The Stewart Film Blows The Official Narrative Out Of The Water

I 'm intimately familiar with delta tactics …which you state is what I heard @ 35 yds from podium 20 yrds from combine/bleacher …and activley glassing area with 40 x binos…
crooks kid never fired an unsuppressed AR over my head …did not happen!

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Well, at that point, then you would have us believer that Crooks missed, a second shooter missed, and a third shooter missed.

I can accept these theories:

  1. Total incompetence and complacency

  2. Purposeful manipulation and helping Crooks (planning and enforcement failures the day of do seem to support this)

  3. Purposeful manipulation, helping Crooks, freak failure of an experienced sniper (planning and enforcement failures the day of do seem to support this, audio does seem to support this)

But two experienced snipers missing? Statistically that makes no sense.

Crooks didn’t fire until Trump was beneath a pile of Secret Service Agents.
We don’t know how experienced or competent the two synchronized shooters were. We do know that Trump made a head turn that caused an ear to be nicked instead of a fatal head shot.
Why is it not possible that the head turn also caused the other shooter to miss entirely?

If two bullets hit Trump from two different trajectories, or one hits and one obviously misses, then there is a much larger issue than just a lone gunman taking shots.

The whole point of a patsy is to conceal the true actors behind the kill attempt.

If there is more to the theories than absolute jaw dropping incompetence and this was a maliciously planned conspiracy, then the planners would not have wanted Crooks to miss. They didn’t train him extensively or supply him with better equipment, which makes me think he would never have been their primary shooter.

So far, all of the evidence as a whole indicates that the USSS leadership has been politically captured and that there was purposeful intent behind those security failures to permit the attempt to happen.

At worst, it also seems like Butler locals were involved. Why else would they abandon their posts? It makes absolutely zero sense to do that. There’s many solutions to a buddy being locked outside and none of them have to involve leaving the post as well.


As an inside job, Biden would of had too sign off on it. A top secret, need to know operation with those on board with the plan or comprised enough to not have an option about it.

With the Butler locals, maybe there was one or two of them that knew? On an official level, the Butler police where kept in the dark and got played. I don’t know where the orders came from for the ones that left their post. Got sent on a diversion?

I don’t know.

It doesn’t make sense. That’s the bottom line.

According to their chatter, the pictures of him weren’t sending.

Is that enough reason to leave the area?

No. Other officers already had eyes on him by a certain point. Verbal descriptions of suspects have been used for decades even if that wasn’t the case.

So there were lots of options then and none of them involved leaving a post unsecured.

It seems like they tried to set this up to look like incompetence/network communication issues, but how many layers of stupidity is the American public expected to believe?

Every single one of those people should have their finances and life status watched like hawks. I mean, are we going to see the sinister Jan 6th/Boeing aftermaths?

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There are a couple of posts around these boards asking about applying some filters to the windows to see if something is there that we cannot generally see. The color curve has been adjusted to provide more resolution in the dark tones of the windows.

Original image:

I am pretty certain the Stewart video showing events just before the shooting captured which ESU team member fired shot 9. He was standing in that same spot during the video looking toward AGR building 6.

They not only abandoned their posts, but took actions which led to a concentration of security personnel to the eastern side of the AGR complex to the detriment of overall security.
They knew there was a person lurking about the building, at different times with a backpack and rangefinder. The suspicious person did not appear to be interested in the event. He kept close to the building.
Not a time to abandon the only post with an effective watch over the AGR building roofs.
The sensible approach would be to put armed uniformed police on the roof- there were ladders available. Also a high priority to distribute patrolmen to cover all viable access points to the roofs.
Instead, their actions facilitated Crooks’ attempt to assassinate President Trump and may have allowed one or more other shooters to evade detection.


Know what’s weird to me?

There are 3 plain clothes crowd operators on that side. We see at least 2 in the video where the crowd is yelling that he is on the roof.

Why didn’t they shoot at Crooks or yell at him or call in for Trump to be pulled from the stage for safety?

Where were they?

I think we see one in front of the building on the west side before Crooks starts shooting. Ok, maybe he’s watching the fenceline. What about the other 2 on that side?

What time does Greg come from that side?? Is it immediately after in the Stewert video or later? I thought his buddy was letting him back in.

It stinks!!!


Did we see later whether those guys were armed?

Edit: isn’t this ZZ Cop with a pistol in his hand?

These guys were apparently over there just to the west of the AGR building with people yelling about a guy they can see crawling on the roof, and they don’t draw their weapon and run over and yell at him to freeze?


In theory, they could claim that they didn’t know if he was one of their’s, but you know:

He matches the visual details of the suspect they are seeking.

And, uhm, just ask him?

Say, “Hey, you, what are you doing? Who are you?”

Everything would have been different.

Let me be ironic. Thein “exam” was for long ago just be dressed well and they got a grade A+.

AGR buildin inside:
240808 f inside agr
240808 g inside agr

I’ve been taking screenshots from the Stewart film of all the windows on that AGR building, and then changing the brightness, contrast, black point, brilliance, and the like. This technique was used to try to see what is in the windows. To me, all the windows, except the window that is below Crooks, appear to remain basically unchanging.
This is not saying anyone shot out the window, but saying that closer scrutiny of the changes may be warranted.
This screenshot from before the shooting clearly shows an outline around the window. The second photo is a duplicates, so they are the exact same photo.

During about 9 seconds when bullets are being shot, the bottom of the window below Crooks, the window next to the drain pipe, looks different.
During that time, the bottom of the window has more than one black line visible. Here are a couple examples…

These next two are the same screenshot…

Then these next two are the same photo…

One might note the really black space at the bottom, the extra line, and the black circle that appears on the top right of the window.

Is there a removable panel on the top right of the window?

The window was back to normal by the time it was cleared.

After staring at shadows all day this shot of this window is also pretty wild. Again, these three pictures are the same duplicated screen shot.


What do I see?
This looks like a shadow man carrying a rectangular, transparent, object. With a hand at the bottom of the rectangular object and the rectangular object goes underneath of the shadow man’s chin.
What do you see?

This was the flag that flipped and tangled at the moment Shawn Parnell was praising/asking god for protection of our military and law enforcement “I call this the angel Flag picture that I took that fateful day” I believe this was a sign from god that day…

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These frames are from bodycam footage as the policeman entered the building.
There is a corridor inside the buliding with small rooms/offices both side.
You can see two officers walking back. I guess they checked those rooms.
It might be the reason of the light flash in the window.

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hahahaha, as an urban middle aged white Australian, it shows I know about as much about guns as boomerangs. i.e. not much. In any case my money is still on a shooter inside the building crooks was on top of. Third window from right changes in many weird (there’s that word again) ways that cant be put down to “reflections”. In the Stewart video before the shots, a white cable appears to droop down from the top of the window, as if the top of a curtain was being loosened and left to droop. And a second horizontal external slot appears to open up at the top of the window. After the shooting everything goes back the way it was.

I think the RSBN wide angle camera is taking in a direct feed from the sound board not an on camera/open air mic that is picking up the PA. That camera also has a stick or wireless mic connected to it as we hear the reporter come on saying “Breaking News”. I am a broadcast ENG camera operator and it’s very standard practice for press conferences and events of this nature for the sound company to provide a box that has line and/or mic level outputs from the board the we plug into the camera. I’ve used them hundreds of times. This image shows where the RSBN wide shot was from the cable troughs that the cable would run through. So even if they weren’t supplied a box they could have sent an audio line to the board.

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You proved this early on. Plus, the sounds even with the ear tell of different positions.
Question, could there be overlapping fire?
In one video an LEO counted 5 casings out loud, while a USSS later mentioned 8. (?)
My Opinion (only) is the first three were intending to hit target.
upon hearing those “crooks” fired 5 in rapid secession, for effect? mayhem? to get a piece of the action? Thus drawing the return fire.
I say that because “Crooks” was to wait until he heard first shot, then take action. maybe he was distracted (cop on roof) or inexperience made him take too long to line up. He didn’t have a comms gear.

Keep up the Good work.

Someone posted that the light in the 3rd window after the shots rang out came from the SUV.

Can we check on that? Does it align with the SUV ramming the fence? I thought it showed up quite a bit later, pulling in after the shots.

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