The Unbelievable Security Gap That Allowed Crooks To Get In Position

Professional lying liars who lie combined with total incompetence, but most importantly we got to look behind the curtain of their brazen open actions to lie with total consequence free impunity. She honestly thought she could say literally anything, even the most absurdly dumb easily disproven statement a child can see thru, and thought it would satisfy the answer and take the heat off and she and her career would survive and it would all just go away. Watching her lie under oath, stonewall her bosses in Congress, in such a brazen way is one of the biggest reveals that the Deep State controls her and conducted this assassination attempt.

In Cheetos mind, the humiliation of postulating nonsense and showing total incompetence, the lying to Congress, being made to look like a fool, risks of criminal charges, losing her job, etc. all were the BETTER option than crossing the Deep State…


I do believe there was inside help, and the ladder is an excellent clue to solving this.

You have great questions. Here are my speculative answers.

  1. Crook’s ladder. We are given the impression he scouted the area but it is puzzling why he would purchase a 5’ ladder, and why/how would he have anticipated smuggling it onto premises crawling with cops without pre-knowledge of inside help?

I believe the answer to that is Crooks was told to leave the ladder at home and there would be a tall pre-staged ladder, but Crooks could not find it so he improvised his initial plan to get on the roof without the 5’ ladder by parcoring on using the AC unit and shed or other avenues.

I favor the latter theory that he did NOT use the tall ladders (but it was in place) because of the video showing him running from left to right, ducking down (crossing the breezeway) and re-appearing.

  1. The tall ladder working theory. It is possible his contact told him to leave the ladder at home because it was impractical to smuggle in, but his contact may have told him he would place a ladder for him. We know Crooks walked around the venue for a long time and was looking at the building, seemingly “waiting” for someone or some event. The tall ladder might have been in place at that time, but Crooks could not or did not see it as it was well concealed behind the trees.

Yes, we do see the LEOs moving toward that tall ladder minutes after the assassination attempt failed and Crooks was shot. We are not privy to seeing anyone place that ladder there so it is reasonable to assume it was in place during the event. The fact that ladder was there raises HUGE RED FLAGS for security…

My questions would be when was the 10’ ladder placed there and what exactly was the ladder Crooks bought. Why 5’? What does 5’ get him, and how would he have believed he could possibly smuggle a 5’ ladder onto the premises without foreknowledge of inside help?

It is undeniable SOMEONE got to his body and moved the rifle. We don’t know how, whether via ladder or possibly other 2nd story access from the taller building. But yes, someone did move the rifle away as we can see from the very early aerial footage of just Crooks and the rifle but no officers on the roof. That is a very very bizarre scenario… I’m envisioning an “all hands” meeting of CYA and lots of yelling or figuring out how to spin this…

If I can interject, I have not read or heard a single statement defending the SS and claiming there was no failure. I think we can all agree there were massive “failures” consistent with your lengthy list.

The KEY question is whether those “failures” were intentional acts and/or omissions that either allowed, encouraged, or orchestrated the assassination attempt. That takes in dark directions.

To believe the former theories of “allowing” we also have to take the large mental leap to believe that Crooks had the miraculously good luck and timing to have found these colossal deep and wide failures. Both pieces of the equation have to occur in order for this to happen. The security must fail on this date, AND Crooks must exploit it. One without the other does not equal a shooting. It just happened to be when Crooks made bombs and parked it in a van with Arizona plates, and he wandered around for hours, managed to drone surveille the area and also use a rangefinder, somehow unclear smuggled a rifle onto the roof in a backpack, etc. All while himself being watched for hours but not stopped… And then there’s the oddly placed 10’ ladder hidden behind trees still open for serious analysis and answers.

Then there’s the van with bombs, not activated. Sure seems to me that he had a 2nd person who was supposed to drive that van onto the premises and activate the receiver so Crooks to detonate it as a diversion for his escape. I cannot think of any other use that van IED could serve. Or how he would implement it without assistance from a 2nd person. I believe Crooks was led to believe there was a helper who would drive the van to the location and arm it as a diversion for Crooks to detonate it and escape (that’s what he believed but he was doubled crossed by the DS).

At this point if you’re like me it’s clear there was a larger deep state plan and help. And if the DS is going through all this trouble then there must have been a 2nd professional shooter to ensure it was done correctly. I doubt they’d pin all their hopes on Crooks accuracy or willingness to go thru with it, but he was their disposable MK Ultra patsy. There was a 2nd shooter somewhere along the same general trajectory as Crooks…

Three objective key pieces of evidence support the 2nd shooter theory:

  1. There is video of Crooks laying prone during shot #1, but Crooks has zero movement. Firing even the lightest recoiling gun would presumably cause some ripple of movement.
  2. The 3 distinct shots followed by 5 different shots (sound and cadence) supports this theory of 2 shooters.
  3. Initial shell casings count was 5 (not 3, not 6, but 5). Only much later does the count change to 8 under very mysterious circumstances with casings to Crooks left which is inconsistent with the ejection patter of an AR15. And I’ll add the SS and FBI were very resistant and guarded with this basic information for a very long time, making this HIGHLY suspicious.

Two additional subjective pieces of evidence support a 2nd shooter
4. Eye witness (red headed lady) claimed a 2nd dead person shot from the water tower.
5. If this was a DS plan, it’s unlikely they’d have used this one chance and just relied on Crooks alone…

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Congress is not the ‘Boss’ of the US-SS. Her boss was the President who is the head of the Executive Branch via Article 2 of the Constitution. Each Branch is a check on the other 2 Branches. But each Branch is a power unto their own.

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I understand the 3 branches of government, and was speaking loosely. Congress controls the purse strings and the SS budget, and has legal subpoena powers that summoned her there and put her under oath to tell the truth, and can hold her in contempt and call for her resignation. They could even withhold SS funding if need be. So the members of Congress were clearly in an “authority” position at that time.

Cheetos chose to make inane statements to her own humiliation, and dishonest statements tempting perjury and obstruction charges, and contempt of Congress. For her to do that, the alternative (upsetting the higher powers) must have been a worse option. If that point was lost then I’ve re-explained it.

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What if the corpse was only a patsey and he never got off a shot?? Have you noticed the roof facade and the smudge on the roof??? That spot appears to be in nearly direct line with 3 of 4 victims and it is well concealed, and there is more… Take a close look at the images here.
https:/ /www.thegatewaypundit. com/2024/07/trump-assassination-crooks-impossible-path-roof-butler-pa/
What is that opening??? Drainage, or a place to hide something?? Keep in mind that the buiding recently changed hands and was said to be not occupied (iihc)… Was that necessary to setup a hit??
Just following an anomaly, and found another, plus a coincidential line-of-sight…
Is there an explanation for the dried blood on the face, but wet-looking elsewhere?

Added note, i just started listening to Mr. Martenson’s presentation for today…
He suggests the firing line i’ve been digging for clue over for the last few days…
Please, pass this picture on… zoom into the left side…
https:/ /www.thegatewaypundit . com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/1721089412117337.jpg

Suppose I squirt some ketchup on a plate, and then set a pancake on top of the puddle. Then I squirt some more ketchup on top of the pancake and leave it out in the sun for an hour. What’s the ketchup on top going to be like? If I lift up the pancake, what’s the ketchup underneath going to be like?

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I don’t know what the time factor is here for the image or the takedown…
John Cullen brought that detail up in his wild multi-shooter scenario that included several errors that make me suspicious of his material …

You’re not alone in being suspicious about Cullen.

they did? did you personally see or know any of them? or that’s what it looked like and you were told?

not one person has ever shown footage of Crooks with a gun. him shoot, or being shot…


Tmz didn’t even have a gun in the original pic

such a bad lie. could it be a viable test of believability? I mean, what if these folks at the SS are corrupt but also testing public opinion. such an obvious and easily disproved statement. What if there are no “accidents”

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So? Are you walking back your original claim without admitting error?

why? they’ve only lied a million times on this … what makes you think they are gonna start telling you the truth now?

everything as of late can easily be fabricated

You’re not holding yourself to any standard of intellectual honesty or rigor. Please try to do better or go away.

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and I’ve shot enough guns to know none of those snipers on the roof didn’t shoot that kid with those 300 win mags… that kid wouldn’t have a head on his shoulders at all… go ahead, I encourage you to look for yourself at what kind of damage they do… that kid never fired a shot and was dead before anything started…

I agree, and I’ve said the same thing myself. Are you trying to change the subject because you find it difficult to admit you were wrong? Here’s your original claim: “not one person has ever shown footage of Crooks with a gun”. Was that claim correct or incorrect?

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