The Unbelievable Security Gap That Allowed Crooks To Get In Position

Maybe, maybe not. Could be any number of reasons a pro would take a 150-ish yard head shot.

  1. Not too difficult. Any skilled shooter could hit a pie-plate at ~150 yards 90%. Especially if they are using any magnified optics that increases to probably nearly 100%. JFK and MLK were both thorns in the side of the Deep State and both shot in the head with large caliber rifles, and both died instantly.
  2. Unsurviveable. Any head shot with a rifle would canoe his head and be immediately lethal, much like Kennedy and MLK.
  3. Dramatic, especial on recorded live streamed television, if the secondary point is to send a powerful deep state message to opposition
  4. One might believe Trump wears boutique rifle rated armor on his chest, which might defeat a chest shot.

As many have stated and I agree, Trump survived on divine intervention, a head movement at the right millisecond, and perhaps a gust of wind …

As a followup comment, since 2016 I have been shocked this type of event had not yet happened and shocked that Trump is so casual about his security. For instance, any public speaking especially outside he should be standing behind 8’ ballistic glass panels. This would cost practically nothing on his budget, but be a 1000x improvement in his security posture.


The difficulty is the normal movement of a head, not the size of the target. Trump’s hit on the ear may be just happenstance, not Crooks aiming at his head. We don’t know what distance his rifle was zeroed at either.

Crooks was a head shot because that was the part of his body visable to the C-S.

At ~3000 fps, the bullet traveled ~150 yards (~450 feet) in 1/7th of a second. Yes the head is unpredictable but I’d venture that the target was a well aimed temple shot and would have been a kill shot 999 out of 1000 times. Trump moving, and perhaps the gust of wind, saved his life. Not lack of any skill on the part of the shooter.

Sure with the risking arc of a 5.56 if it’s zeroed at 25 yrds but firing at 150 yards could account for perhaps he was aiming for the chest and the bullet went higher. That’s plausible. But we circle back to the fact but for his movement, and maybe a gust of wind, that “aimed chest shot” would have been a direct head shot.

Would you please post a link to the “Dashcam video at AGR entrance”. I’ve been waiting for someone to acknowledge this video. I don’t know if this is the video mentioned by the FBI at last Monday’s Fox News briefing (which I haven’t seen) or if it’s the video of him passing in front of the AGR Corporate Sign at the street (which I have seen). Thanks

It is the dashcam video at the entrance sign with the mail truck on the opposite side of the road. Seems like you’ve seen it.

Here is the “Dashcam” video.

I would like to keep the following topic alive, and respectively ask that it be put on the open issues list - “Crooks accessed the roof via a pre-placed ladder.” Reasons to doubt FBI statement that Crooks did not access the roof with a ladder are as follows:

  1. Two roof access ladders are visible in the first video ever released of the shooting scene. This was the video from the Sky News 4 helicopter that overflew the site. Here is a link to the video: The extendable ladder used by the Beaver County ESU team is visible if you know what you’re looking for. So is the 10’ fiberglass step ladder behind the trees at the east side of the breezeway. (Note that this video shows a very strange condition - the dead Crooks on the roof but no LEO’s anywhere!)
  2. The whole team of LEOs that provided the initial response to the shooter abandoned their effort to access the roof via the makeshift pallet ladder that was placed on top of the plastic storage shed on the loading dock - and instead, rushed to the area behind the trees at the east side of the breezeway. This can be seen at the 6 min and 8 sec mark in the first Dave Stewart video:
  3. The video from the body cam of the Beaver County ESU team ( shows this team being briefed by a supervisor inside the foyer of the AGR Bldg #6 before they made their way to the roof. This video was made 20 minutes after the Dave Stewart video. The Dave Stewart video shows all initially responding LEOs moving to access the roof by some means hidden behind the trees at the east breezeway. I believe they were moving to the 10’ fiberglass step ladder shown in the Sky News 4 video. However, in the briefing from the supervisor, he did not mention how the previous team accessed the roof. Instead, he said “ladders are on the way”. This is very strange. Especially because, in the background of this conversation (at time mark 3min and 18 secs into this video) another LEO in the foyer mentions something about the ladder behind the trees. And then, at time mark 4 min and 30 secs into this video, the ESU crosses the breezeway where this ladder stood - but magically, it’s not there.

This is a good time, again, to say that Jeff O’Stroff is acting on behalf of the deep state to plant misinformation, as I just watched his latest video where he drilled down on this particular clip of the video and specifically pointed out that there was no ladder at the east side of the breezeway behind the trees. WOW! Now we have clear evidence that the “stage props” at the crime scene were manipulated. Was a ladder there, or not? I suggest we all focus our efforts to prove the shooter had inside help by proving we have a “magic ladder” - a ladder that seems to disappear in the 20 minutes following the shooting.

  1. Another thing to consider would be the reported fact that Crooks bought a 5’ ladder at the local Home Depot on the morning of the shooting, but left it at his home (did not bring it to the scene of the crime). The most logical explanation for this is that he was told, sometime after he purchased the ladder, that it wasn’t needed - e.g. just look for the ladder pre-placed behind the trees.
  2. And finally, we need to consider human behavior. It has been reported that Crooks was a smart guy. He was smart enough to keep his ass down when he scrambled across the roof on his hands and knees as he moved into his prone shooting position. Why would he earlier run across the adjacent roof(s) in a full upright position, in clear view of anyone who just happened to have been looking that way. That would have been completely out of character, and I say it didn’t happen.


Yes - that’s the one I’ve seen. Thanks. Confirms Crooks had no involvement with the bike that was discovered under the tree.

It is even stranger. Dead Crooks on the roof and his rifle is off to the side. There is the other pic of dead Crooks still holding the rifle. For that to happen, then someone had to access the crime scene and move the rifle, one way or the other.

I hate the ‘we have to blur out’ the body on the roof done by multiple different news outlets.

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Maybe the sun was reflecting off a cell phone screen from the people recording which then reflected back to that window, that’s why we see those flashes in the window, which to some seems like someone is firing off shots? Those flashes we see are very unstable/shaky.

A color-coded map of Butler Farm Show Grounds depicting 7 sectors identified by local law enforcement where security measures would be taken on the day of the Trump rally.

The checkpoints at the Trump rally were manned by a combination of local law enforcement, including officers from the Butler County and Beaver County police departments, along with Secret Service agents.

The coordination included the setup of checkpoints to manage the entry of attendees and to ensure the safety of the former president and the public.

There should have been access control measures to all entrances to the premises. Access control points should have been manned by agents / law enforcement at the entrance to Sector 5 (Runway and designated parking area) in Evans City rd. on the north, and approximately 109 yards (100 meters) further north appears to have a second entrance to Sector 5 that should also have been manned for access control.

Further north in Evans City rd. and approximately 200 yards (184 meters) down appears to have an entrance to AGR International office complex, and in Whitestown Rd. towards the east there appears to be two more entrances to the office complex.

Even though AGR is a private business, there should have been agents / law enforcement officers to patrol that area. Besides, I am sure the business owner would have appreciated the free and extra security that day and would have given their full support.

According to video footage of that day, there appears to be a small gate that separate the back of AGR from Sector 1, Sector 2 and Sector 6.

The Secret Service was responsible for the overall security of the event, coordinating with local authorities to ensure thorough screening and access control measures.

It is not clear how Mr. Crooks could have bypassed any checkpoints at the venue while carrying a loaded AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, but we do know now that somehow, he gained access to the venue and climbed unhindered on top of the roof of AGR International office Building 6 where he took aim in the direction of the Trump stage.

Have you watched the different videos taken around the AGR complex? Butler ESU & Beaver ESU had teams in the AGR buildings and there was quite a few local uniformed and undercover LEOs on the grounds around the buildings.

Have you ever handled a AR type rifle? It easily breaks down into 2 main parts and could fit in a backpack of sufficient size. It doesn’t take long to insert a magazine and charge it.

There were no check points at the AGR complex. This falls under the 7 P’s. Prior Preparation and Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.


Blockquote Have you ever handled a AR type rifle? It easily breaks down into 2 main parts and could fit in a backpack of sufficient size. It doesn’t take long to insert a magazine and charge it.

Sgt Raven, I am a veteran of the South African Air Force, having served my country from 1989 to 1991. Since 1996, I have worked in the security industry, conducting numerous investigations that have aided the South African Police. While on duty, I was also wounded in a bank robbery that resulted in the deaths of two bank robbers as well as the arrest of a third suspect.

I never used an AR-15 rifle, but the weapon is practically the same as an R5 automatic or the LM6 semi-automatic that I have used during my career. The stock of the rifle is pushed down and then twisted, folding inwards that makes it compact and easy to hide inside a backpack, or even underneath a jacket.

Given my background, I was instantly intrigued by the events of that day. I began to contemplate the same questions many are asking now, particularly regarding the US Secret Service Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) that was intended to ensure the safety of the public, former President Donald Trump, and his security team.

Even though a rangefinder is not a physical threat, when Crooks was first noticed by law enforcement carrying one, he should have been approached and searched for weapons. If Standard Operating Procedure was complied with, Crooks would have been discovered and apprehended before you could continue his sinister mission.


For those who track coincidences, here is a BIGGY…

Butler County Pennsylvania was been selected to host the 2024 Can-Am Police-Fire Games. Their page for details.
Event date: 7AM - 6PM daily from July 15 - 21, 2024 at Butler County . Community College
https:/ /www.butlercanam2024. com/

Wouldn’t this be the perfect cover for why top talent was in town?? Were any of these part of Butler’s or USSS security elements?

This detial comes from George Webb who has been pushing a two shooter scenario, that is also picked upby others, such as Jeffrey Prather and John Cullen.

John Cullen had some interesting thing to say about George so we’ve got another layer to consider in this, controlled opposition within the puzzle-breaker community…
Here is the link,
https:/ /rumble. com/v592bhg-multiple-shooters-john-cullen-and-clay-martin-tpc-1538.html

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Nesum, I too had the believe there were two shooters, however I am not so convinced about that theory anymore. If there were two shooters involved, Mr. Trump would have had an obituary, not a celebration. I am now convinced that Crooks was indeed the only shooter.

The question now remains is how trained professionals like the Secret Service and local police could fail to follow multiple Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that led to the deaths of two civilians and injured three more people, including former President Trump. When trained professionals neglect to follow SOP that would lead to death and injury, such negligence becomes culpable homicide.

Actually it is not and does not break down like they do. The AR-15, M16, and M4 style weapons break down differently. They have 2 captive push pins that separate the upper and lower half. They can be reassembled quickly.

When Crooks was photographed by the ESU sniper, he did not have his backpack on him. It must have been stashed someplace around the AGR complex. At that point, all he had was the rangefinder. The Police started looking for him, but he evaded them. If they had searched him right then, they wouldn’t have found a weapon.

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When Crooks was photographed by the ESU sniper, he did not have his backpack on him. It must have been stashed someplace around the AGR complex. At that point, all he had was the rangefinder. The Police started looking for him, but he evaded them. If they had searched him right then, they wouldn’t have found a weapon.

Nevertheless, he bypassed several SS agents and ESU officers carrying the same backpack that contained the AR-15. Standard Operating Procedure makes it mandatory that all bags and other containers be searched, before gaining access to a restricted area. That is one of the most basic security procedures and they neglected to do so. Such negligence had led to the deaths of two people and injury to three more, including Mr. Trump, making their gross negligence a criminal act.

The AGR complex was not inside the restricted access area. It should have been, but it was not. So your ‘SOP’ did not apply to that area. There so many mistakes made on that day.

Should have, would have, could have, none of it was.
“Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by incompetence, but don’t rule out malice”


Actually SOP does apply. The SOP for the U.S. Secret Service when protecting a presidential candidate involves a comprehensive and multi-layered approach to ensure the safety and security of the candidate. It is important that we understand what those procedures are, before we can point out any failures on behalf of the Secret Service who had the sole responsibility to protect former president Donald Trump on that fateful day. While specific details are classified to protect the effectiveness of their operations, the general procedures include:

Advance Planning and Coordination:

  • Site Surveys: Secret Service agents should conduct advance site surveys to assess the venue and identify potential vulnerabilities. If they did so, AGR International Building 6 would have been included as being a risk area and would have formed part of their planning for that day.

  • Coordination with Local Law Enforcement: The Secret Service should have coordinated with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies for additional support and resources, but according to Butler County and Beaver County S. W. A. T. units, as well as acting Director Ronald Rowe’s own testimony, Secret Service were absent during the security briefing prior to the event.

These procedures are designed to adapt to the dynamic nature of security threats and provide robust protection to presidential candidates. They have no excuse for their failures on that day. If they followed prescribed Standard Operating Procedure, the tragic events of that day could have been avoided.

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So has anyone done a proper mathematical audio analysis of multiple sources yet? Unless all of the different videos were confiscated and altered (which COULD have happened to the DS video’s audio of the shot sequence), there is information there in the multiple sources to determine whether Crooks took all the shots or not. To do this:

  1. Ignore supersonic bullet audio signature–too many variables affecting arrival times at any one microphone. Focus on report from gun, which travels uniformly at the speed of sound from gun barrel and all reflecting surfaces.
  2. Don’t worry about Automatic Gain Correction and compression algo, or minor differences in microphone direction. Unless the frequencies prominent in the gun signature are wholesale removed (maybe for faint sounds but would be unusual for loud sounds) by the compression algorithm, major parts of gun signature are still there in all recordings. Compression generally seeks to remove the less human-audible portions of sound profile that won’t be missed when we hear it back. Mathematical correlation will not care whether audio gain was the same for all shots, or whether microphone angle is exactly the same.
  3. Apple phones record audio in video mode at 44.1 kHz. As a distant source emits a sound train toward a microphone, as that sound travels past the mic it will be sampled every 0.3 inches. That is a lot of samples. Samples are our friend. Would love to have original audio file over something that was uploaded to a government-friendly video warehouse.
  4. Consider two shots from the same gun and position. Add a bunch of crowd noise and crap on top. Now mathematically correlate the signatures of the two shots. The crowd noise/crap will be different and not constructively influence a correlation. The two shots (rememberiing to not use supersonic signature part) and their various reflections will correlate and have a peak when aligned. By correlating say 0.3 seconds of shot 1 with the remainder of an audio sequence of all shots, there should be prominent peaks in the correlation where the 0.3 second snippet exactly overlies any other shots from the same position.
  5. This correlation must be done separately for each source. They are at different locations and will have a different primary/reflection response from other sources.
  6. This correlation output tells us so much. All sources should agree on shots 1-2-3 correlation peak spacing, and all sources should agree on shots 4-5-6-7-8 correlation peak spacing. BUT, if shot 1 correlates well with 2 and 3, but much less well with 4-8, and that is consistent across sources, that is super suspect–even if we guess that gun was on its side for one group and upright for the other. EVEN MORE, if the time spacings between any/all of 1-3 and any/all of 4-8 differ BETWEEN sources, those shot groupings were shot from different locations, for sure. Even if the DS video was tampered with, you can’t make the group spacing consistent with all of the others because of all the different vantage points. (Also, DS himself was moving, so that makes me not like his video as much.)
  7. Correlation resolution should be on the order of inches if we are doing an 8 to 16 thousand point correlation. Remember, we aren’t trying to figure out where Crooks was (we know), we just want to know if all video sources show the same time gap between the sonic signatures of 1-3 and the sonic signatures of 4-8. Because the sources are dispersed around the scene, there will be prominent differences at the sub-millisecond level between the intergroup time differences in different recordings, if the shots did not all come from the exact same position. Even a 10 foot difference in gun position should be easy to detect.
  8. I have been out of this business for a long, long time and don’t have the data or the software to crunch it, but this type of analysis used to be what I did for a living. But if someone does have the software to convert the audio sources to PCM and perform correlation, and access to the data, I would be happy to correspond with them to get this done. I worry that the DS video was tampered with to throw everyone off of the “shots sound different” path. This type of processing can definitively check off the 1 or 2 shooter controversy checkbox for good. I have outlined the most straightforward aspects of the processing, but there are further things that can be done to improve it.