The Whole System Needs To Be Burned Down

ENTROPY in play.

Iā€™m hesitant to jump in here, getting kind hotā€¦not sure why we are being so hard on the guyā€¦

I think its valuable to hear other points of viewā€¦ especially when they donā€™t align with the tribe.

Was I surprised Peter and Chris were not as alignedā€¦ yesā€¦ but if we only hear sides that agree with us I donā€™t think we learn anythingā€¦

I think the first thing to acknowledge is Peter and Chris would appear to have a different adjustment reactionsā€¦and thats okā€¦

Now Peter and I come from the same neighborhoodā€¦and to be honest 4 years ago I might have taken a similar position then as Peter does todayā€¦ in fact I remember meeting Chris 1st time in person at Joe Salianā€™s place struggling internally with my gut and my mind that maybe Antifa and the Local Gov were aligned but i couldnā€™t quite rationalizeā€¦the best I could get out verbally to Chris was ā€œsomething is not right in Portlandā€.

ā€¦ .Now if any of you have followed my threads youā€™ll know Iā€™m come a long way from that position to today, and I got there based observation and trends and dataā€¦ which Peter may not have yetā€¦

Also note Peter was targeted, cancelled, fired threaten and had to leave his home for fear of his lifeā€¦ this may have laser focused his view into academia, DEI, antifa and their issues vs a broader pictureā€¦

Finally, although I donā€™t know his background extensively, most of it appears to be academiaā€¦ Academia is heavy left leaning environment, a bit siloā€™d from the working class and lives more in theory, where I imagine TDS is an expectation and not surprised if more infectious thereā€¦also the fact that he thinks the problem is solvable but changing education is the 1st step is also not surprisingā€¦ in some ways he is rightā€¦ but 1st we have to remove the obstacles preventing us from fixing educationā€¦

I think Peter is a very intelligent guy who was attacked by the left early onā€¦learnt that assault vector very well, and kind of stayed focused on it ā€œbecause it radically altered his lifeā€ vs. the other weekly ā€œrats in the cageā€ shocks we see here, and he knows there is a big problem and is at least willing to consider alterative theories then his own which is fair .

Maybe the real take away is ā€œassuming Chris is more right than Peterā€ is what is it going to take to get Peter to accept its bigger than he thinks it is and consider yes just as in academiaā€¦ the government can be equally as capturedā€¦and we are really in much deeper shitā€¦then originally thoughtā€¦

because if we canā€™t win over a guy who is this intelligent and been through the woke ringer like Peter hasā€¦ then we have NO chance of waking up the rest of Americaā€¦

lets learn from and gracefully accept the challenge and extend out a hand :slight_smile:


I was LESS than imoressed with himā€¦seems to be a bit of an ideologueā€¦like a liberals who got mugged once by an illegal, or something and is making excuses for the muggerā€¦while telling us well you cant run a society thinkin all illegals are muggers etcā€¦

Im sorry but he sounds like " i cant believe its anything other than gross incompetenceā€¦because the world will be lost to me". A la pierre Koryā€¦couldnt believe the protocols in the hospitals were killing people.

Im a boomerā€¦and i have lost patience with this generation.
Its not fair! I hear them say like they are still immature. OK BOOMER.


A ā€œconspiracy theoryā€ is something which, if true, you couldnā€™t handle.


And then, out of nowhere, the common people executed all of the elites/intellectuals. How many times has that happened in history again?

Just off the top of my head, we have:
The French Revolution/Red Terror
Mao - both coming to power and The Cultural Revolution
Pol Pot

Iā€™m not condoning, just observing. By the way, James Lindsay is even more broken, as can be seen by his inability to deal with basic and respectful commentary from Carl Benjamin.

The rest of the population actually do quite well, at least after being smacked in the face by reality. Before that, itā€™s not that theyā€™re lost like the academics, itā€™s that they really donā€™t care.


Some like it hot.

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I agree. I was lucky enough to only waste 34 minutes of my time with Peter. Not sure why he was here.


Dead on! Agree

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5.7 Billion people have been tricked into taking a slow delay euthanasia and sterilization injection into themselves and their childrenā€¦

which is by now a clear smack in the face reality vs conspiracy theoryā€¦

Iā€™m waiting to see when the part of the rest of the population to do quite well is going to happenā€¦

If thats not a trigger then what is?


The concept of this being an incompetence-only driven event is ludicrous.

There were too many issues leading up to the final event that make incompetence unlikely. This includes the precursors of Trumpā€™s security detail purposefully being denied resources, as well as clearly malicious actions being taken by the USSS with regards to other sensitive areas like drugs in the White House and Jan 6th explosives.

If there was incompetence at one point, ok, we could believe it. Human error occurs, but when it is a cascade of errors that donā€™t make believable sense: thatā€™s when itā€™s time to consider malice as the driving factor.


I think because we are getting gaslit by everyone. It is insulting if we also have to endure it here. That is what I think anyway.


Thatā€™s an intentional feature and well funded through university endowments.

I find it rather interesting that the sinister ideologies throughout history pretty much all trace back to gnosticism, which in itself is a Luciferian franchise. Hermeticism, Platonism, Fascism, Leninism, Communism, Kabbalism, and everyoneā€™s favorite Wokeism all derive from that gnostic lineage.

Youā€™d think that mankind would have developed the pattern recognition by now, but the people whoā€™ve propped up public education and those whoā€™ve bought off the higher learning apparatus seem to play the long game. So these things get memory holed and buried over a long enough time series.


yeah iā€™m thinking rats in a cage, divide and conquer has gone exponentialā€¦ forget left right woke unwokeā€¦we are so fractioned now we canā€™t even side with ourselves anymore if there is a slight difference in perception


Right? I love a good debate but I find myself backing off because people are fragile. I used to debate my sister quite often but recently she just canā€™t take it as friendly. All ends okay but I think things are getting hot. Like you said.


This was my least favorite interview that Iā€™ve seen on this site. Perhaps it is tied with the interview with the cartoon talking chicken. This interview I couldnā€™t stomach, the talking chicken kept my interest until the end but I donā€™t agree much with the chicken scratch assessments about ā€œenergyā€.

When it was released, I didnā€™t feel that I wanted to see it. Then I saw it was on YouTube a few hours ago and I gave it 3 minutes of my time and I was feeling this guy was infuriating and disappointing. I donā€™t watch all the interviews on the site and I would have passed this one over.

When presented with potential evidence that there may have been a second shooter in the Trump assassination attempt, Boghossian posits that perhaps there was a second shooter at the location but that they were independent and not coordinated. Just so happens that there was a second shooter at the location and within say 10 meters of Thomas Crooks. Incredible insight.

I am glad he is not in the same room as me. Iā€™d have to leave for sure. I could not accept such delusions for long and itā€™s not worth arguing with him. I donā€™t have patience for this.

Iā€™m listening to it in the background now as I write this about 30% into the talk. I certainly wonā€™t finish this talk.

There is no confidence in institutions, including universities. Mike Lee was correct to posit that the Secret Service was in on the assassination attempt. We are a banana republic.

Iā€™m going to follow this conversation from the comments. If someone actually listens to the conclusion of this talk, please post a time stamp for some critical ā€œthought or novel ideaā€ that is worth listening to.

Heā€™d be a great guest for your show. Heā€™s gay. Heā€™s Christian. Heā€™s black. Heā€™s an immigrant. He checks all the boxes. But that doesnā€™t matter because he doesnā€™t. Yeah. (a quote from this interview Peter Boghossian)

I have to stop listening. My IQ is decreasing the longer I listen and I donā€™t have that much IQ remaining.

I read his Wiki page. I think we all need to pray more. Boghossian is a sworn Atheist.


Dirty bomb the cities, huh? That tracks.

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ā€œYou can kick a man out of an ivory tower, butā€¦ā€

I donā€™t think this guy is able nor willing to deal with good and evil. He would rather chalk up things to ā€œincompetenceā€ than admit there are people willing to inflict harm for personal gain, and that society could be rife with these sorts people.
All Iā€™m hearing from him is a whole lot of abstractions, and a lot of pointless maneuvering so he would not appear to lose the (perceived) argument.
I donā€™t think he correctly identifies the problem (DEI was just a distraction to divide and bury the Occupy Wall Street movement, from my understanding. Itā€™s a poison produced by the beast, not the beast itself), and Iā€™m not hearing any practical solutions, potentially workable or not.

I donā€™t recall if he had any definitive positions or points; it feels like he is playing the role of a philosophy professor (professional fence-sitter).


For an ā€œIntellectualā€ who has spent his academic energies debunking faith based reasoning and fluffing his philosophical tool kit for critical thinking, Boghosianā€™s take on the assassination attempt reflects someone unaware of his own cognitive dissonance trying to reconcile a faith based belief in the ā€˜goodnessā€™ of institutional power structures such as the noblity of ā€œFeds who take oathsā€ with his own observations that the entire system is corrupt and broken beyond repair. His naiveteā€™ is off the charts and sadly representative of a critical mass of midwittery in the body politic and ā€˜thought leadersā€™ in thrall to authority and or blinded by their normalcy bias that essentially enables the narrative control the elites employ to mind fuck the populace from one induced crisis to the next from 911 to Covid as they tighten the Hegelian Dialectic screws of our emerging totalitarian police state.

Sorry! No Brownie points for admitting you were duped by the 50 Spook leaders vouching for Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinfo as he clearly hasnā€™t internalized the lessons in that.

Also for the record, institutional incompetence vs. malign intent is a false dichotomy. Itā€™s Bothā€¦ and they are complementary.



The invisible line. Talking to my spouse about many of these things- he has the same mental blocks about who the THEY is. I have found common ground, for example, in the fact that he knows Biden is a puppet. But there is some undefined point in his mind (to me, but I think also to him) that the ideas cross a line and turn into conspiracy and completely ridiculous ideas and are so unrealistic to him that he gets triggered and cannot discuss further. This happens with so many topics. And I never know where the line is which makes it difficult to have these discussions.

I keep coming back to the thought that there is common ground on many of these topics, and if we can focus first on that, we have a chance to get through.

I have more to say, but not enough time. Will try to add more later.


I agree with much of what is put forward in this thread, but instead of looking at his point of view and labeling it a waste of my time I try to look at it differently. What can I take away from watching someone try to persuade Chris that complete incompetence is the most likely reasonā€¦ I donā€™t agree with his arguments, but many in our circles do. It is something we all face outside echo chamber of peak prosperity, so taking the time to watch this video (at a higher speedā€¦) at least gives an indication of point you can raise in a discussion with someone that has similar views.

Even though engaging in these discussions doesnā€™t bring me any pleasure (or even hope of change), I feel it is important to keep discussing our point of view. Most talking partners wonā€™t budge, but it might get a thought process started, especially if our point of view is mentioned more regularly.

People tend to follow the crowd, we only become a crowd if we are all vocal. Iā€™m not afraid to step on a few toes in the process, but at least this interview gives me another perspective to keep in mind while helping me build the skill to better ā€˜argueā€™ my perspective.