The Vaccines: Awesome Ingenuity or a Huge Mistake?

There are still times when I stumble over the challenge of accepting that the powers that be, including our health “authorities”, are willing to lie to and harm us unto death. Trust in authorities has been modelled everywhere all my life. Obviously I see other people backing away from acknowledging the lies too, with their powers of thought disabled.
It helps to ask myself : “How many times does someone have to punch me in the face before I decide not to trust them anymore?”. That answer is easy, no matter what they say about it, and makes the bigger picture easier to see. Sure, they have reasons and confusions and agendas and incentives. But what are they are actually doing? It’s worse than punching us in the face. So - no trust, ever again. They will not be able to make sufficient amends for this. That’s not paranoia. I’d call it a sober look at current reality. Get with it, girl, I tell myself.
Begs the question then of what do I trust. Information - whatever can be sifted from the dis-information. People who speak their truth. They will be mistaken sometimes but since they are not devious, the mistakes can be noticed and addressed. Increasingly, my own informed best judgments. PP helps a lot with the informed part.
It’s a relief not to try to make the authorities right. They’ve been wrong-headed on so many things all my life. Expecting truth or reasonable action from them is delusional. I want to give that up and move on to a meaningful challenge like - trying to see what life will be when the “authorities” are us, and we need to bring whatever it is we long for in our communities to life, if we can. That time seems to be now…
Thanks for your fabulous posts, Dave.

Susan: your analogy of being punched in the face brings to mind the well known concept of how people stay in abusive relationships even though they know they are being abused. Someone else posted this graphic awhile back, and it is worth re-posting. We the people are being abused, physically, mentally and emotionally by people we were taught to place our trust in, people who occupy positions at virtually all levels. There is going to be a world of hurt when the trust bubble bursts, especially for the ever loyal, compliant, law-abiding, Canadians. And ya, we are definitely going to need those new communities where things are done differently and trust can be re-built at the grassroots level.

This is a great podcast. We have to fight our way out of this situation.

Hi Jan -
Yes, that’s a great graphic in case we might still be in doubt!
To your point about trust breaking down in Canada - it’s hard for me to imagine because most people don’t KNOW, and are resistant to hearing about the harms and lies. A big “aha” moment seems unlikely because of that, and also because there will be so much spinning going on as backsides get bared. As so many here have pointed out, I know a ton of people I consider smart and capable of research who are not interested and not aware. Maybe they will just believe the next set of semi-truths, disinformation and outright lies. No authority is going to say “We were wrong and sorry about all the carnage - here’s how it really was.”.
So I deeply treasure our little posse of people who are paying attention, here on PP and also in my life. There are some in our valley. I’ve stopped caring if their hair is on fire!

Your thoughts echo mine.
My 8 year old has some school chums and my wife chatted with the father of one the other day.
These people are going to mostly stay in self impsed lockdown going forward. I thought perhaps they were unvaxxed and we’re planning to ride it out.
Nope they are fully vaccinated and still not going out. No Heath problems that we are aware of.
Canadians just aren’t bothered by things making no sense

It’s important to remember it’s a hypothesis. it's a vax?
To your point about trust breaking down in Canada - it's hard for me to imagine because most people don't KNOW, and are resistant to hearing about the harms and lies. A big "aha" moment seems unlikely because of that, and also because there will be so much spinning going on as backsides get bared. As so many here have pointed out, I know a ton of people I consider smart and capable of research who are not interested and not aware.
I posted last week how I felt I had finally gotten through to my best friend. I was wrong. Really wrong. It does not matter how high the intellect or academic credentials. People, and especially Canadians, are predominantly wedded to a belief system that puts full, unquestioning, unshakable trust in authorities. As part of my efforts to create awareness, two days ago I sent out a mass email with, among other things, a link to the Julius Ruechel investigative article that I have been sharing here so often. I indicated it was a MUST READ FOR EVERY CANADIAN. In the body of the email I had copy and pasted the emotionally powerful summary of that article. I asked my friend this morning if she read my email, and the Julius Ruechel article. She said she read the email but not the article. When asked why, she said that she was offended by the language in the summary and that was enough for her. Pressing on, trying to convey the critical importance of all the information in that lengthy investigative report, she refused to even consider it, saying that 'it is not reporting". Suffice to say it did not go well from there... I told her the truth will out, as it always does, and that millions of people are going to have their realities shattered when it does - which hopefully will be before too many people get seriously ill and die. As much as I do not care what other people do with their lives, when me/my life/my freedom to live my life as I see fit is collateral damage to obtuseness and utter refusal to even consider facts, evidence or alternative points of view, then I have a serious problem with that. You are right, Susan. The big aha moment, certainly here in Canada, is highly unlikely. We are in big, big trouble.  

That was a terrible read. No evidence, just spewing the industry PR lines.
I’d like some intellect in your dissenting views please.

The last remarks about lies building on lies is where I feel I’ve been forced, as I consider being dishonest which goes against my beliefs. My work office is re-opening for in person work, but starting tomorrow, you now have log in every day with the answer to the question: Are you vaccinated? All those vaccinated go without a mask, everyone else is marked by a mask requirement and you have to “keep your distance”. They are segregating and singling out the “non-compliant”. So what do we do? Accept being marked by wearing a mask or lie and see what happens… and what is next for the non-conformist/free thinkers? I’ve been on ivermectin for months and with the +99% effectiveness, I’m better protected than the vaccinated, so for me this is all about ethics, truth, and freedom. Are you free if you have to lie?

All the variants are Coronavirus and the mechanism of action by ivermectin works for all. See more at See FLCCC FAQ’s: Is Ivermectin effective with the different variants of the Covid-19 virus? Because Ivermectin has 5 different mechanisms of action against coronaviruses, the medication is also effective with the different variants of the virus. The FLCCC has adjusted dosage of Ivermectin in the protocols and have added additional medications and measures to help make the protocols more effective against the variants.

The article disparaged Simone Gold and the rest of the Frontline Doctors and was gleeful in reporting that Simone Gold was arrested in connection with 1/6. It is interesting to read the nasty diatribes in the comment section. I dug into Medpage and found that it is owned by the Everyday Health Group who are in turn owned by a public company, J2 Global. The top two investors in J2 are Blackrock and The Vanguard Group. It is hard to believe that the vaccinations are not a Global elite tool.

It’s the new segregation. Masks are almost completely worthless. The holes that allow air to pass through are at least 1,000 times larger diameter than the virus. Literally, it would be like a human trying to get through a fence with multiple holes that are a mile wide.
I wouldn’t lie to avoid wearing a mask. It looks like the mandates and incentives to get jabbed are losing steam. Most who are willing to get jabbed have already done so. Many who haven’t gotten jabbed simply don’t blindly trust that an experimental novel vaxxine can possibly be safe - and until it is proven to be safe, it isn’t worth it. Many of the “red” States have completely opened up. Even the “blue” States are feeling the pressure to open up. When that happens, your management won’t have any façade to hide behind and will abandon their segregation efforts. They just want to appear to be fair and considerate to the wokesters.
Even though the masks are worthless, wear it as a badge of courage that announces that you’re not a sheeple. If you really want to have fun, show up in a plastic bubble outfit like the batwoman wears.

YGG, Early on, as the vaccines rolled out, may people asked “does it stop or effect transmission”. The answer is no. However, they (CDC, NIH, WHO et al) quickly stopped responding to this questions to stifle debate. The vaccines were made to only reduce death and serious complications, nothing to do with transmission. That’s fact. My opinion is that this approach is not real clever as immune escape is more possible within this scenario.

Even though the masks are worthless, wear it as a badge of courage that announces that you're not a sheeple. If you really want to have fun, show up in a plastic bubble outfit like the batwoman wears.

Hi Matt,
Thanks for digging! I remembered that Dr. Simone Gold was at the 1/6/21 Capitol Rally that became the “worst terrorist event in our nation’s history.” She was there to support President Trump and to talk to as many others as possible about alternate treatments for Covid-1984. So, she’s being painted as one of the insurrectionists. That way, they can disparage her message without addressing the science.
It doesn’t surprise me about the tangled web of business ownership. Ask any horse, when the owner says “whoa” you better stop. Young reporters may feel that journalism is still an honorable profession, but their editors know which side of the bread gets buttered.
What really bothers me is that doctors like Dr. Peter Attia have fallen for the tripe that passes for science. (Where’s the science to support these vaxxines? Where are the trial results that show the vaxxines are reasonably safe vaccines?) He and his wife even volunteer in Austin to give jabs - that’s how much he believes in the vaxxine. Because he believes so fervently, his patients believe it must be true.

At the risk of of going slightly off topic here I just think somebody should point out that had millions of morons around the world not sent their DNA to “genetic sequencing companies” owned by Google and Bill Gates, its possible that we might not be in a global crisis right now.
I know, Im just a conspiracy theorist. After all…how can sending your personal DNA to people who own and fund back-alley ‘gain of function’ labs in China not be a good idea?
BTW who owns “23andme”? Who owns your genetic sample after you send it to them? What are they doing with it?? Never mind, you’re .03% Scandanavian!!

HCQ, IVM, vit D, vit C, Claritin, sunlight, exercise, BMI <20, W/H .46. I shall fear no virus even at 68 yo.
BUT, that spike protein shedding possibility by vaxed folks has me concerned. I would think this issue should be front-and-center for most of us here at PP, who’s immune systems I would guess to be “naive”. What is the current data on this issue? Any place to track reliable research? Thanks and kudos to all the truth-seekers here, from top to bottom. I consider this a priceless and crucial community. Aloha, Steve.
ps- I’d really love to meet up with my extended family in a few weeks- but most of them have taken the jab…
pps- how does one start a new forum topic?

I would agree, and would like to see some real evidence surrounding the subject, but suspect there is little interest in finding out. As a matter of convenience, I am assuming it is mostly the symptomatically affected, by vaccine reactions, in the few weeks after vaccination, and I am inclined to keep up some distancing with the vaccinated.
What you don’t want to hear from your rock climbing ascent guide as he ropes up and clips on another carabiner: ‘Trust in the Lord’

Well, I felt I violated an unwritten PP rule stating asking a question without doing your own research is bad form…so:
basically comments on the recent AFLDS briefing on the subject. I really just want someone to tell me its not an issue ;^). Aloha, Steve.