The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation 'Errors' Committed By The FBI

I was thinking of the one by door 9. The other is 16 feet over 200 yards, so about 200 yards.


Here was Abbate’s testimony, BTW.

“The subject then arrived at the scene and was moving around the Farm Show grounds, close to the AGR [American Glass Research] building, from which he ultimately committed the attack. Shortly thereafter, at approximately 3:51 p.m., the shooter flew a drone approximately 200 yards from the Farm Show grounds for about 11 minutes. The drone and controller were later found in the subject’s car. Analysis did not reveal any photos or video taken by the drone, but we can confirm he was live streaming and would have been able to view it on his controller.”

This testimony and something I saw from Spa Guy a few minutes ago gives me more to go on for his locations while on site, but more importantly how and when he got there.

Oh, and I’m in the process of reviewing my window assumptions. I’ll share when I’m done, but thinking those photos were from the same window is a reasonable impression the closer I look at it.


I think Chris’ video today was mostly about failures of investigation - the failures of planning and communication he covered already.

That said, this angle of Merchant’s arrest on the 12th is good to provide color on perhaps a bigger conspiracy with goals for a US coup and war against Iran … but it’s an angle that may not help illuminate the details of J13 specifically. Just a gut feeling.

Merchant, btw, already comes across as an idiot, the ideal stuff for an entrapment like the Whitmer case. Did Merchant seriously believe that a $5,000 down payment for the assassination of a US political figure (without even specifying the target, place, or circumstance) would be enough to convince a professional hitman to accept a job??? Really, if I were a hitman considering assassinating a political figure for a foreigner with international sponsor, I would want at least $100,000 as a 5% down payment just to meet and listen. Too risky! For Merchant not to realize how unrealistic $5,000 was suggests he was just a dumbo being played.


thank you for doing that, i know you are doing great work with your Crooks movements that day, and i am guessing the video of Crooks walking into the AGR complex you showed is him returning after dropping of his drone…but with no back pack so theres still that to consider…

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yes, it was the reason there was a counter sniper team at an event for the first time ever as Chris mentioned…but seeing as this man Asif Merchant was quiet inept, he could have been a decoy to keep the FBI distracted…which i am sure they took into consideration as where there is 1 assassin plot there are probably more…and it also goes to the roof being washed down as well…given the FBI knew Trump was a target of Iran and Asif had travelled there before flying to the USA their actions seem a little blase…

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Go to the 7:47 mark. This will hopefully fill in the gaps. It has been so long ago, and so many videos ago, that I saw this and totally forgot it was in there.


nice one…and we should take into consideration that he scoped the venue 5 days before…so he isnt wandering around aimlessy, but checking on Leo positions etc…where he can and cant be seen etc etc… (not exactly sure if its 5 days…brain haze)

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it would take about 15 minutes to walk to Lawrence avenue and back is my guess…

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So, it’s only a 7-minute walk from where Spa Guy said the van was parked to the sign at the main entrance to AGR. It would only take 16 minutes to a half hour to walk back to his van, drop off the drone and fiddle around a bit, then go back to AGR.



Jinx! Great minds think alike!

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i am just piggy backing on you, i hope you dont mind…

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If someone has local knowledge, it could be possible to find this out. In Mass, there are UCC filings one can search on the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s website. You search this to see if they’ve been sued but will also list the address of the business. The business, if the owner of the building, would be listed in the Assessor’s website. Is there a local Chamber of Commerce, advertising the business has done? Is there a local paper or reference librarian?

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There’s no need. The “local business” that FBI Deputy Director Abbate mentioned was most likely AGR itself.

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My old Lumix DMC-GH4 and newer DMC-GH5M2 both have a max shutter speed of 1/8000. I can switch it to 1/16000 using the electronic shutter feature. There is nothing special about a modern DSLR with a 1/8000 shutter speed.


They may still get away with it, but it will not be as easy to cover it up in this day and time.

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This is my first time commenting, but I have been avidly following Chris’s citizen’s investigation since J13. The thread that sticks out most to me today is that Greg Nicol’s wife Michel is a deputy coroner for Beaver County. I realize that the Higgins report states that the body was in the custody of the Butler County coroner rather than Beaver County. However, if the Butler County coroner did not personally release the body for cremation, is it possible that the FBI worked with Michel Vasiladiotus-Nicol to release the body? Even if she was in a neighboring county, it is entirely feasible that she has access, or the ability to easily gain access, into more than one coroner’s office in the geographic region. If Greg is either the second shooter or at least in on the CIA/USSS plan, his wife would also likely play a part.

Another point that has been bugging me for a while: the strategic diagrams place the Butler and Beaver (Nicol) snipers in the first two windows from the left (looking north at the two-story building from the stage). Specifically, Greg is at the first window. But Chris established that the first window is actually closed based on source 4’s (I believe) video footage, although there are 4 others open. The sniper rifle Greg is seen with (as he exits the building to go home) is not what is shown in any of the three photos shared by Grassley. So the questions arise: why is Greg slated to be stationed at a fully closed window? Where was his actual rifle set up, if not at the three windows photographed by/for Grassley? Is it possible that he was actually stationed on the far right side after all, to be more “spread out” from the Butler sniper? And lastly, true sniper teams are 2-man teams (a spotter and a sniper) — did Greg have a spotter, or was he the spotter, or were they operating 100% independently of each other? So many questions.

Reference: Beaver County PA - Staff


Chris Wray suggested that Crooks’ drone flew to a position north of his shooting position and was likely checking sight-lines to the Hercules 2 position to ensure tree foliage concealed his shooting position and his route across the AGR roofs to that position.
But when was the Hercules 1 counter-sniper position set up that day? Was there a rehearsal set up on a previous day?

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Modern Military Snipers tend to work with a spotter. A lot of time, LEO/SWAT snipers work solo or with another sniper. Like the USSS CS teams did. Also Counter-Snipers have a different frame of mind than snipers.

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How he was able to know the certain day he would see LEO’s in posinion?

because he had scoped the sight out prior to the day of the event, had looked up on google details of the event…he flew his drone at 3:49pm until 4pm the day of the event…whilst Leo were on sight, the ESU snipers were at their positions from 11am onwards…

Trump was due to start speaking at 5pm…

sorry just seen message you are replying to…how did he know where law enforcement would be…easy, by looking and using common sense.

just going through Wrays testimony now to see when he says that the drone flew north…to see exactly what he means by North…