The Unbelievable Security Gap That Allowed Crooks To Get In Position

You actually believe 911 was a hijack? Let me know when you find pics of that plane hitting the Pentagon

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Get this to whoever needs to see it… Eyewitness saw two bodies

It doesn’t matter whether planes were actually hijacked. The result is that US planes cannot be hijacked anymore. If you try, you get dogpiled by every male on the plane who is able to reach you.

First off everyone with eyes and functioning brain cells knows this is fake in some way they just don’t know how. Everyone also know that our fbi has been caught REPEATEDLY LYING to us and has been PROVEN to do some pretty shady things. Now I’m a huge fan of Trump and think he should be our president. But all things aside I KNOW A MAGIC TRICK WHEN I SEE ONE! And that’s pretty much whats’s going on. A con job. Because hear are the only facts you all know: !. gunshots are HEARD and Trump grabs his right ear and falls goes to the ground. (not tackled by SS as some media report—that’s impo.rtant later). 2. The SS are not Trump’s usual SS as admitted by most of the media, and likewise don’t appear to be real SS by their actions and not following normal protocals. (they DO NOT rush Trump off the stage immediately (that’s important later) and allow him to be exposed repeatedly and stop for pictures even before they know HOW many shooters there really are. (as most assassinations involve multiple shooters to insure success and/or use a patsy to take the blame for the real assassins to get away and not get into trouble) 3. When Trump gets back up his ear is clearly bloody and it appears blood has ran down his face. Yet his right hand shows NO SIGNS OF BLOOD IF HAD GRABBED A SHOT EAR! (the media and certain popular sties on the internet have/are currently censoring many images of Trump after he gets back up. Why? Maybe so people don’t notice? 4. Photos are easily manipulated by photoshop and countless other computer programs, so no one yet has PROVEN if the bullet shot is even real or not. Also, if it were real and you follow the directory of the bullets path in the photo, that is NOT a bullet that wouldv’e hit the top of Trumps right ear! So that tells us that its behind Trump. And as for the rest of the shots the shooter must’ve been blind or a horrible shot because they kept shooting AFTER the SS got on top, because nothing else was shot even remotely in that area again! (why didn’t they keep trying to shoot Trump? The media said it wasn’t that far away and just couldn’t believe how Crooks got so close undetected) 5. You only HEAR someone say that Crooks has a gun and he’s on the roof with it. Do we know who that person was? What was that persons background? 6. WE NEVER,…EVER…SEE CROOKS SHOOT A GUN, GET SHOT, OR EVEN CLEARLY HOLDING A GUN!!! (don’t you all wonder why in all the footage you’ve seen that the footage looks like it was filmed by someone with the worst case of Parkinson’s disease in world? NO ONE can focus their phones (that have auto focus built in, I might add) at ANY critical points enough to make ANY POSITIVE ID. 7. There are literally thousands and thousands of cell phones there. Why is it that everyone there hears the gunshots, supposedly see a sniper on the AGR roof, supposedly see counter snipers shoot Crools, AND NOT A SINGLE PHONE RECORDS ANY OF IT CLEARLY? 8. This would’ve been a MAJOR crime scene. WHY IS LITTERALLY 95% OF EVIDENCE TAMPERED WITH AN/OR WISKED AWAY IN A HURRY? (Makes it kinda hard to find out what happened for sure, doesn’t it?) 8.This actually could be done if you had enough actors and controlled the media…
So if you still havn’t put 2 and 2 together yet, TRUMP WASN’T SHOT AT ALL! He only ACTS like he’s shot when the first shot is fired. ( which by the way, was done by the by counter-sniper on the roof BEHIND TRUMP AND THE STANDS. There’s proof out there of that sniper firing the first three shots when Trump goes down. He’s shooting AWAY from trump. There’s plenty of footage of interviewees saying it sounded like the shooting came from behind the stands (red haired, visor guy) and in the first audio analysis (that is recorded by the AGR building) when it’s pointed out that there are multiple different shooters, you can actually teLL that the shots are from far away. SO CROOKS COULD NOT HAVE SHOT TRUMP AT ALL!!!
Everything else is made to throw you off and send you on wild goose chases and distract you. And in case you’re wondering, the SS were actors and special fx people who put the blood on trumps ear and painted it down his face. (in the hurry they forgot to put some on his hand too). That’s why they took so long on the ground That’s why they don’t look right or act quite right…BECAUSE THEY AREN’T SS AT ALL!!!
So now you all know HOW the magic trick is done. Now you won’t be able to un see it. (BONUS HINT MIND FRY: There was no Corey Comperatore killed there, nor his wife or daughters…Now you know what to look for…You should be able to figure it out now…Have fun everyone

This article is pretty damning of USS activity around the alleged pipe bomb at the DNC on Jan 6. They wonder, were the same agents involved in Butler.

At a minimum, it supports the idea that the Secret Service is dysfunctional. But in reality it raises much larger questions about deeper corruption of a politicized DHS run organization.

now I don’t claim to know why it was done. But it was. And they should’ve considered the fact that if they got caught what would then happen. Or if something now happens to me you’ll all know why. But I wish they wouldn’t have, or at least offer me a job because whoever is planning this crap sucks and needs replaced. I had wondered what they’d do about Trump’s ear? Would he get it surgically altered and go fully commited to the story? But I see CBS now says he did’t even need stitches! (and his hair covers most of it) Lol, It’s a f’ing miracle! You guys dug yourselves a big hole this time with this one. Good luck Trump 2024

Gunshots are not only heard, they killed one man and injured two other people. Moreover, you can see one bullet explode off the back rail of the stand. As for blood on his hand, he barely swiped at his ear before he went down and the ss covered him, so no magic there. We can clearly see him react to the bullet that hit his ear, so I’m not sure where you are going with that and yes, at least one bullet went behind Trump, across the row of people in the back seats, which did a lot of the damage. I do have to admit whoever was firing those shots, Crooks plus others, are lousy shots. No argument there. There is video of Crooks on the roof, with the rifle, and dead. I disagree Trump was in on this, I’m certain there’s a plot, I’m equally certain he’s a tool here. Crooks/Yearick were on the roof, they are both dead, and who knows if we finally figure it out. We shall see.

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Did you see this:,vid:5vrjERSAfhk,st:0

Nichols’ analysis is not sufficiently accurate to invalidate or validate The Two Shooters Hypothesis but, sufficiently accurate to invalidate the hypothesis that a USSS Hercules counter-Sniper located at the barn behind Trump took out Crooks. Instead, it suggests a sniper located close to, or on top of the big red vehicle on Trump’s 2 o clock fired two rounds at Crooks from a distance of approximately 100 yards from Crooks and probably incapacitated Crooks with the first round, as Crooks stopped firing after the first counter sniper shoot. Unclear why the counter sniper fired a second shot, perhaps because Crooks was still moving?

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Here’s what is interesting: those sniper shots line up with the window to the left of Crooks, not at Crooks. And a 23 yard spread is huge, meaning shots could still have been fired from either area (Crooks or the window).

It is odd that according to that analysis, both counter shots came from the same area. If this is accurate: why did USSS claim that they took the kill shot?

How could a shooter have even had a good view of Crooks from that light pole area for a second shot if he was already backed down 4 feet from the ridge of the roof?

Even if someone had climbed up on the machine, would that have been high enough?

This makes no sense.

I’m so relieved. Now when I measure 14" to cut a piece of face frame trim for the cabinets I’m building for my spousal unit then after I cut it, it measures exactly 13", it’s either Putin hacked my Stanley Fat Max tape measure OR it’s an unsolvable inoperability problem between the tape measure and the miter saw but it’s certainly not my fault.


So one thing that sticks out to me is why was Crooks on their radar as suspicious for that long without being stopped for questioning? It seems obvious to me you don’t let a suspicious person continue to wander about like that. Why Trump was allowed to take the stage is another obvious question. Either of those actions could have prevented it. Duh.


Making a new post just for this:

How do we know that the sniper who got “locked out” asked his sniper buddy to come down and let him back into the locked building?

Was it a text? Where’s the phone record and/or screenshot?

Was it a phone call? Where’s the phone record?

Was it a radio call? Where’s the recorded audio?

Is he on video shouting up to the window: “let me in!!”?

What is the evidence of this happening? Because…there should be some, right?

Side note: it seems like the USSS and local law enforcement are going to get sued, right? If they committed gross negligence that resulted in a death and injuries, can the victims’ sue?

This whole thing is a hot mess. The USSS seems like an auto win and instant settlement since they admitted their obvious failures on live television. Any lawsuits against locals will be more interesting.


I just simply asked for a picture of a plane hitting the Pentagon and include a picture hitting building 7 that magically collapsed at free fall speed.
911 was an inside job to get us into a war in the middle East. In the late 70’s it was Desert Star, then Desert Storm…

Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer


Nice to see a thorough scientific analysis.

Agree with your points saying analysis doesn’t confirm number of shooters but will simply show all the shots generally all came for AGR 6 building.

The answer to why a second shot was necessary is easy to answer by Ross Audio where guy is heard to say “Be careful he is turning toward us” right before last shot and confirmed by people saying “They got him”

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Please go back and try to understand the point that I was making instead of derailing the conversation with your own pet peeves. Thank you.

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I want to share two things. FBI Deputy said his name was pronounced abate. Fits right in with Crooks and Cheat(les). Abbate was there to abate things. Look it up in the dictionary. The other thing I wanted to mention, I haven’t heard anyone mention. When Crooks “bear crawled” onto the roof, he had what appeared to be white sweats and a camo jacket on. Downstairs sightings showed him in his t-shirt and probably shorts. When shot he was wearing his t-shirt and shorts. No sign of clothing on the roof when they were standing there. Backpack didn’t necessarily look stuffed with clothing. Was clothing found?

He wasn’t wearing pants or a jacket.

Dashcam video at AGR entrance- shorts and tee.

The video of him walking around- shorts and tee.

The pictures of him at the retaining wall- shorts and tee.

Security video of him getting on roof- not released yet.

Video of him running on roof- seems shorts and tee.

The bear crawl video- shorts and tee.

The Ross video- shorts and tee.

The Stewert video on roof- seems shorts and tee.

Body cam video after death- shorts and tee.


Not the best screen shot but crowd video shows him going up and down and he has pants on.

I guess I see it now. I knew all the other shots were t and shorts.

@cmartenson would love to see a video on the riots going on in the UK.