The Vaccines: Awesome Ingenuity or a Huge Mistake?

Yup. It’s early in the delta game in the UK, but here’s a rough estimate of the case fatality rate (from worldometer site).

  • 7 day moving average UK deaths today (6/23): 14
  • 7 day moving average UK new cases 2 weeks ago (6/9): 5985
  • 14/5985 = 0.23%
So it's beginning to look like the flu. During the last wave:
  • Deaths on Feb 1: 1019
  • Cases on Jan 21: 40334
  • Case fatality rate = 1019/40334 = 2.53%
So the current case fatality rate estimate is 1/11 that of the last wave. And let's not forget the UK government data I and others analyzed that showed 2.64 x the risk of death on a population (rather than case) basis for the vaccinated (40% the risk of contracting the disease if vaccinated x 6.6 times the risk of death if you contract the disease). So preliminary data suggests the new variant is only 1/11 as deadly and you are at greater risk if vaccinated. Great job Dr. Fauci. Withhold data and fear monger to get people to accept a vaccine that will put them at greater risk.

It is not possible to present evidence of the safety of the mRNA serums, as the required studies to achieve this knowledge simply do not exist. However, we can be certain these mRNA serums are causing serious side effects, temporary and long-term, and the death of those injected with them.
For what? So the effects of Covid19 are made somewhat less severe in about 50% of those getting the virus AFTER they have been injected with the toxic nucleotide serum?
The serum will not sterilize the virus. The serum will not prevent infection from the virus. The serum will not prevent the injected from infecting others with the virus. The serum definitely kills perfectly healthy cells in locations well away from the injection site, then causes the creation of billions of S1 protein spikes, which are KNOWN to cause damage, such as clotting, and every other symptom of Covid19.
Notice the complete stupidity of such a “vaccine:” If you get sick after taking the mRNA injection, and die from it, you are just part of that 50% of the vaccinated, whose symptoms were not made less by the injection. If you get sick and survive the illness, you will be told you are lucky to have been injected…as it could have been worse than it was…thanks to the serum.
If you escape getting sick from Covid19, the vaccine will be credited. If you die from Covid19, the vaccine will be forgiven. You were just part of the unlucky 50% of victims. But, at least you had your “coin-toss,” right?
But, on the bright-side, when this is all over…there are going to be a lot less people to worry about, and the one’s left alive…might just be smarter.
Julius Ruechel has created an abbreviated version of the lengthy, in depth investigative report (linked within the above article) which is so well done that when I posted it on another thread Chris recommended everyone read it!
This clearly and irrefutably shows how BC’s revered saint, Dr. Bonnie Henry, has actively engaged in propaganda tactics to foment fear, among other things. I will be the loudest cheerleader when we finally get her and her colluding colleagues in front of a human rights tribunal.
If the Julius Ruechel article does not make you angrier yet, I do not know what will. That article should be read by every single Canadian, as well as others beyond our borders, for the exact same things are going on elsewhere.

"If you escape getting sick from Covid19, the vaccine will be credited. If you die from Covid19, the vaccine will be forgiven. You were just part of the unlucky 50% of victims. But, at least you had your "coin-toss," right?"
Heads they win, tails you lose. Its very typical of the way propagandists always frame their narrative. If you get sick, it would have been worse if not for us. If you dont get sick, it's thanks to us. If you got sick and died while having were a covid death statistic. If you get sick and die after getting the vaccine, there must have been another reason. If more people who get vaccinated start dying from a variant, its the fault of the unvaccinated. If the unvaccinated get sick and die its because they werent vaccinated. Its the same tired, stupid nonlogic but it works on a segment of the population. No matter how many times they use the same trick they'll never ever figure it out. They dont possess logic. Its hard to believe for people who do because it's so obvious, but there is a large portion of the population who simply do not possess that took me a very long time to realize that.

To me the headline (visible on the static image for the video) says it all:
“BC To Follow Health Canada Advice…” For all the talk of Experts and Science and Authorities the Covid resonse is just one petty official following the guidance of the official up the chain and so on and so on until we get to Fauchi and the WHO.
When they turn out to be derelict at best it will become a big game of “We were just following orders!”
Isn’t it amazing that we live in a world where on the one hand, the US govt can make a law about immigration or guns and then we watch all these “sanctuary” states and cities refusing to follow but then when there is evidence children are being harmed no one local has a guts to challenge it?

I’m ashamed of Canada these days. How any adult cannot recognise how sick it is to jab kids with an experimental therapy without informed consent is beyond me. We have truly plunged into madness, where children are treated as sacrificial lambs. We are in dark times.
This poor doctor will likely have no legal recourse for doing something that would have been considered completely justifiable and normal a couple of years ago.

I agree with this commentator. Lets find the origins of Covid 19.

After you wade through the nonsense ad hominem (calls Dr. Bossche anti-vax while mentioning Dr. Bossche is suggesting another potential vaccine), can anyone make sense of his argument that seems to say the antibodies produced by the vaccines stop the virus from replicating and shedding in fully vaccinated people? This is out of my wheelhouse. I see some comments here wanting to see an argument against Dr. Bossche’s hypothesis.

One argument heard on the Francis Christian recording is about the WHO statement on vaccinating children. Both parties seem to be somewhat right.
The statement prior to Tuesday did say:
Children should not be vaccinated for the moment.
There is not yet enough evidence on the use of vaccines against COVID-19 in children to make recommendations for children to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Children and adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults. However, children should continue to have the recommended childhood vaccines.
But the WHO site has since been updated:

Not to mention the extreme coercion on the horizon to accept these damn things. You know “no jab no job”. I’m sorry, that’s kind of a “talking over” point. Especially in the face of the demonstrable mass murder and lies. No, it’s just “fuck um” from me.

I only watched a part of it. After the guy said that the antibodies stopped the virus from replicating, I stopped listening to it.
If the virus cannot replicate in a vaccinated person that means that this is a sterilizing vaccine. That means that the virus never even can get a foothold in a person since the antibodies completely wipe the virus out and the virus doesn’t get a chance to replicate. Even the manufacturers of the vaccine don’t say that. They admit that it is not a sterilizing vaccine. The manufacturers concede that you can still get the virus and still get a mild or even a moderate case of the disease. That means that you get infected, the virus replicates and gets you sick.
Like I said, even the manufacturers concede that. The antibodies don’t wipe out the virus. The CDC says that the vaccine is supposed to stop you from getting a serious case of the disease. It doesn’t prevent it entirely. In fact, the FDA and the CDC both concede that you can even get “breakthrough cases”, i.e. you can still get severe covid even if you are vaccinated. And that in fact happens. Everyone concedes that. Even Fauci would concede that. The only dispute is how often that happens.
Of course, actually contracting an infection and getting sick means that the virus is replicating. And everyone concedes that.
That is why, after he said that the vaccine stops the virus from replicating, I just turned the video off.
That doesn’t mean that I subscribe to Vanden Bossche’s thesis. I really don’t know if he is right or wrong.

There are a bunch of pro and con links here:
The interview of Robert Malone with Global Paradigm Shift with Michelle Malcolm has quite a bit of information and includes a short discussion on Vanden Bossche.

Fauci and others are reporting that there is no signal associated with fertility or pregnancy. No warning signs showing pregnancy or reproduction is affected by the vaccine.
This week’s TheHighwire has an early segment about this. The above statement is based on an article published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine. “Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons” N. Engl J Med 2021; 384:2273-2282. June 17, 2021.
Table 4 reports on Spontaneous Abortions (those occur in the first 20 weeks) and Stillbirths (those occur after week 20) in 827 pregnant women who were vaccinated. According to the article, the expected background rate of SA is 10-26%. The article states that 104 of the 827 women in the trial had a SA, for a result of 12.6% which is squarely within the expected range.
That’s great! Except that isn’t the data. A footnote clarifies that only 127 of the 827 were vaccinated prior to 20 weeks, the rest were vaccinated in the third trimester and never should have been included in the SA figure. For this study, the SA ratio is 104/127. That’s 82%!!! The error has been reported to the NEJM and the NEJM will have to correct it. But meanwhile the damage is done because the public is being given the wrong information.
The data in the article suggests that vaccinating in the last few weeks might be safe, but in no way supports vaccinating early in pregnancy.
692 miscarriages have been posted to VAERS. Do we apply the 1% rule or just 10%? I have wondered whether the miscarriages are part of or separate from the number of deaths reported.

A friend of mine died of a heart attack two weeks after getting the second jab. He was 65 and without heart issues. I am trying to help the family in any way I can. Does anyone know how to go about getting some kind of compensation from this? I know there are pools of money to payout for proven cases. The problem is it has been a few months and at the time no one was thinking about what happened. How do we prove vaccine fault a few months after? Who else can help? Lawyers, organizations? Does anyone know how to begin this effort? HELP Please.

Maybe here:

OK, I lasted 10 minutes. Here is what I took.
First 5 minutes he sets up his ad hom attacks.
2 behavioural points:

  1. he spends a lot of time on the ‘setup’. that is he will credit an attribute of Geert and then immediately undermine it with an attack.
  2. he quotes Geert Van Bossche as saying “basically his philosophy is to let it rip”. I don’t think Geert ever said that. Certainly not on his Bret Weinstein interview. Please prove me wrong on that. I thought Geert’s point was either mass vaccinate prior to infection or at the end, but never in the middle of a pandemic.
    5 - 10 minutes
    4 scientific points:
  3. He says “asymptomatic transmission plummets” with vaccination. However, CDC admit asymptomatic transmission hasn’t been clinically proven to actually occur.
  4. he says variants emerged in absence of vaccine pressure. I don’t think this is true. For example, Delta variant emerged from India following heavy vaccination.
  5. He appears to assume that full vaccination grants immunity (as he goes on about partial vaccination only granting partial immunity). And such that it floors Geert’s argument. However, we know this simply isn’t true – 2 doses do not grant immunity as we still have people in UK die of Covid after 2 jabs.
  6. “Can develop boosters to knock out variants.” Yeah, can he tell me the exact sequence of each mutant strain and how many mutant strains there will be at any one time? Note they try this with flu shots each year and success (or rather failure) varies wildly. Dr. Tenpenny goes into why.
    Based upon how poor his science is I hope he doesn’t actually give out medical advice.

Hello Bigfoot. So saddened to hear of this. It is tragic.
You do not say what country you are in. I am including this link for a Canadian source, in case that helps
Good luck!

Sick of the variant propaganda. If it’s both more deadly and easier to spread, it’s man-made. In the ancient days of yore, I was taught that a bacteria/virus could do one of two things- increase lethality or change mode of transmission. Biologically it is too costly to do both so you don’t get airborne Ebola naturally in one leap. That said, viruses are tricky buggers.
We know that something can swap genetic materials to make it immune to a drug or other twists. The good news, our immune system is capable of seeing enough of the original to mount an attack based on previous exposure. These variants are allegedly 99% similar to the original SARS CV2; that means if the CV shot were effective, they would still work. (LOL) Those who have had CV are immune to variants. The average person had a >90% probability of having coronavirus antibodies/antigens from normal flu, etc to start with. Then there’s the Singaporean Study-

The team tested subjects who recovered from COVID-19 and found the presence of SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in all of them, which suggests that T cells play an important role in this infection. Importantly, the team showed that patients who recovered from SARS 17 years ago after the 2003 outbreak, still possess virus-specific memory T cells and displayed cross-immunity to SARS-CoV-2. “Our team also tested uninfected healthy individuals and found SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in more than 50 percent of them. This could be due to cross-reactive immunity obtained from exposure to other coronaviruses, such as those causing the common cold, or presently unknown animal coronaviruses. It is important to understand if this could explain why some individuals are able to better control the infection,” said Professor Antonio Bertoletti, from Duke-NUS’ Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) programme, who is the corresponding author of this study.
17 years later those who had original SARS most still had T-cells for it. So what is the point of wringing your hands over variants? Just the latest BS. Regarding what's next in the boogeyman bio-weapons closet...I will give you a piece to chew on. 1998 Soviet defector Dr. K Alibek said they were working on things like a blend between smallpox and ebola. There you would have easy airborne transmissibility with increased lethality. The Soviets had already experiment with airborne anthrax with "great results." Here's an NPR transcript from 1998 w Alibek discussing bio-weapons. Today's American Angle- Back in 2000's when Ebola was breaking free in DRC, a company founded by virologist Nathan Wolfe called Metabiota discovered the Bas- Congo Virus in 2009. Odd little bug as you will read.
Bas-Congo Virus: A Novel Rhabdovirus Associated With Acute Hemorrhagic Fever GildaGrard1JosephFair2CharlesChiu345EricLeroy16
In 2009, an outbreak of three cases of acute hemorrhagic fever occurred in the Bas-Congo province of Democratic Republic of the Congo. The clinical presentation included abrupt onset of disease, fever, mucosal and gastrointestinal hemorrhages, and death within 3 days for the first two cases. The single serum sample was collected from the lone survivor, the nurse who cared for them. Since laboratory tests for all known viral hemorrhagic fever viruses in Central Africa were negative, extracted RNA from the serum sample were retrospectively analyzed by next-generation sequencing, leading to the discovery and whole-genome assembly of a new rhabdovirus, named Bas-Congo virus (BASV). BASV is highly divergent from other known rhabdoviruses, and is phylogenetically related to the dipteran-mammal-associated rhabdovirus supergroup. Specific neutralizing antibodies were detected in the convalescent serum of the survivor and an asymptomatic close contact. Although the source of infection and mode of transmission for BASV have not yet been established, phylogenetic and epidemiologic data suggest potential arthropod-borne transmission with nosocomial spread between humans.
It was never seen before nor has it ever been since. Looks and acts like rabies as for shape and multiplication time. Highly lethal 2009, they developed a computer program to decode the RNA of viruses, etc. that reduced diagnostic time to mere hours. Headed by USCSF's Dr. Chiu for Metabiota. Allegedly that's how they isolated Base Congo. Computer program
Abstract Deep sequencing was used to discover a novel rhabdovirus (Bas-Congo virus, or BASV) associated with a 2009 outbreak of 3 human cases of acute hemorrhagic fever in Mangala village, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Africa. The cases, presenting over a 3-week period, were characterized by abrupt disease onset, high fever, mucosal hemorrhage, and, in two patients, death within 3 days. BASV was detected in an acute serum sample from the lone survivor at a concentration of 1.09×106 RNA copies/mL, and 98.2% of the genome was subsequently de novo assembled from ∼140 million sequence reads. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that BASV is highly divergent and shares less than 34% amino acid identity with any other rhabdovirus. High convalescent neutralizing antibody titers of >1∶1000 were detected in the survivor and an asymptomatic nurse directly caring for him, both of whom were health care workers, suggesting the potential for human-to-human transmission of BASV. The natural animal reservoir host or arthropod vector and precise mode of transmission for the virus remain unclear. BASV is an emerging human pathogen associated with acute hemorrhagic fever in Africa.
This technology has not been used (to our knowledge) on the Ebola cases coming to the USA or on CV19. Why? Wouldn't that be more accurate than a PCR? Wolfe started two companies Global Viral and Metabiota. GV was non-profit and M was for profit advising governments how to handle pandemics. Wolfe was young and charismatic, but many said he lacked knowledge and academic standing. Many in the science community said he didn't have any credible published research.( Front man?) Remember seeing a list of grant contributors to them: DARPA, USAMRID, City of London, GOOGLE,...usual suspects. Seems there's links to bioweapon development. When the SF golden business M was sent to handle Sierre-Leone's Ebola outbreak, it was bedlam. All talk and incoherent actions. Remember that the US govt. has patented an Ebola vaccine that uses rabies as the base. Could this be the reason that airlines are flying migrants for free from Ebola heavy areas in Africa into the USA from 2019? Was the previous USA spotty outbreak with the Dallas case a test run? Just saying...CV may be a cake walk with these other things up their sleeves.