The Unbelievable Security Gap That Allowed Crooks To Get In Position

I agree with most of your analysis but vehemently disagree that Netanyahu would be happy or find it convenient if atrump were assassinated. I cant really recall the 2020 election but i highly doubt that Netanyahu was happy with the outcome and probably did not expect it either. Netanyahu’s speech to congress was planned far in advance of the Butler rally. Netanyahu had a far better reception with Trump in MarALago than his reception with the disaster of Biden/Harris after his Congress speech.

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High level mathematics can now be applied to determine with certainty.The direction and distance of the rifles from which the bullets were fired. Graphical representations of sounds captured by the five microphones which recorded this shooting event together with known locations of the recording devices will allow five sets of equations to be derived from the physics of sound wave propagation and bullet trajectory. Then solving 5 simultaneously equations with certain known variables will produce values for the unknown variables and reveal where each shooter was positioned with an extremely high level of society. If somebody contacts me, I would like to help solve this mystery.


Was there any mention/hint during Senate hearings of possible internal SS plot to assassinate Trump?

I didn’t hear any. That would be needed to keep current SS people out of the investigation.

If you don’t hear it, makes you wonder who is running things.

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I’m astonished that we’re supposed to believe that it is only now occurring to the SS that maybe it would be a good idea to have some sort of ability to speak to local law enforcement over radios.

One would think after the very first snafu caused by not being able to communicate, somewhere back in the 1970’s or 1980’s, this would have been sorted out.

I’d bet a competent person could work out a communication scheme/plan in about an hour.

Battle test it over the next week under various training scenarios, and then put it into action. Over time it gets better and better.

ROWE: “Saaaaay, now that you mention it, being able to communicate with the various teams does sound like a good plan!”


Josh Shapiro is a corrupt POS from a deeply corrupt state. A turd on top of a dung heap.

Perhaps the plan was this:

  • Pick a corrupt state for the operation.
  • Tell the Governor if he goes along with it and can scare up some local help who would be willing to ‘look the other way’ for a few minutes he’ll be named VP
  • Have some bogus intel fingering Iran at the ready.
  • In the period of national shock, blame Iran 24/7 with the full operational volume of the 5th Gen PsyOp tools you’ve been perfecting during Covid targeting “public opinion.”
  • Initiate war with Iran to deflect MAGA anger to an outside target.
  • In their shock, the corrupt RNC insiders force-select Nikki Haley as the nominee.

With this plan all the deep state POS RNC and DNC operatives get Trump out of the way, they ‘win’ with either puppet selected for president, Israel finally gets the US to kick Iran’s ass, The MIC makes tons more weapons, and POS Shapiro gets a VP spot. This is a win-win-win for the DC swamp creatures.

If this scenario is true, Greg Nicol has a very limited lifespan.

Unfortunately for them, this happened:


Unsure if this was covered or not (haven’t had time to watch through the latest scouting reports yet), but it’s been revealed at the USS’s press briefing that the counter sniper teams did not have radios that day. They communicated via cellular text messages…?

What on earth. Timestampled below:

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I’m sure Chris will cover it, but Washington Post came out with an incredible article this morning. Long so I can’t relay, you’ll have to read it but it answers alot of questions.

Can you summarize it? I’m not paying a dime.


If you don’t mind giving your email address, you can sign up w/out paying like I did. I’m not good at boiling it all down, I’ll leave that to Chris.

Some people are making too big of an issue around USSS and police sending texts back and forth. During a big event like Trump’s rally or even just a busy crime night in a big city, radio channels can get very busy even to the point that it’s difficult for an officer to get in a word edgewise to give or ask for information. In times like that it is a big help and a force-multiplier to be able to send text messages back and forth and to be able to speak to someone at length on the cell phone. That multiplies the flow of information without adding to the burden of too many radio transmissions flying back and forth. For instance, at big events I would usually be assigned a squad of officers from all over the city, most of whom I never met before. First order of business was to give them all my cell number and get all theirs (along with badge numbers and permanent assignment). If we got separated and I needed information or to give an order, I could do it without trying to go over radio with it. Also sending pictures via text was also a big help since radio can’t do that ever. God forbid one of them gets injured or killed, I’d need that information to start making official notifications without broadcasting details over radio where the media and civilians could get it and spread it before the family was even notified. A missing child call under 10 years old was an all hands, drop everything else you’re doing emergency requiring I personally go to the home to supervise the officer taking the report. The first thing I’d do upon arrival was send a picture of the child to everyone’s cell phone while the officer was using the radio to broadcast the pertinent facts for our search. ESU did this exact thing with photos of Patsy to make him easier to find.

As bad as USSS has turned out to be I find it plainly unbelievable anyone in USSS (especially the sniper teams) didn’t have a radio.

However, if I had been on duty at Trump’s rally I would 100% expect (and welcome) the FIB getting access to my call log, my texts and my emails for at least that day if not longer and perhaps even confiscating my phone and not returning it nearly forever. I hope that’s what they’re doing and I can imagine how much investigator time that is chewing up if it’s happening. If it’s not happening, I’d be VERY curious why not.


I am a member of a local “Neighborhood Response Group” here in California. We are all given training in the use of radios for emergency communication and practice twice a year. It is common knowledge that cell phones are NEVER to be used for emergencies. So why would an organization whose members, when they act, are always going to be acting in an “emergency” rely on a technology that even an average citizen does not rely on for emergency communication?

Moreover, only radios allow simultaneous communication that is narrowly directed to only those on the common channel. What good is a cell phone text when all hell breaks loose? How is it at all possible to ensure that your message is actually received when all phones light up with unrelated texts? No, I suspect there is not a single police department in the country that uses cell phones to communicate when providing security services.


Sorry, you’re plainly wrong. In fact I doubt there’s one police department on which phones are NOT used. In fact the well financed departments issue them as standard equipment or pay part of the bill for private cell phone plans of their officers. The Philadelphia Police Department’s members DO use cell phones 24/7/365 but they are not issued as standard equipment nor are officers reimbursed one cent. That has been a recurring contract negotiation issue for at least 20 years. That’s my personal experience.


I saw this last night and I was stunned, just as Waters was. According to Waters’ summary of the SS presser, there were no SS sniper teams used in ANY previous Trump rally, Butler was the first time. And, as you note, there were no radios for these SS teams to use. Most importantly, the local police are unanimously saying that although the SS scheduled a pre-rally meeting to go over security details, the SS never showed up and no such meeting actually occurred.

This story just gets stranger and stranger. Unfortunately for Chris, I don’t think it is going to go away.


If someone in SS knew that someone was going to take shots at Trump that day, I don’t believe that merely arranging for lax security would be adequate to ensure the shots got taken. Assigning an inexperienced agent in charge and failing to coordinate properly with local LE probably isn’t enough. There’d still be too much chance the shooter would be spotted and stopped.

Besides the events and people that day, the investigation should examine previous Trump events in detail to find out if SS laxity was ongoing or suddenly dipped for the Butler rally.


Would it be possible to have a spot on the PP site where you can archive the pictures of the raw sound-tracks and links to the corresponding videos - for members to refer to in future?.
All the best,


I started to read it but stopped. In the news business, the most important information should be in the first paragraph. In this case, the Post decided that the most important information for their readers to learn is that the reason Crooks wasn’t discovered in time is that a “disjointed” communications system “hampered” the SS “efforts to grasp the threat in real time”.

This is a classic example of narrative framing, a concept Chris has explained well over the past couple of years. The Post is framing the question “how could this happen” without asking whether the “disjointed communications” might have been a feature, not a bug, of the entire operation. Yes, dozens of things may have gone wrong that were just coincidences and not part of any design. But before we can conclude anything we need to get answers to ALL of the questions, including who made these many “coincidental” decisions and why. IMHO, the WaPo article doesn’t provide ANY answers to most of the unanswered questions Chris and others here have raised.


Does anyone know who the man in the back left is?

He looks uncomfortable more than most of them. Sometimes when others speak, he looks…disapproving/disgusted. His body language is interesting, as if he is turned away from the others.

Does he know more about how their local team actions are suspicious or incompetent? Who is he and where was he the day of?


Oh I don’t have a problem with using cellular text messages in addition to radio. Radio should be used for the most important timely intel, like for example “there’s a suspicious person on the roof” (or equivalent).

For one there’s proper radio etiquette in any semi-professional arrangement of participants. But the USS also had a communications liaison who had radio connection to the local police force, yet they did not have radio to the counter snipers. So even if the goal was to minimise noise, for heaven’s sake have a priority channel for your sniper team and cleared individuals. That said, apparently this liaison somehow “never received that radio communication” (it’s further in in this same piece I linked) that local law enforcement sent.

It’s so many layers of simply unbelievable failures at this point that I’m not just smelling smoke; I’m choking on it. Which must be the intent. This really seems like yet another “rorschach test”, not unlike the last supper in the Olympics or the obviously mentally decrepit president puppeted in front of hundreds of millions. They’re literally telling us they can get away with unbelievable levels of depraved bullshittery and even when we call them out on it, there’s enough people that go “I don’t see any problem here”.

It’s maddening.


And the 35T debt will disappear, too!

The snipers assigned to the AGR building would not have seen Crooks position on the roof from their nests.

If the USSS left a hole there on purpose, which it really seems like they did, why did they?

  1. Outside the security perimeter

  2. No USSS on that roof

  3. Nobody assigned to watch that roof, not from any agency

  4. How did Crooks know to go there, to go to that specific security hole?

So…who was in charge of those decisions?

As a side note: Why did Crooks seem distraught (pulling his own hair)as seen by onlookers? That doesn’t seem like someone acting with solid premeditated conviction. Did someone groom that loner, possibly mentally unhealthy kid into this situation?