The Stewart Film Blows The Official Narrative Out Of The Water

Middle photo looks too large and bulky to be a drone in the distance at water tower level. A bullet would make sense directly in front of camera. Look at 3rd window from right on shooters building below Crooks. Everyone’s attention is on the roof but look at this window!! Red cloth hanging in window which originally caught my attention, then missing from window seconds after shooting?? then possible muzzle flashes/strange flashes in window atraight after shooting also??? Even more questions!! How did the Police in front of windows not notice this, that oth sticks out!! Makes sense of why large angry guy in grey shirt and jeans moving people from the area in a hurry on fenceline, blocking view/path to Trump?? Would make sense of why a bullet would be at this level if coming from a window directly below the shooters position. Also John Cullen has also mentioned these flashes and shots happening before all shots are heard. Forgove my ignorance as not knowledgeable about guns but he mentioned a new tyoe of gun that shots cant be heard? Subsonic??, something like that that he alluded too possibly?? It would make sense that you can see muzzle flashes from this window directly after you hear the shooting. These pics look like possible bullets to me and direct line from that 3rd window which is to left of that tree he hides behind, not a drone that others have mentioned. Great catch!! Love from Australia

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This red path does not seem consistent with the TMZ video of Crooks shimmying on the roof, from the west side of AGR 6. The video seems to show Crooks shimmying from west to east. Your red path places Crooks east already, and actually he’d have to move west (a bit) to get to the position where he died, coming from the connecting corridor to the two AGR buildings.

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That sounds interesting, but I thought the trajectory already established the window you speak of could not have fired shot that travelled to nick Trumps ear and then onward to hit the top of the bleachers to Trumps left shoulder (that poof video showing shot hitting the railing).

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I feel like that trajectory needs to be 100% confimed in regards to exact accuracy, ie, since trump and the grand stand are closer to each other than the origin of the bullet, if you move the final impact point, as well as trumps exact ear location, maybe both could only be inches one direction or another, it may move the bullet orientation location significantly since it is further away from the axis (trump’s ear).

Also, from Chris’s last video, maybe it wasnt from a window but also from another roof, on side of building, almost directly behind Crooks, however i find this less likely because this is likely much more exposed for someone to see and thus much riskier to get away with.

I thought i hear mention somewhere that there is some video of a tatoo’d arm in one of the windows.

I may or may not own said milspec rifles… and I may or may not have assembled / dissembled such rifles, it can be done very quickly, 2 seconds may be a bit of an exaggeration.

If we think – and is the SS saying, he hid the rifle in his backpack? Why isn’t CONgress asking how he was able to bring “a weapon of war” so close to the former President? MSM seems to be largely silent on this now. It’s being memory holed.

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Do we have the audio file direct from the AV company that did the rally?
The audio directly from the mic and not played through the sound system. The TD would have the exact site lay out, schematics for cable runs and a detailed site plan for measurements and placement of the line array etc.

Given the rapid fire of shots 4-8 it is unlikely Crooks took them. Chris posted info on the worlds fastest shooter and the timings were similar. It’s unlikely a novice like Crooks could do that. It requires a pro.

A pro to aim and shoot that fast, not to just fire.


Yes Commenter, and this gives you one range. Draw a circle (or just an arc towards the buildings, it’s safe to assume the shots came from there) around that mic, and it does pass near the body’s location. No questions there.

Now if you have a second microphone location, repeat the exercise and draw a circle around that. Where the two circles cross (in two spots, but one will likely be in an implausible location such as out in an empty field) will give the shooter’s location.

If there are two shooter locations described by the two groups of shots, then we have direct evidence of a second shooter, as well as another place to look.

Because we have a string of three similar shots followed by five seemingly different shots, you can either average the time deltas from each string and use that to draw two circles, or draw out all eight circles and see how their crossings cluster. After that, there are many standard statistical techniques for producing “heat maps” of the probable shooter location(s).

Chris presented this in one of the earlier videos, based on the recordings from Trump’s mic. There’s not enough time delta for the closer mics, at locations 3, 4, & 6 to resolve the crack from the blast. Doing this for the microphone at location 6, in the the crowd in front of Trump, would have enough time difference to resolve the crack from the blast. It is also far enough spaced from Trump’s mic that it would give a reasonable baseline for triangulating any of the shooter positions.

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The depth of field in the Mike D video is misleading. He is at the east end of building 6 hidden from USSS by the trees until the very last moment, It is safe to say Crooks knew where the USSS teams were and where to be to not get seen.

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EVERYTHING he’s gotten from insider sources has later been “breaking news” which really pisses him off when all they’d have to do his watch his show which is the 3rd most popular podcast in the US. Senator Johnson called him immediately after his Friday show to get some questions to ask TODAY.

He doesn’t rule out a sinister plot, but he has explicitly said that he doesn’t speculate about things for which he has no proof and he HATES all of the 2nd perp cr*p because it distracts attention from factual issues.

BTW, want something to investigate with a LASER focus, investigate why that third man on the SWAT counter-sniper team went home which enabled the UNMANNED sniper position at exactly the time Crooks climbed up on the roof.

Something I caught myself which I’ve seen nowhere, was there Intentional hogging of security assets at Trump’s last outdoor rally before being officially nominated and automatically getting increased security?

The FLOTUS chose to speak (for a mere 10 minutes) at 5 pm on July 13, 2024 in North Pittsburgh at a closed event of a few hundred people on the same date and at the approximate time of President Trump’s speech in Butler, PA. The FLOTUS’ event was 54 minutes away from Trump’s.

VP Harris also spoke in Pennsylvania that day, at an event from 1-5 pm, at the Philadelphia Convention Center.

Both events were announced at the last minute. WHEN were they actually scheduled?:

First Lady Jill Biden to visit Pittsburgh on Saturday, same day as Former President Donald Trump’s rally
July 10, 2024

VP Kamala Harris launches new campaign to gain Asian American voters
July 10, 2024

On Saturday, July 13, Harris will be in Philadelphia to give a keynote speech at the Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote Presidential Town Hall, the Hill reported on Tuesday.

My point is, both “surrogates” for POTUS requiring higher security than Trump were speaking at closed, relatively small events in secure venues with limited entry points on the same date at about the same time in close proximity to a Trump event. Did the FLOTUS’ and Harris’ events hog local Secret Service branch and PD assets leaving Trump exposed? Is it common for both to speak at such minor events at the same time and in close proximity to a Trump rallies, the J13 rally being his last outdoor rally prior to his nomination and, by virtue of that nomination, then becoming a higher priority Secret Service protectee?

News item supporting hogging of assets theory. These are the cops seen helping victims in the grandstands in the news videos:

11 Investigates Exclusive: Pittsburgh motorcycle officers transferred after working Trump rally
July 16, 2024


PITTSBURGH — 11 Investigates has learned exclusively that two Pittsburgh police motorcycle officers who were injured during the shooting at former President Donald Trump’s rally over the weekend have been removed from the cycle unit.

Sources told 11 Investigates the bureau claimed they never got permission to assist Trump.

The motorcycle supervisors claim they did get permission, according to sources.

And sources also said there were also concerns that some of those officers should have been available to help with the First Lady’s visit to Pittsburgh at the same time.


Strong Evidence That There Was A Ladder Pre-Placed For Shooter’s Access To AGR Bldg #6 Roof (My Take On It):
A citizen video released yesterday provides clear evidence that the initial police response team to the shooter on the roof at the Butler Trump rally did not use the telescoping ladder (the ladder that is seen in other videos that was tossed over the fence by the officers who responding by crashing the fence down with their police car) that was later placed on the loading dock by this second group of responding officers (and used 20 minutes later by the Butler County ESU Medic team).
Watch this video:
At 6 minutes and 10 seconds into this video, you’ll see all the responding officers abandon their effort to access the roof via the “pallet ladder” they were trying to improvise on top of the plastic storage shed on the loading dock. In fact, it looks like no officers accessed the roof via that “pallet ladder”. Instead, you see all officers rush back down the loading dock stairs and go behind the two conifer trees on the east side of the breezeway that connects AGR Bldg #6 to the warehouse (assume it’s a warehouse because it has a loading dock), apparently following someone’s command. This is a very small area behind the trees, so where did they all go? No time in this video do you see anyone carrying a 10’ tall step ladder. In other videos that have been previously released, you see this initial response team (about a half a dozen guys) gathered around the shooter on the roof shortly after it was announced he was dead. So they all accessed the roof quickly.
Next, watch this video (in it’s entirety):
This is a very wierd video – it shows the body cam footage of the Beaver County ESU medic team. The response to the scene by this particular group was made 20 minutes after the shooting took place – and it looks like this team was specifically called to provide video footage, as their response was late (all the vehicles around where the hydraulic fluid sprayed out of the forklift that held up the speaker are already gone). It shows this team being briefed by some other team leader inside the foyer of AGR Bldg #6. They were told ladders (plural) are on the way, but when they exited the foyer, they magically spotted the telescoping ladder on the loading dock, but not the means of roof access that was used by the initial response team (in the area behind the two trees). Why weren’t they told to use the “second” ladder (the ladder behind the trees) that everyone else had used 20 minutes earlier? And why were they told by the team leader that ladders were on the way – when obviously, they were already there? And this is very strange - in this video, when this medic team initially crosses the breezeway, you actually get a quick glimpse of the east side of the breezeway, and there doesn’t appear to be a ladder there! Again, magic!
Finally, watch this video, taken by a helicopter from Sky News 4 out of Pittsburg:
Look closely as you follow the video and you’ll see two ladders used for accessing the AGR Bldg #6 roof. You see a 10’-12’ tall fiberglass step ladder behind the two conifer trees at the east side of the breezeway. And, you’ll see the telescoping ladder set up beside the plastic storage shed on the loading dock. Obviously, this helicopter fly-over was made sometime after the second response group placed the telescoping ladder on the loading dock, and before the Beaver County ESU team made their response (as the tall step ladder at the breezeway is still shown in the video). What is really, really strange in this fly-over video, is the fact that there are no officers to be seen anywhere!! Not on the ground, not on the roof, nowhere! Looks like they were all called to a meeting inside of AGR Bldg #6 (since the front door at the foyer is propped open – when it wasn’t open in other videos). What do you think was so important that all responding officers would leave the crime scene unsecured – especially since the scene had been previously inundated with responding officers? The inconsistencies in the videos deserve an explanation! Let’s tell the American people the truth!


@cmartenson this is really worth watching. Multiple Shooters? | John Cullen & Clay Martin (TPC #1,538) (

Wow - good observation!

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Just in:

“The shot from the local officer caused the would-be assassin to temporarily recoil from his perch on a rooftop, according to the two officials and a Washington Post analysis of video evidence,” the Post reported.

“Crooks’s retreat coincided with a 10-second pause in shooting, according to audio experts who examined the gunshots, a critical period that ended when the Secret Service countersniper shot and killed him.”

The Post also reported that the local officer who shot at Crooks was assigned to a barn behind and to the north of the rally stage, along with a counterassault and quick-reaction force team from Butler County.

“The officer, who was not a sniper, had left the barn and was outside on the ground nearby when Crooks began firing from the rooftop about 110 yards away,” the Post said.

The Post also interviewed Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger, who confirmed that a member of the county’s Emergency Services Unit—which is similar to a SWAT team—fired a shot at Crooks that prompted a reaction from the gunman.

“I don’t know if the officer actually hit Crooks and don’t believe he fired the neutralizing shot,” Goldinger, who oversees the emergency services unit, told the Post in a text message.


I have talked to my friend. After the eight shots, Crooks was getting up, and that was when he was shot.
He was 15 feet away from Crooks, and he is convinced that all shots came from Crooks. My friend shoots ARs regularly; he is familiar with what it sounds like from a short distance.



More to dig deep on: The USSS counter-UAS system experienced “technical difficulties” and “didn’t go on-line” until 5PM which is after Crooks flew his drone. So, did they see the drone and try to counter it? How simply by seeing the drone did they not suspect a threat?

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More footage from Stew after the shots

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I saw this, too, and I have done a lot of training with him.


Chris, would you please update this post and add a link to download the 6 audio files that you have, so that some of us can add to your analysis, please? The videos online are mostly cut and mixed with other footage, may have lower res and even manipulated audio. Thanks.

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