The Vaccines: Awesome Ingenuity or a Huge Mistake?


I can’t this to play. I get an endless advertising loop (Autozone and McDonalds) I joined Spotify, no luck. What’s the magic password?

Thank you Mike!

For some of us, sarscov2 was nothing more than a bad chest cold we had in January of 2020.
I’m seriously looking forward to the day that vaccines are no longer a topic of conversation for the Peak Prosperity forums. I know a lot of you folks take sarscov2 seriously, but I’m somewhat embarrassed at how America® (The only country with free, brave peoples) wilted like a wet leaf in the breeze by a souped-up version of the common cold.
Seriously, I took the placebo and now I have life-long sarscov2 antibodies. What’s your folks’ problem?

Listening now, thanks. These guys are good as always.

Les- What's your definition of open-minded?
The same as yours. PP is changing. It’s time for me to accept that.
Absolutely horrific. They paint it in the most generous light, and even then very disturbing. Women report significant complications without official recognition even in vaccine trials.

Sorry this is not a short pithy quip, but there are good references within. Bear with me.
This is a paradigm problem not an information one. The bottom line is that people cannot accept that there could be a world-wide conspiracy that is looking to cut back on the number of peasants. In spite of in your face statements by the UN, et. al. to the contrary. “If that were true, everything I know would have to change.” That causes cognitive dissonance… and nobody likes it.
Just in CA, Newsom is orchestrating famine by cutting off water to the farmers due to the drought. CA provides >50% US produce. The reservoirs were at 95+ capacity in 2018 and are designed to last through 5 years of no rain. How is it they’re now empty? This author claims they’ve intentionally drained them to the ocean worsen the shortage under the drought. The CA relief bill is to pay farmers to turn farmland into wilderness and wetlands. That is a goal stated in Great Reset.
Courts just authorized blasting 4 hydroelectric dams on the OR/CA border for a few fish.
Few more examples:
1)The Rockefeller 2010 Future Scenarios spells out the coronavirus pandemic even to wearing masks.

Then the scenario gets very interesting: “During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems — from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty — leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.” 2) The Johns Hopkins 2017 exercise had the SPARS Pandemic. In it is a whole chapter about the backlash against a hurried and untested vaccine that left millions debilitated. 3) website has population drops in all Western nations. The USA is over 70% by 2025. Deagle himself had an extensive military/government background and was hardly a conservative or Republican. It has been around for years
In addition, Deagel included a lengthy disclaimer, which states: “After COVID, we can draw two major conclusions:
  1. The Western world success model has been built over societies with no resilience that can barely withstand any hardship, even a low-intensity one. It was assumed, but we got the full confirmation beyond any doubt.
  2. The COVID crisis will be used to extend the life of this dying economic system through the so-called Great Reset.” 4) Event 201 sponsored by Gates (vaccine profiteer and eugenicist), Bloomberg Business ( Chinese bedfellow) and Johns Hopkins ( Home to now deceased transgender/gender fluidity term originator, psychologist Dr. Money. He conducted unethical twin experiments on their hallowed campus.) The prevailing American zeitgeist has always been government was ultimately interested in aiding their citizens as that helps the country be robust economically and militarily. Many cannot believe leaders would conspire against them. Evidently historical events like the massacres in Cambodia by Pol Pott, Mao starving millions, and the recent history genocides in Bosnia/Herzegovina don't ring any bells. Read the exchanges between members with very different viewpoints. Having similar conversations with family/friends. I am appalled in daily interactions that strangers, especially those who have no medical background or admit they just don't bother to read/listen to that "antivaxx stuff," feel empowered to berate me. Equally frustrated that although I have over 25 years medical experience, my opinion isn't good enough to sway over the MSM narrative. Had a sibling die of "CV." What really happened was complete medical mismanagement of pre-existing condition leading to collapsed lung/renal failure due to restricting access to doctors/tests/ hospitals. They tried to murder sib by over-sedating on vent then magically at 30 days, declared sib braindead with no testing and doctors wanted to withdraw vent. immediately. 2 EEGs and one CT later. no brain damage. With held sedation few days and sib woke up... intact. Died of continued mismanagement of other issues month after. They got their pound of flesh, and the hospital/doctors were richly financially rewarded. I am against this injection due to the plethora of evidence of ADE, disability, death in previous similar studies on both humans and animals. The Phase three trials do not end until 2022-23 and we have NO animal studies on this one. It's a pig in a poke. The PCR inventor Dr. Mullis stated it was NEVER intended to be used to diagnose anything. This is the only deadly disease I've ever been told that can be asymptomatic and you have to be tested to know you're sick. Funny how changing the definition of a case, as WHO did on the day of Mr. JoeB inauguration, or running varying numbers of cycles completely skews all data. (Disclaimer: Yes, there was Typhoid Mary, but she was the only case of someone being infectious who wasn't ill I've read of in history.) I am losing the ability to tolerate the vaccinated who haughtily inform me "If you cared about others, you'd get vaccinated." By all means, I should listen to your opinion about altering my body or making other life decisions, but refrain from offering advice to you. Plus if it works, you have nothing to fear from unvaccinated. This Group Speak reminds of the old parental idiom,"If your friends jumped off a cliff, would you do that too just to fit in?" Read Racial Hygiene: Medicine Under the Nazis by R. Proctor if you want to know the extent of evil the medical/scientific community is capable of along with politically guided conclusions. Nazis started the "Lives Not Worth Living" movement. Sound eerily similar to today's assisted suicide Double Speak? This time the stakes are much higher as it's world-wide. Wake up people...

Hoh - For sure there is a paradigm shift but you are being led astray. There are no reservoirs in the world that hold 5 years worth of demand without significant inflows and many around the world are receiving a fraction of what are sustainable inflows for existing and increasing demand.
Rivers flowing from the mountains to the sea? Thats down right wasteful gosh darn it!
It is not just about a few fish, it is about the whole hydro-cycle, its about the entire biosphere. We have so completely separated/isolated ourselves from nature that we now believe that it is unnecessary and a waste unless we consume it.
We are TOAST!

Read your entry re: NPR, or as I refer to them, CCP light, and the menstrual issues. Thank you for the post.
This is a lengthy document by an engineer who vaccinated himself and family, and then learned of the detrimental effects. He got a lot of information from a Canadian physician who used FOIA. In it is a graph of organ uptake of spike proteins. Ovaries are #1. The second place is bone marrow. That accounts for issues with bleeding as it specifically interacts with platelets. Also means spike transmitted in blood transfusions.
Wish more of general public were open to the info.

I don’t have access to the second half, since I am not a subscriber. I appreciate Chris’ summary of questions and issues, rather than conclusions/assumptions.
I have posted Drbeen’s response to Bossche before which is essentially
==you can’t get antibody response unless the whole (all parts) of the immune system is engaged, and that Bossche’s assumptions/science is misinformed. I don’t find that video right now.
But I think Chris might address this issue, if he didn’t already in his part 2. Much appreciate this site, and the discussions, links…

Hohhot: you cover a lot of things, all of which resonate with me. I am so sorry for the loss of your sibling.
This is your money shot statement:

Many cannot believe leaders would conspire against them. Evidently historical events like the massacres in Cambodia by Pol Pott, Mao starving millions, and the recent history genocides in Bosnia/Herzegovina don't ring any bells.
IMHO, and much to my (our) dismay, there are few sane bells left to ring... so serious shit is going to happen before those bells are 'un-rung'. Many cannot, will not, be un-rung; Fourth Turning kind of serious shit. This is, always has been a transition from one generational cycle to the next. Wars and seriously bad stuff happens in Fourth Turnings. We are living it. How it plays out is anyone's guess. I am still hoping that the truth will out, as it always does. Hopefully sooner rather than later... and hopefully before the Deagel forecast is realized. Given our vax compliance rates, the Deagel forecast for Canada may be on the optimistic side. ? Maybe that's the plan-we have an awful lot of coveted resources and people, especially those irksome environmentalists, keep getting in the way of the rape and pillage regime.

Hohot, I agree there is a paradigm issue. MSM seems to have confined their viewers to a low energy information field, from which the critical energy needed to make the paradigm jump is just too high. It’s no secret that they employ multiple coercive strategies to land their chosen messages across a broad base. It is impressive that each nightly production narrative is so simultaneously effective on so many people. It’s as though they have perfected a metameric display algorithm that can take any data feed and convey it in colors realistic to every viewer, such that it becomes inviolately believable.

LesPhelps wrote:
Les- What's your definition of open-minded?
The same as yours. PP is changing. It’s time for me to accept that.
Les, That's a rather cryptic message. Rather than just accepting that the situation has changed, why don't you avail yourself to the hundreds of hours of research that JimH and a host of others have already done for the PP tribe concerning the vaxxines? Since this is a thread about Dr. VB's theory, wouldn't it be nice to read the detail that others have contributed? Here's a link to a thread that JimH created to discuss Dr. VB's theories:

A very dark view of mRNA vaccines; The warning from Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche

It has much more detail and links to other sources than what a ~hour long interview can possibly contain. So far, there are only 505 posts on this thread. I'm sure it will answer many of your questions and will also generate a host more. (Isn't that the essence of digging into a rabbit hole? Isn't that what PP has always been about?)
In post #24, you wrote: From the comments here, it would seem that many, or most of Peak Prosperity has chosen sides on the vaccine issue.
That is an astute observation. Many of us have read lots of the research. We've found unusual events that just shouldn't be able to happen in our hyper-regulated world. It's almost like the regulations that are supposed to keep us safe from the monsters are controlled by the monsters to keep us silent, uninformed, and/or separated. For instance, how much testing/verification has been incorporated into these novel mRNA vaxxines? Typically, it takes more than 7 years to got through the hurdles. These passed the regulatory gauntlet in ~6 months. The first step is to determine the doses and side effects. For the Pfizer vaxxine, they tested 10, 20, and 30 micrograms of mRNA encapsulated in cationic nano lipids and poly ethylene glycol. Antibodies were created at each level of mRNA. The results from the antibody titer were not distinguishable. It didn't matter which dose was supplied. They all produced about the same amount of antibodies. Given those results, wouldn't a reasonable mind question whether 10 micrograms of mRNA is too much? What would happen with 5 micrograms ... or 1 microgram ... or even less? Nope. They just went with 30 micrograms as the standard dose for each shot. Does that make sense to you? It sure doesn't make any sense to me if the world is still functioning as I'm expecting it to. Also, do you know that the vaxxine doesn't train the body to kill the virus. All it is supposed to do is train the body to recognize the spike protein. The mRNA uses the cell's protein manufacturing capabilities to manufacture these spike proteins. They're not even the same proteins that the coronavirus uses. Because of folding of proteins, it is more important to get something that looks like the spike protein than it is to exactly duplicate it. Since the body can manufacture glycine much easier than other amino acids, and because the models show glycine folds in certain ways, the developers have substituted glycine where ever they can. Does that bother you? It should! Have you heard about Mad Cow Disease? It is caused by an infectious protein also called a prion. What happens is the protein misfolds. I don't understand the mechanism, but it causes normal proteins to misfold in a similar fashion. When these proteins pass the blood-brain barrier, it causes the brain to turn into a sponge - spongiform encephalopathy. Researchers have identified the sequence of proteins that cause Mad Cow Disease. They call it a "zipper." It is a sequence of 5 amino acids in the protein that have glycine on each end. Because glycine is abbreviated as "G", their nomenclature lists the zipper as "GxxxG". The protein that causes Mad Cow Disease has 10 of these zippers in it. Turns out that because the vaxxine makers were so enamored with the body's ability to make glycine, they included instructions in the mRNA to make 5 zippers in the spike protein. (Please, open your mind up as much as possible and tell me that seems okay with you.) Remember that I said the vaxxines have 30 micrograms of mRNA (on average) per dose. Turns out that that quantity of mRNA causes the body to make approximately 13 billion spike proteins. Even a third the current dosage produced antibody results that weren't dissimilar. Why did they choose to include so many? Once the spike proteins are generated, they course through the body (including the brain. Think about the zippers.) Many are captured by the lymph system and end up in the spleen. Turns out that women's ovaries are the preferred repository. (Please, open up your mind as much as possible again and tell me that seems okay with you.) The spikes are also exhaled and exuded through sweat so that passers by can gain the "benefit" of the vaxxine without ever getting jabbed. Is that why the dose is astronomical? It's this part that scares the hell out of me. I want nothing to do with a vaxxine that doesn't kill the virus which causes a disease so deadly that most people have to be tested to find out if they've ever had it. I may not have that choice. There are prophylaxes and therapeutics that have been thwarted by our government, our journalistic media watchdogs, and the social media platforms. If those treatments were announced and followed, the plandemic wouldn't have existed. You've announced on this site that you have chosen to eat a vegetable based diet. Good for you! Your choice doesn't coerce me to do the same. Just so you know, I ate a smoked hamburger from a grass-fed, grass-finished steer I raised and supplemented it with a green salad from my garden to be washed down with a commercial beer. It was delicious! I have no intention to ever convert to your preferred diet and I really don't care what you choose to eat. Isn't that wonderful? We can both live as we choose and allow the other to exist their way. That may not be a choice with vaxxines because those who got vaxxinated can shed the toxic spike proteins to the unaware. Do you see why people who have bothered to study the literature may not appear to you to have a naïve open mind? I can back up everything I said in this post. If you are the slightest bit interested in retaining my respect, read the posts in the link above before asking me where I got this cockamamie information. Grover

Rogan is only the biggest guy ever. Mostly in the center. Perfect.
Home Run Kory & FLCCC team.

The irony here is Dr Geert is right, although the problem is the vaccines work but not to destroy the virus.
With hindsight we probably should have used the vaccines like anti-biotics, just the serious cases protected and move on. Now we have a wait and see, can covid adapt?
The disease is not natural, it mutates far faster the a natural disease and makes some horrific changes to the body.
We will see, and I did take the vaccine (AstraZennica), at age 40 I;'m on the threshold of benefiting from it. Hopefully we learn to deploy the next vaccine more carefully and start using those anti-virals.

Could someone give me a feel of how important culturally Joe Rogan is in the states?
I have looked him by just searching on Duckduckgo, I get no other reference to other ‘Joe Rogan’ on the first three pages - (I am sure there other Joe Rogans in the states but getting name recognition sure ain’t going to be easy!) so he is big.
What sort of following has he? Is it widespread across the various classes/ groupings?
I recognise both Pierre Kory and Bret Weinstein, so if this podcast is censored by the ‘powers’, it might be a some sort of own goal? (It has not been yet censored, but I noticed that he has caused controversy over ‘wokeness’ and Spotify have reportedly removed 40 of his podcasts.)

I think the framework of a paradigm shift is the right way of thinking about this. I see the last 15 months as a sifting exercise; who are the dissidents and who are the collaborators? Whether that was intentional or not I cannot say, but that appears to be the outcome.
The Government in the UK have basically utilised psychological warfare against the people following the Mindspace doctrine which helped establish a Behavioural Insights Team at the heart of UK Government. You really need to hear and see the Covid propaganda inflicted on the British people to believe it.
Some fell for it, others didn’t. What assures me we are right in our ‘hesitancy’ is what has come to light over the past year. Let’s start with Ivermectin, a wonderfully cheap and useful molecule to treat Covid-19. Chris revealed this about a year ago. FLCCC have been using it in their protocols to treat Covid-19 patients with great success. And now it is finally gaining attention across the broader western world.
Next, myocarditis. I first contacted the MRHA (the UK medicines regulator) on 19th May 2021 after reviewing their yellow card system along with reports of a suspected link with the Pfizer jab coming out of Israel. I got nothing back. So I contacted them again, they apologised and said they will chase. Now look at what came out of the CDC yesterday… suspected link between covid-19 jabs and myocarditis.
My point being, the only way to get ahead of this nonsense and avoid harm is to distrust everything the regulators and politicians are telling you. That is the necessary paradigm shift required for optimum health.
The next thing I worry about is the Pathogenic Priming and Antibody Dependent Enhancement which, as I understand it, are different mechanisms that arrive at the same result, the Cytokine Storm. Without Human Challenge Trials we have no way of knowing if this is a) a valid risk, b) how bad it will get. So I contacted the MHRA using a Freedom of Information request to ask have Human Challenge Trails been conducted in relation to the covid jabs - i.e. have people who have taken them been exposed to the live SARS-CoV-2 virus. Here was their response, “Regarding your specific questions, MHRA holds no data on any human challenge studies performed on subjects receiving the Pfizer, Oxford/AstraZeneca or Moderna vaccines.” Simply unbelievable. And people want to assure me that it is safe?
Furthermore, I get the sense this paradigm shift will require another element. I have recently begun reading the book of revelation which, as a heathen, is a hard thing to admit. But it is comforting to know that civilisations have gone through this before and survived.

Yeah he’s a monster presence. From what I understand, Rogan’s audience is twice the size of - say - Tucker Carlson, who has the largest audience on Cable TV in the US.
So - “double Tucker” is a pretty big number. ... Joe Rogan has 8.41 million subscribers on YouTube, which likely translates into hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue for him monthly ... and will largely go away over time as he reduces his content publication there. However, according to the Wall Street Journal, the Spotify licensing deal is worth north of $100 million for Joe Rogan, which will more than compensate for that loss of revenue.
He also mentioned a few weeks back that he would not suggest the shot to a healthy 21-year old. [Looks like Joe has read that IFR table and concluded that there's more risk from the shot than from the disease itself - for that age group.] This caused a bit of a fuss. Naturally, the-not-jealous-at-all-at-his-success MSM ended up calling him a sexist, racist, and and a transphobe. Left unaddressed was the actual issue of risk/reward for a healthy 21-year-old. "Science!" The TV host-turned media mogul regularly courts controversy for his blunt and sometimes inflammatory style on air. He has been accused of making sexist, racist and transphobic comments in his podcast. Rogan has denied these accusations and said his comments were taken out of context.

To my way of thinking, keeping an “open mind” doesnt mean believing the same lies over and over again.
I dont feel the need to give credibility to the positions of people who have been wrong, continually, since the beginning. Myself and others have made posts in the past listing all the misinformation, lies, and wrong assertions made by the people pushing the vaccines. They were wrong about the disease over and over, they lied about the lockdowns, they have lied about treatments, they have lied, demonstrably, over the entire course and spectrum of this ‘pandemic’ . I wont list all the misinformation here, the post would be too long.
So, at what point are we justified in dismissing the assertions of the mainstream entirely? After 100 lies? 1000? 10, 000? Should we listen with “an open mind” indefinitely, regardless of the history? Should we listen to them just because they are on TV talking? From whence does their authority derive?
Many here are way past the point of debating with mainstream narratives. The debate is over, it’s been over for a long time, the mainstream lost. I have no interest in revisiting the same topics which, to any reasonable human being, have already been put to rest.
Some few here want to keep going backwards and debating these same topics over and over. They refuse to accept that the mainstream narratives are not even worthy of consideration anymore. They may not be aware that we’ve all had those discussions over and over throughout the past year.
At some point, in order to move forward, you have to take a position. Through exhausting debate, research, and discussion most on this site have moved to certain conclusions and positions. If you havent been part of it, or at least followed it, you will probably feel left behind and confused.