The Vaccines: Awesome Ingenuity or a Huge Mistake?

DeSantis signs a bill into law hailing “No vaccine passports”, yet deep in the bill is this,

1107         b. If the individual poses a danger to the public health,
1108  the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation
1109  or quarantine. If there is no practical method to isolate or
1110  quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any
1111  means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual.
!6 minute YT video-
"Spike protein is very dangerous…”R. Malone, S. Kirsch, b.Weinstein. This gives a very brief summary of information between 2 doctors, and an engineer. One of these is the developer of how to use mRNA for vaccines. He states the anti-freeze in it allows the vaccine/shot to spread from the arm throughout the body. Other vaccines remain near the injection site and antigens form from there. The engineer wrote the article below.
Should you get vaccinated? Steve Kirsche.
This is a “keep you awake at night” article. He got vaccinated as did his family before he heard from a Canadian doctor exposing the deaths/disability caused by it. The doctor was fired and removed from the hospital.
In it is a graph showing the spread of the spike protein throughout the body. Of all the organs, the ovaries get the highest concentration by a long shot and quickly too. Remember that unborn baby girls form every egg they will ever have while still in their mothers' womb. Then there’s breast milk...Intentional sterility?

The second most common site is bone marrow. This means potential for blood issues like leukemia. It also mean transference through blood transfusions, bone marrow donation, etc.

Kinda miss the old interview format. The pictures are nice, but hearing the full conversion and having to relisten and pick it apart ourselves led to deeper learning. Seemed more authentic too.
Just my two cents

Mary normally analyses Yellowstone for us; but here she discusses a Tender from the UK government for a quicky morgue to hold excess deaths.

I didn’t make any claims that would necessitate data. You know that.
I suggested a platform that was unassailable balanced. I would hope you desire the same.
Probably like you, I have no desire to hear another opinion from Fauci, ever.
Neither do I want to participate in confirmation bias.
From the comments here, it would seem that many, or most of Peak Prosperity has chosen sides on the vaccine issue.
I have not and will not until more time has passed.
In the past, Chris has supported hypothesis that have later been rejected. He has occasionally been wrong about timing. He is honest about this.
If the Peak Prosperity tribe has made a final decision about the vaccines, I will seek information on the subject elsewhere. It’s simply not a problem for me.

Hi Les,
For me, I think we need to go right back to the origins when the western world was first alerted to SARS-CoV-2 which, if memory serves me right, was January 2020. Right there and then (or certainly the month after when information came pouring out of Italy) we should have had a discussion around option selection. Essentially, what options are available to us, what options will be feasible in the coming months, how do we rank them, how do we implement them, how do we monitor their success? This never happened (at least in the UK). Instead it was lockdown and vaccine. I am pretty confident, based upon all of the scientific literature that I have read and interviews I have watched, that will prove to be the wrong option. For example, how do antibodies produced in the blood by these jabs limit infection and transmission in the lungs? Dr. Bhakdi makes this point. I am yet to hear an answer. How effective is that as a treatment compared to Vitamin D, zinc and Ivermection, for example?
Also: H/T to Arthur for those graphs.

Les, I really sympathize with what you are saying. We have to put all of our prejudices aside.
But here is the problem for a lot of us. We see clear misinformation and clear disinformation being spread by the government and the media and it angers us. In a reaction to that, we then tend to reject anything that they say based upon our gut revulsion over the fact that we are being lied to. It is very hard to keep to an evidence based outlook in that context.

Those who are unvaxxred are those still evaluating all the data. I will be the first to say if a vaccine that makes sense for me pops up I will get it. I am constantly looking for data on how various vaccines work I just haven’t found the right fit for me. The vaccines presently available to me are more risky to me than gaining natural immunity.
I am watching this MMR study because this makes sense to me. Now with that said, it is funded by the Gates foundation so I will want to see the data and not just trust the narrative. My WAG (wild ass guess) is that the MMR is about 50% effective which is good enough for me.
I don’t buy cars in the first model year and I shop around for the right car for me. Right now the only cars on the market are sports cars (stiff ride, no space, tendency towards danger) I’m waiting for the minivan (safer, more utilitarian, solid) but for now I can stick with the station wagon (natural immunity/MMR, good, old school, less flashy)

Hi Les, thanks for raising this. I agree we need to have a balance in the information feed and I’m sure Chris will adapt to any new findings from either side once they unravel. However the reason behind PP is to provide a different sound to the mainstream opinion, not in a total alarmist fashion but certainly outspoken when there is data or even evidence to support the statements. Chris does an outstanding job with the team on this, imho.
Having said that, I do agree that we should have more honest debate between sincere experts on both sides. There are a lot of reasonable people I know of taking the vaccine, they can’t be all misinformed or stupid as often claimed. Some are even working in the medical field so you would think they are not easily cajoled into anything unhealthy, but there is a strong narrative around getting the vaccine and it’s almost impossible to stay neutral (especially if the jab is mandatory to do your job). Let’s also not forget the increasing social pressure to get vaxxed and the upcoming blame game that is already building momentum towards the unvaxxed being responsible for the new mutants.
From what I learned today, I’m probably lucky to be in the control group for the vaccine experiment but I’m still open for any argument that addresses the apparent concerns and which would move me towards vaccination with informed consent. At the moment it feels like false and potentially dangerous hopium.
Be well.

At this point, however, I have not personally found that all non official sources are negative about the vaccines. I haven’t made it my life’s mission to research this topic, but I’m not seeing a lopsided split between people supporting the vaccine and those either waiting or opposed.
Of the people I know, those firmly opposed to the vaccine are the most vocal and rigid in their position.

What would be great is Chris interviewing an expert who’s hypothesis is pro vaccine.
This is from Les's first post. Dr. VB is a world renowned vaccinologist. He has spent his career working on the development of vaccines. He stated unequivocally, several times, vaccines are his passion. "This is my passion!" He has said that from the get go of all his articles. A person who is not 'pro vaccine' does not spend their entire career working to develop safe and effective vaccines. He has never said he is not in favour of vaccines. What he IS saying, is that vaccines have to be done right, and that in this instance, he hypothesizes they have not been done right, and further, that this was done despite there being fore knowledge of the possibility of ADE. You would be hard pressed to find another interviewee who is more 'pro vaccine'. So I think you are framing your request incorrectly, Les. You want Chris to interview someone who will tell you that these vaccines are good and everyone should take them. The need to refute this hypothesis will be exceedingly strong, given that its correctness amounts to a potential / possible death sentence for the millions of people who have rushed into taking an experimental injection. There is a seriously strong vested interest / need to see this hypothesis proven wrong. When I say bring the data I mean you need to tell us why Chris should interview a specific person, not just 'someone'. Who are they, what are their credentials, what have they published and done in terms of providing information that we can consider. Tell Chris why he should expend effort and money doing all the research to prepare for and then produce an interview. It is not a simple endeavour. Why does Chris, or any of us, have to find that person for you? You have to 'bring it', Les. You have to contribute to our efforts to find the truth - which we all want to know. And I would like to think that we all hope the hypothesis is wrong!! I find there are way too many people posting here who are lazy lurkers who want to sit back and let others do the heavy lifting for them. People need to be more curious and be their own problem solvers as well as information researchers. It's not hard, but it does take time and effort, which is something I personally am willing to do given the seriousness of the decision to get the jabs. And for the record, as I have stated before, and as with many here, I am not anti-vaccine. I am vaccine hesitant. There is a big difference. But this is so not about being pro or anti vaccine. It is about what is right, as another poster said. I do empathize strongly with the predicament so many millions of people now find themselves in. I cannot imagine what it is like to have taken these injections only to find out after the fact that it might possibly lead to serious health complications or even death. It is akin to receiving a terminal diagnosis. It totally makes sense that people want to know this hypothesis is not true, and that they have not made a grave mistake... My heart breaks just thinking about the immensity of that.

Dr. VB is one person. My question considered the possibility that there might be someone equally qualified who has a hypothesis different than VBs.
That is the sort of open mindedness that I look for.

Grover, I like the idea of posting the videos on multiple platforms…I really like Brighteon and it’s not slow. Let market forces prevail and it would be amazing to take the power away from YouTube and G. I also only use Duck Duck Go.

Its up again!

James Corbett says Bitchute isn’t very content creator friendly due to long upload times. I believe I’ve heard him say he prefers LBRY or (after the #1 choice, his own website).
On cars and vaccines, I’ve always been a used Toyota kind of guy. Affordable, not flashy, highly reliable. I’ll rely on my station wagon but if I’ve got the Toyota (horse paste) in the garage if I need it.

Getting the vaccine has issues. Waiting to get the vaccine has issues.
I have a loved one in assisted living. All 90+ residents chose to be vaccinated, but one health care worker chose not to be vaccinated. The worker caught covid. When the residents were tested, eight residents and one other employee tested positive, but were asymptomatic. Never the less, the facility went into quarantine for over a month and the asymptomatic worker missed work for two weeks.
90+ people were largely confined to their room for over a month possibly because one person decided not to get vaccinated. That’s 7.5 person/years of quarantine.
As I said, not getting vaccinated can have issues and the person deciding not to get vaccinated may not be the only one who is affected by the decision.
So far, I’ve said nothing more than I’m looking for unbiased discussion on the subject. Peak Prosperity is under no obligation to provide a platform for that.

There are so many pro covid vax people on the msm just go there to listen to them. The people speaking out against the vax are the ones that get no platform on the msm. These are the people who’s views also deserve to be shared. I am fine with Chris not interviewing a pro covid vax person because of this. That way I get one side from here and the other from the msm.
as for why i have not gotten the vax myself there are a few reasons

  1. already had the covid and have had bad reactions to some vaccines in the past (bells palsy)
  2. vax is not fully fda approved and I remember the issues with the anthrax vax back in my early days in the service
  3. there is not enough information out yet to accept or reject the null hypothesis (vaccine is safe) i have always found in my career in quality that a type 2 error of accepting a false null hypothesis always turned out worse for my plant in the end. So, in God we trust. All others bring data. I will wait for good long term data and then reevaluate.

Who is it Les? Who do you want Chris to interview?

Arthur Robey’s link to the graphs is one of the most important posts that has ever been put on this forum. For an in-depth discussion, I would highly recommend Suzanne Humphries book, Dissolving Illusions. It’s important to those people who say, I’m not anti-vax, I’m fully vaccinated, just not so sure about this set of vaccines. The mantra of safe and effective is a Big Lie. An enormously effective propaganda campaign over the past few decades that set up massive numbers of Americans to not question an experimental vaccine.
As to other provax experts that Chris might interview who might have opinions contrary to Vanden Bossche’s, the only one that comes to mind is Michael Yeadon, and only on the issue of concern about variants. Yeadon has other reasons to be adamantly against the C19 vaccines. As Jim H has mentioned, Marek’s Disease is an example where viral escape can indeed result in vaccine resistance.
By the way, Vanden Bossche has repeatedly requested expert debate on his theories but people aren’t willing to come forward. You can only do it in the context of it not mattering if your professional career comes to an end.

Another astounding video Chris & team! I have read about Dr. vanden Bossche before, however listening to your conversation made it clearer why and what he says.
We will know more in the months to come, so no need to have strong arguments from either side now (if there is one thing that bugs me in all this, is the certainty with which some are asserting their truths, especially “fact checkers” e.g. - this piece is from March 31, checked facts might have to be revised which hardly ever happens).
The question after listening to the conversation that remained, “now what?”.
A few thoughts/questions:

  • The Vaxxed might be breeding new variants that are resistent to current vaccines. Can we revert or mitigate this process or the outcomes ? Was Dr. vdB referring to prophylactic/therapeutic medicine like Ivermectin ?
  • Ivermectin shows strong evidence in blocking the binding of the spike protein. Can we expect the same efficacy against new strains, which ultimately will use a different pathway than through the spike protein ?
  • Is my assumption correct that the strong virulence of SARS-COV-2 is attributed to the spike protein and mutants that theoretically get bred in vaxxed people will therefor use a different pathway.
  • Is it likely that a mutant can be more infectious through another pathway ? The original allegedly human engineers of the virus took this pathway for a reason. Could we potentially get lucky on this story so that the virus “mutates itself into extinction” ?
    Switching to dark mode here:
    Dr. vdB mentioned that it will be hard or even impossible to make booster vaccines for new strains, leaving the question how to get rid of the variants open. This would mean we could get stuck with possible super variants that are damaging to both the vaxxed and unvaxxed. This could very well, in a dark theory, be a (desired) end game situation in which we have to be locked dow regulary / indefinitely or forced to operate in local communities only (no national/global travel/shipping). This is indeed dark, but would contribute to an overarching theme in which we must address climate, energy and health issues as set forth by Darth Vader Schwab.
    All in all we appear to be in a big mess, from this conversation alone one should question why we always try to “enhance” nature. We are improved apes with limited brains and still try to outcompete mother Nature on things she practiced on for billions of years. We might have outstayed our welcome.