The Stewart Film Blows The Official Narrative Out Of The Water

What is the smallest hole that professional sniper with glass optical sights would need in the aluminum side wall of the building? I’d guess 4" would be enough but I’m not a gun person. Right after shooting his gun, he would just cover up the hole. That hole and it’s cover would still be there today.

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That’s about right, 4 inches. From the window, however, he’d need just 1-1.5 inches for the barrel, the scope could stay behind the window glass and need no hole.

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What is this?

It is not there in any other pics.

It’d be helpful if Chris were to share the audio files for download, so we can carry some of this analysis, he has a whole website with economic focus also to manage.

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Rich, anyone who does some training can do it. see here Paramount Tactical fast shooting video


In that case the hole might have to be in the window frame, but also, would it be risky to have the gun optics look through a window and get distorted such that the shot is missed? They would have to test that out and account for that. Maybe at 150 yds the offset error due to a window pane would not be as much of a problem. Don’t know.

For me the Stewart film is the final nail in the second shooter coffin. Confirmation that the windows were closed on the building Crooks was on, is enough for me now to feel satisfied Crooks was the only shooter.

The trajectory of shots 1, 2 and 4&5, all lead directly to Crooks.
There were 8 shells found at 6:31pm.
The second shooter theory makes no logical sense.

I also think Chris is mistaken in how he’s analysing the audio. Mobile phones use lossy compression tech and other auto adjustment tools. When loud noises are heard, the auto adjustment tech will try to level it out, while the compression algorithm is constantly throwing out high and low end frequencies it doesn’t think we need. It’s very flawed evidence and I think he’s reading too much into it.

For me, the real conspiracy is whether the SS/Deep State were in on it and conspired to allow this to happen. The second shooter theory has become a distraction.

Just my two cents.


How do you accommodate the fact that either of shots 1-2 hit Trump’s ear then rose to the top corner of the bleachers, hitting the railing and vaporizing? A rising shot must originate from lower, so the third window from right of AGR 6 remains in play. Architect phase5 estimated AGR 5 to be about 5’7’’ lower than barn 14; if Trump’s stage was level with barn 14, then that depression helps a bit to explain a lower origin of the shot … but still, would a shot from the roof of AGR 6 be so low in elevation that it would rise from Trump to far side of bleacher by 4-5 feet?

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According to Google Earth, the ground is not flat. It rises towards Trump, then descends towards the right bleacher.

This image suggests that the middle of the left bleacher aligns with the top of the right bleacher.

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Hope you guys saw the updated @RealDJStew724 recent video from today with more footage recorded after his first version from yesterday. I’m wondering, as he mention about blood on the ground floor of building 6, is it comming from that officer who hurt his hands or some other theory?


That’s helpful. The Washington Post link suggests that shot 9 was taken by ESU from about 110 yards, north of Trump’s stage and from a barn, not AGR 2nd floor. However, I put little weight on any of this. It is from “anonymous sources” and it’s from the WP, part of the DS, which most recently helped drive the Russia collusion misdirection. The barn is not identified, the name of the local police is not identified, the name of the witness to the police’s firing is not given, etc.

“The local officer who shot at Crooks was assigned to a barn behind and to the north of the rally stage, along with a counterassault and quick-reaction force team from Butler County, the local law enforcement official said.”

“The officer, who was not a sniper, had left the barn and was outside on the ground nearby when Crooks began firing from the rooftop about 110 yards away, the official said. The local officer saw the muzzle flashes from Crooks’s rifle, the official said, and fired his rifle at Crooks.”

“A rally worker told The Post they witnessed the local officer shoot at Crooks from the same location.”

“The worker, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because their employer had not authorized them to speak publicly, said they were standing behind the bleachers to the north of the stage when Crooks took his first shots. The worker said attendees scrambled while the local officer took aim.”

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I’m going with “out of focus insect” at this point.

Reason: It enters and leaves the field of view in 3 frames.

Assuming that it’s “only” traversing 50’ of view during those three frames, that would be 50/(3/30) = 500 feet per second, to 30,000 feet per minute or roughly 340 mph.

Something isn’t gelling there for me…I’m going to need much more to convince me it’s a drone.


Chris, I was watching a video that Sen. Chuck Grassley released to Sky News which shows bodycam footage of police discovering Trump shooter’s body. Have you seen this? SkyNews Video Link

At about the 5 min mark…as the officer with the bodycam gets up to Crooks’ body, another officer warns him to beware of the shell casings. You can then hear the bodycam officer appear to count them to himself “…three, four, five”. Were there only 5 shell casings??? That gives your theory some validity of 2 shooters. Recall Chris Wray at the hearing stated 8 casings were found. Did the bodycam cop miscount??? Did anybody else notice that discrepancy from this video? What do you think, Chris?

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Still there

Who ever made this video is trying to take credit for the original person that filmed it by using the TEXT stye they did. It is a shame.

When will the second video bee released? Also is there anything in relation to the “Objects” flying through the air? Did someone edit the videos?

Perspective. The south bleacher is closer to the camera then the north.

This video is incredible. At the 2:41 mark one of the witnesses the dude is talking to claims the shooter was inside. The realDJStew guy then later goes on to claim that he overheard police talking on comms saying there was “blood in the bathroom” and that a “second suspect was still at large”.

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“Given the rapid fire of shots 4-8 it is unlikely Crooks took them. Chris posted info on the worlds fastest shooter and the timings were similar. It’s unlikely a novice like Crooks could do that. It requires a pro.”

Crooks firing shots 4-8 makes perfect sense, particularly since those are so different in sonographic spectrum compared to shots 1-3. I suspect Crooks was instructed to take 5 shots as rapidly as he could, aiming well not a priority for him. I believe responsibility for a well aimed shot #1 was with a professional assassin / sniper. Thank God Trump moved his head at the proper split second - Divine intervention.

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