The Stewart Film Blows The Official Narrative Out Of The Water

Now they are saying shot 9 was from a patrol officers rifle next to one of the bleachers. That would bring it closer, but pointed away from the Stage mic.

There is a 2 story building at other end of AGR complexnear street entrance to parking lot. This building would be from higher elevation to shoot over top of Crooks position with same line of site.

If high frequencies suffer more of a shadow, how can downrange listeners hear more of the high frequency? Did you really mean “high frequency twice” in your writing?

There is a clearly visible handle at the bottom of the window. After the shooting, it is gone!

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Can you really tell the difference between the first eight gunshots? Test yourself.
The Trump Gunshots


The audio for source #4 in the video above is sped up above real time. That makes it impossible to compare the shot arrival intervals at source 4 versus the new one.

I was hoping to see if shots 1-3 have the same delay between each other at the two different receivers, and the same for shots 4-8. If they do, then the “two shooters” hypothesis holds up for those two volleys.

Now check the delay from 3 to 4, which we think are two different shot locations. If the new recording and #4 have measurably different intervals from shot 3 to 4, then you have different distances from the two shot sources to the two microphones. At (about) 1msec/foot, you start solving the geometry problem for where the two shooters are. (The techinique is basically from earthquake seismology.)

By “downrange listeners” I mean people roughly in the path of the bullet (e.g., Trump’s microphone). These listeners do not lie in the shadow, so the high frequencies can reach them. Whereas if the shooter is indoors firing through a south-facing window then an outdoor listener near the west end of the building stands in the shadow, but the shadow affects low frequencies less because low frequency waves are better at bending around obstacles (such as the wall containing the open window). From the standpoint of outdoor listeners the window can be viewed as the sound source but it is a more focused and directional source for high frequencies and a more omni-directional source for low frequencies.

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There is something really strange going on with window 3. Have done a frame, by frame analysis and this is the result:

More information about this analysis can be found at:
The mysterious window 3 in the Trump shooting


This video just got released of someone running on the roof before the shots.

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Any word about these devices?

Are those glasses on his face?Processing: IMG_2899.png…

This is what I was referring to in my previous post. I can’t believe Chris Martenson is overlooking it.

Can someone bring this to his attention ASAP?

The second shooter is there. They were covering the window with something, and the entire action (the way the window is changing) is on camera. We have concrete evidence. There is even visible fire from the gun, although the gunshot is quite muted during the flash. This is very different (very silent) gunshot from the ones Chris analyzed.

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Are those both of Crooks hands?

Listening to the Stewart Film shots 1-3, I thought that I heard breaking or rattling glass. (The very first time I heard it, I actually wondered if a window had broken). And shots 4-8, I thought that I heard rattling metal.
In any case, it looks like the first three shots have a larger (or ant least different) energy profile. Did anyone else hear anything in those gunshots?