The Unbelievable Security Gap That Allowed Crooks To Get In Position

Agreed the rest of the video spicing makes it difficult.
My main concern is if that dashcam footage from 0:00 to 0:10 is raw and unadulterated in any way then the audio on it becomes the time stamp and suggests an upright figure has passed between the sun and the dashcam within a second of shot 8 or 9 and I don’t think its Crooks.

That was also right when the door was opened. Could it be from a power draw of the vehicle’s circuitry? It doesn’t appear the vehicle was running.

Thats not how dashcams work. I install CCTV amounst other things and the camera has a small internal power storage capacitor that smooths out irregiular supply voltage which is more likley in 12v vehicle systems so its anticipated in the design. Besides an interior light coming on is a very small current draw on the cars 12v system.

Thinking outside the box, the dash cam frames at shadow passing don’t seem to block the light as much as the suns light seems to flash brightly for a frame or two. I’m out on a limb here suggesting the cam may have caught Crook’s spirit leaving his body. Food for thought?

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Thanks for the clarification.

This is a very important video posted by Butler Eagle on August 9, 2024:

In this video we have plenty of audio material about verbal and radio communication between the responding law enforcement officers.
Check it out.

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Could it be that Crooks made it obvious that he was observed? Greg Nicole and the other overwatch snipers as well as the two SS snipers on the roofs behind Trump should be the first ones interviewed.

  1. The overlook sniper that went off duty reported to his two colleagues in the overlook building about 4:27 p.m. that Crooks “knows you are up there”. So questions:

A. Why did Crooks intentionally plant himself right below the snipers (probably Greg Nicol) so his picture could be taken???

B. Why did Crooks then (if he did) take out a range finder right in the site of the sniper(s) (probably Nicol)?

C. Why did Nicol not simply open a window at some point and say to Crooks, “stop and remain where you are”?

D. Why did Nicol wait 1/2 hour to send the photos he had taken up the chain of command?

E. Why can’t the local law enforcement get their story straight about whether two snipers left their posts or only one etc?

F. Greg Smith (red hair and visor) who I believe is 100% credible has said in two separate interviews that a sniper in the overlook building (with a tattoo) was in that building “while the shooting was going on.”). Greg doesn’t want to be further involved as I understand it (and neither would I want to be given that he is telling a story very very inconsistent with the one that local law enforcement (including Paris) is telling.

G. Conveniently, a sniper (maybe Nicol) says at 6:02 that he sees Crooks headed towards Sheetz. Is it possible that Nicol knew that while Crooks was headed to the back of the building, he knew Crooks could not get to Sheetz but rather was going to be in a dead end (convenienty then most law enforcement go to the back of the building to look for him??).

H. What was Crooks looking at on his phone?? It makes no sense that he was tracking when Trump would be brought out as he could hear the rally announcements. It makes no sense (as I’ve heard reported???) that he was looking a porn??? What was Crooks doing for 4 minutes between 6:02 and 6:06 when a camera spots him crawling on the roof? It can’t possibly have taken 4 minutes to crawl to and on the roof (but maybe so)?

I. At 6:08:20 local law enforcement reports Crooks on the roof. When you compare the video of Crooks running “accross the roofs” with the SpaGuy drone footage, it’s clear (to me) that from about 6:08:20 until about 6:08:40 ish that the SS North facting sniper team should have seen him running up right quickly on the roofs! Remember that the footage of him running is shot much lower than SS sniper team north was positioned. How did SS north not see him??? My guess: they did (see next)

J. I beleive we have footage of SS Sniper team South turning to face north about 6:09 pm. That would make sense because SS North team probably radioed the “team” that he had just observed the guy running on the roofs (should have been obvious he was NOT a friendly–he had a book bag and he wasn’t dressed like law enforcement).

K. Based on yesterday’s body cam, it appears that Crooks was spotted by the law enforcement guy who climbed on the “roof” about 30 seconds before shooing starts. He observed him “next to the book bag” (which was at the bottom of the roof. Does anyone really believe this nerd then had the calmness and coolness to climb to the top of the roof and aim and fire three well directed shots in those 25-30 seconds??? Maybe a trained sniper of military guy, not Crooks. Also, remember the videos of him crawling on the roof; he seems to be having a lot of trouble staying low and climbing--------I can’t believe he did all of the above in 25 seconds.

Other observations:

Why was there no sound on the first part of yesterday’s body cam? Is it possible (contrary to what Paris says, that no communications came from local law enforcement to SS in those critical 30 seconds or so) that in fact, that officer did in fact call into “command” as soon as if “fell” and those involved don’t want to explain why SS did not act at that point to get Trump off the stage?

So much does not make sense. Instead of the Fake Bureau of Investigtion interviewing 140 people, they should be investigating the 5 snipers referenced above and sharing all of the information with the public. Obviously that “sharing” will never happen.

Why can’t Congress figure out how to ask these questions and get those 5 guys in front of a hearing? I know Ron Rowe your boat says he will produce them immediately but yet two weeks have gone by.

Why has SS not talked to local law enforcement in doing the SS investigation–answer, becuase they know that SS is to blame and maybe they don’t want to know the answers to what the three overlook snipers were or were not doing


Okay, someone might think it was a golf range finder. The guy is golf player.
But no. His dress was a provocation. See, I’m a shooter. Obviously.
He was right at the limit of recognition to be a threat.
What else should have he had in his hand, a smoking gun perhaps?

I strongly beleive he had internal assistance.
That was a part of the game. As if he just had said: I’m here and let me go onto the roof.


He was dressed the same as the undercover guys ie ZZtop and the other two. They all had shorts and Tshirts on so Crooks may have looked like and under cover guy at at leaset created doubt in a snipers mind especialy if the breif was that ther was going to be someone stationed up on that roof.

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Depends. One facility I worked at, literally had a solid surface between floors. IRC it was only about 3’ high crawl space, and not sure why they had done that, but it was there. Suspended ceiling was only a couple of inches below the underside of the false floor.

I also wondered how a ceiling crawl space sniper could support himself, until an architect mentioned possibly sliding planks in the metal roof joists, based on typical metal building contruction.

images (4)

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Do you know the sniper’s are telling the truth? No, you do not…

the Police Activity YouTube channel has released their own compilation of all the available dashcam, bodycam, and audio into one 45 min video

If anyone has a copy of the POV from the south western rooftop counter snipers, near the retaining pond, could you please share it here? I know I’ve seen it online but cannot locate it.

I’m curious to verify if they had any good angle or visual on the 2 story northernmost AGR rooftop or if it was obscured by trees, poles, or the closer 2 story AGR building.

Thank you.

It may be in this YT video, but if not he is the guy who released it. If I were home I could send you the photo.

It’s in this video at the 2:43 mark.


Thanks! Yes, it may be off screen but I see no clear firing or observation of the 2 story AGR building 100 yards behind Crooks. Looks obscured from trees, poles, etc.

This would put that location invisible to all 4 counter sniper teams.

I know I heard President Trump say that the shot was actually much much further away (I took that to me much further away than the shooters shot towards Trump) And he reiterated that it was one in 1 million. Obviously the south facing snipers on the roof behind President Trump (who turned north) would not have been one in 1 million.

Also, Dan Bongino said several days after the attempt that it was not snipers on the roofs behind Trump that made the shot.

What is interesting is that if the audio analysis is correct and both shots 9 and 10 came from the same general area on the east side of the bleachers: USSS did not kill Crooks at all. A local did. And the USSS straight lied about it.

Has anyone reviewed the audio for the 9 and 10 comparisons?

Wasn’t the idea that Crooks was shot by a sniper team ca. 400 yards to south also something that came through Bongino? Who is feeding this info to him?

And if anyone did shoot Crooks with a sniper rifle, why didn’t his head explode? Has anyone explained this? Instead we see Crooks lying there on the roof and can barely make out the possible entry and exit points. To my untrained eye it actually looks like he was shot from behind with a low caliber round. If the entry wound is behind Crooks’ right ear and the exit wound in the mouth, then that would suggest that the fatal shot came from the 2nd floor of the building behind him - perhaps from someone with a hand gun barely opening one of the windows (or doors) on the east side of the 2nd floor. Here’s a reminder photo of the scene:


In at least 6 different videos with 6 different snipers who have shot people, they have said each shot was unique in its own way. That they never knew how any shot would affect that body. Without the autopsy pics and diagrams, we don’t really know where the killing shot hit Crooks.