The Unbelievable Security Gap That Allowed Crooks To Get In Position

I accept your point 100%, but I still lean toward Crooks not having been shot by the USSS with their somewhat weird rifle and ammo. I think the secrecy around the basic facts is a strong indicator that something is not the way it’s supposed to be.


Bongino did say that yes. He said the source was very credible.

It is really strange that President Trump went out of his way to say that Secret Service told him it was one in 1 million shot and I think the original Director of Secret Service said the same before she resigned. Obviously, Secret Service is saying that it was them with one shot that ended the shooter. They’re making that very very clear. Who can believe anything they say?

It does sound like the shot would be almost impossible from way across the rally site to President Trump’s left as those individuals would not have had the high ground.

Is it me or is something off here. In the video aren’t these people on the opposite side of the AGR bldg. from the parking lot. I thought they said crooks was closer to the parking lot side, but he looks closer to the people there. He also is laying further away than the peak of that roof, where in other pics they have him at the peak looking over so can see and shoot.

Bldg 6 is in a depression so they are at an elevation above the floor of the building. I’ll add a screenshot shortly to show you. Add to that Perspective Compression from the video, that makes him look closer.


Google Maps - from the road.

(By the way, depression has other meaning for me. If it is a loboratory and they have clean rooms, there is usually higher air pressure inside, to blow the dust outside of the rooms. And the windows cannot be opened.)


OK yes ty. Do you know why his body right after shot is not close to the peak of roof that he needed to look over it to shoot. he was supposedly shot there and blood streaking over face but looks 10-15 ft. away from pak there, correct.

I think V is saying the people in the vid were standing on grass elevation near those trees compared to that roof. Yes that road is even with the bldg. past that small hill bump

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We can only speculate as to why he moved, and there are others in the forum who have addressed that movement. For the work I’m doing it’s not pertinent.

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There is a local pastor who visited the site just to explain why the patsy appeared closer. Unfortunately, I didn’t save the link, but if I run across it I’ll share it.


It just dawned on me that I must have posted it for someone before. It’s a short video and you’ll hear someone at the site describe it to you. He went because he was grappling with the same question many of us did.


It seems evident that Crooks no longer had a target (at that point Trump had been covered by agents and out of view) and was done firing, and in escape mode, probably staying low and moving down the roof. We have a image of him rotating toward the crowd. He may have been adjusting to flee, reposition, slide down, etc.

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Yes that makes sense. Still think he was a patsy, not only shooter.

When his face has been captured by surveillance, what an escape plan he expected or hoped?

Indeed I’d like to see the security cam footage. Was it off perhaps? That would lead to additional questions. However it is also explainable, they didn’t want the pollicemen faces (and their operations) to be captured by AGR. Anyway, it is an interresting question.