The Stewart Film Blows The Official Narrative Out Of The Water

In the new video from Copenhaver, it appears that Crooks accessed the roof near the west end of the building, right under the noses of the 2 snipers on the second floor of the AGR building. If Copenhaver had a view of Crooks that was that good, imagine how well the counter-snipers on the barns must have been able to see him! The infamous tree wasn’t blocking the view of Building 6 on the west end of it.
Also, I haven’t heard anybody address the two cars that Crooks had near the rally. If he lived 60 miles away, how’d he drive both of them there? There must have been an accomplice.

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This video was at 6:08. According to congressional testimony snipers left their post between 6:06 and 6:12.

I contend that Crooks got onto roof of building behind AGR 6 out of the 2nd floor open window on east side. If you watch video from this pic you see him running east to the covered walkway between the buildings where he goes out of sight briefly before you see him popup while climbing back up onto AGR 6.

Its just after this that video picks up Crooks bear crawling up roof to his shooting position.

Video is in link from X post by Charlie Kirk which I replied to following.

Crooks gets on roof from building behind AGR6

Note Crooks have been let into building much earlier and hid till Snipers got ordered to go look for him on the ground. He then is able to get in position with nobody seeing him get up there. No ladder used as this would have been easily spotted from the ground search.

This would suggest very strongly that “Command” was in on the plan.

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Chris had the access point correct in his video. Not only was Crooks last reported going toward the actual access point by local ESU a few minutes before the shooting, Benny Johnson visited the site with two Congressmen and provided key information about that location. Go to the 1:02:10 mark.

That’s not science, that’s trickery.

  1. Relative elevations would need to be checked, but my money is on one of the SS team who have acknowledged being right in that very spot at the time. Is it just an illusion or is there something moving in that ground floor window? Maybe its this guy who seems to be in charge. Interestingly, his sleeve tattoo on the right arm fits Red_head Smith’s description, of the guy spotted in the second floor window of the building back and to the left . It would be really interesting to know what sort of weapon he is carrying.
  2. image.png

Really hope a better version of this latest video turns up, it appears to be the “smoking gun” if you’ll pardon the pun… and the rhyme.

  1. Thinking conspiratorially for a second, the actual shooter (of Trump) had to use the same weapon and bullet type for the ballistics to match Crooks’. The reason the shooter missed was the freak movement of trump’s head but also possibly because the shot had to be taken hurriedly, and with inferior equipment, not a proper sniper rifle. .
  2. Its possible the shooter had to rush the shot if Crooks’ confrontation with the police officer actually happened. the shooter, knowing this, would have also known all hell was about to break loose, and had to get the shot off there and then, ready or not.
  3. The laser sight: there was no “red dot” on trump at any time, so Crooks’ gun wasn’t used for the shot? More likely the same type of gun but with a proper scope.
  4. The trajectory of the first shot, working backwards from the wounded guy in the far bleacher and back through Trump’s ear, lines up pretty well with Crooks on the roof. Except that it would need to be a rising shot to hit a crouching Trump and the victim on the top level of the bleacher This lines up exactly with the Window second from right directly underneath Crooks. This affords the best possible cover for the shooter, including any muzzle flash. It also explains the muffled nature of the first three shots.
  5. image.png


Writing from far away Australia but absolutely mesmerised by your take on JFK/Dallas 2.0. Kudos to you, Dr Martensen for doing a cracking job.

Things for his consideration:

  1. In photos of dead body on the roof, there appears to be a bullet entry or exit wound on the back of the neck, under the right ear. Wouldn’t that line up with a shot from the ESU countersniper on the far left second floor window?

  2. image.png

  3. Blood has flowed from it gravitationally as if victim was shot from behind, face down.

  4. As seen in your video of Herrera, a sniper-calibre bullet would completely blow the head apart no? So the bullet that killed this person can’t have been a sniper calibre.


I just saw this image, and my OCD brain is asking why it seems that the event set up is not a true 90 degrees to the pathway in front of the stage. I’m using the red walkway as my parallel guide. Not that it HAS to be, but does that seemingly 3 to 5 degree angling help the shooter’s position?

Also I was assuming that the 5 rapid fire shots were from Crooks, does that weapon have a automatic setting or capability?

Thank you to Chris and the community for all of the work that you have been doing!


I have tried listening for it, cannot tell either way with the gunshot. An audio spectrum analysis might be able to find something if you know what frequencies braking glass makes.

hickok45 explains suppressors

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Youtube deleted my comments
The bullet would take 1/5 of a second to arrive

I would like to hear bullet 4 cut off at bullet 5
Compared to bullet 1 cut down to same size as the cut bullet 4

And some quick combo like
1 1 4 1 1 1 4 1

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FYI - Red dot sights are not lasers. They present a red dot on your sight but it is not projected on the target like an actual laser.


He says he has looked through the video and can’t see any frames where it is open. I think it is open. There are inconsistencies with that window throughout the Stewart video

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Did you see post #169 above?

I looked at video again and did some research on Google Earth and stand corrected on my premise Crooks gain access to roof through 2nd Story E window.

Video corroborates Crooks getting onto office building at far North end of AGR facilities.

There still is some major concerns that arise from the “Open Window”

  1. Why would Sniper go out on ground level to look for Crook where dozen officers are already looking when he could simply step out window to 1st story roof and walk over to edges on E, N, and S ends to look for him?

  2. How is it this window, which must have been open prior to shooting, not been used immediately to get to Crooks after kill confirmed?

We have to wait 10 minutes for ladder? Even under Crazy excuse of Snipers left their post, 2nd sniper goes down to let fist man back inside because no key card, there is always someone in the building and access to roof without bumbling around outside waiting for a ladder.

  1. For minimum of 3 minutes from time Crooks runs right past this window it would have been best access to take Crooks out by Sniper. (running down to let your mate back in, 1 minute max)

Everyone on ground is looking for Crooks on roof and yet no Sniper on 2nd Story looks out this window?

Only one scenario could make this possible.

Both snipers were ordered by command to go outside ground level to assist the other dozen law enforcement officers and both got locked out of building.

Someone identifies Sniper “Greg” in Stewart video outside the building while chaos to access roof with ladder, yet once Agent Smith is on roof with the body cam footage is told Greg is in the 2nd Story again.

Back to Crazy idea that Sniper 2 has to go back down to let Sniper 1 back in always leaves someone in building and could just let everyone in and show them the window to get on roof, which we know didn’t happen.

Chris, the 2nd shooter’s position can be triangulated with the Stewart audios. I’m shocked nobody has already done this.


My guess is that a switch is going on to change the glass out for some kind of self healing plastic covering. Notice the “broken window look” is before shots are fired. I’m thinking the weird hanging weatherstripping look is part of the changout process.

I did a substack on this on Tuesday. Glad to see other people are zeroing in on it too.

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I’m guessing the last sniper in the AGR building is going to tell us he was in the bathroom with intestinal difficulties. But of course they are still working on coordinating everyone’s stories.

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something really strange going on with the 3rd window. screen shots in chronological order.

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