The Stewart Film Blows The Official Narrative Out Of The Water

What about this

thank you for making my point. Many backpacks could easily fit 23" “tube” on an angle. Even a smaller backpack, throw a towel over the barrel sticking out the top to hide it. I did measure mine, but I have a longer specialized flash suppressor, and it’s 25"

I don’t know if you’ve listened to Chris Martensens audio analysis, but there were 3 shots, a short pause then shots 4–8 in a burst, then a split second later 1 more shot (the 9th), then 8 seconds goes by and the 10th shot. So I think you are saying the 9th shot got him. IF that’s the case, and it was the head shot, fatal, then why would the 10th shot be necessary (it’s not like he would still be moving). So are you sure it was the 9th shot that made his hair go poof?

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@homeward-bound You can clearly see in the top right photo that the window has inwards opening mechanism with a central arm pivot. The corrugations are throwing a shadow but the deeply inset window frame is not? Look at the other window frame to compare. Bad photoshop, ie a rush job.

Maybe that is why they are letting his feeds go through. To discredit him. Just a thought. Why are they letting your feeds go through now.

Many people pointed out that one of the windows is changing. I reviewed the footage frame by frame using high-end video editing tools, marking every moment when that window appears, zoomed in etc. I used the best quality version of the footage available on the net.

And yes, the window does change significantly, and it is not a reflection.

Someone appears to be raising or lowering something red (like a curtain) to conceal the fact that the window was briefly opened. And then there is the gun fire, clearly visible in the room.

The fact that something in the window changes and it is not a reflection is 100% certain.

The second shooter is inside the building, at that window.

I don’t have much time, but I may try to upload the analysis at some point.


Thanks for the find! This interview with police 12:40-17:00 shows that Stewart thought the shooting suspect was a man in his 50’s maybe 60, with peppered hair, grey shirt, blue jeans, aggressively telling people to leave, yelling at people, who may have had a gun in his pants … Stewart reports that the guy claimed to own AGR, but another long-time resident told her that he definitely did not.

… well, the guy appears in Stewart’s original video of the fence at 0:00-0:51! Stewart also claims at 24:38-40 that he got this man’s face on video. I thought this was worth mentioning, because …

… it strikes me that this guy may have been trying to clear the area to prevent people (such as Stewart) from recording evidence of the shooting about to happen.

21:54- is when Stewart says he heard from an open police door over the radio that police found blood in a bathroom, “second shooter on the loose” and “second suspect at large.” Crooks clearly only bled in the area where he died. This is consistent with the original Stewart video where after shot #10 the police east of the AGR 6 were very tense, with their rifles up.

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You posted "An AR can be broken down into two pieces of close to equal length in approximately 2 seconds. So, a 26-28 in rifle is no longer than 14 inches."

I did not make your point. 23 inches is longer than 14 inches. You took a 28 inch rifle and divided it in half. AR are not built like that.

What about it? 22LR is a completely different animal from .223. 22LR is a short range round that quickly loses energy.

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you’re correct on the length… but it will also fit into many backpacks when broken down

THANK YOU! I wish to emphasize that several of the changing colors and patterns are from the same angle and spot and minute just by the tree where Stewart was filming; these changes cannot be attributed to a different angle or spot or reflection of sun at a different time.

At what second do you see the gun fire from that window? Or frame if possible?

Good thinking there. yes, that middle aged man in grey shirt very well could have been part of it, to clear people.

Grassley released three videos here. The one you refer to is video 2. The mention of 8 shell casings is at end in video 1, which takes place about 50 minutes later.

This makes Trump look higher than the bleacher in background only because it is a close up of Trump and from below Trump.

If I kneel and take a closeup of you with the Eiffel tower far in the background, you will look much taller than the Eiffel tower. So the image does not prove that you are taller than the Eiffel tower (and in fact you are not). Common sense suggests that the top corner of the bleacher is above Trump, otherwise the people in the bottom rung of bleacher would be underground, because the bleacher is much taller than the stage+Trump.

Hopefully architect can estimate the elevation of the top corner of bleacher relative to Trump’s ear.

Thanks for the attempt. The Google Earth red graph is suggesting that the roof of AGR 6 is at 407m and the grass around far bleacher a bit lower at 406.5m. We need architect to estimate the height S of Trump’s stage, the height B of the bleacher at the top far corner. Since Trump is about 1.88 m tall and his ear at around 1.75m tall, his ear’s elevation relative to the roof of AGR 6 would be -0.5+S+1.75, whereas the top corner of the bleacher’s elevation would be -0.5+B. We need to know if indeed (as I think) Trump is lower, i.e. S+1.75<B, and if so from this delta estimate a ballistic trajectory at 145 yards for a 223 round to deduce if it had to be fired from below the roof. The bottom rung of the bleachers does look a bit lower than Trump’s stage.

A 223 round’s ballistics between 100-200 yards is above the line of sight by at most 2 inches, negligible compared to these two heights … we can treat the trajectory as a straight line at this modest distance.

The ballistic trajectory depends on the distance the rifle is zeroed for. 50/200 is one commonly used. But this is a widely discussed subject among .223/5.56 shooters.

No I am not sure as I was not there. I am also not sure if he heard the 9th and 10th shot. He was 15 feet away from 8 shots from an AR.

I lined up the Stewart audio with the Trump mic audio.
Shots 1-3 and 4-8 are within 10-20 feet of the same distance to the two mics, assuming I picked the right blips on both. Shot 9 is much closer to Trump’s mic. Again, assuming I identified it correctly in the two recordings. (The green “snick” mark is the sonic boom that precedes the gun boom, and it was the boom I aligned.)

I was unable to find any of the other audio sources Dr. Martenson names. Another source out of the line between Stewart and Trump would narrow the distance between the source of 1-3 versus 4-8.

One of the first videos showed a time delta of 0.213 seconds between the crack and pop for shots 4 and 5. There were some audio issues with shots 6-8 that made it difficult to determine the timing, but it seems safe to conclude all 5 shots came from the same gun. Same video showed 0.22 for each of the first three shots. Assuming same gun and ammo, and same general location, then shots 4-8 were from a weapon roughly 5 yards closer than the weapon that fired the first 3 shots. That is based on some ballistic calculations and speed of sound calculations, and a few different ammo types. My best guess is that Crooks fired shots 4-8 (wildly) after the mysterious second shooter fired the first 3. There is no way Crooks fired 3 shots, ran forward 15 feet and fired 5 more shots a couple seconds later.

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I see the same difference you do on the Trump mic audio. That the crack/pop delay is the same for all of 1-3 and same again for 4-8, but different from the first 3. I would deduce differently: different muzzle velocity for the two groups, i.e. different weapon/ammo combination.