The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation 'Errors' Committed By The FBI

According to von Clausewitz, “To prepare a sham action with sufficient thoroughness to impress an enemy requires a considerable expenditure of time and effort, and the costs increase with scale of the deception…. and consequently so-called strategic feints rarely have the desired effect.” (On War)
Applied to large scale deceptions like Operation Fortitude, Normandy, 1944, Clausewitz is very likely right. There were too many complications. For small scale–like an assassination??


Greg Nicol has an accidental discharge event Dec 2023


Given the speed at which witnesses were processed, evidence collected, and the site was sanitized only adds to my conjecture. It seems time was of the essence. If there was an ‘operation triumph’ the ‘operation’ required considerable expertise (and maybe insiders in other agencies).


What do you mean by ‘operation triumph’?

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Garand Thumb is amazing. I’ve watched quite a few of his videos. This was done early on. Another reason I have such a hard time with images and videos. None of it adds up.

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I think all these questions and evidence should be sent to the DOJ so they can assign someone to investigate if something illegal has been done by the government…LOL! :laughing:

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Let’s assume the bullet holes in Crooks’ head were:
(1) either left mouth (per coroner) or over left eyebrow (as some pics suggest)
(2) behind and near right ear
Note that the angle, as seen from above, between (1) and (2) is about the same whether we choose mouth or eyebrow in (1).

Let us place Crooks’ body within a roof channel and assume that, when shot #10 hit his head, he had been looking ahead (nose parallel to periodic ridges on roof). Then the above observed locations of holes line up very well with a shot from the eastern 2nd floor window:

This is suggestive that shot #10 came from there. (An ESU sniper killing the patsy and the plot?) However, given how far down from the roof’s top Crooks head was when found, a shot from that window should have hit the roof (unless mostly disintegrated), but no damage on roof is apparent in footage from the days after (Eli Crane, SpaGuy).

Now let us consider the alleged shot at Crooks by SS sniper from the southern barn 14. For this shot to pass (1) and (2), Crooks’ head would have had to had turned rightward away from Trump (the background red line goes from Crooks’ body to Trump’s stage):

This would be a reasonable orientation for Crooks after getting fragged by shot #9, if he were fleeing to his right and down, and hugging his AR-15 with his right arm (as he was when found).

The image of head used is here; the head is rotated by 35 degrees in the top image, and by 70 degrees in the bottom one.


This might have been the way of the bullet through Crooks head.

2nd graphic is taken from Mike Bell’s video and enhanced with shot #10. Make sure to watch it, is well worth it.

Attention, graphic content, nothing for the faint hearted!
Entry wound can be seen below left eybrow, exit wound below right ear
shooter.jpg (1210×908) (


I have been trying to let things rest for a couple days.

  1. I think you’re correct. Most LEO not in on this

  2. there are a few puppeteers moving people the wrong way for MIH/LIHOP

  3. I’ve even considered that GN may have been ordered off his nest

  4. in summary, a handful of people did this, by directing traffic, I feel like all these lower level LEO got played

  5. lastly, Hercules 1 probably switched from south to north so they wouldn’t get hit in the back. Their maneuver is really late to be shooting anyone


Mouse is just brainstorming nicknames

Be aware that the “photo” of the picnic table is a screenshot from google street view, taken Nov 23. The table red squared and the door violet lined was manually added. It is not a photo taken J13!

So it might well be that this picnic table wasn’t at this exact same location on the day of the shooting. To me they look kind of moveable. I think I saw a cop standing on a picnic table just before the 1st shot released. Probably in the Dave Stewart video, but not sure anymore.


Excellent catch! Thank you. I’ll have to update my slide deck.

The copy provided to Sen. Grassley appears to be through a windshield, or at least that’s the impression I got.

AGR Picnic Table (

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I don’t see how this could have been an FBI sting. While it’s true the FBI could have manipulated Crooks - it has done this type of sting many times - it would have been very risky, because the FBI had no reason to be at the rally (and afaik was not present), and would have had to rely on SS and local LEO to “save the day.” The credit would not have gone to FBI, but FBI would bear all the risk of getting its sting discovered. All risk, no benefit for the FBI, were it an FBI sting.

DHS might have set up the sting, but afaik it did not have a reputation to rescue, as much as the FBI, and certainly not in the eyes of Trump. Why would DHS try to curry favor with Trump?

All the security failures and comm handicaps by SS suggest a plan within SS to get Trump killed, not just threatened and saved - recall that, had Trump not moved his head at the right second for an unexpected reason, he’d be dead.

That said, the FBI’s obstruction of investigation - as termed by Clay Higgins - does suggest the FBI has an interest in protecting the DS.


You can see this picnic table on J13 at about 6:09 pm when the boosted cop arrives in his cruiser, from the dashcam video. (It’s video 10 in Dropbox).

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Dah! No leaves on the trees. I’ve been working too hard on this, :joy::joy::joy:

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Hahaha, maybe this guy was lucky to not find his van that evening.

Valuable info about the car in question, thanks. I saw that car as well in one of the bodycam videos (go to the very end)
BTPD Body Cam footage 7.13.24 – Dropbox
asked myself too this car looks like a Hyundai Sonata and if it might belong to Crooks. From the parking position it’s also only about 20 yards and across the road to the AGR sign where Crooks was spotted on a dashcam video. Maybe we have some experts in the chat who could verify if it is a Sonata and if yes what vintage.

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Does any one have a picture of which state was the license plate was from. Last I new it was a Arizona license plate. My question is what state was it registered and who’s name was on the white van registerstion and the tilte for the van?


check out Mike Bell’s video, he also has a part where he does locate the counter snipers with sonic cone analysis. Might be not 100% accurate but gives a good impression.
Trump Shooting | When did Snipers see Crooks | shot 9 n 10 - YouTube
As long as there is no solid evidence from USSS or FBI we will have to keep guessing.


It’s possible. I included front and rear views of Sonatas in my slide deck for various generation models.

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This car can be seen here.
BTPD Body Cam footage 7.13.24 – Dropbox
in another video (same dropbox) a police officer is reaching into the car, so I assume it’s his (private?) car.

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