The Unbelievable Security Gap That Allowed Crooks To Get In Position

Crooks was seen with the gun before the shots, by the crowd screaming for police help. He was also seen with the gun after death, both by the crowd and the first officers on the roof. I know you know, just clarifying for the other poster.

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While I agree with you on the comment on .300 wm, I’ve seen a lot of GSWs and they can be unpredictable. A 300 would probably decapitate him but who knows, bullets do odd unexpected things. I tend to believe it was a smaller caliber, myself, probably something in the smaller 30 caliber or 5.56 category.

But where you run afoul of facts is dozens if witnesses seeing what is recorded on this video and all reacting consistent with what is recorded. Crooks is the only one on THIS roof, he has a AR15, clearly, and is shot in the head and killed. He’s alive one moment, then bang, he’s dead. Not all caught on THIS video but the crowd reaction fills in the holes.

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like this guy…

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This seems to shift the blame/culpability directly back to the Dark(G)State…
Recall the warnings wgiven from insiders about who pulls the strings & who the puppets serve…
From John Coleman: “the State Dept.'s head is a tool under the control of foreign influence”, ABC’s also controlled…
https:/ /twitter. com/SpartaJustice/status/1649130156420657163

2018 interview with French insider, about Commitee of 300.
https:/ /twitter. com/SpartaJustice/status/1814462030515941499

A 1924 American Bankers Digest quote completes the picture…


Hi everyone I’m new here.

Can anyone explain to me how is is possible that Gary The Sniper from the building nr 6 had to go downstairs to open the door with the card for second sniper while there was a blood in the bathroom from the police man that hurt his hand while climbing the roof, so how he got there? We can see in the videos made by the guy behind the tree that they are looking for second shooter, and they told that they were doing that because there was blood in bathroom. So how did this policeman got to the bathroom so quickly without card when the second sniper couldn’t?

Also we can see few underco cops right after shooting doing window cleaning. There was no debriefing and lack of communication so how did SS knew that they are friendly?

If this was a normal homicide case with no VIP involved, Gary would have been put in a small interview room with multiple homicide detectives. So would a bunch of other people. But because this was most likely a plot to murder a VIP, a lot of the persons of interest are MEI (magically exempt from investigation)


As late as 6:05, they did see suspect (presumably Crooks) with a backpack at the picnic table by the western parking lot. This was indicated in the BC after-action report in a picture.

I may have missed it in previous posts, but somewhere a statement was made that the gun range where Crooks was going to was also used as a DHS training facility. If so, you have to wonder what conversations may have been held there.

As late as 6:05, they did see suspect (presumably Crooks) with a backpack at the picnic table by the western parking lot. This was indicated in the BC after-action report in a picture.

Commenter, Crooks was seen on other occasions too, but still, none of the law enforcement officers or agents engaged with the suspect or searched him. Standard Operating Procedure makes it mandatory that all bags and other containers be searched, before access can be granted to a controlled area.
That is only one of the many basic security procedures they deviated from, and by their own negligence, two people, including Crooks himself, lost their lives, and three people, including Mr. Trump was injured.
Whether those who were on duty that day will be criminally held liable for their gross negligence remains to be seen.

You’re assuming that you know who these people are. Just like the fbi on Jan 6th were the ones who dressed like Trump supporters and were yelling and getting the crowd riled up trying to get people to storm the capital. I’ll bet the guy yelling he’s got a gun, Is in on it. And nobody films anything that shaky and all over the place not on purpose…why wouldn’t you focus on Crooks? And you never see a gun either, just that guy yelling at the top of his lungs that he saw one…Also, recent video is now showing Yearick assassinated on the roof a few minutes priar to Trump faking getting hit…Because the kid on the roof is already dead

Someone said he saw policeman in the window.
As I remember top officers testified there were 2 snipers and two policemen, so 1 sniper + 1 policeman in each group.
My understanding is, snipers went down to search and policemen remain at their posts. But they could not use the sniper gun -or- they were not allowed to shoot.

Yes the whole thing stinks, the cops all looked like dopes on the ground,
Watching them on their tippy toes trying to look for him, as people are pointing direction, & yelling HE IS OVER HERE …
You have to be a complete moron as part of a sniper team to leave an advantaged post to look for the dude on ground level .

Why were USSS snipers finally detailed to Trump, when they have been absent at all other rallies ?
What SNIPER would stay in his post with a huge OBSTRUCTION ?
Why was the shot of the wizzing bullet snapped right at that moment , did they want to catch THAT SHOT ?
Why was there no rush on SNIPER to alert command on range finder ?
Why did USSS NOT USE DRONES , or jammer
Why would they be such bad Wi-Fi capabilities ? DID USSS ALLOW FOR THIS ?
Did ESU SNIPERS Allow for this ?

There is no way you could be this absent minded in your job

I think they hated him so bad that they didn’t give a hoot about what could occur, or allowed for someone to take him out for political purposes… I find it very funny that Crooks has limited online hx.
I find BIDEN to be desperate, I find the hatred that the left has for him, could have spilled into this controlled, out of control , ill prepared rally with cops everywhere, but where they should be to protect him… No agency is or has placed importance on this attempt … Secrets , Parents calling 911 prior to shooting , house scrubbed, and the fake concern in these hearings makes me feel like it’s all a show

Thank Jesus Trump is alive


The Photographer starting taking pics and just held the shutter button down. With a DSLR it will continue full speed until the buffer fills up. Then it slows down to the speed it can write to the memory card. Even then a pro will be using the fasted memory cards available. Unlike the film camera days, you have almost unlimited number of shots, because you don’t run out of 35mm film.

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Catching a bullet on photo in air requires such a high level of techincal timing and expertise that it could only occur by luck and probably with the aid of having the camera set up to take repeated photos at a fast rate, with all the settings in the most favorable to capture high speeds and clear images.

Nothing in my mind is suspect about a photographer with expensive top tier equipment at any event, sports, political rallies, etc. because anything can happen. I’d venture this cameraman took nonstop photos and just got really lucky. Seemingly natural course of events, cameraman there in front row with excellent gear, shots ring out, he’s going to do what he’s trained to do, get in position and take as many pictures as possible to capture the event. He got lucky (right time and place and reaction) and produced two of the most iconic pictures in history. I bet he also has a pile of less interesting ones too.

No way he could have “timed” it to catch a bullet in flight. Professional shooters and photographers who capture these shots on controlled ranges and synching trigger pulls, measuring distances, etc. often have great difficulty even when they control all of the variables.

Humanly impossible to “time” it given the randomness of it with no control over any of the variables (caliber, distance, time, syncing, etc.).


Chris, I saw a video of yours explaining the 2nd shooter might have been in the ceiling space of the Building and shot out one of the vents. As an Architect here are a few thoughts. Those vents are for air circulation though the attic unoccupied space and they are fixed not being able to be closed or open. They are fixed open to allow air to enter the attic space and there would be a roof vent that sucks the air out. Also the ceiling is a suspended acoustical material that no one can stand or sit or lie on. If the shooter was in that space they would have had to set up some plywood spanning between the the steel joist roof framing. This would take some doing but is possible. The plywood would need to be cut to fit into the steel bar joists. This seems like a good option as they would never be detected in that space and could as you said just wait it out until everyone left. Also the small area to shoot out of might be the reason the real shooter missed. Just some comments that I wanted to add.

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I’m linking this guy’s video because it’s the first one I saw which captured the bulk of the body camera footage -

I just want to put my thoughts down because it’s been bugging me.

So we see the officer “confront” Crooks on the roof, in the small amount of time (maybe 5 seconds) he had to get a good look up there, he was able to get a full visual of Crooks, his backpack carrying extra mags, and the rifle (long-gun) and he remembers that for later after his body camera audio turns on. After Crooks points a long-gun at the officer, the officer then jumps down and he starts to run towards his patrol car, but he goes past it into a wide open field only equipped with his pistol. Again the bad guy here has a long-gun and the high ground. I understand that having the high ground is not always an advantage, but in this particular context, I think it is to a certain extent, especially given the circumstance of low ground + pistol vs high ground + rifle. Anyways the officer continues to walk in the open field searching for Crooks, but when he hears shots go off, the guy THEN decides to sprint to his patrol car and get his rifle. By the time he’s finished setting everything up and he’s ready to confront a threat with a long-gun (he has the mag in, rifle on a sling around him, taking “cover” behind his car) the officer has spent almost 2 full minutes wasting time since he jumped down from the roof. Had he immediately ran to his car, and still had to fiddle with the rifle the way he did, he probably would’ve had ~15 seconds left until shots rang out, he could’ve easily ran back into the open field like his heart desired and try to look for the threat. But what happens once he has his rifle on and he’s ready to rock? He walks back in the opposite direction he originally ran to and now walks into the parking lot back near the spot he originally tried to climb up.

I know I’m being an armchair quarterback here and I have no combat experience, so how can I possibly know what are the correct decisions to make under stress? But I’m sorry, this shit just doesn’t make sense to me. How does this guy waste so much time, and then only AFTER he hears gunshots, he begins making the correct decisions? Did another spike in his stress level like…idk, shock his brain/system back into normal and he started thinking clearly again??

I can’t make sense of it in my head. I keep replaying the parts, I keep asking myself “dude why would you do this here, only for like 2 mins later do the correct thing??”. I hope we get more footage and some officer testimonies on why they did what they did, because as time goes on this entire case makes less and less sense for it not to be some sort of a conspiracy. TOO many things have gone conveniently wrong. I get people make mistakes, but way too many people made mistakes in such a short window of time.

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MUST See cop car footage 1
shows some else on the roof cast a shadow across the cop cars dash cam blocking the sun for a moment as they pass immediately after the kit shot at 0:08

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Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting your Architect’s perspective. Your comment about the roof support structures helps to understand how they could support themself. Now it’s a matter of finding the hole if in fact that’s the location. Everything else, access and escape, can certainly be explained.

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At the beginning that video appears to be from a dashcam, perhaps when he first pull up (?). It doesn’t have timestamps, either. Interesting.

Edit: You can hear shots 1-9 at the start, so that must be from when he went back into his vehicle to get his rifle. Yet this mashup video shows him running to his vehicle just after the shots are fired, to retrieve his rifle. His dashcam video must have been running the whole time. Hmm.

Just the way their editing is done to jump-cut to another point in time. Watch the rest of the video, the effect is all over the place