The Unbelievable Security Gap That Allowed Crooks To Get In Position

Thank you, I stand corrected. Are you saying that it is now normal practice to use only cell phones, or that cell phones are used in addition to radios? I understand the differences between the two, and the examples you provide make a lot of sense for using cell phones in those examples. But for the exact task here — an EMERGENCY communication that must be received IMMEDIATELY to do the ONE JOB your team is there to do — are you saying that cell phones are the preferred device?

Radios are the primary, most important communication tool. Cell phones are merely an auxiliary tool for less urgent, more mundane purposes. At the Trump rally, getting LEO’s to locate and confront Patsy would be of the highest priority, especially if Trump was at the podium speaking. In fact, I think if the radio traffic was so congested I was having trouble transmitting to get someone to confront Patsy, I would have first tried to contact the local commanding officer and get him/her to light a fire under the cops to get them onto Patsy’s trail. If I couldn’t reach the commanding officer or time didn’t permit to even try, I would’ve pressed the radio “priority/emergency” button which cuts out all other users and would give me room to request help confronting Patsy (using my best stressed out voice). The beauty of that would be that it wouldn’t disturb the USSS’s siloed radio system they keep just for themselves. The one SS agent assigned to the local command post would’ve heard it but apparently that person wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. I doubt s/he would’ve passed that on over the SS’s radios as would’ve been very appropriate. (I’d love to question that individual for the FIB.)

Somewhere there is a recording of all the police radio traffic that day. It sure would nice to listen to that from 5:00 - 6:45 pm. The SS Director has already told Congress they don’t have a recording of their radio traffic which I find alternately mind-boggling (if due to incompetence) and highly highly highly suspicious (if not due to incompetence).


Here is link to video showing guy herding people away from between building and fence where the first floor windows and stacks are located. It also shows the open window.


Open window

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I sense mental fatigue and discouragement in the Citizen’s Investigation that is normal when faced with the massive efforts by the DS propaganda machine that has gotten its bearings and is perhaps now strategically designing and deploying contradictory information intended to confound the unpacking of the scope and nature of the Plot to Assassinate Trump (PTAT).

One of the things that attracted me to the PTAT “puzzle” regarding the forensic analysis of the video/audio data is that it is similar in some ways to and reminded me of the old days in graduate school wherein the analysis of proton and 13-C NMR spectra was time consuming, complex and challenging – and required a working knowledge of NMR and related chemistry. And was not like now – where massive high-field 2D multinuclear NMR instrumentation has automation and computers to do a lot of the work and spit out neatly packaged answers for grad students and post docs to use in their research (just to be clear I much prefer the newer instrumentation).

In the last 24 hours, with my meager tools, spitball measurements/assumptions and back of the envelope calculations and snips from Chris’ podcasts – I have convinced myself that it is possible via a comparative audio forensic approach using a plurality of existing audio/video sources – to develop at least a flat 2-dimensional layout of the Butler Rally crime scene that will uncloak the scope and nature of the PTAT. And, perhaps concomitantly expose inconsistencies arising from DS sponsored disinformation tactics to cover-up the PTAT.

For example, by just looking at video/audio Sources 4 and 6 and using audio from Trump’s mic as a reference and metric – you will observe predictable signal shifts of Shot 2 and Shot 3 - relative to the Trump audio track – when keeping the Shot 1 time-signal position as a constant/reference across compared audio tracks.

The magnitude and direction of relative Shot signal audio shifts – is linked directly to (a) relative position of the audio Sources and (b) the position of the Shots and number of corresponding shooters. Note, “up-field” is to the left on an audio track time-axis (X-axis) and “down-field” is correspondingly to the right – when looking at a graphic (tracing) of an audio-track.

If what I am surmising is correct – then the PTAT plan is much more complex than most think or want to believe. The real realization – the moment the red-pill kicks-in (peak plasma concentration) on this - the side-effect makes most physically sick. We are continuing to awaken from the fake dream that was - into a nightmare of the present reality. Unpacking the PTAT is a critical opportunity because it could tip the balance even more - and potentially betray and expose a horrifically toxic problem for the Country and we-the-people. If we do not identify and understand the scope and nature of the problem – we will continue to be run around the hog-lot by the powers-at-be.

Ok, I will stop – don’t want to make people sick while they are sipping their cup of Joe on Saturday morning.

Best of luck all,



Well said, and after the assassination in Tehran, I have to think Trump being alive is the only part of your scenario that is out of place. The next few weeks will be very telling.

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Suspicious bicycle and backpack is not related to Crooks, see here (1) Suspected Accomplice in Trump Assassination attempt - YouTube.

This is a photo of the bicycle at the rally, see here suspicious bicycle crooks - Google Suche

What? No, simplify. This is concerning Trump’s podium mic as recorded by press, presumably through a direct line. We’re talking about a live sound system for a stage. Not AGC, not consumer devices, we’re talking about pro audio, live sound. We’re talking about this:

Simplify. Live sound. Compressor. Attack time, release time.

That’s because cell service providers take a butcher knife to the frequency representation to maximize bandwidth. Has nothing to do with this.

Huh? That’s just a run of the mill explainer on what a compressor is in the context of live audio. lol.

The communications situation and subsequent failure that you describe is so incredibly bad at all levels – technology, procedures, and usage – that my 21st Century self is shocked that this is SOP. It is as if they’re stuck back in the dialup modem and dot matrix printer days, with comms procedures like something out of a Korean War movie.

Yeah, I know: limited budgets and limited training time. Still, I’d have thought that the USSS would have top-tier budgets and training. What’s more, I’d have thought that they would have simple and routine procedures for working with local law enforcement, something that they have to do on a daily basis. Disgusting situation.

Thanks thc0655, for the inside scoop.


A devious plan indeed. This assassination, had it been successful, would have delivered Dems and “Never-Trumpers” their wish list.

I would also add it would have:

  • Kept Joe on the top of the ticket, making everyone forget his performance and keep every opponent too upset, angered, distracted, to do much about it. Would have thrown the RNC into a dog-fight and we’d end up with some neo-con RINO running against the Dems.
  • Focused the demonization of evil “assault weapons” and they’d have capitalized on a ban overnight, probably with the support of RINOs and some Trump supporters.
  • Thrust the nation into a civil war, possibly justifying martial law and cancellation of the 2024 elections “for safety.”

I pray Trump ramps up his security. I’ve been bewildered since 2016 that he gives speeches in public without bullet resistance glass surrounding him. Or that he flies without at least a duplicate aircraft to increase his survival odds. He’s probably the most targeted/hated public figure in America or the world by violent lunatics.


Gonna take a wild stab in the dark and guess PA gov Shapiro was/is Kamala’s VP pick because he helped organise the Trump assassination attempt. There is always a “home ground advantage” for this kind of thing!


You can often follow the betting odds. Looks super sus.

What are the odds that an assassination attempt fails in PA, Kamala is made the Dem candidate without genuine party support…and she chooses the VP candidate from PA?


This is such an evil hypothesis that with this bunch it makes perfect sense.

It’s like a twisted version of Occam’s Razor: “The most evil explanation is usually the true one.”


I think this failed PTAT, an obviously inside job that nearly succeeded due to a level of vast and broad incompetence that can only be explained by purposeful acts and omissions, combined with a 20 year old nerd who managed to openly exploit those failures, points to only 1 plausible explanation: The state orchestrated, allowed, and participated in this attack on America.

Is it really that hard to believe they’d do this? That’s not a stretch of imagination. Let’s look at history.

  • It’s obvious JFK, RFK, and probably Malcom X and MLK were all deep state assassinations. Many records still concealed! Why?
  • MLK ultra plan we were lied to for decades.
  • This government has done extremely unethical experiments on people.
  • The US exonerated Nazi war criminals to help on the US war machine.
  • The US started the Vietnam war under subterfuge.
  • The US was at minimum complicit in the 9/11/01 attacks, having knowledge and allowing and funding the terrorists in the US.
  • Iraq and Afghanistan, highly questionable wars.
  • Coups and government takeovers around the globe.
  • Using our fiat currency to bully other nations.
  • For decades the US has broken agreements with Russia and encroached NATO towards Russia culminating in a 2014 coup in Ukraine that challenged Russia and now this proxy war the west is funding that costs Ukraine about 2000 dead men every day for these sick twisted neo-cons.
  • Let’s not forget illegal/unethical gain-of-function testing on irresponsibly dangerous infections diseases that could wipe out mankind, the lies about Covid, and the experimental clot shot tested on tortured monkeys and dogs, then on people, who were lied to and pressured to take it, all for PROFITS and CONTROL of people, and all the rights denied, etc.
  • Let’s not forget the nuclear war race, for which sane leaders would agree to eradicate.

If we tried we could easily come up with pages of these examples. So the red-pill on this PTAT is rather easy to swallow. Look at their post-operation conduct.

  • Concealing and outright denying easily ascertained factual evidence that takes no analysis, e.g. number of shots, ballistics, who took the counter sniper shots, calibers, guns used, etc.
  • Slow walking information, lying or refusing to answer questions under oath before Congress and choosing public humiliation in lieu of just answering simple factual questions. So the consequences of lying under oath, obstructing answers to Congress, dereliction, public scorn and humiliation was LESS than the alternatives!
  • Pointing blame at other parties, e.g. the SS blaming the local police, and vice versa.
  • Absurdly blaming policies, rather than holding actual people accountable. Such as not covering a obvious rooftop, not having radios, etc.

The gross, broad, and deep incompetence failures at many levels by many people, conveniently exploited on that day by a 20 year old nerd, out in the open, can only be explained by it was orchestrated and allowed to occur with active participation and/or omission of action by powerful insiders.


Go back to sleep everyone. It’s going exactly as I said it would. Director Rowe is very sorry this happened and he will make sure it never happens again.
Meanwhile: We have an assassination attempt, an innocent bystander is dead, two more people are wounded but hey, Secret Service is very sorry this happened, it was simply communication errors. That specific roof just happened to be unguarded. The Security detail just so happens to have left their post as 20 yr old guy packed an AR-15 on top of THAT roof and was Not “seen” till it was too late.
This will be swept under the rug and no one will be talking about it in a couple of weeks, and don’t expect the “Do nothing” Republicans to do anything either. We’ve had a complete invasion for 4 yrs and they’ve done NOTHING!
Who wants to bet Kamala or whoever the Democrats put in will beat Trump? Trump hasn’t got anymore of a chance of taking office than he did in 2020 when dead people were voting


I agree, it is easy to swallow. And doing so does not make me sick but rather, really pissed off.

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I think we’re in a situation like after the hijackings on 9/11. Some tricks only work once in a long while. If you try them again too soon, you get an extremely undesirable reaction.

I hope you’re wrong, bet you’re right.

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