The Vaccines: Awesome Ingenuity or a Huge Mistake?

I have been expecting another bioweapons attack - and this man is warning of just that. While there has been some indication of foreknowledge by the Gates/Pharma/Globalist crowd, it is plausible that the CCP retaliate against Western sanctions and pressure as the “truth” about the origins of CV19 become inescapable. Plus - if you’re going to invade Taiwan and start a war with the US, the CCP couldn’t ask for more incompetent and vacuous leadership than we have right now. If the CCP ever plans on a decisive move against the US - now is the time. I post this link for discussion because the ramifications if true are so severe. Let’s pray that this isn’t our fate.

You’re right, changing for the worse. I hardly recognize the site and community I found to be educated, reasonable and focused on living a meaningful life. I realize the need for content and whatnot and while Chris was a revelation in the early days of Covid, this place has devolved. I guess I have been “vaccindoctrinated” by the MSM and TPTB blah blah blah. I just got a block by Chris on Twitter for pointing out that the good Dr. Bossche is a quack. I guess having an opinion that probably 95% of the world also holds is too controversial to share with a guy I’ve respected for the better part of a decade who claims to appreciate open dialog and the sharing of ideas/opinions. It’s fine to ask questions and explore the science but Bossche is not credible and that’s not a controversial opinion.
I’m just really disappointed in where things have come to on here and in Chris specifically.

" You're right, changing for the worse. I hardly recognize the site and community I found to be educated, reasonable and focused on living a meaningful life. I realize the need for content and whatnot and while Chris was a revelation in the early days of Covid, this place has devolved. I guess I have been "vaccindoctrinated" by the MSM and TPTB blah blah blah. I just got a block by Chris on Twitter for pointing out that the good Dr. Bossche is a quack. I guess having an opinion that probably 95% of the world also holds is too controversial to share with a guy I've respected for the better part of a decade who claims to appreciate open dialog and the sharing of ideas/opinions. It's fine to ask questions and explore the science but Bossche is not credible and that's not a controversial opinion. I'm just really disappointed in where things have come to on here and in Chris specifically"
The world is changing and so the debates and positions are changing. At the core of it, there seems to be a difference in world views that are being magnified by the current situation. Some of us believe in a hard truth. In a reality that exists regardless of what we think or believe. Others seem to believe that reality is defined by what people say. If the TV says that a guy is a quack, then it must be true. You say Bossche is a quack because other people say so. Thats the entirety of your position. Thats all the validation you need...people on TV said so....other people believed it, therefore = truth. There's a pandemic, the people on TV say so = truth. You have to wear masks and get vaccinated, the people on tv say so = truth. For myself and others here, we dont operate that way. The process of coming to conclusions requires objective facts, debate, consideration, etc. I really couldnt give a rats ass what anybody else says until Ive had the opportunity to consider the matter myself...objectively, rationally, and systematically. Personally, Im proud of Chris and happy with the direction the site is taking which represents a bold and thoughtful recognition of TRUTH, even in the face of so much opposition. Its courageous, intelligent, and unyielding.

Exactly why is Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche not credible?
Does one take a vote, or count up all the positive and negative comments one can find on the Internet? I should hope not.
You see, it really is of no concern if the Doctor is positing an unpopular idea, or not. Either the Doctor’s theories correctly identify some aspect of Reality, or they do not.
It seems to me the Doctor is not making an arbitrary claim, which can be ignored out of hand, but a reasoned theory regarding the behavior of a particular, engineered, viral pathogen, one which has been deliberately modified for enhanced ability to alter its genetic sequence…or signature.
If the Doctor is incorrect, or correct, or partially so, the addition of more data about Reality will reveal the case, and allow for the proper modification and advancement of a new idea, or theory.
There is no need to attack a person’s idea, or theory, by attacking the person…and not the idea, itself.
In any case, the issues surrounding these experimental, and toxic, injections are so numerous and serious…only a fool, or the uninformed, would be eager to take them.
But, once fooled, and with the S1 proteins coursing through one’s body, it becomes counter-intuitive to expect such a fool to rationally come to the conclusion…they have been fooled…no matter the truth.
Ya, plays the game…and, takes ya chances…

That is clearly unfair. The majority here support their positions with scientific literature. If you want to challenge any of my points please just ask, and I will share the scientific evidence upon which they sit. Reading through this material and digesting it takes time, so I understand why not everyone wants to do it… Far easier just to slander others…

I’m loving “the direction” the site is taking overall. This is of course distinct from loving every link submitted by every member.
Whether its CM or Dr Kory or countless others you can see their strategies changing as “the virus” of Covid-19’s mishandling evolves.
This morning’s comment frackus is a great example. Chris spent, what, the first three minutes of that interview torturing us with Dr Bossche’s extended CV.
Because he knew people would come on here saying, “Oh, Dr Bossche is a known crank. Real vaccine experts don’t take him seriously.” You know thats exactly how the NYT is gonna explain the Dr’s position paper to the public.
Im also heartened to see so many members able to articulate the nature of our process. We are that great unacknowledged third group in society. We don’t “listen to the experts” and we don’t “not listen to the experts”. We just want to know whats going on.
Just give us the data.

Grover, as to your comment about glycine folding and the zippers… Glycine is the simplest of the amino acids. It makes for a great hinge! An issue with glyphosate is that glyphosate can substitute, poorly, for glycine and mess up proteins accordingly, so it’s something you want to avoid in your diet. I don’t know why you would want more glycine in a protein than what it calls for, except that I guess it is easier to predict what the 3D model would look like if you’re creating a synthetic protein.
At any rate, that was an excellent post, thank you! I hadn’t previously understood about the zippers.

Grover, I found Chris’s new videos on Rumble, up to Episode 008 (on Fauci). The last few do not seem to be there yet. Many 'Vlog’ers are posting their videos to other platforms in addition to Youtube. However, to get a presence there, they need to advertise that their content is available on an alternate platform. Some of the 'Vlog’ers have thousands of subscribers on Rumble now.
There is a growing trend toward people avoiding Youtube and the other Big Tech platforms due to censorship and propaganda. I am one of them and I agree with your sentiments.

That’s the comment I keep thinking of as I browse through this and recent threads where people talk about how the site is changing, or talking about leaving (JAG).
I don’t have the long history here that others do but in my short time here I’ve found the membership to be mostly quite intolerant of the “dissenting” viewpoint. The site has become extremely self-selecting for a particular mindset and point of view. Those who don’t toe the line are driven off by a variety of methods including (1) being ignored, (2) being mocked (sheeple, talking to you is like a power struggle, etc) and (3) outright aggression where people are told they don’t belong, go elsewhere, etc.
I recently saw a comment from someone…jan maybe…basically demanding that someone present “evidence” to support their viewpoint (which was a more positive vaccine viewpoint). Well, I could go out and find dozens or hundreds of tweets, articles, scientific publications that support the viewpoint that covid vaccines are safe and that most of the reported side effects are to be expected when you mass vaccinate hundreds of millions of people. But what is the point? If I dare quote cdc or a “mainstream” scientist I’ll be shouted down as a sheeple and then buried under an avalanche of posts about Alex Berenson or Bossche or whoever is the latest hot thing.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Forums left to their own devices tend to develop a particular mindset, tending toward one extreme or another. However, that tendency can be offset by leadership that promotes a more tolerant, even-keeled approach. That is on Chris. He was MIA for some months and I thought maybe when he returned things would change a bit. After all, he did talk about expanding the reach of PP. No evidence of that yet, which suggests to me that maybe this is what he wants…in which case I suppose “it does have to be this way.” In which case, it will probably be this way without me. Which is too bad, in my opinion. Like Chris I am a PhD and have been working in my field for 30 years. I know how to evaluate data and scientific literature. I consider myself extremely open-minded (have been told by many not to be so open minded my brain falls out). Still haven’t gotten a covid vaccine yet, and that’s largely due to things I’ve read on this site.
Anyway, I’ve gone off into the weeds a bit - sorry for that. I will probably keep watching Chris’s free videos though they seem more and more to be an advertisement or tease to lure in paying members than they were last year. May drop in a post once in a while. Good luck to everyone here, stay healthy.

Scroll down to second video.
Malone is also being interviewed on the HighWire today.

Here is an interesting interview with Dr. Lee Merrit on Covid and the Covid shots. One of the points she makes is that doctors do not know exactly what is in these shots and the information is not made readily available to them by the pharmaceutical companies. Having worked for some years as a military physician / surgeon, she is concerned about how vaccinated people would respond to a future biological challenge. She also does not think these should be called vaccines, as they do not behave like regular vaccines.
The full interview (~ 30 minutes):
The section about Covid vaccines (~ 7 1/2 minutes):

This is a great interview.
800 000 views.

“She also does not think these should be called vaccines, as they do not behave like regular vaccines.”
One of the mental processes most responsible for destroying the west has to be this idea that reality changes if we just change the definitions.
So we have:
Math == Racist
Herd Immunity == “A thing that comes from vaccination and cannot happen in any other way”.
Science == “The truth as delivered by someone with a journalism degree trying to make a deadline by mindlessly quoting a captured regulator”
And so finally, we have a (pretty cool sounding) experimental gene therapy that might help with Covid but which also presents unique new risks that thoughtful people would need to wrestle with:
“Hey, I know lets call it a vaccine! Then we can claim anyone with questions wants small pox back!”
Of course we’ve also seen arguments about the definition of “pandemic”, “case”, “Covid death” and on and on.
So the real problem we have is that the authorities have just defined a bunch of terms and are now confronting us with the pretty obvious logical conclusions implied by their definitions:
There is a “pandemic” of “cases” of a “deadly” disease that the “herd” could be “protected” from via a “safe” “vaccine”.
If you accept the definitions of these words as defined by the papers we are clearly lunatics for questioning the narrative. But as soon as a Dr Kory or a Dr Bossche starts to speak you realize these common definitions are facile.

I recently saw a comment from someone...jan maybe...basically demanding that someone present "evidence" to support their viewpoint (which was a more positive vaccine viewpoint). Well, I could go out and find dozens or hundreds of tweets, articles, scientific publications that support the viewpoint that covid vaccines are safe and that most of the reported side effects are to be expected when you mass vaccinate hundreds of millions of people...
The mainstream is a proven-corrupt source. Does anyone remember: "NO TREATMENTS FOR YOU?" I will never forget. Never. From the evolutionary biology standpoint, most species are very, very adept at detecting "cheating behavior", and they are very intolerant of said cheating behavior once it occurs. The common response: not to work with the cheaters, ever again. This is a pro-survival programming built into the fabric of humanity. It's also "common sense." Which, I get the feeling, isn't quite so common these days. I intend to survive. The best way to do this: once you detect cheating behavior, don't trust the cheaters. It really isn't complicated. And its common sense. I think evolutionary biology is dead right on this one. Best of luck with your approach.


Well, I could go out and find dozens or hundreds of tweets, articles, scientific publications that support the viewpoint that covid vaccines are safe and that most of the reported side effects are to be expected when you mass vaccinate hundreds of millions of people.
Show us then. Most of us here are crying out for informed discussion.  

Please listen to your topguns fellow Americans
This brings me to something else, why is this “expert” still allowed to speak at all ?
Too big to jail ?

“Show us then. Most of us here are crying out for informed discussion.”
Yeah, the interview that spawned this thread is the sort of thing that has you pouring a drink after the first 30 minutes and then by the end you are under the table pleading with an empty bottle.
I very much want to know why Dr Bossche is painting an unlikely picture of the future by virtue of an overactive imagination.
For example, some bloggers have presented this idea that mRna in the vaccines could disintegrate into prions which could end up in the brain where they could to “Mad Cow” things to us.
Chris chimed in with an opinion that while this is sort of looks like a theoretical possibility, it would be helpful if the author had shown lab work demonstrating the mRna breakdown or the mechanisms by which these horrible outcomes are going to materialize.
Dr Bossche seems to be demonstrating the mechanisms (for this thesis). The comeback is to show why he is wrong about the mechanisms or how he is leaving out something fundamental that invalidates the whole thesis.
So far, its the same experts delivering the same oversimplified “fact checks” in the same snide tones as they’ve done with everything else they’ve turned out to be wrong about so far.
Tell me why Bossche is wrong because Im about to start faking depression to get myself a fluvoxamine prescription in anticipation of things getting a lot worse. I don’t mind losing some money and time on a good bet that didnt work out but I hate wasting my life on bad ideas.

In case you don’t want to access twitter:
The Great Leader of the People of America:

Here’s the deal: The Delta variant is more contagious, it’s deadlier, and it’s spreading quickly around the world – leaving young, unvaccinated people more vulnerable than ever. Please, get vaccinated if you haven’t already. Let’s head off this strain before it’s too late.
Then a pro-vaxx propaganda video full of delta horror follows with the best authority on US Fau Chi misinforms again the best way he can with a serious face. What a joke. Delta variant is nasty, it spreads easier, being vaxxed does not seem to help you a lot (look at UK data) however the chance of getting really sick is less because it appears to be milder. Oh, Ivermectin has proven to help preventing the spread of this variant too.