The Surprising Truth About Vitamin D and Why the NIH is Ignoring It

Sometimes energy work can help Bio-field Therapy or Reiki .

Vitamin D Recommendation?

Great presentation, Chris!
One thing, though: the NIH presentation on Vitamin D that came out after this study… at around 19:44 in your video you talk about the gross ethical violation, but the page where the NIH said “insufficient evidence” shows a “Last Updated: September 26, 2022” timestamp at the top.
Not that I’m a fan of the NIH (most certainly not) but is it possible that their “insufficient evidence” line is from September 2022 and hasn’t been updated to reflect the results of this new Vit D meta-study?
Just curious.

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Chris, i checked @mcconner1776 observation and its true… “twenty-five citations were also excluded because they had no outcomes of interest”… How can you really say “I believe this study tried its hardest not to find a positive Vitamin D effect” when they literally excluded 25 studies based on no real reason? There have been meta-studies, on this exact topic before, where they found no statistically significant outcome where they included a bunch of shit studies, this one quite clearly did not do that if it found a possessive outcome. Your mentality here says a lot. I still think vitamin-d makes sense, but you have to be able to take criticisms of your fundamental presuppositions without just resorting to questioning why some is here… with all due respect, that is a pretty shit defence mechanism

My Freshly Minted Dr. In Our Family Yelled: You Cannot Recommend Vitamin D

I loved this… her point was that Vitamin D overdose is real, and this is a dangerous recommendation.
Same Person: HCQ and IVM are out, Remedesivr is in!
The first two are INCREDIBLY Dangerous and the STUDIES PROVE they do not help, and can hurt people. (Of course, quoting the worse studies ever, designed to make this point).
Same Person: If people just SHUT UP, Stayed Home, Wore Masks and Gloves, we would not be in this mess…
Me: OMFG… You’re just an Authoritarian! We need to listen to those above us and not think for ourselves.
FTR, I am no longer ALLOWED to communicate with her… Because my views are SO OUTSIDE the norm as to be intolerable, and dangerous.



Trust the $peed of $$$cience!!!


Severe Restrictions In Peru.

We weren’t even allowed out for an hour in Peru. People were only allowed out for certain things, such as buying vital products like food. But NO time out was allowed for exercise or fresh air. After a long time (months) children were allowed out for 1 hour every day, under adult supervision, but had to keep within 500 metres of their house. In retrospect, this was a very bad policy.

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Careful now, there’s little tolerance for apostasy here.

Yeah, I have one of those in my family too. You should see her tie it up with her dad, also an MD. As the mad scientist in my family, I just cross my arms and observe. There’s no reasoning going on there, it’s all memorization of what Authoritah hath laid down.


“the Next Study They Chose Looked At Patients Who Were Already Hospitalized.”

The next round of funding for studies to explore the effectiveness of Vitamin D will be for those investigating its effects on patients who are already dead. That oughta get that confidence interval back down.


Vit D And 'rona Injuries

Are there any indications that high (but not toxic) levels of Vitamin D can assist with recovery from jab injuries?

Vitamin D… Is There Anything It Can’t Do? (h/t Homer Simpson)

But this would blow pharma’s immunosuppressive therapies out of the water.

Evidence suggests vitamin D3 resistance with gene polymorphisms related to its metabolism to have a potential role in the patho-prognosis of psoriasis. We report 6 cases of psoriasis treated with daily oral Vitamin D3 (25 hydroxy cholecalciferol) in doses ranging from 30,000 IU to 60,000 IU over a period of 2 to 6 months and then followed by lower daily maintenance dose. The dose of vitamin D3 was adjusted based on the drop in the level of parathyroid hormone as the ionized calcium levels were also periodically monitored to prevent hypercalcemia. Complete control of psoriasis was observed within a span of 2–6 months, which was measured by Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) and a symptom Visual analog scale. Our observations suggest that supervised, daily oral higher than usual Vitamin D3 can be given safely as an effective therapeutic modality for treating psoriasis.
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Vitamin D

A few years back I was monitoring my Vitamin D very closely. With 25,000 IU’s daily, I got my levels up to 100ng. The next quarterly blood test, I surged to 150ng. Was living in Florida at the time. Possibly more sunshine or did the Vitamin D simply build in my system?
Am I correct in my understanding that one living north of the 35th parallel will struggle to get enough Vitamin D, even in the summer without supplements? And my dark-skinned friends have no idea that their Vitamin D can’t get above the lower threshold of 30ng without supplemental Vitamin D. Still not enough education of the benefits of Vitamin D.
Did I hear you mention Remdesivir? Or did you mean to say, “Run, death is near”?

Quantity Of D3 Consumption

As a chiropractor that a decade ago used to regularly email questions to the directors of product development and nutritional biochemistry for a top quality supplement company, I knew a lot of these vitamin D facts a long time ago.
I highly suggest taking vitamin K2 with your vitamin D3. I don’t have the time to go into why. If this is news to you, research why that is important. I do not advise mega-dosing any nutrient including D3 for any length of time. There are relationships between nutrients and it’s best not to upset that balance. Vitamin D3 and K2 is a good example of that. Vitamin D is classified by some biochemists as a hormone rather than a vitamin.

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Vitamin D Has Been Known To Be Important For A Long Time

I quickly found this article from 2013, and have found others from many years pre-covid, which talk about the role of vitamin D in immune function. It is unconscionable that vitamin D3 supplementation has not encouraged by public health agencies for a long time; particularly during covid.

Since Early 2020

Our family has been taking vitamin D almost daily since you suggested it in early 2020. Not only havent we had any bad effects from covid (weve all had it 4x, but effects were mild), we also havent had colds nor flu these last 3 years. Not at all. Vitamin D works. As humans, we’re supposed to be outside working in the sun.

“She gave me a prescription for a 50,000 IU pill to take once a week for 6 weeks.”
Historically the oral prescription version of vitamin D has been vitamin D2…which is almost worthless compared to D3. D2 can’t be compared to D3.

Vitamin D2 Versus D3; What Is Prescribed?

Years ago I asked a patient of mine, the head pharmacist in a large nationwide chain store: “when you see a vitamin D prescription, is it D2 or D3 that is the prescription form”. She replied “the prescription form is D2”.
I told her I wonder why that is; D2 is virtually worthless compared to D3.
Even the cheapest box store brands are D3.
Amazing the prescription form would be worthless D2.
If any of you ever get a prescription for oral vitamin D, and what is filled is D2, throw it away and buy D3. It will probably cost $10 or thereabouts.


Yes, I can vouch for the great health benefits of taking chlorine dioxide. I’ve put together some of the information that I’ve gathered about it into a booklet: