The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation 'Errors' Committed By The FBI

Can you show that picture please?
I cannot see here any wounds.

Would you post it?

The pic I had doesn’t show any hole. That is why I was perplexed.

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I guess I still couldn’t understand if he was really shot through the left part of the mouth wouldn’t his mouth be basically blown off? This is what I don’t understand. The round that the Secret Service snipers allegedly shot should’ve done way more damage don’t you think?




Have stared at Crooks dead face pic looking for the bullet hole so many times it’s not funny.

Some say above left eyebrow. Trump said it was dead straight between the eyes.

  • “They took him out with one shot right between the eyes,” the former president said as he pointed to the bridge of his nose”. See article link below.

Could only see somewhat possible is left side of face for bullet entry hole which is hard to ascertain. So now Higgins report confirm left side of mouth.

Sorry, my brain recognises that as his hair. But maybe I’m mistaken.

From CNN article:

“He knows you guys are up there,” Woods wrote. Authorities now believe that was the first time law enforcement placed eyes on Crooks.

Nicol thought little of the text at the time, he said. Nor did he immediately connect it to a slightly built, long haired young man he saw sitting below the window where he was stationed at AGR about 45 minutes later."

I did check, but I need to go back and search parking lot at main entrance post-shooting better.

it looks like a bullet wound, entry. And the bone around it is bulged.

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Yes, the possibility has been persistently rattling around in our heads like stray bullets.

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One more bodycam to check out, but I ruled out this vehicle at the AGR main entrance.

We don’t know for sure that the Hercules team actually took the shot. We only have the testimony of government officials, which can’t be trusted. According to Trump the counter sniper that took Crooks out was 400 yards away, that rules out the Hercules snipers. Audio analysis by Greg Nichols suggests that the person who took shot 10 was the same person who took shot 9.
So at best the Hercules crew was late to the party but my guess is they had stand down orders and didn’t shoot at all.

 It’s almost like the government has no interest in finding out

I’m a newcomer here, so please bear with me. I may have missed something along the way.
We have a young, not-overly-bright shooter wandering around, who fires at Trump with no apparent motive. We have US-DEI-SS muddling along, save from ignominy by a whisker. We have a haste-makes-waste cleanup by the FBI. And the shots fired imply a second shooter.

Sun Tsu observed, ’ All warfare is based on deception,’ or as Lady Macbeth said, 'look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under’t.’ (Act I, Scene V)

For the sake of a starting point, assume some of what we’ve seen is deliberate deception. Early on, there were ‘layers of security.’ Let’s make that ‘layers of deception,’ and speculate.

  1. the shooter (patsy) with no apparent motive, out of nowhere, pulls the trigger
  2. US DEI SS, so incompetent they cant walk on a roof, or investigate incoming warnings. The obvious ‘cause,’ and accepted by the masses.
  3. It would end here, except for the conspiracy theorists, and experts. However, a second shooter ‘might’ be on the scene. Since everything is FBI steam-cleaned and pressure-washed, the investigation ends.
  4. Which leaves the serpent, a master mind capable of plotting assassinations, with the expertise to do it, and maybe, just maybe has the shooter under mind control–the Las Vegas shooting comes to mind.

The front of his face would be uhmmm, messy.


(Btw, Klausewitz stated te opposite opinion.)

If it went through his mouth and out behind his ear
would it have even killed him?

They’ve got to be mistaken on that. People survive wounds like that all the time. It’s one of the reasons for suicide failures.

There’s nothing vital between the left of the mouth and below the right ear anatomically, it misses the brain stem.

It’s possible that the gas pressures on impact could explode out the teeth and fracture his palate*/forehead area/damage his brain and brain stem. Maybe

 someone needs to FOIA the autopsy ASAP.


Wow, that Michel Vasiladiotis-Nicol was one of the first medics to reach Crooks that day, and is deputy coroner in an adjacent county, does suggest that the coroner with custody of Crooks might well have consulted Michel. Quite a coincidence, to say the least.

Another odd coincidence. This document by the coroner who swore that Crooks died of gunshot to the head is by “Butler County - Office of the Coroner” and the man is William F. Young III. “Young” just so happens to be the last name of Patrick Young, commander of Beaver County ESU. I wonder if these Youngs are related.

You raised a troublesome set of questions about the windows and rifle - none of the questions in itself is alarming, but the totality of lack of answers is bothersome.

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Thank you!

  1. you have to account for probably doctored video, embellished photographs, false witnesses or witnesses put under pressire, blackmailed senior leaders and so on. For example the SS director Cheatel, who had meanwhile been forced to resign, had left me with that impression while I was watching her official hearing.

Point 4 is very concerning, how could SS snipers with more advance notice and better angle not have shot before the ESU sniper on the ground?

My interpretation is the culprit is SS command and/or SS sniper team leader.

The local ESU would have had a radio and gotten the sequence of updates - suspect on roof of AGR, suspect on roof with rifle, etc. So he too was alert and more importantly knew he was a threat, not just a suspect.

The SS south-facing team did pivot northward, but I believe it knew only that the suspect had been on the roof - not about the rifle. Senator Ron Johnson’s timeline states that as late as 6:11 pm (just 33 seconds before first shot), a SS sniper asked the Pittsburgh Field Office contact for an update on the “suspect” (not “threat”) “lurking” around AGR (not on roof with rifle). So while SS snipers may have had Crooks on their sights too, I believe they did not know that he was a threat. And the reason they did not is that SS command/SS sniper team leader kept them in the dark. (The State PA policeman embedded in SS command was getting radio updates from local LEO.)


But here is where the problem is. How could a counter sniper on the ground who was much below the roofline have taken an incredible shot while the Secret Service snipers would have seen the shooter aim his rifle and they would’ve seen it clearly at a much higher altitude, but yet they did nothing to stop him before he took the first shot. They did nothing after the first three shots. They did nothing after the eighth shot. And then 10 seconds later, they decided to shoot him. It makes no sense.