The Vaccines: Awesome Ingenuity or a Huge Mistake?

Yep, that’s what I need 2retired: a heavenly voice from the clouds- “On belay!” Aloha, Steve.

Hi herewego,
I will say that it is likely. When authorities run out of excuses and scapegoats, when people cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel and hope is lost, trust will erode quickly. I think that will be the breaking point. I just saw this article at Zerohedge comparing trust in media in many countries.
The US is dead last in trust of the MSM, probably because of the election fraud. France is just a percentage point higher, probably because of the yellow vest protests in 2019 and lock downs. UK scores a few more percentage points, but they too have had largely unreported mass protests against lock downs recently. I largely equate trust in MSM with trust in the corresponding governments (they after all are the propaganda arm of the government).
Yes, trust is relatively high in Canada, but all it will take is one mistake, a push too far, and most of that trust will be gone. I think the heavily promoted vaccines are a big mistake (won’t work and will cause many injuries/deaths), and if they turn the dial up on restrictions I think that will be the push that went too far. And let’s not forget that most politicians and their lackeys/handlers are pretty stupid, so I expect them to act likewise. Add to that Trudeau’s secret Great Reset agenda and I think Ottawa will be nuked. The vast majority of people just want to get back to their former lives.
To your second point about smart people not interested in doing research is something that has bothered me for a long time too. Some of is just lack of interest or curiosity in a subject matter, but I think most of it is that it requires time which they would rather spend on entertainment or leisure activities. They trust the MSM/government to give them the 5 second answer to their question or problem instead (like “get the vaccine; it is safe!”). They are too focused on the short term and cannot see the long term consequences of their decisions and actions (you cannot undo the vaccine). They are blind to big red flags or you pointing out that something is wrong (like the rush job on the vaccines). It does not matter what arguments you present or what data you dig up, they just will not spend any time looking at it, even though you did 95% of the work finding it for them. Why bother when some expert on CBC can give them the answer in 5 seconds. After all, you can trust the CBC, can’t you?

thatchmo wrote: BUT, that spike protein shedding possibility by vaxed folks has me concerned.
Steve, Lots of things just don't add up. We're asked to take an experimental vaxxine for a disease that isn't that deadly if treated early with cheap drugs/vitamins/minerals. Then, the dosage on the experimental vaxxine (at least for the Pfizer jab) was at the highest dosage tested - even though antibody levels for all tested dosages were about the same. The amount of mRNA in the Pfizer jab theoretically produces 13 billion spike proteins - many, many times more than enough to stimulate the body's immune response. To complicate matters, the spike proteins that our bodies are instructed to make by the mRNA vaxxine are bastardized copies that have differing sequences of amino acids than the coronavirus spike. The vaxxine makers chose to use glycine in the spike wherever possible (because it is the easiest for the body to make.) Their overzealous use of glycine may have been the real reason for having such a large dosage in the jab. I've written earlier in this thread about prions - infectious proteins. Mad Cow Disease is caused by prions. In sheep, it is called "Scrapie" and in humans it is called Creutfeldt- Jakob Disease. All it takes is eating a small portion of meat from an infected beef/sheep and you have a strong possibility of developing an incurable brain-wasting disease. Researchers have identified the protein sub-structure that is to blame and call it a "zipper." Zippers are a sequence of 5 amino acids that are bound by glycine on both ends, denoted as "GxxxG". Because these zippers have such a flexible hinge, they allow the protein to misfold. Apparently, misfolded proteins are able to cause normal adjacent proteins to misfold. The protein that causes Mad Cow Disease has 10 of these zippers embedded within it. The Pfizer vaxxine causes spike proteins to be made that just so happen to include 5 zippers. I don't know about the other vaxxines.

Since Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease affects the brain, the symptoms it produces are neurological. It may start out subtly with insomnia, depression, confusion, personality and behavioral changes, and problems with memory, coordination, and sight. As it progresses, the person rapidly develops dementia and involuntary, irregular jerking movements called myoclonus.

In the final stage of the disease, the patient loses all mental and physical functions, lapses into a coma, and eventually dies. The course of the disease usually takes one year.

Just because the jab causes our bodies to make bastardized spike proteins that each contain 5 zippers ... doesn't mean that it will necessarily degenerate into a brain-wasting disease. Then again, how would we know? Where are the trial results that show its safe? Why didn't our regulators insist on a complete level of trials for such a treatable disease? Hmmm. So, what happens if the zippers do misfold and end up causing a brain-wasting disease? First off, understand that it is progressive and incurable. Reread that last sentence until the gravity sets in. If a brain-wasting disease caused by the vaxxine progresses similarly to CJD, we'll notice dementia and involuntary jerking as the telltale. As noted above, the course of the disease usually takes one year. (I'm assuming that is after symptoms start appearing.) Fortunately, CJD isn't contagious in normal disease vectors. You won't get it from breathing the same air, kissing, sharing bodily fluids, etc. That's where spike proteins are potentially different. Again, I ask why the vaxxine dosage is so large? Once the vaxxine does its duty and instructs the cells to make ~13 billion copies of the spike protein, the fate of those spike proteins follows a numbers game. Some are trapped in the cells that made them. Some go through the lymph system and end up in the spleen, some are transported through blood and end up throughout the body (including the nervous system and brain.) Some end up in the lungs and get exhaled. Others get sweated out. Shedding has many forms. So, if you breathe the air that a vaxxed person exhales, you may just get a small dosage of these spike proteins. If you brush up against them or something they recently touched, you may just get a small dosage of spike proteins. How many spike proteins does it take to cause a brain-wasting disease? I really don't know how many it would take or even if it is a possibility. The zippers are my concern. Surely, the researchers who substituted glycine as much as they did were aware of zippers. Shouldn't someone who reviewed the work have known about it? I didn't come up with this idea. It was brought out by researchers. Once it was known, (even if it wasn't known initially,) why weren't the jabs taken off the market immediately? Hmmm. So, the big investors who put their money in Vanguard and Blackstone have control of big Pharma ... and the media ... and also contribute handsomely to political campaigns. Is it any wonder that big Pharma ignores cheap, safe off-patent medicines and punishes doctors who try to prescribe these? Is it any wonder that media are silent about all the real happenings? Is it any wonder that our regulatory system, controlled by politicians who are beholden to these people, is as flaccid as it is when supposedly tasked with keeping us safe? What if the whole goal of the plandemic was to get as many people vaxxinated as quickly as possible - before deleterious effects from the vaxxines became evident? Why would the big boyz do this? It used to be that the rich could use their money to build factories, fill it with machines and materials, and start making products to sell and get even richer. Back in the old days, they needed labor to build the factories, mine, process, and transport the materials, operate the machinery, etc. Now, we have robotics and artificial intelligence to do much of the hard work. As computers and robotics get better, they only need us to buy their products so they can get richer. But, who is going to get taxed to provide universal basic income for those who can't/won't work? Once you completely scalp the middle class, there are only the rich to fund everything. Do you think that these investors enjoy giving their money to the government (taxes) to be given to the unwashed, useless eaters to spend? Since they do everything in their power to minimize taxes, paying zero taxes would be mighty appealing. These people also know that the world is a finite system. We've already used up lots of its unrenewable resources. The master resource, petroleum gets used up more every day. The processes that made these fossil fuels cannot replenish it as quickly as its consumed. Once it is gone, it is gone. At that point, the systems that we've built to grow, process, and transport food along with the systems to provide clean water won't be able to keep up. What will the masses do then? When a person loses everything, they've got nothing left to lose. It likely would result in revolt and massive destruction. If the end result is inevitable, what difference is there to help the situation along a bit? ------------- I know this is a fanciful conspiracy theory. There are just too many unexplained and consequential occurrences and events happening lately. I've brought up the ones that concern me the most in this post. Do the big boyz have the power to do this? Do they have the motivation to keep the whole world for themselves? Do they really need our labor in the quantity it is currently available? Grover

“There is no safety for honest men, but by believing all possible evil of evil men, and by acting with promptitude, decision, and steadiness on that belief.”― Edmund Burke

thatchmo wrote: Well, I felt I violated an unwritten PP rule stating asking a question without doing your own research is bad basically comments on the recent AFLDS briefing on the subject. I really just want someone to tell me its not an issue ;^). Aloha, Steve.
Steve, Before I get started on this longish post, everything the vaxxine makers have done is trying to get the mRNA into the cells as quickly as possible. The mRNA needs to be coated and they're using a positively charged nano-lipid coating that will be electrically attracted to the electrically negative cell wall. Although naked mRNA would be kept out of the interior of the cell, the cell readily accepts the lipid (with its Trojan Horse.) Once in the cell, the mRNA expresses itself and produces the spike proteins as intended. Then, those spike proteins have to deal with the various aspects of the body's defense mechanisms and transport mechanisms. I haven't found any specific articles referring to the time line; however, I expect that the spike proteins would be created quickly and shedding would start shortly thereafter - peaking within the first few days. Within a few weeks, I'd expect shedding to asymptotically drop toward zero. (That's what my gut says.) The longer it has been since your family members got jabbed, the less you need to worry. I followed your link to find out what was being said. It is a learn as you go type of situation with me. I've been quoting 13 billion for the number of spikes produced as a result of the jab because that's the number Dr. Fleming stated. He may have been horribly optimistic. From the link:
Third, as these experimental vaccines produce many trillions of spike proteins in their recipients, these vaccinated individuals “can shed some of these (spike protein) particles to close contacts,” causing disease in them.
I really don't know which answer is closer to correct (13 billion or many trillions); however, either way, it is too many as evidenced by antibody titers for the 3 levels of mRNA inoculant producing indistinguishable results. From the same link, this gem:
Finally, acknowledging the “irrepressible economic incentive among pharmaceutical companies” to market unnecessary and dangerous childhood COVID vaccines, boosters, and the like, AFLDS insists “Public health experts should stop and assess data on possible vaccine side effects and related post-vaccination questions before it is too late.
At the bottom of the page, before the advertisements and comments, I found a link dated 5/10/2021 Deadly Prion Brain Diseases & Experimental mRNA Jabs | Principia Scientific Intl. (

An important and highly concerning study published early this year in the journal Microbiology & Infectious Diseases titled, “Covid-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Diseases,” addresses one of the many potential, unintended, adverse health effects of the experimental mRNA Covid-19 vaccines presently being deployed worldwide, namely, their possible induction of prion diseases, a category of highly fatal brain disorders.

The study abstract, well worth reading, summarizes both the context, intention, and results of the investigation:

Development of new vaccine technology has been plagued with problems in the past. The current RNA based SARSCoV-2 vaccines were approved in the US using an emergency order without extensive long term safety testing. In this paper the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was evaluated for the potential to induce prion-based disease in vaccine recipients.

The RNA sequence of the vaccine as well as the spike protein target interaction were analyzed for the potential to convert intracellular RNA binding proteins TAR DNA binding protein (TDP-43) and Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) into their pathologic prion conformations. The results indicate that the vaccine RNA has specific sequences that may induce TDP-43 and FUS to fold into their pathologic prion confirmations.

In the current analysis a total of sixteen UG tandem repeats (ΨGΨG) were identified and additional UG (ΨG) rich sequences were identified. Two GGΨA sequences were found. Potential G Quadruplex sequences are possibly present but a more sophisticated computer program is needed to verify these. Furthermore, the spike protein, created by the translation of the vaccine RNA, binds angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), a zinc containing enzyme.

This interaction has the potential to increase intracellular zinc. Zinc ions have been shown to cause the transformation of TDP-43 to its pathologic prion configuration. The folding of TDP-43 and FUS into their pathologic prion confirmations is known to cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases.

The enclosed finding as well as additional potential risks leads the author to believe that regulatory approval of the RNA based vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 was premature and that the vaccine may cause much more harm than benefit. [emphasis added]

The part about zinc ions being shown to cause the transformation of TDP-43 to its pathologic prion configuration really scared me. I take zinc/copper daily because of its benefits. Now, they're saying it can cause problems??? I've dealt with family members who suffered from Alzheimer's Disease. Frankly, I'd rather kill myself than go through that disease or put family members through the stress of it. (There's another rabbit hole to dig into.) And, more from the article:

In the discussion portion of the study, another important factor is addressed, namely, the possibility that there has been misuse of RNA research (funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Ellison Medical Foundation), and that disease causing prions could be considered bioweapons:

There is an old saying in medicine that “the cure may be worse than the disease.” The phrase can be applied to vaccines. In the current paper the concern is raised that the RNA based COVID vaccines have the potential to cause more disease than the epidemic of COVID-19. This paper focuses on a novel potential adverse event mechanism causing prion disease which could be even more common and debilitating than the viral infection the vaccine is designed to prevent. While this paper focuses on one potential adverse event there are multiple other potential fatal adverse events as discussed below. Over the last two decades there has been a concern among certain scientists that prions could be used as bioweapons. More recently there has been a concern that ubiquitous intracellular molecules could be activated to cause prion disease including Alzheimer’s disease, ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases. This concern originates due to potential for misuse of research data on the mechanisms by which certain RNA binding proteins like TDP-43, FUS and others can be activated to form disease causing prions. The fact that this research, which could be used for bioweapons development, is funded by private organizations including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Ellison Medical Foundation [2] without national/international oversight is also a concern. In the past, for example, there were prohibitions for publishing information pertaining to construction of nuclear bombs.” [emphasis added]

There is a whole lot more in the article along with a few good links. In an earlier post, I alluded to this vaccine being the reason behind all the shenanigans. Those who took the jab may be walking time bombs. Those who interact closely with the vaxxinated may be at risk as well. We just don't know.

The big boyz wouldn't let loose such a debilitating weapon unless they had an antidote or some kink of prophylaxis that kept them safe from the vaxxine's nefarious side effects. In the thread,, @tg43 suggested searching on the terms "prion disease" and "quinine". It produced some interesting links. Here's one from 2005. I'm posting the entire abstract. We previously reported that quinacrine inhibited the formation of an abnormal prion protein (PrPres), a key molecule in the pathogenesis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, or prion disease, in scrapie-infected neuroblastoma cells. To elucidate the structural aspects of its inhibiting action, various chemicals with a quinoline ring were screened in the present study. Assays of the scrapie-infected neuroblastoma cells revealed that chemicals with a side chain containing a quinuclidine ring at the 4 position of a quinoline ring (represented by quinine) inhibited the PrPres formation at a 50% inhibitory dose ranging from 10(-1) to 10(1) micro M. On the other hand, chemicals with a side chain at the 2 position of a quinoline ring (represented by 2,2′-biquinoline) more effectively inhibited the PrPres formation at a 50% inhibitory dose ranging from 10(-3) to 10(-1) micro M. A metabolic labeling study revealed that the action of quinine or biquinoline was not due to any alteration in the biosynthesis or turnover of normal prion protein, whereas surface plasmon resonance analysis showed a strong binding affinity of biquinoline with a recombinant prion protein. In vivo studies revealed that 4-week intraventricular infusion of quinine or biquinoline was effective in prolonging the incubation period in experimental mouse models of intracerebral infection. The findings suggest that quinoline derivatives with a nitrogen-containing side chain have the potential of both inhibiting PrPres formation in vitro and prolonging the incubation period of infected animals. These chemicals are new candidates for therapeutic drugs for use in the treatment of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.
It looks like quinine inhibits the misfolding of the PrP proteins. A chemical related to quinine: 2,2'-biquinoline looks like it is about 100 times more effective. When I searched for it, I see that it can be purchased over the counter. I don't know what a proper dose would be. Someone with experience might be able to wave a few hands about typical dosing. Since I like gin and tonic, I've been using that (with and without gin) as a prophylaxis. I can feel it working. ;-) Could there be other deleterious effects from receiving the shed spike proteins? There probably are. Fortunately, unlike the virus related spike proteins, the mechanism to generate these doesn't exist for those of us who didn't get jabbed. Grover

When I start to scratch through the information (conspiracy theories) so they say …
Grover - you are on the same “page” as Clif High - who is calling the vaccine reaction “spongiform encephalopathy” and/or blood clotting in the brain. This is causing deaths amongst vaccinated airline pilots - presumably other crew members?
I first saw this on Clif High’s twitter feed:
Have you noticed that Twitter is active in presenting blanc colored pages instead of deleting Twitter feed.

I think there’s a tonic water called Fevertree that has extra quinine in it.
I am also at my wit’s end about how to react to this shedding issue. Anyone know if prophylactic IVM would help?


Ive inserted Table 4 from the study so we can look at it further.
The 2nd and 3rd table notes contain interesting info about how the table was formulated.
Note 2 : Indicates that 700 of the 827 women were vaccinated in the 3rd trimester. I think the heavy bias would be explained by the fact that the vaccine was new in Dec- Feb and the women taking the vaccine early in pregnancy would still be carrying their pregnancies, and thus would have no reason to report anything into vsafe.
Note 3 : Indicates that 96 of 104 spontaneous abortions were < 13 weeks.
Afaik, most spontaneous abortions happen in the early stages. Perhaps this rate is typical as well.
I had never heard of vsafe, so shooting from the hip.
Im assuming that the v-safe data is reported by anyone who wants to report a pregnancy successful or otherwise after the fact. Since the woman would be vaccinated anywhere along the way (between 0 - end of pregnancy) the data would be very chaotic as the starting point would be anywhere along the path and anyone who chose to report a successful pregnancy or abortion who had been vaccinated. I presume that persons who lost a fetus would l be more likely to submit a report (just guessing)?
I suggest this looks to be FAR less clear cut than the panic hot takes by the two ‘reporters’ in the video.

Relevant link:
The 827 women were only those who reported a pregancy outcome. For those under 20 weeks, that includes only those who spontaneously aborted or had an abortion. Most did not. The data doesn’t break down well enough to know exactly how many people were < 20 weeks gestation. Here is an estimate from tables 3 and 4:

  • < 14 weeks: 1132
  • 14-20 weeks 1714 in second trimester x 6 weeks/14 weeks = 735 (6 weeks of the second trimester are < 20 weeks).
  • Total = 1867
  • Spontaneous abortions < 20 weeks = 104.
Rate = 104/2167 = 5.6%. Data was collected from any pregnant women vaccinated between 12/14/20 and 2/28/21. They do not specify their data collection cutoff date. So there may have been additional spontaneous abortions after their cutoff date. There may also have been unreported spontaneous abortions. So that number of 82% does not really mean anything other than that 82% of the women whose pregnancy ended < week 20 were spontaneous abortions. The other 18% were chosen abortions.

Thanks Grover for your work here. So, now I’m thinking: try to get a case of CV which I would likely survive with future immunity, then not have to take supplemental zinc and quercitin, and supplement with some type of quinnine product. Sound right? Sheesh, I guess the only solution is regular dosing of gin and tonic…Aloha, Steve.
Aloha, Steve.

Grover, which counter are you sourcing your 2.2’-biquinoline over? My initial search was this
$40/gram. Something cheaper and locally sourced? Thanks, Aloha, Steve.

That’s one of online shops I saw. I looked at a few and they were all in the $35-45 range per gram. There are quantity discounts available. The big problem is dosage. I don’t have a clue. A gram might be a lifetime supply. I’ll do some more snooping and I hope medical types would weigh in on the subject. Is all 2,2’-biquinoline created the same? Again, no clue. Don’t make the cure worse than the disease!
As far as abandoning zinc … I’m not going to do it. Zinc is needed by the body’s cells in order to function. I think it has far more benefits than problems. For instance, when Covid-1984 first came on the scene, one of the symptoms was loss of taste/smell. That is a classic symptom of zinc deficiency. The body prioritized zinc away from smell and taste receptors so it could be used where it was much more needed. Just remember that it needs to be balanced with copper at a ~10:1 weight ratio of zinc : copper.
Thinking more about the situation with zinc ions being released from the ACE2 cells due to spike attachment and then the zinc ions causing TDP-43 proteins to become pathologic … I think it is better to address the spike protein issue than to try to starve the zinc from it. Again, that’s my gut talking.

  1. Don't take the damn vaxxine until it has completed its safety trials. Normally, that takes 5-10 years. Even then, there are drugs that go through the process with nary a hitch. Years later, lawyers put ads on late night TV that start out "If you've been injured by (_____) ... you may be entitled to substantial compensation." What could go wrong with a novel vaxxination approach that didn't go through standard protocol? Hmmm.
  2. Limit exposure to those who have recently been jabbed. I haven't found any studies on spike protein generation VS the different vaxxine formulations; however, the strategy has been to get the mRNA into the cells quickly. I assume that spikes are generated quickly and reach a peak within a day or two of the jab. Shedding should peak about the same time and then diminish over time. At some point, shedding should be so minimal as to be moot. Young women may be more susceptible to the effects of spike proteins since they preferentially lodge in ovaries. Those who live with recently vaxxed partners have noticed changes in menstrual cycles. Does that happen if around someone who got jabbed a week earlier? Two weeks? A month or more? That might give us the best clue as to when shedding is insignificant.
  3. Quinine and derivatives have been shown to impede prions. HCQ is a derivative of quinine. (Can you get that?) If you're taking HCQ for Covid prophylaxis, it may be enough to keep prions from misforming. I just don't know. I'm drinking cheap tonic water with lime. It may not help enough.
  4. Any other suggestions?
I hope that some of the tribe members with medical expertise will weigh in on 2,2'-biquinoline. The big issues are safe dosage and availability. Grover

A: Doctors used to prescribe quinine pills to prevent leg cramps. The standard dose was between 200 and 300 mg of quinine. The Food and Drug Administration banned quinine for this purpose, but continues to allow it in tonic water. A liter normally has 83 mg of quinine. An eight-ounce glass would therefore have roughly 20 mg, about one-tenth the lowest dose doctors prescribed for leg cramps. Even three glasses daily should be OK as long as you are not sensitive to quinine. Some susceptible people develop a dangerous blood disorder after even small doses of quinine. Symptoms of quinine toxicity include digestive upset, headache, ringing in the ears, visual disturbances, skin rash and arrhythmias.

I’ve posted about Rat Island before. It never got much interest, possibly because it takes a while for me to organize my thoughts, and by then the thread has reached its end of life. The key take-away I got from from the Rat Island experience was that the consequences of actions needs to be separated from the action to get the maximum effect. Keep that in mind.
This article from AK Fish & Wildlife describes the efforts taken to eradicate rats that originated from a 1780s shipwreck. Rats had multiplied and predated the native nesting bird population. This article doesn’t go into the real details. It’s basically a success story.
The real story is that the rats were smart enough to avoid all earlier attempts to eradicate them. Just as every population has the aggressive members and more timid groups, rats have a distribution as well. In the past, AKFWS would distribute quick-acting rat poison to control the rats. The aggressive members would gobble up the tasty poison. More cautious rats would sit back to see what happens. When they saw the aggressive rats who ate the poison bait got sick and died, they would avoid the poison. The plan got rid of perhaps half the population, but the remainder quickly repopulated the island.
AKFWS did something different this time. They used a poison that had a 2 week delayed response. When the more cautious rats saw no consequences to those who gobbled up the poison, more and more joined in the feast. By the time the early adopter rats started dying off from the delayed response poison, it was already too late as the rest of the rats had consumed enough poison for it to be lethal. The island is now rat-free for the first time in over 200 years.
Dr. Fleming noted in a humanized mice (GMO to include hACE2 receptors) study where the mice were infected with coronavirus and within 2 weeks, 95% had died or been euthanized. Autopsies on the mice showed spongiform encephalopathy. He said that 2 weeks for mice roughly equated to 1.5 years for humans. Hmmm.
Word to the wise: Just because nothing bad has happened to the majority of vaxxed so far doesn’t mean it’s safe to take. Are we collectively any smarter than rats?
[Edit: I removed the reference to a Scottish shipwreck. I’ve earlier seen that the shipwreck was Russian and just now, that it was Japanese. It really doesn’t matter whose flag was flown. The rats have only been eradicated from Rat Island, a 10.3 square mile island. There are over a dozen neighboring islands that are still infested. It took about $2.5 million to get rid of the rats on just one island.]

Sorry for the late reply, I usually only log in here when Chris posts a new video.
Anyway, I understand what you’re saying. It would be better if I had put the word “reservoir” in quotation marks, since I was not using it for it’s commonly understood definition. I was thinking of a more dynamic situation where the virus is bouncing around between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. (Although viral shedding and forward transmission seems to be much less with vaccinated people, it does still happen.)
At the moment, we only have about 60% of people with full or partial vaccination (in the USA). That means we’re at or near the peak of this “petri dish” effect where the virus is getting repeatedly challenged against the vaccines and (occasionally) passed back to the unvaxxed population after learning a new trick.
The mutations are mostly not happening within the unvaxxed population. Their role is simply to keep the circulation going around.