in shots 4-8, last paragraph.]

Beautiful observation that accommodates a lot of data. Knowing the time delay between the bullet’s crack near mic and sound waves from barrel would let us estimate these differential distances.

The delay for shots 1-3 is .22 for the recording by Trump’s mic, this is consistent with the distance of ~145 yards = 435 ft between Crooks’ position and Trump’s mic, if bullet travels at 3000 ft/s and sound 1200 ft/s.

[To be consistent with the 763 ft in your diagram, the delay would need to be close to (3000-1200)*s=763 or 0.424 seconds, assuming similar velocity at start. Yet Chris’ measurements have it as .213. So the only way it could take .213 is if the bullet from your hypothesized far back roof were traveling at exactly half the speed, or 1500 ft/s; no sniper that far would use such a slow round (little power, subject to wind, and lot of drop). So we can rule out on the basis of the delay being shorter, rather than longer, that shots 4-8 came from that far roof way behind Crooks. It would have been a neat clinch, if not for this! (Btw, different ammo and barrels on a 223 could make the sound different, but not the speed or delay in any nonnegligible way.)]

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You understand that even Bongino can be fooled just fyi. The story fits well, but it took them about a week or two to figure it out and put it out there, and even if it is partly true, it still is very suspect and i can give you a scenario where that story is a perfect cover to enable a secret shooter:

So sniper “A” mysteriously goes home (anything off lile this in this whole story is an immediate red flag worthy of investigation, like why, and device tracking confirmation), the sniper “B” (who could have been in on it with sniper “A”) goes down outside to check for crooks? How does this part even make any sense when there were dozens of cops all around the building? So with this bs excuse, sniper “B” goes down outside, and just so happens to leave his building acces card inside. Now, sniper “B” has the perfect excuse to call sniper “c” (probably the one guy they didnt have in on it), to come down and let him back in the building at the exact time they wanted him to so that sniper “A” could take the shot.