The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation 'Errors' Committed By The FBI

where exactly did you get the information that wRAY SAID crooks had flown the drone North…?

This is FBI Deputy Director Abbate’s statement during the hearings which is essentially the same as Wray’s.

“The subject then arrived at the scene and was moving around the Farm Show grounds, close to the AGR [American Glass Research] building, from which he ultimately committed the attack. Shortly thereafter, at approximately 3:51 p.m., the shooter flew a drone approximately 200 yards from the Farm Show grounds for about 11 minutes. The drone and controller were later found in the subject’s car. Analysis did not reveal any photos or video taken by the drone, but we can confirm he was live streaming and would have been able to view it on his controller.”

Just some observations about Higgins’ report:

  1. I found it curious that he doesn’t say anything about the two snipers in the overlook building in terms of their whereabouts and the suspicious timeline that’s already been issued. I understand that he’s focusing more on the “failure“ of the FBI and maybe the Secret Service, but, the absence of accountability of the overlook snipers troubles me.

  2. Perhaps I missed it, but was the beaver county law enforcement individuals also part of his investigation? Or was it only Butler county? Obviously, GN is part of beaver, so maybe he just simply doesn’t have the information about GN whereabouts?

  3. I know everybody has lauded Lenz’ participation on the day of the shooting and after, but I still maintain that when he knew there was an individual running on the roof with the book bag (back pack) and he knew it wasn’t one of “theirs”, it seems to me that the first thing he should’ve done was phoned into the Secret Service command post, which he did not do, but rather “only” communicated to/with the quick/rapid response force only. I’m not being overly critical. I’m just observing that it seems to me that the first thing I would’ve thought is that a Secret Service sniper would be the obvious choice to shoot the guy rather than have people on the ground. Try to figure out how to get to a roof, which took him three or four minutes to do even after the shooting.

  4. Lastly, what’s most disturbing to me is that the south facing Secret Service snipers who turned north a minute and a half before the shooting clearly would’ve had a much better view of what the shooter was doing than was the ESU counter sniper on the ground that reportedly took this amazing shot nine; so how is it that that the southern secret sniper group (which I think was Hercules 1) did not take a first shot or at least take a shot long before the eighth shot by the shooter?! They were looking from a Higher ground perspective than was the sniper on the ground and should’ve been able to see more of his head and his body and his rifle so how is it that they did not shoot; They must’ve seen him start to aim his rifle at least a second or two before he took the first shot! (Again, they were looking from a higher ground perspective and obviously should’ve been able to see the sniper, his head, his body and the rifle).

That makes no sense to me at all.

And I know Dan Bongino has said that it was reported to him a day or two after the event that those snipers still were not sure whether that was a good guy or a bad guy on the roof; but it seems awfully strange to me that the bad guy was able to crawl close to the peak of the roof, get his kills hot ready to be aimed towards the podium, which must’ve taken at least a second or two before the first shot, but yet the shooter took eight shots before Hercules 1’s kill shot which took about 10 seconds after the ninth shot and 15 seconds after the first shot by the shooter. Someone has to explain that to me.


just listening to Wrays testimony now…i have linked the video at time it starts…of interest is the discussion of where he was operating from…

you will understand when you hear it

I just listened to it again on a different channel and realized that Wray is not saying Crooks was 200 yards away, the drone was. He was not flying it over the rally site, but 200 yards away from it. My guess would be over AGR.


yes…so as to where he was positioned at that time only the FBI know, because it will have take of and landing co-ordinates for his flight as well as flight path…

Wray say Crooks was there in the morning for 70 minutes but didnt mention the walk back to the Van/Car, which obviously occurred as it was found in the car/van and not on site…

Crooks could have flown the Drone from Lawrence Avenue or anywhere in between…

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I’ve been trying to find a source stating his van was found on Lawrence, but so far all I have is “near the rally site” with a photo that doesn’t help at all as far as the location.

i have seen a ohoto that is supposedly the van, but was at night…i dont think there was any detail of the surroundings from memory

There was a video that showed the location where it was towed from. I’ve watched so many I don’t know which it was. It could be scrubbed from YT by now. That street is only a couple blocks long.

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Here is the July 13th morning timeline for Crooks from Abbate. His full statement is in the link I attached above,

"On the morning of July 13, at approximately 10 a.m., the shooter returned to the Butler Farm Show Grounds and remained there for about 70 minutes before returning home. At approximately 1:30 p.m., while at the residence, the shooter’s father gave him a rifle for the purpose of going to the Sportsman’s Club, he believed. About 25 minutes later, the shooter purchased ammunition while en route to the Butler Farm Show Grounds.

The subject then arrived at the scene and was moving around the Farm Show grounds, close to the AGR [American Glass Research] building, from which he ultimately committed the attack. Shortly thereafter, at approximately 3:51 p.m., the shooter flew a drone approximately 200 yards from the Farm Show grounds for about 11 minutes. The drone and controller were later found in the subject’s car. Analysis did not reveal any photos or video taken by the drone, but we can confirm he was live streaming and would have been able to view it on his controller.

The first reported sighting of the shooter by local law enforcement was at approximately 4:26 p.m. At approximately 5:10 p.m., the shooter was again identified by local law enforcement as a suspicious person around the AGR building."


Car or Van…seems like theres some doubt if its either or both…

here is an excert from a Gateway Pundit Article (dont laugh…lol) thats on their sight now…

video of the white van here…


Have you considered that this may have been and FBI Sting operation gone wrong. Let’s look at the Homeland Security’s MO. Find a patsy or group of patsies. Encourage them to commit an act of domestic terrorism. Plant evidence and supply them with means to carry out the act. Then catch them at the last minute, thus justifying their otherwise dubious existence. The snipers, there because of a supposed threat by the Iranians (What, not Putin?), were probably supposed to have taken out the shooter before any shots were fired. Building 6 pacmaned out of the SS perimeter. FBI lying to Congress about shooters political posts. Keeping LEOs out of the loop so they could look like the heroes. Destruction of evidence. Disinterest in debriefing LEOs then throwing them under the bus when the plan went haywire. Something is obviously rotten in the state of Pennsylvania.


What do you mean don’t laugh. I like the Gateway Pundit. Yes, the van versus car is a quagmire. I found the name of the local guy who saw the van getting towed away when he got off work. I’ll have to try and find an address.


some clues in here,

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Nice one, well done?

In the case of JFK in they were hiding that there were other shooters probably on the bridge as the car approached, pot shot easy target from there. Compared with a passing shot angle from the Schoolbook Depository above. In this case another shooter was in the same cone of fire as Crooks on the roof. Also any drugs in his system, not crooks but somebody else for whatever reason. etc etc.

FBI fires back at Higgins prelim report.

Highlights from the Fox article:

  • The agency said that Crooks’ body was released to his family after coordination with the coroner’s office as well as state and local law enforcement partners “in keeping with normal procedures.”

  • But the FBI also hit back against those claims, telling Fox News Digital that the crime scene was released to the property owners in phases and that “nothing was rushed and everything was documented as part of the investigation.”

  • The FBI also says it arranged for the cleaning of the location where Crooks died, which is in keeping with standard procedures.

  • The tenth, and final shot, was fired by the southern Secret Service counter-sniper team, which entered the left mouth area and exited the right ear area.

  • Higgins says that ESU Commander Edward Lenz had cleared the tower with a drone that morning.

That was not an autopsy, just a death certificate.

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