The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation 'Errors' Committed By The FBI

This house is 102 Lawrence Ave


Good question.

Could well be, thanks for pointig that out.
Since there was quite a bit of media coverage about this white van, why is it that we don’t hear a follow up or information that it wasn’t Crooks van?
Probably they wana keep people speculating


I don’t think so either, but again it could have been out of frame in the photo of the picnic table and entrance. If it was there, he must have driven it off site and then walked back on site passing the AGR sign. That was about an hour before the shooting per the News Nation Jon Malis interview, and that aligns with the 4:26 pm sighting, meaning he was sighted in the dashcam after Woods spotted him because he reparked his car. It would be nice to know exactly where that car was found, because I’m pretty confident it wasn’t found in the AGR complex.

It could be a smaller hole of entry on his left cheek.

Someone who is an attorney should FOIA the autopsy.


Woods did not mention a backpack in his sighting text, but that is inconclusive as to whether he had it at that point. If he did, he may have stashed it before leaving the site and returning, if he did. I still have to align the Abbate timeline with the other information of his whereabouts. And it was reported that his drone was found in his vehicle.

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Yes! I just read through 94 posts to make sure no one else had brought this up to finally find your post #92 with this question. Chris cites this Fox News article that @knitknotknow already linked to above. Towards the end of the article we read from Higgins’ report:

“The ninth shot was fired by a Butler SWAT operator from the ground, about 100 yards away from the AGR building. The shot hit Crooks’ rifle stock and fragged his face and shoulder area from the stock breaking up.”

So Crooks would have had significant injuries on his right side (if he was shooting right-handed). Would injuries to face and shoulder be consistent with a shot fired from directly in front of him hitting his stock? That sounds odd to me, but not my area of expertise. Supposedly, he ducked down after this shrapnel event and yet still popped up again to receive the kill shot from the south roof snipers:

“Higgins writes that Crooks “went down” from his firing position when shot 9 was fired, recovered after just a few seconds, and “popped back up.” The tenth, and final shot, was fired by the southern Secret Service counter-sniper team, which entered the left mouth area and exited the right ear area.”

I too read this and thought, “Hey, wait a minute! What happened to the left forehead impact scenario of his head ducked down while thinking he was out of sight?”

The autopsy report was a week late as of August 5th. Has it turned up yet?

Here’s is what I am wondering about with this new information re left mouth/right ear. Imagine Crooks in right-handed prone shooter position, his head cocked over to the right for sighting, and also tipped slightly forward. The path from left mouth to right ear would have been:

  1. Slightly uphill—This uphill path for a shot from the South Sniper Team doesn’t seem right. The South Sniper Team was higher than Crooks. A bullet from that position should have been dropping. But I could be wrong about Crooks’ head positioning although to position his ear lower than his mouth seems extremely awkward. I need a second head, a roof, a rifle or a stick, and time to take some measurements.
  2. Coming in from off to the left of Crooks’ forward—Maybe 20 degrees to the left (SE) of Crooks’ Trump forward stance? That estimate is just from me making faces in the mirror. But this does make sense for a shot from the South Sniper Team.
  3. Not necessarily a quick death trajectory!—Such a bullet path would do a great deal of very painful damage to teeth, tongue, ear, and jaw—with a lot of bleeding and aspiration—but I do not think it would have hit the brain at all. The brain is generally above the plane running through the center of eyes and ears.

Just for kicks (and I apologize for this post running so long and for the inexperience of the poster in the topics involved) what if this bullet did not enter from the front as assumed, but rather from the rear? Then we have a downward trajectory coming from slightly higher and behind and to the right of Crooks. Who could be back there to take a shot at Crooks?

We probably all remember that odd piece of camo-netted hardware set-up in an open window that @cmartenson showed us. That was supposed to be at SW corner of the two-story building behind Building 6. But perhaps it was not the only one of those in one of those second floor windows that day.

As I recall, Chris said recently that he thought that was a heavily suppressed (thus quiet) short-barrelled rifle designed for closer work than Trump’s distance. I think Chris ventured no more than 100 yards. Crowd control? Or perhaps damage control.

This screenshot from the roof is from the same Fox News article. Crooks’(?) body is discreetly blurred. But what is that small “random” blurred area up the roof and behind the uniform? Okay, it could be an unfortunate cloud of flatulence. Or is it a deliberate blurring of a small piece of roof real estate that might have a bullet hole in it?

Starting with hypothesis that a bullet came from behind to hit Crooks in the area of his right ear and to exit in the area of his left mouth, it may be possible with some very careful work to backtrack that bullet up and to the WNW and get some idea of where it might have come from. It may also be possible to see where the remains of such a magic bullet may have ended up (such as in the roof immediately east of Crooks).

Any engineers with time on their hands?


Nice point.

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It’s almost as if both of the USSS directors just make up a bunch of bullshit and don’t care whether it’s actually true or not.

One in a million kill shot. Sure.


Not my bailiwick, but the spinal column is at the back of the neck. I believe it would not have been hit by this particular bullet path.


When I look closely at the gory head photo taken and released within 3 hours on J13, I see a clear entrance wound just below the left eyebrow.

A big one. It’s a nice, round hole.


Greg Smith (the witness) also said on X couple days ago, that the white van belonged to some random drunk guy who had forgotten where it was parked. I would have to think it’s just some baseless rumour, since the FBI director talked about it as if it was a fact in front of the congress, if i remember correctly(?) Maybe not?

Smith also posted a picture of the other car, and someone found the same(?) car parked in front of his house on google earth.

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You made a reference here to the livecast you did with Gary of Paramount Tactical - I never saw this get released on the website even though I usually check daily for new episodes, and I can’t find it searching youtube, either. Is there a link you can provide to that interview so I can watch it? I know there’s an address posted on the screen but youtube addresses are really tedious to type in by hand. I’m confused as to why this has been so hard to find because I remember you saying you were going to do it and then I never saw anything get posted.

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So yet again another thing that makes no sense unless those that want to cover this up know that a 300 winmag round would’ve blown his head off most likely so they have to make up a different story?

I know the guy that Chris did that presentation with at Paramount tactical said you never know what a bullets going to do, but it sounds to me like there’s no doubt if it was the round from those SS snipers on the south now facing north, his head should’ve been decapitated. Something doesn’t make sense again.

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My wild guess is that the Secret Service snipers never shot him. I wish we had video of that time period. I thought Chris showed some video of those guys during the first three shots and they clearly were not shooting. Maybe I made a mistake about that; in any event, it’s too bad that wedon’t have a video to see what they were really doing for that 15 seconds.


From the beginning I say this.

I remember Wray saying the drone was surveying from the field back towards AGR. Looking away from the rally

Don’t forget that around July 8th the site of the rally was changed from airport to farm. Would love to know who changed it and why?


Didn’t check all the bodycam footage from the parking lot yet, so I’m not sure if the Hyundai Sonata could be seen somewhere. But something else caught my eye:

According to the text message at 4:26+27pm it’s not even sure to me if he is talking about Crooks. As I understand it, the photo showing Crooks leaning on the little concrete wall on the south side corner of the 2-storey AGR building (where the local snipers are positioned), was sent in the group chat at 5:38pm.
group chat #1 - 2 people in the group
Beaver and Butler County Snipers Assigned to AGR Building_ID Gunman as Suspicious Person_Redacted (

group chat #2 - 7 people in the group
Beaver, Butler and Washington County Sniper Group Text_Photos of Crooks_Redacted (

group chat #3 - 8 people in the group
Beaver County ESU Officers Group Text_Photos of Crooks_Redacted (

In the timeline by Sen. Johnson
215A3141-5E5B-4214-819B-A2A034EAE7E4 (
it says “4:26pm - Beaver County officers first notice and send a text in a
group chat about an individual later identified as Crooks.”
it continues “5:10pm - A local law enforcement sniper positioned in the American Glass Research (AGR) building (AGR sniper 1) first spots Crooks.”
and “5:14pm - AGR sniper 1 takes two pictures of Crooks.”

  • Question 1: Why did the officer spotting a suspect at 4:26pm (later identified as Crooks) not give a description of the “someone” and the car?
  • Question 2: Did they already spot this person somewhere before and the second person in the group chat #1 knew his appearance? If so when and where?
  • Question 3: Why did AGR sniper 1 (Greg Nicol?) wait 14 minutes to send the 2 pictures to the group chat #2, especially when he saw him with a range finder looking towards the stage?
  • Question 4: Why there’s no reference in the message to the sighting made at 4:26pm (in group chat #1)
  • Question 5: Why the sniper who left the site early and sent the message at 4:26pm (in group chat #1), seems to also follow the group chat #2. In AGR sniper 1 message 5:38pm (group chat #2) “Also a bike with backpack sitting next to it in rear of building that was not seen earlier.” At 5:52pm the sniper who left early (writes group chat #1) “That bike was not there when I pulled out. Maybe have them check that car”. Unfortunately the picture cuts there so it’s not to see if he wrote more.
  • Question 6: Why there seem to be (at least) 3 different group chats going?