The Unbelievable Security Gap That Allowed Crooks To Get In Position

Originally published at: The Unbelievable Security Gap That Allowed Crooks To Get In Position – Peak Prosperity

Now the story of the near-fatal assassination attempt on Trump has matured to the point where we can basically account for all the shots, the movements of the prime suspect Crooks, and understand that the “security planning” for the event was so substandard that it’s difficult to accept rank incompetence as the explanation.

Now we’re down to the human element.

Why did the ESU abandon their posts at literally the exact moment when Crooks snuck onto roof?

Who gave which orders that day?

Exactly who in the Secret Service decided to not cover the AGR buildings and then not even attend that morning’s briefing with the locals?

These and many other questions are going to have to be answered by on-scene investigators.

All I know for sure is the Secret Service is doing horribly and Acting Director Rowe’s decision to leave the involved agents on the investigation is precisely the wrong move. Obviously they are culpable of incompetence at best, legit malfeasance at worst. Leaving them on the investigation to “help resolve it” would be like leaving your accountant on the team investigating suspected embezzling from the company.

It’s so mind-numbingly stupid that we can’t accept it as a legitimate answer.


I think you are being very thorough and fair. Yes, many things can happen as a result of negligence or stupidity. I suspect the “rules of engagement” that police are supposedly trained thoroughly to follow scrupulously are, in practice, often forgotten or ignored. But unless breaching the rules is more the norm than the exception, I cannot that the explanation is mere incompetence or negligence. Until proven otherwise, it was an inside job by one or all three of those officers. The SS/FBI should be seizing all of their social media accounts and cell phones to identify links to Crooks, and the FBI should be identifying the owner of the cell phone that traveled many times in the past several months between Crooks house and Washington D.C., a very odd coincidence for an allegedly “average” family from a small town in Pennsylvania.


I think this incident was conspired from the top of the Federal Government and of course this was of the highest political importance.

There is too much incompetence going around.

At the minimum the husband and wife duo Nichols should be investigated, look at their social media posts. It has been reported that Dave Nichols himself was incompetent as he was reported to have discharged his own weapon into his leg several months earlier.

You note in your video (as well as other sources have noted) that there are 2 sniper locations in the building. You called it as 2 snipers. But I think it should be 2 sniper teams.

Conveniently there is an easy chance for errors and confusion. Butler Pa is in Butler County. There is a county to the West of Butler County, called Beaver County also in Pennsylvania. I think one of these sniper teams is from Butler County and the other team BCESU is from Beaver County.

At times during this mess, even Chris has confused Beaver and Butler Counties - several times. This needs to be clarified.

This image shows the word Sniper but it probably should have been sniper teams. And why would 1 out of 3 of one of these sniper teams leave early to go home (or simply not show up), one goes down and gets locked out and finally Dave goes down at precisely before that moment (when Crooks gets on the roof and opens fire) to open the doors for the locked out dude. This really stinks.

I would not be surprised as this moment, if Crooks had a police radio in his backpack (whose contents so far have not been disclosed) and was in direct contact with some elements of this police force.

Are all police radios recorded? Is there any recording of the police voice chats?


Here’s my deal. Austin Wealth lost 1/4 of their portfolio because Trump lived and they lost that short. There is no way in hell these people are going to trust some greasy haired kid to pull this off. They just would not. There were pros out there, and sadly all the evidence of everything was removed in record time. No one looking for bullet holes in other places, just nothing. The two agents in the window - under no circumstance would they leave their post with all those other officers down there - as you said. Then, the one guy’s key card fails and there is no one else nearbye who can let him back in? He “has” to call the other guy upstairs? It makes zero sense. Someone sent him down there and those two absolutely have to be interviewed about this as it is key to what happened. I think you were right about a shooter on that first floor window and maybe elswhere as well. I wonder if we’ll ever find out, but I’m sayin, there is no way that was all on this kid. Thanks as always.


Here is another convenient fact that Ron Rowe said at his press briefing today, this was the first event that President Trump has Secret Service counter snipers. At all other events this year, there was no sniper teams present. It’s convenient and another way to remove the evidence…

Get some loner kid to do the shooting and have snipers present to remove the evidence. This is getting really gross.

In any case this short and very interesting 7 minute video details many things that I had not heard before,

One final thing, Donald Trump has promised to unclassify this whole incident is he is elected. If the Post Turtle is elected then you can be sure the investigation will never be released. Details at the end of this short video.

I have some more thoughts about the SS. It may have conspired for several months to remove Donald Trump by accident by having inadequte security for him even though he requested enhanced SS security many times but always ignored. THEY perhaps hoped that lax security would allow a fatal incident to occur.

However after months of lax security without incident, and just before the RNC perhaps they had to use a second method, a willing volunteer for the cause Thomas Crooks as a loner assassin. The SS beefed up security with counter snipers to give the appearance of caring when in effect these snipers were there to eliminate the witness after the event.

Was Thomas Crooks an “FBI asset”?


yep. we of course have no idea what is the code for the kind of pros tasked to take the first shot and dump the guilt on a prepared patsy, so the question is - does that guy still draw breath? no doubt he was picked because he would NEVER squeal, but does he live to get a second chance, even more motivated to not fail?

and as well we can infer a deeper code existing in the USSS since 1963, that they diligently protect those they are told to “really” protect, and those who help with the occasional LIHOP are secretly valorized also and their lives made comfortable for decades after, with the subtlest of winks and nods as their accolades.


And consider this, did you notice how hard Graham and Ossoff tried to tie Iran to this? I mean they sounded like absolute idiots, but they gave it one hell of a try. Were I to handpick who knew, they would be right up there along with Cheatle and a few hand picked others. Maybe Mayorkis as well.


I heard that Butler ESU was recruiting three snipers for the Trump rally. They got three takers but one of them said he could only work until 4:00 pm because he had a previous personal commitment. The officer recruiting the volunteers was under a deadline and approved the one sniper leaving at 4:00 pm. That is not firmly confirmed though. But it wouldn’t be unusual in trying to scrounge up manpower for an event like this. Make it yellow.


I want to offer a term I came up with recently: “magically exempt from investigation”.

Under normal circumstances, homicide detectives would go around talking to everyone who had anything to do with the case, and if somebody’s story checked out, they’d be cleared, and if somebody said crazy stuff that wasn’t making sense, they’d be “invited” to a small interview room and asked a lot of questions.

But that’s not happening in this case because so many people involved are MEI. Cheatle, Rowe, Greg Nichol, Tim Burke, the snipers on the barns, everybody’s MEI. Normally we’d just go and get the pertinent evidence, stuff like radio recordings, text messages, whatever else, but in this case it’s MEI. The FBI came and scooped up all the evidence and doesn’t seem to be doing an investigation of its own, but the agents involved, whoever they are, are MEI.


That part seems totally fine to me. But it makes it seem even stranger that one or more of the remaining snipers would abandon their post right after Trump takes the stage.


@cmartenson Mr. Martenson, I think the audio engineering term you’re looking for regarding how the gunshot sound dips everything after, then it goes back up to normal—that’s called a compressor. The relevant terms are attack time and release time. Its job is to attack those super high peaks and compress afterwards. Could be a limiter, but compressors are far more common in live sound, since you’re not typically expecting such high peaks as gunshots. The “release” time setting on the compressor dictates how long it continues to suppress the audio after the peak, or trigger.

Compressors are there to allow the person speaking to get loud and be soft while keeping a reasonable and consistent level through those dynamics.


That is an excellent term that we need to use a lot around here.

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I’m new here to this group. And I have no idea what type of people are in this group. I’m speaking of education and/or experience. I know where I come from, inner city New Orleans. I used to go to sleep hearing gunshots as i fell asleep. On the streets you learn how cunning people can become. There is NO WAY. NONE. 0% chance Crooks would be able to get on the roof by himself. No chance. I think the gun analysis was right and shots (1-3) are different than (4-8). Dr. Martenson was on the right track and someone has taken wind out of his sails. I’m begging you Dr. Martenson to stick with your story. You were on it. We were on it. If we stick together and stick with it, we can crack this. Just need a few more days.


What do you mean by “MEI”? I’m not finding any thing appropriate at

Definitely one of the biggest strangely missing discussions is details about how many “floor walkers” there were, what they were doing, and why they were not all engaged early by radio.

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From the top of his post.
“I want to offer a term I came up with recently: “magically exempt from investigation”.”


You hit that nail on the head, and this is a pretty good group. Most people are good thinkers here. Welcome aboard. :slight_smile:


The use of Text messages between locals rather than using their radios for communication smacks of piss poor performance to me.


A couple of weeks ago I found quite odd two narratives suddenly buzzing around the MSM:
(1) there was a threat of an Iranian plot against Trump
(2) Josh Shapiro was a prime candidate to take the nomination in possibly a pre-DNC election, bypassing Kamala Harris
I thought (1) was odd because Iran had no recent reason to do so, and the Iranian government would be committing suicide by providing a casus bellum. That government is sophisticated strategically, and even let Biden and Burns know two days in advance of its planned April 13 launch of missiles into Israel. I also thought that (2) was off, since Josh Shapiro just had became governor, had little high level executive experience, and no national name recognition.
Had Trump been assassinated, the pre-seeding of (1) would have dovetailed with Netanyahu’s speech on July 24 to the US Congress, in which he continued his crusade from the 1990’s to get the USG to hit Iran. He would have called 7/13 the new American 9/11 and Israeli 10/13, leveraged the so-called “intelligence” for (1), and gotten the best chance in his lifetime to get the USG to hit Iran.

Josh Shapiro, the current governor of PA under which PA police operates and was present at the rally, would have enjoyed quite an open field, with just Kamala in the way to the presidency - even as VP he could expect to invoke the 25th amendment to remove a wholly incompetent President Harris with zero executive experience.

Having volunteered as a youth at the IDF, USG policy then would have turned even more sharply pro-Israel, as happened when Lyndon Johnson seized the presidency after JFK’s assassination, with patsy Oswald conveniently killed by Jacob Rubenstein inside Dallas Police HQ before he could be tried and details leak in legal discovery.

To hear now from Ronald Rowe that SS had not assigned counter snipers to any Trump events in the last two years, until the Butler rally, and the only reason they were in Butler was this alleged “intelligence” of (1), stinks to high heaven.

It’s almost as if SS snipers played the role of Jack Ruby, killing a patsy Crooks before he could be tried. And were he tried, discovery about the frequent visitor(s) to his house and work who also frequently visited Washington DC two blocks away from SS would have bused wide open.

Personally, for Netanyahu the death of Trump would have been convenient, apart from fulfilling his dream to get Iran hit. Before the 2020 election had been conceded, Netanyahu called Biden to congratulate him, while Trump was still president. Trump stated something to the effect that this was unforgivable - understandably given his big ego and pro-Israel record - and later Trump would state that if he were to win the 2024 election, he’d rather Netanyahu not be in power anymore. So Netanyahu would avoid having to deal with Trump, who values loyalty above everything, and instead probably enjoy as US president a former IDF volunteer who wrote an op-ed “Peace Not Possible” that “Palestinians will not coexist peacefully.”

Is this all a coincidence? It makes sense of (1) and (2) as well as Rowe’s explanation for why SS snipers first were assigned to Trump’s campaign precisely in Butler, PA.

I’m not suggesting the attempted assassination of Trump did not have other interested parties. Those include, among others, the FBI, which lied about the Steele dossier’s predicate when getting a FISA warrant to spy on Trump, and later created the possibility of a shoot-out at Mar-a-Lago in seizing documents. Trump as president would become a revenge risk for the FBI. They include Secretary of DHS (within which SS exists) Mayorkas, whose grandiose and highly ideological open-border policy Trump would end - Mayorkas himself immigrated from Cuba as a refugee, and prior to DHS, served as a board member of the pro-open border HIAS organization. They include the CIA, which under John Brennan set its sights on Trump as a pre-2020 candidate campaigning on friendly relations with Russia, and with CIA-man Michael Morell generating the “51” pro-Biden letter dismissing the Biden-Burisma saga as Russian disinfo. Etc.

In a big event like an attempted assassination of a presidential forerunner, it helps to have multiple centers of power collude to execute, cover up, and build a narrative. But I thought the particular power centers first mentioned did make a lot of sense of (1), (2) and Rowe’s confession.


The OP used the following phrase at the beginning of his post:

Magically Exempt from Investigation.

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