The Unbelievable Security Gap That Allowed Crooks To Get In Position

No. His legs are white. Pale white.

If you look at the body cam footage, and other clips of him on the roof, it is shorts.

He was wearing light colored cargo shorts, dark socks, and dark sneakers with light soles.

His tee was the now infamous DemolitionRanch merch: by all accounts a very family friendly wholesome gun centered YT channel.


I agree with your entire post except this quoted. Whoever the actual assassin is that took shots 1-3, shot Trump in the head and came 1 centimeter from assassinating Trump on a live stream. This would be on par with the 9/11/01 attacks, and the biggest event in decades. Trump is alive due to a miracle gust of wind and head turn simultaneous to the assassin pulling the trigger.

And that skill under intense pressure is noteworthy. As is the “uncanny” ability to exploit the numerous inexcusably incompetent security lapses (which in total were clearly orchestrated by nefarious insiders).


Is there really any point in asking the FBI for evidence? Of anything? Remember Russiagate, Crossfire Hurricane, etc?

Walter Sobchak:
You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don’t wanna know about it, believe me.

The Dude:
Yeah, but Walter…

Walter Sobchak:
Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o’clock this afternoon… with nail polish.

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Yes, welcome to the discussion. Everyone has been wondering this same question since 1 minute after the assassination attempt, including Congress that has grilled the former SS director, the replacement director, and the FBI. No good answers have been provided.

An AR15 can be easily disassembled into two parts of nearly equal size by 2 push pins, and it would more or less fit into a large backpack. It can be re-assembled in seconds fairly easily. It seems obvious he either pre-staged the backpack with the rifle, or was carrying it on his back. Those are the two most likely answers.

Once on the roof, he crawled to the peak to get a view, crawled back down out of sight, assembled the rifle, and crawled back to the peak to shoot. Note, in one famous video he does not move AT ALL during the first shot (subsequent shots are not filmed). His absence of any movement is powerful evidence of a 2nd shooter.

It seems obvious to me this was an inside planned job and Crooks was a patsy and patsy’s are always killed. No way the inside planners would leave him alive. Of course they’d have told him they’d secure his escape but they’d double cross him and of course he’d be eliminated.

Yes, the van apparently was meant to cause some type of a explosion which would or might theoretically create chaos and a distraction, allowing for his escape.

I speculate a partner was supposed to drive the van onto the fairgrounds and leave it for Crooks to detonate immediately after the shootings to aid his escape in his car, or on the bike if that was his, or on foot, etc. The fact he used his dad’s easily traceable gun shows he probably did not expect to be captured or killed, at least that’s what it suggests to me. He expected to escape.

All very good questions for which we don’t have good answers after 3 weeks, and the Feds and local police seem unable or unwilling to provide basic answers and assign actual blame and get to the bottom of it. They’re blaming equipment, policies, procedures, and nobody is behind held accountable. A big stonewall that furthers the believe of a inside conspiracy to assassinate Trump.

Yes, it’s abundantly clear. Gross criminal negligence and incompetence, combined with a 20 year old nerd magically able to exploit these and not be stopped for hours, points to only 1 reasonable answer. And inside job, Crooks was the sacrificial patsy, and there was probably a 2nd professional shooter taking the first 3 shots.

No that’s not correct. The man on the roof, assuming it’s Crooks and the same man seen for hours, is consistently wearing white or light tan long cargo shorts, dark green shirt, black shoes and socks. He has bright white untanned legs that blend with his shorts to make it appear he is wearing pants but a careful look proves it to be shorts and bare legs.


The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the U.S. Secret Service when protecting a presidential candidate involves a comprehensive and multi-layered approach to ensure the safety and security of the candidate. It is important that we understand what those procedures are, before we can point out any failures on behalf of the Secret Service who had the sole responsibility to protect former president Donald Trump on that fateful day. While specific details are classified to protect the effectiveness of their operations, the general procedures include:

Advance Planning and Coordination:
Site Surveys: Secret Service agents conduct advance site surveys to assess the venue and identify potential vulnerabilities.
Coordination with Local Law Enforcement: The Secret Service coordinates with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies for additional support and resources

Physical Security Measures:
Perimeter Security: Establishing secure perimeters around event locations using barriers, fences, and checkpoints.
Screening: All attendees are usually subject to thorough security screenings, including metal detectors, bag checks, and possibly even pat-downs by security personnel to ensure no prohibited items are brought into the venue.
Controlled Access: Implementing access control measures to restrict entry to certain areas, using identification badges and credentials.

Close Protection:
Protective Detail: Assigning a team of specially trained Secret Service agents to stay in close proximity to the candidate at all times.
Motorcade Security: Secure motorcade routes are planned and executed with a motorcade consisting of multiple vehicles, including decoy and support vehicles.
Emergency Evacuation Plans: Having contingency plans and routes for rapid evacuation in case of an emergency.

Intelligence and Threat Assessment:
Threat Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of threats through intelligence gathering and analysis from various sources.
Pre-emptive Actions: Taking pre-emptive actions to neutralize potential threats, including detaining or arresting suspicious individuals.

Communication and Command:
Communication Systems: Using secure and redundant communication systems to coordinate with all involved units and agencies.
Command Posts: Establishing command posts at event sites to oversee and manage operations.

Emergency Medical Support:
Medical Team: Having a medical team on standby to provide immediate medical assistance if needed.
Medical Facilities: Identifying nearby hospitals and medical facilities as part of the emergency planning.

Training and Drills:
Regular Training: Continuous training for agents in various protective techniques, emergency response, and tactical operations.
Simulation Drills: Conducting simulation drills to prepare for different scenarios and ensure readiness.

These procedures are designed to adapt to the dynamic nature of security threats and provide robust protection to presidential candidates. But somehow these procedures failed on that day which prompts me to believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate Mr. Donald Trump.

I have been in the security industry since 1996 and during my 28 years of experience, I have done numerous investigations. When security was compromised, I immediately started to have a look at whether there was a deviation from the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

From what I have found so far and according to what information was made available publicly, I can identify numerous violations by the Secret Service where they deviated from SOP. Multiple security procedures were not followed, like failure to comply with site planning, when the Secret Service failed to attend the security briefing with Beaver County and Butler County police before the event.

They have failed to comply with access control procedures by allowing Crooks into a restricted area, while attendees at the event had to register first on the campaign website before receiving an entrance ticket or QR code that was supposed to be presented before entrance.

They failed to comply with access control procedures by allowing Crooks to gain access to a restricted area on the roof of AGR International Building 6.
They failed to comply with mandatory security procedures which demanded the use of radio communications that would allow collective communication amongst all involved in the operation, but instead cell phone text messaging was used to communicate.

They failed to have equipment available that should have been in working order, when the Counter Unmanned Aerial System failed due to cellular bandwidth issues, while the system was not fully functional until 5:20 PM, nearly three hours after it was supposed to be operational.

When Crooks was first seen with a rangefinder, although not a physical threat, they should have stopped and searched him for possible weapons.

The list goes on and on about the multiple security failures that happened that day. No valid reason can be given by trained professionals such as the Secret Service to deviate from essential procedures like screening attendees, restricting access to sensitive areas like rooftops, employing drones and radio equipment, or taking pre-emptive actions to neutralize potential threats, including detaining or arresting suspicious individuals.

Human error is inevitable, but when professionals fail to follow multiple basic procedures resulting in death and injury, such negligence becomes a criminal act. If Standard Operating Procedure had been followed on July 13, 2024, the tragic events of that day could have been avoided.


Awesome 1st post Bubbalobob!

I appreciate this breakdown of the breakdown.

I mean, when you put it that way…

Seems to me everyone who was instrumental in any or all of those breakdowns ought to be removed from the investigation 100%.

No chance to interfere, or even interact with the investigators in anything other than an officially recorded session in an interview room.


cheap Baufeng radios, $25 each already do this. While not secure, they have the ability to send and receive on one channel, while simultaneously receiving on another channel. One button, and you swap channels. Each local, state, and feds can talk amongst themselves on their own channel and monitor the high priority SS channel.


Good writeup, but these were not “failures,” these were intentional. No individual person could “fail” this badly, and certainly not entire teams of professionals assigned to protection details. When you consider dozens of people committed dozens of individual and cumulative catastrophic inexplicable failures, it paints a larger picture. But even ALL these failures could occur and result in an “incident free” event. The fact that on THIS day, a 20 year old nerd exploited these failures with magical abilities, with nearby bombs in a van for an escape, got a AR15 and transmitter and range finder onto a roof within 150 yards clear shot of Trump cannot be explained by errors or incompetence. Trump came within 1 CM of having his life taken on live stream… This was not an error or series of errors.
Folks need to accept that hard red-pilled truth.

This is what more-or-less occurred. Crooks (and many like him in cells around the world) was a disposable groomed MK Ultra type asset ready to be activated when the deep state needs something violent done for an agenda. They created all these inexplicable gross security lapses and allowed Crooks to go unimpeded for hours, 10 minutes on the rooftop, and to take 5 shots before eliminating him. The deep state orchestrated this and probably had a professional in place to take the actual accurate head shots, and by a miracle Trump survived.

And the Deep State has total control of all information, evidence, can lie, hide evidence, fabricate evidence, etc.

From Crooks perspective, the explosives in the van apparently was meant to cause some type of a explosion which would or might theoretically create chaos and a distraction, allowing for his escape. I speculate a partner was supposed to drive the van onto the fairgrounds, turn on the radio receiver bomb switch (found in the “off” position, strongly implying a partner was necessary), and leave it for Crooks to detonate immediately after the shootings to aid his escape in his car, or on the bike if that was his, or on foot, etc. The fact he used his dad’s easily traceable gun shows he probably did not expect to be captured or killed, at least that’s what it suggests to me. He expected to escape.

We have seen this in the past but people were too gullible and trusting; JFK, RFK, Malcom X, MLK, Seth Rich, Epstein, etc. etc. etc… the Deep State has a history of eliminating problems.


who wouldn’t consider that thousands of people all hitting one or two towers at the same time might impact system capability and capacity?


I cannot remember any event where some type A personality isn’t going around making sure everything is going as planned.


Multiple people have pointed out that an expert or trained sniper would aim for the chest…and that at that distance, the shot begins with aiming for the navel depending on how the scope was zeroed out (per Paramount Tactical on YT).

In theory, that could align with Crooks being interupted right before the shot and in the stressful situation, he messed up and missed. It does seem unlikely that a sniper would make the same mistake. It also doesn’t make sense that a trained sniper wouldn’t have followed up with a corrected second shot to Trump before he hit the ground.

Perhaps there was other interference if there was a second shooter.

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Tim, I believe you might be right. Information is the new gold. Attendees at the Trump rally on July 13, 2024, were required to register online for several key reasons:

  1. Security Screening: Online registration allows for preliminary security checks on attendees. This can include background checks and identification verification to ensure that individuals with a history of threats or violent behavior are flagged and potentially denied entry.
  2. Crowd Management: Knowing the number of attendees in advance helps organizers manage crowd size, ensuring the venue can accommodate everyone safely. It also aids in logistical planning, such as seating arrangements, entry and exit flow, and emergency evacuation plans.
  3. Access Control: Online registration systems can generate unique QR codes or tickets for attendees, which can be scanned at entry points. This helps to prevent unauthorized access and ensures that only registered individuals are allowed into the event.
  4. Health and Safety: In light of recent global health concerns, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, online registration can help in contact tracing efforts if needed. It also allows organizers to monitor the health status of attendees by including health screening questions during the registration process.
  5. Data Collection: Registration provides valuable data on attendees, such as demographics, contact information, and preferences. This information can be used for future event planning, targeted communication, and enhancing the overall attendee experience.
  6. Compliance with Regulations: Many venues and local authorities require event organizers to have a list of attendees for safety and regulatory reasons. Online registration ensures compliance with such regulations.
  7. Resource Allocation: Knowing the number of attendees helps in the proper allocation of resources such as food, beverages, seating, restrooms, and security personnel.
  8. Emergency Preparedness: Having a record of all attendees can be crucial in the event of an emergency, ensuring that everyone can be accounted for and appropriate measures can be taken quickly.

Overall, requiring online registration for the rally was a strategic measure to enhance security, improve logistics, and ensure a safe and well-organized event for all participants, but also to collect information from all who attended the political rally.

However, in my research I could not find any information on whether or not Crooks had registered on the campaign website, but video footage showed him watching the events from behind a fence that separated the show grounds from the AGR International office complex.

Judged by what he had planned to do that day. I doubt he would have registered online for the event. If he didn’t, the question then remains, how did he gain access to the premises?


Hello, why the initial Sloped Roof take from Cheadle?
Perhaps this is a test? Similar to early C-19 tests.
The narrative gets walked backward, DEI, incompetence, etc. But, well, the first “too sloped roof” is never addressed. Why does Cheadle float that WHOPPER?
if not to test?


Absolutely Chris. The officers and agents who were on duty that day, should be suspended and I am of opinion that a criminal investigation should be opened. Their negligence had led to three people injured and two deaths. They should be charged with culpable homicide.


Phil, according to Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) it is mandatory for security personnel to make use of two-way radios. The reason for that is to ensure that everyone who are part of the operation can be made aware of the same environment under their protection.

Cell phones are only used when confidential information is communicated. When the two officers communicated with each other via text messaging regarding a suspect who were seen with a rangefinder, their focus was distracted while typing.

Records further show that the Secret Service’s drone system faced operational delays due to cellular bandwidth issues. If that is true, then cellular communication amongst each other would have been compromised.

But if they used their radios as SOP demanded them to do, collective communication would have been possible, and everyone would have been on the same page.


What is missing is the enormity of the failure; what would have happened had the plot not failed. The magnitude is equivalent to turning over to America’s enemies all of our National Security operations. The American public would have been denied their right to vote, to select a leader of their choice, to protect this nation.
What is happening is people are getting stuck on a sandbar of minutea and law enforcement.
The event is second to none and especially with America so divided. The Secret Service needs to have all its leadership terminated and the organization rebuilt.
We cannot allow buzz cuts and white sidewalls to be a the calling card of the most important self-defense entity in the entire United States.


Just listening to Gary @Paramount Tactical who is claiming that the counter sniper teams absolutely had nothing to do with the Trump assassination attempt…he’s making general excuses: “What I don’t think is that counter sniper teams were involved with this. What I do think is that we had really shitty security to begin with, and they got lax, and they got complacent, and that they have been doing that for a while.”

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They only had controlled access to Zone 1, the inner most circle of the layout. Crooks was not in Zone 1 at any point. There is multiple fences dividing the Butler Show fairgrounds. There was uniformed and undercover Local & County LEO outside Zone 1 as security. There was US-SS, PA State Police and County LEO inside Zone 1. All the people around the AGR area never went through any Security.


He said the sun was reflecting in the AGR window- how?

To be clear: I’m not saying it is muzzle fire. I was thinking a flashlight from inside. Maybe it could be someone’s phone camera flash while recording from outside.

The governments philosophy is “If everyone is responsible no one will be at fault.” So obvious from their responses. Saw it at NASA all the time. No wonder we’re in this mess.