The Vaccines: Awesome Ingenuity or a Huge Mistake?

So I duck-duck-go’d that statement in my message headline and arrived here,
this article tends to support my statement in another thread that Dr. Bossche is a limited hangout and supports the Gates agenda.
Look closer.

Tide is Turning - Likely posted already.

wotthecurtains wrote: For example, some bloggers have presented this idea that mRna in the vaccines could disintegrate into prions which could end up in the brain where they could to "Mad Cow" things to us. Chris chimed in with an opinion that while this is sort of looks like a theoretical possibility, it would be helpful if the author had shown lab work demonstrating the mRna breakdown or the mechanisms by which these horrible outcomes are going to materialize.
wot, I've read some scientific articles about this subject. I'm not an expert by any means of the imagination. I'm open to a real expert taking the time to explain the mechanism. Since nobody stepped up to the plate, I'll take a turn. As I understand it, mRNA tells the cell the sequence of amino acids to make which forms the proteins. That's the mRNA's purpose. When outside the cell, the body's immune system considers it to be an attacking substance and removes it. If you consider that there are RNA viruses that hijack cells, this search-and-destroy tactic helps to prevents future infections. The cell walls are also somewhat impervious to RNA. Unless the RNA/mRNA is coated with something that the cells accept, most won't get access. From what I've read, the mRNA is very fragile as well. It degrades rapidly (but not into a prion.) That's why the vials had to be stored at such cold temperatures. The vaxxine makers did everything they could to get the mRNA product into the cells as quickly as possible. They used a cationic nano-lipid to coat the mRNA. Cells are relatively permeable to fats (lipids.) Cells are also negatively charged, so a positively charged (cationic) lipid will be electrically attracted. The combination gets the mRNA package into the cells very rapidly. Unfortunately, the cationic nano-lipid is toxic to the cells. The cells sense that they've been compromised and send out cytokines or chemokines to signal that help is needed. Help comes and gobbles up the cells, but not always before the cells produce the spike proteins that the mRNA instructions tell it to. Once the spikes are made, a percentage are able to escape the cell wall and enter the blood stream or get into the lymph system. They cause all sorts of problems because they attach to hACE2 receptors that are ubiquitous in the human body. A study that tried to quantify where these proteins got deposited in the body showed the proteins ended up throughout the body but particularly in female ovaries, the spleen, and bone marrow. Red blood cells and blood vessels also have ACE2 receptors. That may be the mechanism for the blood clotting issue. These spike proteins don't just get absorbed by various parts of the vaxxed body. Some are shed by the body through exhaling, sweating, urinating, defecating. Contact with any bodily fluids can transmit these spike proteins. Since they have a preference for female ovaries, that might explain the unusual menstrual cycles, miscarriages, etc. that unvaxxed female partners of vaxxed partners are experiencing. As I noted in post #73, the spike protein that the mRNA instructs the cells to make isn't the same as the spike protein on the coronavirus. Researchers made strategic decisions to modify the mRNA so the body would produce the proteins more rapidly. That included substituting glycine where ever possible because glycine is the easiest for the cells to make. Their goal was to make as many spike proteins as possible before the cell got gobbled up. Unfortunately, the spike protein (that the vaxxine mRNA instructed the cells to make) has 5 zippers in it. (At least the Pfizer vax does this.) Zippers are a series of 5 amino acids bound by glycine on each end - GxxxG. Apparently proteins with zippers tend to misfold. Some of these misfolded proteins are infectious - prions - that can cause normal proteins to misfold as well. (I'm really fuzzy on this concept and wish someone here with expertise would explain it better.) I don't know if it is merely a numbers game where only a small percentage end up causing problems. Mad Cow Disease is a prion based disease. Once it is established, it is incurable and progressively diminishes the brain's capacity until the infected person/animal dies. Does that mean that since these vaxxines (Pfizer at least) cause the body to produce "zippers" in the protein ... that the protein will cause a brain-wasting disease? Not necessarily. It does mean that the potential is there. Vaxxines should be studied much more completely before being allowed out in public. Since those getting vaxxed can shed the spike proteins, it isn't just those who are vaxxed who need to worry about this. (Because they receive the bigger dose of spike proteins, they need to worry more.) Also, unless you're wearing the bubble suit PPE, you're not completely safe. The average opening sizes in an N95 mask are measured in 10s of micrometers. The average coronavirus diameter is measured in 10s of nanometers. The spike proteins are even smaller. If you could magnify a spike protein to the same height of a human 5' to 6' tall, a similarly magnified N95 mask would have openings on the order of a mile wide. Imagine an impenetrable wall with gaps that are a mile wide. Would that wall stop you if you wanted to get to the other side? Although Dr. VB's message is that this unsterilizing vax will promote variants capable of bypassing the vaxxination protections to emerge, the critical issue for me is the possibility of prion formation affecting all of us regardless of our choice to be vaxxinated or not. Grover PS - I'm going to start referring to these "vaccines" as vaxxines. Not all vaccines are good, but so far, all vaxxines have enormous unknowns in long term effects.
tinarock wrote: this article tends to support my statement in another thread that Dr. Bossche is a limited hangout and supports the Gates agenda. Look closer.
tinarock, I followed your link and read the paper. I kept expecting some smoking gun to appear. The most damning thing I saw was that Dr. VB was on Gate's GAVI committee. Since he doesn't like the vaxxines being produced, he's looking into a formulation that works. That's described as a conflict of interest. Hence, he shouldn't be trusted or listened to. Did I miss something or is that the gist of it? Dr. VB's theory that an unsterilizing vaxxine leaves the virus to attempt to mutate around the body's defenses makes sense to me. Viruses mutate all the time. Most die out because they aren't viable. When one mutates enough to avoid the body's defenses and still be infectious, any human with that particular vaxxine will be susceptible. The rest of us might be as well. Based on her attack, I'd say that Rosemary Frei is the quack. Grover

I loved those videos with Dr. Lee Merrit, JWhite; very compelling! Thanks for posting.

Chris and Pierre Kory are suggesting a profit motive for pharma companies as motivation for the censorship, discouraging of treatment and vaccine pressure. I have doubts about that. As Pierre said, I when I think I’m being cynical, I’m being naive. There are too many other parties involved - governments, all regulatory agencies, social media companies, all coordinating to create fear and jab as many arms as possible, even when it’s clearly inappropriate (children, pregnant women, previously infected people with antibodies), in preference to cheap, safe, early treatment options, which they’ve gone to great lengths to make unavailable or censor. 18 months in, the advice is still “go home, do nothing till you’re blue in the face, then go to hospital”. By that point it’s too late. It just doesn’t make any sense. It’s completely illogical. No treatment, no preventative advice such as Vitamin D. It seems the end goal is not to end the pandemic, or save the economy, but to jab as mean people as possible, as a goal in itself. Why would they do that? It’s no wonder people come up with stuff like this:

FYI if you follow on twitter they have been posting lots of treatment trial results (not just ivermectin). For example,
Antihistamines and azithromycin as a treatment for COVID-19 on primary health care – A retrospective observational study in elderly patients”
So if you can’t get ivermectin, antihistamines may help too.

here is an alternative perspective on the ant-vaccine paranoia:

here is an alternative perspective on the ant-vaccine paranoia:
what is the value of this ? It’s a blog dated feb 21. Sure the risk/benefit at that time for a 80-year old would tilt to vaxxing, but the situation changed a little since right ? You might argue from a immune comprised perspective that trying to prep a 80 year old with the spike protein directly in the body would be unwise given what we know now. Blood clots, myocarditis, unknown toxic spike damage, opening of blood/brain barrier. I understand the majority of the vaxxers will be fine (on the short term at least), but there are risks for sure and the long term effect of the experiment is unclear to all. As long as this is not clarified before you get a jab, you can’t provide informed consent. Not a favorable risk/benefit calculation for many.

In the interest of being open-minded to alternative viewpoints, I opened your link to Dr. Peter Attia’s post. This was the opening paragraph to set up the situation:

I’ve had many people close to me in recent weeks ask if they, or their parents, should get the COVID-19 vaccine. In one particular case, a friend shared that his 80-year-old father is having serious reservations about receiving the vaccine because of videos he’s seen circulating from someone named Simone Gold discussing how people should be using hydroxychloroquine instead of taking vaccines, a view that is not at all supported by peer-reviewed literature. (A few minutes on Google will tell you all you need to know about her judgment on other matters, also.)
Wow - "someone named Simone Gold." That's a professional way to address another doctor. That pretty much set the tone for the rest of the brief article. I doubt he ever suggests that anyone not get the vaxxine. He downplays hydroxychloroquine because it isn't supported by peer-reviewed literature. He must be referring to the literature written about tests that were purposefully designed to fail. You know, the tests where they administered the drug too late, at too high of a dosage, and/or without zinc - those tests. Granted, this letter was written for a friend. Dr. Attia's credentials were already established with the friend. As such, I wouldn't expect any detailed analysis or lengthy reasoning to be presented. Without a pre-determined assessment of his character, his suggestion is just that - a suggestion. In the postscript, he offers a link to his interview with Dr. Paul Offit talking about the development of the vaxxines. (Based on this pithy letter, I didn't bother hearing about the development of the vaxxines. Since he has the opinion he does about HCQ, I didn't want my blood pressure to go too high. Perhaps, shastatodd can listen to it and give us a few paragraph summary.) Grover PS - Am I anti-vaccine? Not at all. I'm not going to go out and get every vaccination that's available to me. For instance, why get Dengue Fever vaccine if I have no intention of traveling to an area where it is prevalent? Vaccines have benefits and risks. That's how we should evaluate every decision - is the benefit worth the risk? There are too many unknowns with the untested, non-sterilizing mRNA vaxxines that are being pushed upon us. Since there are no studies to show long-term outcomes, those who accept the jab are the guinea pigs. To me, that is ultra-high risk with nebulous benefits. I'd rather take my chances with HCQ, IVM, vitamins, and minerals.  

maybe aliens are arriving and the spike protein will kill them - who knows but I agree it all doesn’t make sense! Too many agencies and countries are involved - what the hell is going on! or is it just corruption or is it the real X Files.

So my sense is, even the vax-paranoia-people have enemies.
When the same group tells you - for 18 months - NO TREATMENTS FOR YOU - and then proceeds to tell you the experimental shot is completely safe?
Common sense would suggest: “it is probably not a good idea to trust someone who has already lied to you once” - especially since the result of the first lie is more than 500,000 Americans dead.
How many will die if the second statement is a lie?
You are welcome to be trusting. Not me. Fool me once when my family’s life is on the line?
Its over, pal. I’ll never trust you again.
That’s how the Fourth Turning happens. They trick you on matters of life & death.

It's completely illogical. No treatment, no preventative advice such as Vitamin D. It seems the end goal is not to end the pandemic, or save the economy, but to jab as mean people as possible, as a goal in itself. Why would they do that?
Only from that view does it all make sense. The completely faked Lancet paper that hamstrung a bunch of HCQ studies. The super high PCR cycle tests to drive scary high (false positive) cases. Using State pharmacy boards to interfere with doctors ability to prescribe safe medications off label. The list goes on, and on, and on, and on. Profit motive is only the cover story.. it has to go deeper than that. The (not so) invisible hand of the global technocratic elites want something else.. they want complete control over us. For those who can see, Covid Vax/No Vax is the most important line you will ever draw in the sand... expect your courage, and your very sanity, to be tested. We need a national organization.. kind of an NRA for those who want to keep their native immune system intact and free from this form of genetic take-over. There are some proto-organizations in place now that could potentially grow into this role, like America's Frontline Doctors.. but for now they seem to be mainly about getting the word out. We need to think bigger... just throwing that idea out into the universe. Best regards, JimH

Peter Attia is someone whom I have respected in the past. But Paul Offit and Brian Deer are the epitome of evil.

You wrote:

It just doesn't make any sense. It's completely illogical. No treatment, no preventative advice such as Vitamin D. It seems the end goal is not to end the pandemic, or save the economy, but to jab as mean people as possible, as a goal in itself. Why would they do that?
You're right. It doesn't make any sense. The theory that I have been working under is that this is an epiphenomenon of a culture gone mad. Just like Wokesterism, it is a manifestation of cultural psychosis. Maybe there is another reason. I am hoping that a whistleblower will come forward. Until then, I'll just continue to believe that this is the madness of a culture suffering end-stage disintegration.

I read the article as well and fully agree with your assessment

Before my annual physical exam last week, I entered Ivermectin, Zinc, Quercetin and Vitamin D onto my medication list.
My PCP, reviewing the list, didn’t ask me why I was taking Ivermectin. He asked me where I was getting it from! He assumed I was buying it mail-order from Europe and I did not disabuse him of that notion. He then strongly suggested I should get myself ‘vaccinated’. I didn’t argue - he is a creature of the medical group.
Later, I looked up my medication list on the hospital patient access website and found that although it is still on the list, Ivermectin is not available to me through the hospital pharmacy.
ivermectin 3 mg Tab
Commonly known as: STROMECTOL
Learn more
This prescription cannot be refilled through xxxxxxxxx at this time.
Not that I care. I have enough horse paste to last for ages.
I started a new forum for this article and video yesterday but it was quickly buried by the multiple forum spammers this morning ?
This doctor is a highly credentialed WHO insider has an impressive bio. She tells us in the short 18 minute video exactly what the high level plan is, which corroborates much of what many of us are thinking. It is definitely about control, and according to her, they are much further along with nano technology than we can even imagine.
If people want to comment on the article/video, perhaps you can do so on the forum I created so that we can better keep track of comments - pls & thx ??

Global Research, June 24, 2021 22 June 2021
An excerpt:
...The risk for development of this bowel obstruction following vaccination was 20-30 times higher than what would be expected in a normal population and occurred within two weeks of the administration of the vaccine. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in collaboration with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as well as local agencies, quickly intervened and halted the usage of this vaccine. Two emergency investigations were instituted showing that the vaccine increased the risk for intussusception by one to two cases among 10,000 infants who received the vaccine. In response, the manufacturer voluntarily withdrew the rotavirus vaccine from usage in 1999. The CDC claimed that the decision to remove the rotavirus vaccine was due to the fact that intussusception is a serious condition and that the complications from a rotavirus infection in the US can be prevented by oral rehydration. The CDC states: “…when a vaccine is discovered to have a serious side effect, a recommendation to continue using the vaccine will be reconsidered and the vaccine may be withdrawn, in spite of the beneficial effect of the vaccine to prevent disease.” Twenty three years later… It seems that, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, caution has been thrown to the wind. So much about 2020 and the pandemic related to SARS- CoV-2 is unprecedented. In addition to an unprecedented disease and its global response, COVID-19 has also initiated an unprecedented accelerated process of vaccine research, production, testing, and public distribution. The sense of urgency around combatting this virus led to the creation, in March 2020, of Operation Warp Speed (OWS), then-President Donald Trump’s program to bring a vaccine against COVID-19 to market as quickly as possible, skipping several steps in the normal evaluation process. In response, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) collaborated with the biotechnology company Moderna in bringing an altogether new type of vaccine against infectious disease to market, one utilizing a technology based on messenger RNA (mRNA). Another mRNA vaccine was also developed in parallel by Pfizer in conjunction with a small biotech company in Europe called BioNTech. Both of these vaccines have been approved for emergency use by the FDA in record time, with little regard for the fact that this technology is experimental and unproven. Now there is an aggressive campaign to get these vaccines into the arms of as many US citizens as possible, also in record time. This is true not only in the US, but also increasingly on a global scale. Essentially, the entire world’s population are serving as guinea pigs in a massive experimental study, and there is clear potential for a great deal of harm. The global mass vaccination rollout on the world’s adults has now extended its hand into the arms of children. Initially, 16 year olds were encouraged and in some instances, ‘mandated’ to receive the experimental therapy. The age limit has now been decreased to 12 year olds, and imminently 5 year olds and younger are being targeted as the next ‘at risk’ populations. Children have almost zero risk of dying from COVID-19, and it is almost certain therefore that the risk/benefit ratio of these vaccines is too great to warrant their use on children. ...
There is additional confirmation of the dangers of the spike protein and ADE, which lends further support to Dr. VB's hypothesis.